Notification Bodies

Registration state changes are reported in XML attachments to NOTIFICATIONS generated by the S-CSCF. As shown above, the XML consists of one or more registration elements that report the state of a specific address-of-record. Attributes supported by the registration element are as follows:

aor contains the address-of-record

id identifies this specific registration

state reports the Registration state — init, active, or terminated

init — address-of-record not yet cached

active — address-of-record maintained in current cache

terminated — address-of-record removed from cache, not currently valid

registration elements, in turn, contain one or more child contact elements. Attributes supported by the contact element are as follows>

id identifies this specific contact

state reports the Contact state — active or terminated

event reports the event that generated the last state change — registered, created, refreshed, shortened, expired, deactivated, probation, unregistered, or rejected

duration-registered reports the length (in seconds) of the current registration

contact elements, contain a single child uri element that identifies the contact address of FQDN.