Route Preference
The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller builds a list of possible routes based on the source realm and the From-address (From-URI) and To-address (Request-URI), which forms a subset from which preference then decides. Any local policy routes currently outside of the configured time/day are not used, if time/day are set. Also, any local policy routes not on the list of carriers (if carriers is set and the requests has a Carrier header) are not used.
Source realm is used in the local policy lookup process, but it is not used in route preference calculations.The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller applies preference to configured local policies in the following order:
- Cost (cost in local policy attributes) is always given preference.
- Matching media codec (media profiles option in local policy attributes).
- Longest matching To address (to address list in local policy).
- Shortest matching To address (to address list in local policy).
- Longest matching From address (from address list in local policy).
- Shortest matching From address (from address list in local policy).
- Narrowest/strictest day of week specification (days of week option in local policy attributes).
- Narrowest/strictest time of day specification (start time and end time options in local policy attributes).
- Wildcard matches (use of an asterisk as a wildcard value for the from address and to address lists in local policy).
- Wild card matches are given the least preference. A prefix value of 6 is given a higher preference than a prefix value of * even though both prefix values are, in theory, the same length.