Universal Call Identifier SPL

The Universal Call Identifier SPL generates or preserves a UCID based on configuration. Once a UCID is generated or preserved, the system adds the value to all subsequent egress SIP requests within the session. You can also set the SPL to remove unwanted UCID headers to avoid duplicity in egress SIP requests.

Using the Universal Call Identifier SPL, you can identify requests within a particular session by manipulating the following vendor specific UCID headers:

  • User-to-User
  • Cisco-GUID
  • Cisco-GUCID

The UCID is added as extension data to the session element of the recording’s metadata when using SIPREC.

You must configure one of the following SPL options for it to be enabled:

  • UCID-App-ID
  • GUID-Node-ID
  • GUCID-Node-ID

Each SPL option allows you to set an identifying value, as defined by the vendors. The SPL does not validate any input for the SPL options. It is the responsibility of the Administrator to set the correct value.

You may further modify the action of the SPL by adding replace-ucid or convert-to to your SPL options.


The replace-ucid and convert-to options have no effect unless you also configure UCID-App-ID, GUID-Node-ID, or GUCID-Node-ID.