Registration Statistics

The SIP registration cache statistics include counters for free and allocated signaling ports. You can issue a show registration command to display the statistics:

SIP Registrations          -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
User Entries          4       4       0          7       4       4
Local Contacts        4       4       0          7       4       4
Free Map Ports    12284   12284       0      12291   12288   12288
Used Map Ports        4       4       0          7       4       4
Forwards              -       -       1         22       4
Refreshes             -       -       3         43       3
Rejects               -       -       0          0       0
Timeouts              -       -       0          1       1
Fwd Postponed         -       -       0          0       0
Fwd Rejected          -       -       0          0       0
Refr Extension        0       0       0          0       0       0
Refresh Extended      -       -       0          0       0

The labels for the first two items reflect the restructured registration cache:

  • User Entries: counts the number of unique SIP addresses of record in the cache. Each unique address of record represents a SIP user (or subscriber). The address of record is taken from the To header in the REGISTER request. There might be one or more registered contacts for each SIP user. The contacts come from the Contact header of the REGISTER request.
  • Local Contacts: counts the number of contact entries in the cache. Because the same user can register from multiple endpoints (user agents); the number of Local Contacts might be higher than the number of User Entries.
  • Free Map Ports: counts the number of ports available in the free signaling port pool.
  • Used Map Ports: counts the number of signaling ports allocated for registration cache entries. The value of Used Map Ports will equal the number of Local Contacts when the port mapping feature is used for all registrar/softswitch realms in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.