SPL Log Types

SPL log messages can often be found in the log file for the system task to which the SPL applies when that task is set to DEBUG level. You can find the output specific to SPL by the identifying prefix [SPL].

Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPC] Executing SPL callback from file: SipHeaderExtensionMetadata.1.2.spl
Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPL] Checking for LRE-Identifier to match triggered session-recording-server
Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPC] Creating table of name 'AcmeSipServerTransDataTable' with key [0x34522878]
Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPC] Creating new temporary session table of key [_SESSION_0x34522878]
Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPL] SIP Interface ingressSIP has option
Aug 30 15:06:07.454 [SPL] Storing data from message to insert into metadata