Enabling RTP-RTCP UDP Checksum Generation

You can configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to generate a UDP checksum for RTP/ RTCP packets on a per-realm basis. This feature is useful in cases where devices performing network address translation (NAT) do not pass through packets with a zero checksum from the public Internet. These packets do not make it through the NAT, even if they have the correct to and from IP address and UDP port information. When you enable this feature, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller calculates a checksum for these packets and thereby enables them to traverse a NAT successfully.

If you do not enable this feature, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will not generate a checksum for RTP or RTCP packets if their originator did not include one. If a checksum is already present when the traffic arrives at the hardware, the system will relay it.

You enable this feature on the outbound realm.