Configuring Digest Authentication

In the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller ACLI, you can access the Digest Authentication object at the path session-router->session-agent->auth-attribute. If enabled, the Digest Authentication process uses the attributes and values listed in this table.


If enabling Digest Authentication, all attributes listed below are required except for the in-dialog-methods attribute which is optional.

The following table lists the digest authentication object

ORACLE(auth-attribute)# show
                auth-realm                     realm01
                username                       user
                password                       ********
                in-dialog-methods              ACK INVITE SUBSCRIBE

To configure digest authentication on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session router-related objects.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter to access the session agent-related attributes.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  4. Type auth-attribute and press Enter to access the digest authentication-related attributes.
    ORACLE(session-agent)# auth-attribute
  5. auth-realm — Enter the name (realm ID) of the host realm initiating the authentication challenge. This value defines the protected space in which the digest authentication is performed. Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string. Default is blank.
    ORACLE(auth-attribute)# auth-realm realm01
  6. username — Enter the username of the client. Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string. Default is blank.
    ORACLE(auth-attribute)# username user
  7. password — Enter the password associated with the username of the client. This is required for all LOGIN attempts. Password displays while typing but is saved in clear-text (i.e., *****). Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string. Default is blank.
    ORACLE(auth-attribute)# password *******
  8. in-dialog-methods — Enter the in-dialog request method(s) that digest authentication uses from the cached credentials. Specify request methods in a list form separated by a space enclosed in parentheses. Valid values are:
    ORACLE(auth-attribute)# in-dialog-methods (ack invite subscribe)


    The methods not in this list are still resubmitted if a 401/407 response is received by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

    If you do not specify any in-dialog-method value(s), digest authentication does not add challenge-responses to in-dialog requests within a dialog.

    This attribute setting applies to in-dialog requests only.