RIB 13.0.x Integration Guides


These documents summarize the Oracle Retail messaging integration by functional area. These functional areas are “Message Families,” and are defined as the common data, data structures, and messages shared by two or more applications on the RIB.

For each functional area, or message family, there are descriptions of:

·         The publishing application’s components and message documents

·         TAFR operations, if applicable

·         The subscribing application’s components and message documents


Oracle Retail RIB Integration Diagrams  (Start here)


Detailed Diagram of RIB Adapters (Best viewed with Internet Explorer)


RIB 13.0.0 Integration Flow File  


Functional Overview Chart


All Message Types and Payloads with API Mappings     



Functional Interfaces and Adapters by Application



Mapping Reports –  RIB 13.0.0


RMS Mappings Report (All)


RPM Mappings Report (All)


RWMS Mappings Report (All)


SIM Mapping Report (All)




Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.