SIP B2BUA Functionality

This section describes the role of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s SIP B2BUA in the add-on conferencing scenario that requires Contact header mapping for the Refer-To header.

When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller starts up, the SIP B2BUA reads and parses the list of options in the SIP configuration. If the refer to uri prefix is an appropriate value (it is not an empty string), the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will have a text prefix value the media server can use to denote a conference ID in its Contact header. With this information, the SIP B2BUA sets up a Contact header mapping.

You configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to enable Contact header mapping for the Refer-To header by editing the SIP config options parameter. The SIP B2BUA on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can then map the Contact headers it receives to the Contact headers it creates.