
Unlike header-rules, sdp descriptors are not added in the order in which they are configured. Instead they are added to the SDP adhering to the grammar defined by RFC 4566 (as is shown below).

      Session description
         v=  (protocol version)
         o=  (originator and session identifier)
         s=  (session name)
         i=* (session information)
         u=* (URI of description)
         e=* (email address)
         p=* (phone number)
            c=* (connection information -- not required if included in
              all media)
         b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
         One or more time descriptions ("t=" and "r=" lines; see
         z=* (time zone adjustments)
         k=* (encryption key)
         a=* (zero or more session attribute lines)
         Zero or more media descriptions (see below)

      Time description
         t=  (time the session is active)
         r=* (zero or more repeat times)

      Media description, if present
         m=  (media name and transport address)
         i=* (media title)
         c=* (connection information -- optional if included at
              session level)
         b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
         k=* (encryption key)
         a=* (zero or more media attribute lines)

* after the equal sign denotes an optional descriptor.

This hierarchy is enforced meaning that if you configure a rule which adds a session name descriptor followed by a rule which adds a version descriptor, the SDP will be created with the version descriptor first, followed by the session name.

The only validation that will occur is the prevention of adding duplicate values. In much the same way that header-rules prevents the user from adding multiple To headers, the descriptor rule will not allow the user to add multiple descriptors; unless multiple descriptors are allowed, as is in the case of b, t, r and a.

There exists a parameter type under the sdp-line-rule object that allows the user to specify the specific line on which to perform the operation. For example: v, o, s, i, u, e, p, c, b, t, r, z, k, a, and m. Details on these types can be found in RFC 4566.

For those descriptors, of which there may exist zero or more (b, t, r, and a) entries, indexing grammar may be used to reference the specific instance of that attribute. This indexing grammar is consistent with that of header-rules for referring to multiple headers of the same type.

Given the example SDP below:

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        s=SDP Seminar
        i=A Seminar on the session description protocol
        u= (Mark Handley)
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        r=604800 3600 0 90000
        r=7d 1h 0 25h
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
        m=application 32416 udp wb

and the following sdp-line-rule:

           name                 removeRepeatInterval
           type                 r[1]
           action               delete

The rule removeRepeatInterval removes the second repeat interval descriptor within the SDP.

The behavior of all SDP rules follow the same behavior of all manipulation rules in that they are executed in the order in which they are configured and that each rule executes on the resultant of the previous rule.

Each descriptor follows its own grammar and rules depending on the type specified. The values of the descriptor are evaluated at runtime since the new-values themselves are evaluated at runtime. At this time no validation of the grammar for each of the types is performed. The user is responsible for properly formatting each of the descriptors according to their specifications.

For instance, the version (v) descriptor can be removed from the SDP but leaving all descriptors for that SDP, causing the SDP to become invalid. This is consistent with the way header-rules operate, in that there is no validation for the specific headers once they have been manipulated through HMR.