Transparent 2833 Support

The default configuration of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller for H.323 is transparent 2833. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller passes on the offered capabilities to the next-hop signaling element. If the next-hop endpoint is for a transparent 2833 target, typical capability negotiation determines the DTMF method. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller transparently relays the DTMF as it has in previous releases.

With transparent 2833, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller acts as a typical B2BUA or B2BGW/GK. However when the target of the call is configured as preferred 2833, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller:

  • Relays the 2833 packets if the originating endpoint signals 2833 and the next-hop endpoint for the preferred target signals 2833
  • Performs 2833 translation if the originating endpoint does not signal 2833 and the next-hop endpoint for the preferred target does signal 2833
  • Does not perform 2833 translation or transparently relay 2833 if the originating endpoint signals 2833 and the next-hop endpoint for the preferred target (or even a transparent 2833 target) does not signal 2833.