Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide
Release 13.0.1
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2 Standards and Specifications

This release of the RIB is designed and built on industry standard non-proprietary Java EE concepts and standards.

Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is an umbrella standard for Java's enterprise computing facilities. It bundles together technologies for a complete enterprise-class server-side development and deployment platform in java.

Java EE specification includes several other API specifications, such as JDBC, RMI, Transaction, JMS, Web Services, XML, Persistence, mail, and others and defines how to coordinate among them. Java EE specification also features some specifications unique to enterprise computing. These include Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), servlets, portlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Server Faces (JSF) and several web service technologies.

A Java EE "application server" manages transactions, security, scalability, concurrency, pooling, and management of the EJB/Web components that are deployed to it. This frees the developers to concentrate more on the business logic/problem of the components rather than spending time building scalable, robust infrastructure to run on.

Java EE Server

Oracle Application Server implements the Java EE specification and is the Java EE server vendor for RIB in this release. Oracle Application Server provides many additional services beyond the standard services required by the Java EE specification.

See the Oracle® Application Server documentation for more information.

Java Message Service (JMS)

The Java Message Service (JMS) defines the standard for reliable Enterprise Messaging. Enterprise messaging, also referred to as Messaging Oriented Middleware (MOM), is universally recognized as an essential tool for building enterprise applications. By combining Java technology with enterprise messaging, the JMS API provides a powerful tool for solving enterprise computing problems.


Enterprise messaging provides a reliable, flexible service for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events throughout an enterprise. The JMS API adds to this a common API and provider framework that enables the development of portable, message based applications in the Java programming language.

The JMS API improves programmer productivity by defining a common set of messaging concepts and programming strategies that will be supported by all JMS technology-compliant messaging systems.

The JMS API is an integral part of the Java Enterprise Edition platform, and application developers can use messaging with components using Java EE APIs ("Java EE components").

JMS Provider

A JMS Provider is a vendor supplied implementation of the JMS interface, such as Oracle AQ JMS or OC4J JMS. Oracle Streams AQ implements the JMS specification and is the certified JMS provider for RIB in this release. AQ is built on top of the Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition.

See the Oracle® Database Enterprise Edition documentation for AQ information.

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

The RIB is a backend, headless application that does not need active business user participation for its daily operations. When the environment is stable there is no user intervention required for the system to keep running. For such a backend system it is critical that there are proper alerting and notification mechanisms built into the application for situations when the system runs into trouble or to communicate interesting business situations to administrators.

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a specification to provide management and monitoring capabilities to applications that are built using java programming language.

The JMX is based on a three-level architecture:

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JMX architecture Diagram

In addition to the three layers presented in the architecture, JMX provides a notification model that follows the observer observable design pattern. By using notifications, JMX agents and MBeans can send alerts or report information to third party management applications. Users can receive notifications as a way of being informed of critical events or requests for attention.

Since efficient management and monitoring of RIB components are essential to the RIB product, and also seamless integration to standard third party enterprise management tools was a requirement, the RIB application has been fully instrumented to be manageable by any JMX compatible management tools.

The RIB adapters can be controllable using standard JMX tools like OAS Enterprise Manager and JConsole. When interesting business activity happens inside RIB, the RIB components emit alerting events to the RIB alerting framework. By default the alerting framework is configured to send JMX and Email alert notifications. Anyone interested in RIB's JMX alerts can subscribe to RIB notification types using their choice of JMX compatible management tools. JMX management tools provide a way to configure your listener/handler in the tool to react to the incoming alert event.


Please see your JMX management tool vendor documentation on how to add your own listeners to JMX alerts.