Oracle Portal
 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:DSDDealsDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
DSDDeals * * * *

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:DSDDeals
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
order_no ordhead order_no Yes The order number that the deal should be applied.
supplier invc_head supplier Yes Invoice Supplier's Number.
store shipment to_loc Yes This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
dept n/a n/a No Not used by RMS.
currency_code n/a n/a Yes Not used by RMS.
paid_ind invc_head paid_ind Yes Indicates if the invoice has already been paid. Valid values are 'Y' (invoice has already been paid) or 'N' (invoice should be paid in AP system)
ext_ref_no invc_head ext_ref_no No Any given Supplier-generated invoice number.
proof_of_delivery_no invc_head proof_of_delivery_no No Proof of delivery or service number, given at the time of receipt at the store. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
payment_ref_no invc_head payment_ref_no No Reference number attached to the invoice payment, used when the invoice is paid from the POS system and interfaced through ReSA.
payment_date invc_head payment_date No Date that the invoice was paid from the POS system. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
deals_ind n/a n/a Yes Specifies whether deals will be applied to the generated order. If set to 'Y', the procedure APPLY_DEALS_TO_ORDER will be called.
shipment shipment shipment No The corresponding shipment for the order that was applied by the deal.
invc_id invc_head invc_id No Contains the invoice number for the purchase order of this deal.
invc_ind n/a n/a Yes Inidcates whether an invoice was created for this receipt by the supplier.
vdate period vdate Yes Contains the current date of the RMS application.
qty_sum invc_head total_qty No Total quantity of items on the order to be invoiced.
cost_sum invc_head total_merch_cost No Total merchandise cost for the invoice. This field will be held in the invoice currency.