Managing Session Agent Traffic

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller monitors availability, session load, and session rate for each session agent in real time. The session agent’s state is determined by its performance relative to the constraints applied to it and its availability.

The following table lists the conditions that cause the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to suspend the routing of traffic to a session agent, along with the criteria for restoring the route.

Constraint Condition SIP Criteria H.323 Criteria Action Criteria for Resuming
Maximum sessions exceeded Maximum concurrent SIP sessions exceeded. Maximum concurrent H.323 sessions exceeded.

If the session agent is a gatekeeper and gatekeeper routed mode is not used, this constraint is an aggregate of all the destination gateways. Only maximum outbound sessions are measured.

Session agent is declared in constraint violation state. Concurrent sessions drop below the maximum sessions value.
Maximum outbound sessions exceeded Maximum concurrent outbound SIP sessions exceeded. Maximum concurrent outbound H.323 sessions exceeded.

If the session agent is a gatekeeper and gatekeeper routed mode is not used, this constraint is an aggregate of all the destination gateways. Only maximum outbound sessions are measured.

Session agent is declared in constraint violation state. Concurrent sessions drop below the maximum outbound sessions value.
Maximum burst rate exceeded Maximum burst rate exceeded in current window. Maximum burst rate exceeded in current window.

If the session agent is a gatekeeper and gatekeeper routed mode is not used, this constraint is an aggregate of all the destination gateways. Only maximum outbound sessions are measured.

Session agent is declared in constraint violation state. Burst rate in subsequent window drops below maximum burst rate.
Maximum sustained rate exceeded Maximum sustained rate exceeded in current window. Maximum burst rate exceeded in current window.

If the session agent is a gatekeeper and gatekeeper routed mode is not used, this constraint is an aggregate of all the destination gateways. Only maximum outbound sessions are measured.

Session agent is declared in constraint violation state. Sustained rate in subsequent window drops below the maximum sustained rate.
Session agent unavailable or unresponsive SIP transaction expire timer expires for any out-of-dialogue request. For example, INVITE, REGISTER, or ping. Response timer expires. The default is T301=4 seconds.

Connect timer expires. The default is T303=32 seconds.

If the session agent is a peer gatekeeper, the LRQ response time is used to determine availability. The RAS response timer is 4 seconds.

Session agent is declared in constraint violation state or out-of-service. The time to resume timer starts. Time to resume timer expires and the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller declares the session agent in-service.


Session agent responds to subsequent pings (SIP only).