Route Preference

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller builds a list of possible routes based on the source realm and the From-address (From-URI) and To-address (Request-URI), which forms a subset from which preference then decides. Any local policy routes currently outside of the configured time/day are not used, if time/day are set. Also, any local policy routes not on the list of carriers (if carriers is set and the requests has a Carrier header) are not used.


Source realm is used in the local policy lookup process, but it is not used in route preference calculations.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller applies preference to configured local policies in the following order:

  1. Cost (cost in local policy attributes) is always given preference.
  2. Matching media codec (media profiles option in local policy attributes).
  3. Longest matching To address (to address list in local policy).
  4. Shortest matching To address (to address list in local policy).
  5. Longest matching From address (from address list in local policy).
  6. Shortest matching From address (from address list in local policy).
  7. Narrowest/strictest day of week specification (days of week option in local policy attributes).
  8. Narrowest/strictest time of day specification (start time and end time options in local policy attributes).
  9. Wildcard matches (use of an asterisk as a wildcard value for the from address and to address lists in local policy).
  10. Wild card matches are given the least preference. A prefix value of 6 is given a higher preference than a prefix value of * even though both prefix values are, in theory, the same length.