TACACS+ Introduction

Like DIAMETER and RADIUS, TACACS+ uses a client/server model in which a Network Access Server (NAS) acts in the client role and a TACACS+ equipped device (a daemon in TACACS+ nomenclature) assumes the server role. For purposes of the current implementation, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller functions as the TACACS+ client. Unlike RADIUS, which combines authentication and authorization, TACACS+ provides three distinct applications to provide finer grade access control.

Authentication is the process that confirms a user’s purported identity. Authentication is most often based on a simple username/password association, but other, and more secure methods, are becoming more common. The following authentication methods are support by the current implementation: simple password, PAP (Protocol Authentication Protocol), and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).

Authorization is the process that confirms user privileges. TACACS+ can provide extremely precise control over access to system resources. In the current implementation, TACACS+ controls access to system administrative functions.

TACACS+ provides secure communication between the client and daemon by encrypting all packets. Encryption is based on a shared-secret, a string value known only to the client and daemon. Packets are encrypted in their entirety, save for a common TACACS+ header.

The cleartext header contains, among other fields, a version number, a sequence number. and a session ID. Using a methodology described in Section 5 of the TACACS+ draft RFC, the sender encrypts outbound cleartext messages by repetitively running the MD5 hash algorithm over the concatenation of the session ID, shared-secret, version number, and sequence number values, eventually deriving a virtual one-time-pad of the same length as the message body. The sender encrypts the cleartext message with an XOR (Exclusive OR) operation, using the cleartext message and virtual one-time-pad as inputs.

The message recipient, who possesses the shared-secret, can readily obtain the version number, sequence number, session ID, and message length from the cleartext header. Consequently, the recipient employs the same methodology to derive a virtual one-time-pad identical to that derived by the sender. The recipient decrypts the encrypted message with an XOR operation, using the encrypted message and virtual one-time-pad as inputs.

Details on the TACACS+ functions and configuration can be found in the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ACLI Configuration Guide.

The TACACS+ implementation is based upon the following internet draft.

draft-grant-tacacs-02.txt, The TACACS+ Protocol Version 1.78

Other relevant documents include

RFC 1321, The MD-5 Message Digest Algorithm

RFC 1334, PPP Authentication Protocols .

RFC 1994, PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)