Configuring ldap-cfg-attributes

You use the ldap-cfg-attributes object in the ACLI to configure the Active Directory attribute name, next hop for routing SIP requests, the realm for the next hop, a regular expression pattern, and a format for the attribute value. You configure this object for LDAP search queries in the Active Directory.

To configure ldap-cfg-attributes:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session router-related objects.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type ldap-config and press Enter to access the LDAP configuration-related attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# ldap-config
  4. Type ldap-transactions and press Enter to access the LDAP transactions-related attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(ldap-config)# ldap-transactions
  5. Type ldap-cfg-attributes and press Enter to access the LDAP configuration attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(ldap-transactions)# ldap-cfg-attributes

    attribute-name—Enter the Active Directory attribute name. Default is blank. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Some examples of Active Directory attribute names are:

    • ipPhone and msRTCSIP-Line for Lync phone number

    • telephoneNumber for IP PBX phone number

    • mobile for Mobile phone number

      XML Tag: name

      ACMEPACKET(ldap-cfg-attributes)# attribute-name msRTCSIP-Line

      next-hop—Enter the Active Directory’s next hop when routing SIP requests. Default is blank. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Some examples of the Active Directory’s next hop are:

    • SAG (Session Agent Group) name, specified by entering an sag: prefix

    • SA (Sesson Agent) name

    • IP Address

      XML Tag: nextHop

      ACMEPACKET(ldap-cfg-attributes)# next-hop sag:SA1

      realm—Enter the name of the realm associated with the next hop. This value determines the network interface to which to route the SIP request. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Default is blank.

      XML Tag: realm

      ACMEPACKET(ldap-cfg-attributes)# realm net165

      extraction-regex—Enter the regular expression pattern used to break down the string of digits in the phone number extracted from the request URI of the SIP request. The variables extracted from the phone number can be used in the attribute-value-format parameter. The default regex is "^\+?1?(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})$". This value assumes that the phone number is a North American phone number specified in the E.164 format. It extracts three variables from the phone number:

    • $1 is the area code

    • $2 and $3 are the next 3 and 4 digits in the phone number

      Valid values are alpha-numeric characters.

      XML Tag: extractionRegex

      ACMEPACKET(ldap-cfg-attributes)# extraction-regex ^\+?1?(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})$

      attribute-value-format—Enter the format for the attribute value. These format values are extracted from the phone number using the extraction-regex parameter. The default parameter is "tel:+1$1$2$3". This value assumes that the phone number is a North American phone number specified in the E.164 format, and it recreates the phone number in E.164 format.

      In addition to the E.164 format, Acme Packet's Active Directory uses other formats as well to store the phone numbers. You can customize the value specified for this parameter to enable successful queries for phone numbers in other formats.

      Valid values are alpha-numeric characters.

      XML Tag: valueFormat

      ACMEPACKET(ldap-cfg-attributes)# attribute-value-format tel:+1$1$2$3

    XML Example for ldap-cfg-attributes

    <ldapCfgAttributes name='ldapquery'