Enable the Administrative Security ACP License Password Rules

To enforce the stronger password rules and restrictions that the Administrative Security ACP license it provides, you must enable the password-policy-strength parameter.

  • Confirm that the Administrative Security ACP license is installed on the system.
  • You must have Superuser permissions.
From the command line, go to the password-policy configuration element and set the password-policy-strength parameter to enabled.


The password-policy configuration element displays the min-secure-pwd-len command. You do not need to configure the min-secure-pwd-len command because the Administrative Security ACP license overrides this command with a stronger rule.

You can configure any of the other password policy settings without a system override, according to the ranges specified in this procedure. For more information about the ranges, see "Administrative Security ACP License Configuration."

  1. Access the password-policy configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# password-policy
  2. Type select, and press ENTER.
  3. Type show, and press ENTER.
  4. Configure the following password policy settings, as needed:
    • expiry-interval. 1-65535 days.
    • expiry-notify-period. 1-90 days.
    • grace-period. 1-90 days.
    • grace-logins. 1-10 attempts.
    • password-history-count. 1-10 passwords.
    • password-change-interval. 1-24 hours.
    • password-policy-strength. Type enabled, and press ENTER.
  5. Do the following:
    1. Type done, and press ENTER.
    2. Type exit, and press ENTER.
    3. Type done, and press ENTER.