Show Command for Survivability Status

The show survivability status command allows you to display the current status of Survivability mode on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. This command displays whether or not Survivability mode is enabled on an interface, and the date and time that Survivability mode was enabled.

The following is an example output of the show survivability status command.


ORACLE# show survivability status
sip-interface  service-tag  state        start time       end time
net192         test         enabled      Aug 15 12:53:01  -
net172         none         n/a          n/a              n/a

The following table describes the output for the above command.

Column Description
sip-interface Interface currently configured on the Net-Net ESD.
service-tag Service tag that indicates the Session Agent Group (SAG) assigned to the interface on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
state Current Survivability state on the interface. Valid values are:

enabled - Survivability is enabled on the interface

disabled - Survivability is disabled on the interface

n/a - Survivability does not configured on this interface.

start time The date (MM:DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) that Survivability Mode became in-service on the interface.
end time The date (MM:DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) that Survivability Mode became out-of-service on the interface. A - indicates that Survivability Mode is currently in-service and has not yet ended.

You can also display the current status of Survivability mode on a specific interface using the command, show survivability status <interface> where <interface> is the SIP interface name.

The following is an example output of the show survivability status <interface> cocmmand.

ORACLE# show survivability status net192
sip-interface  service-tag  state         start time       end time
net192         test         enabled       Aug 15 12:53:01  -