Built-In SIP Manipulations

In the course of HMR use, certain rules have become commonly used. Lengthy and complex, these rules do not include any customer-specific information and do they can be used widely. To make using them easier, they have been turned into built-in rules that you can reference in the in-manipulationid and out-manipulationid parameters that are part of the realm, session agent, and SIP interfaces configurations.

Built-in rules start with the prefix ACME_, so Oracle recommends you name your own rules in a different manner to avoid conflict.

While the number of built-in manipulation rules is expected to grow, one is supported at the present time: ACME_NAT_TO_FROM_IP. When performed outbound, this rule changes:

  • The To-URI hostname to the logical $TARGET_IP and port to $TARGET_PORT
  • The From-URI to the logical $REPLY_IP and port to be $REPLY_PORT