Media Supervision Traps

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, when functioning as a border gateway, will send the following trap when the media supervision timer has expired. This behavior is disabled by default, but can be enabled by changing the media-supervision-traps parameter to enabled in the media-manager configuration element.

apSysMgmtMediaSupervisionTimerExpTrap    NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS          { apSysMgmtCallId }
      STATUS            current
            " The trap will be generated when a media supervision timer
            has expired.  This behavior is disabled by default but may
            be enabled by changing the 'media-supervision-traps'
            parameter of the 'media-manager' configuration element.  The
            included object is the call identifer for the call which had
            the timer expire."
      ::= { apSystemManagementMonitors 34 }

The system does not send this trap when functioning as an integrated Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.