H.323 Interface Options

The following table lists the options that you might want to use in the configuration H.323 interfaces. Again, we recommend that you consult with an Oracle systems engineer about your configuration before using any of these options.

Option Description
stackAliasWins Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will replace the sourceAddress of the incoming Setup message with the terminal alias of the egress interface when copying the incoming sourceAddress to the outgoing Setup message.
uniqueRRQRASAddress Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will generate unique rasAddress for each RRQ that it sends to a gatekeeper in response to an incoming RRQ received on an H.323 interface configured for process registration. The IP address will be the local-ip of the outgoing interface, so the port is the unique portion of the rasAddress.
nonV4AdditiveRRQ Gatekeeper associated with the H.323 interface support additive registration even though it does not set the additiveRegistration field in the RRQ message. When sending in the additive mode, the H.323 interface only sends with the RRQ new terminal aliases that need to be registered. In non-additive mode, the interface sense all the terminal aliases that have been registered, plus the new aliases.
cachedTerimnalAlias Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller copies the terminal alias(es) of the registered endpoint to the asourceAddress field of the Setup message. Terminal alias(es) are changed after the system successfully processes an RRQ from the endpoint.
proxySrcInfo Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller copies the sourceInfo from the incoming Setup message to the outgoing Setup message. Otherwise, Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses its own endpointType for the sourceInfo field.
noAliasinRCF Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller does not include any terminal alias in the RCF.
forceH245 Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllerinitiates an H.245 connection after the call is connected. Otherwise, Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller listens for an H.245 connection to be initiated by a remote endpoint.
useCPNInRAS Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the calling party number (CPN) IE of the incoming call as the srcInfo of a RAS message sent in the outgoing call (such as an ARQ).
maintenanceProxy Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller registers interfaces on the enterprise side with a gatekeeper on the carrier side, and registers endpoints through the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller with a unique rasAddress. Interfaces on the enterprise side are associated with the carrier interfaces; you set this option on the carrier side.
convertPNToE164 Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller converts the address type partyNumber to dialedDigits (E.164). Conversion applies to sourceAddress, destinationAddress, and destExtraCallInfo aliases in Setup messages.
useCalledPNAsDestInfo Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the H.225 called party number IE as the destinationInfo in ARQ and LRQ requests. Since translation rules can be applied to the Called Party Number, the option enables digit normalization for RAS requests.

When not used, Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller derives the destinationInfo field in RAS requests from the DestnationAddress field of the incoming Setup.

waitForIncomingH245 On the incoming leg, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller does not send out its h245Address, but waits for the calling endpoint to send its H245Address.Applies to the outgoing call led as well: The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller does not send out a Facility with startH245 reason and waits for the called endpoint to send its H245Address.
uniqueRRQSrcPort Enables H.323 RAS Port Mapping. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the RAS port that it assigned in the rasAddress parameters of an RRQ message as the UDP source port of the outgoing RRQ. Because this feature is linked to the unique RRQ functionality, be aware of the following before you enable the feature:
  • Enabling H.323 RAS Port Mapping automatically enables the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s unique RRQ functionality, eliminating the need for you to configure the latter as a separate option.
  • Enabling the unique RRQ functionality (by setting the uniqueRRQRASAddress option) does not automatically enable H.323 RAS Port Mapping.
srcCallSignallingPort Enables use of the Q.931 port value for the port field in the sourceCallSignalAddress parameter in an H.225 Setup message. Useful for customers who configure a separate H.323 interface (stack) on the core side for each external IP-PBX.