Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 13.0.1 Patch
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2 Pre-Installation Tasks

Before you begin the installation process, read the RIB Implementation Guide for the considerations and planning steps needed for a RIB deployment.

Determine the UNIX User Account to Install the Software

The user account that installs the RIB is an important consideration. The options and pro's and con's are discussed in the RIB Implementation Guide.

The rib-home Directory

The RIB software components can be distributed across multiple application servers depending on the deployment option selected, but they are centrally configured and managed.

The location from where all rib-<app> applications are managed is known as rib-home. This directory location (rib-home) contains all the tools and configurations to mange the life cycle and operations of the RIB installation across the enterprise. There must be one rib-home directory for each development, test and production environment. The rib-home directory is not a staging (throw away) directory. It must be available at all times to support the lifecycle management of the RIB system. After initial configuration of the Database server and the Java EE application server, all rib-<app> application level work must be done only from the rib-home directory location.

Prepare Oracle Application Server for RIB Components

This section describes the process of preparing the Oracle Application Server(s) to install the rib-<app> Java EE application.

Create the RIB OC4J Instances

All of the RIB components are Java EE and run in OC4J instances in the Oracle Application Server. The rib-<app> Java EE application runs in its own oc4j server instance called "rib-<app>-oc4j-instance". Each rib-<app> application requires a separate OC4J instance that is not shared with any other application.

Use the following steps to create a new oc4j instance for rib-<app> and configure it to rib's requirement.


For details on using commands to create an oc4j instance, see the Oracle® Application Server Administrator's Guide 10g Release 3 (

  1. Log in to the machine where OAS was installed with the operating system user that was used to install the Oracle Application Server (OAS).

    Make sure the OAS required environment variables are set. Read the OAS documentation for environment variables information.

  2. Create the rib-<app>-oc4j-instance by executing the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/createinstance -instanceName rib-<app>-oc4j-instance 

    Replace <app> with the actual value of the RIB application for the associated retail application. Acceptable values for <app> are "rms", "rwms", "tafr", "sim", "rpm" and "aip".

    There is one RIB specific oc4j instance that must be created regardless of the other application deployment choices.

    • rib-func-artifact-oc4j-instance. (It is recommended, but not required, that this naming convention be followed.)

    There is one RIB specific oc4j instance that must be created depending on the deployment configuration. If RMS is installed with RWMS and/or SIM then the TAFR's must be installed.

    • rib-tafr-oc4j-instance. (It is recommended, but not required, that this naming convention be followed).

    These are the optional application instances depending on the deployment choices. It is recommended, but not required, that you use the following naming convention:

    • rib-rms-oc4j-instance

    • rib-rpm-oc4j-instance

    • rib-sim-oc4j-instance

    • rib-rwms-oc4j-instance

    • rib-aip-oc4j-instance

  1. Type "oc4jadmin" for the oc4j instance password when prompted. This password can be anything you like as long as it follows OAS standards.


    For OAS to manage the oc4j instance it is required that all the passwords are the same for all oc4j instances managed by a single OAS instance. See OAS documentation for further details.

Configure the rib-<app>-oc4j-instance

Edit $ORACLE_HOME /j2ee/rib-<app>-oc4j-instance/config/server.xml and add the attribute:

global-jndi-lookup-enabled="true" to <application-server> element.

For example:

<application-server xmlns:xsi=""
-server-10_1.xsd" application-directory="../applications"
schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" >

Edit $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file and add the following properties to the rib-<app>-oc4j-instance definition.


For details on OPMN usage and configuration, see the Oracle® Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide 10g Release 3 (


All the properties below must be applied only to rib-<app>-oc4j-instance definition.

  1. Specify the JVM's min and max heap size.

    -Xms500M -Xmx900M


    These are minimum values. Consult with the local system administrators for site values.

  2. Set the JMX security to off:
  3. Specify -userThreads to oc4j-options element.

    <data id="oc4j-options" value="-userThreads"/>

    Example: After updating the opmn.xml for rib-<app>-oc4j-instance definition, the xml section should look something like the following.

    <process-type id="rib-rpm-oc4j-instance" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled"><module-data>
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="java-options" value="-server$ORACLEHOME/j2ee/rib-rms-oc4j-instance/config/java2.policy
    -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dhttp.webdir.enable=false -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:AppendRatio=3"/>
    <data id="oc4j-options" value="-userThreads"/>
  4. Make sure that numprocs attribute for the process-set element for rib-<app>-oc4j-instance is set to 1.

    <process-set id="default_group" numprocs="1"/>
  5. Reload the new configuration by executing the following command:

    >$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
  6. Start the new rib-<app>-oc4j-instance by executing the following command:

    >$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc
  7. Verify the oc4j instance status and make sure it starts properly by executing the command below. Make sure the status is "Alive" for the oc4j instance you configured.

    >$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status -l