

A pre-determined reaction of a metric surpassing a threshold value by one of the variables from its internal state. This term is used in the Oracle Storage Plan Manager (SPM).


An array designates a collection of disks designated by their name as they are declared in the DIVArchive configuration. A disk name is associated with a mounting point. Archive requests can be submitted with an array as the destination. DIVArchive is responsible for choosing the disk location to write the data when several disks belong to the same array.

Archive Exchange Format (AXF)

The Archive Exchange Format (AXF) is based on a file and storage media encapsulation approach which abstracts the underlying file system, operating system, and storage technology making the format truly open and non-proprietary. AXF helps ensure long-term accessibility to valued assets, and keeps up with evolving storage technologies.

CAP (Cartridge Access Port)

The Cartridge Access Port is used for inserting and removing tape cartridges to and from a Robotic Tape Library without interrupting library operations.


Categories are an approach to grouping an object with other similar objects having particular shared characteristics. It must not be confused with mediums or arrays, which are storage concepts.

Checksum and Checksum Types

A mathematical value computed from a group of data being transmitted, and transferred with the data. The receiving device compares the checksum with its own computation, and if it differs from the received checksum, it requests the transmitting device to resend the data or generates an error. Each checksum has a specific algorithm, each of which has its own level of verification.

Additional checksum verification is done at the Oracle Storage Cloud level. See the Storage Cloud documentation for information.

Complex Object

An Object is defined as a Complex Object when it contains one thousand (configurable) or more components. Complex object handling may differ from non-complex objects as noted throughout this document.


A file that is part of a DIVArchive object.


A system on which archived objects are restored.

Dynamically Extensible Transfers (DET)

Dynamically Extensible Transfers are an Avid protocol.

Drop Folder Monitor (DFM)

The Drop Folder Monitor (DFM) monitors preconfigured drop folders on the system. When new files are detected, one or more operations are performed on the files depending on the folder configuration. Refer to the Oracle DIVArchive Drop Folder Monitor (DFM) User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Additional Features documentation library for more details

Drop folder

A folder on a local disk, FTP server, or a CIFS shared folder designated for Single File mode or File Set mode that is monitored by DFM, and from which files will operations performed on them.


One operation (such as a request) usually requires multiple events to complete an operation. An event provides all applicable information relating to the single task (for example, names, IDs, parameters, numbers, and so on).


An object instance is ejected when one of the tapes containing the object's instance elements is ejected. An object is externalized when all of its instances are ejected. An object is considered inserted when at least one instance of the object is inserted.

Media Format

DIVArchive tapes and disks can be formatted as either AXF or Legacy (format used before release 7.0) format. The format is set for tape groups and disk arrays during configuration. Complex objects must be stored on AXF-formatted media.


Set of storage resources. Currently DIVArchive provides two types of media: groups of tapes and arrays of disks. DIVA_archiveObject() and DIVA_copyToGroup() requests transfer to a Medium (media).


An instance of one Metric Definition for a specific resource can be either enabled or disabled. Each Metric is associated with a specific resource and can receive a flow of measurements from that attached resource.

A metric has an internal state that consists of several numeric values are updated when given new measurements while providing read access to this logically consistent state. Each metric can be used as a measurement value for the state of another metric. The internal state can be reset at any time.

Metric Definition

Defines how a metric is calculated by specifying which events are examined, which measurements are extracted, how they are aggregated (collection type), and which resource the aggregation is based on.

See the Oracle DIVArchive DIVAprotect User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Additional Features documentation library for more information.


Objects are archive entries. An object is identified by a pair (Name and Category) and contains components. A component is the DIVArchive representation of a file. The components are stored in DIVArchive as object instances.

Object Instance

Mapping of an object's components onto a set of storage resources belonging to the same storage space. Deleting instances cannot result in deleting the related object. The deletion of a unique instance is not permitted.


A request is an operation running in DIVArchive which progresses though steps (migration, transfer, and so on) and ends as Completed, Aborted, or Cancelled.


Used to denote the necessary elements involved for processing requests (for example, Actors, disk, drive, and tape). A resource is a uniquely identified element of the DIVArchive system. DIVAprotect references them by events and metrics. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Set (of tapes)

Every tape in a DIVArchive system belongs to one and only one Set. If the tape is not available to DIVArchive, it belongs to Set #0, otherwise it belongs to a set with a strictly positive ID (for example, Set #1). Each group is associated with a Set. When the group needs an additional tape, it takes it from its associated Set.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks. Devices that typically support SNMP include routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, modem racks, and so on.


A system that produces data to be archived in the DIVArchive system (for example, video servers, browsing servers, remote computers, and so on).


Splitting an object's component onto several tapes (usually two). This can occur when the component size is larger than the remaining size left on the initial tape.