Oracle Portal
 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:PartnerDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
partner_type partner partner_type Yes Specifies the type of the partner.
partner_id partner partner_id Yes Unique identifying number for a partner within the system.
partner_desc partner partner_desc Yes Contain the partner's description or name.
currency_code partner currency_code Yes Contains a code identifying the currency the partner uses for business transactions.
lang partner lang No The partner's preferred language. This field is provided for custom purchase orders in a specified language
status partner status Yes Determines if the partner is currently active. Valid values are 'A' = Active or 'I' = Inactive.
contact_name partner contact_name Yes Contains the name of the partner's representative contract.
contact_phone partner contact_phone Yes Contains the phone number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_fax partner contact_fax No Contains the fax number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_telex partner contact_telex No Contains the telex number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_email partner contact_email No Contains the e-mail address of the partner's representative contact.
mfg_id partner mfg_id No Contains the manufacturer's tax identification number. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
principal_country_id partner principal_country_id No Contains the country id to which the partner is assigned. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
line_of_credit partner line_of_credit No Contains the line of credit the company has at the Bank in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
outstanding_credit partner outstanding_credit No Contains the total amount of credit that the company has used or has charged against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
open_credit partner open_credit No Contains the total amount that the company can still charge against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
ytd_credit partner ytd_credit No Contains the total amount of credit the company has used this year to date in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
ytd_drawdowns partner ytd_drawdowns No Contains the year to date payments the bank has made on behalf of the company in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
tax_id partner tax_id No Contains the unique tax identification number of the partner. This will be used for reporting during the Customs Entry process.
terms partner terms Yes Payment terms for the partner. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. If populated, they will default on any invoice entered for this partner.
service_perf_req_ind partner service_perf_req_ind Yes Indicates if the partner's services (e.g. shelf stocking) must be confirmed as performed before paying an invoice from that partner. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'.
invc_pay_loc partner invc_pay_loc No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are paid - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (paid at the store) and 'C' (paid centrally).
invc_receive_loc partner invc_receive_loc No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are received - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (received at the store) and 'C' (received centrally).
import_country_id partner import_country_id No Import country of the Import Authority. This field is not populated for other partner types.
primary_ia_ind partner primary_ia_ind Yes Indicates if an Import Authority is the primary Import Authority for an import country. This field will always be 'N' for other partner types. There must be one and only one primary Import Authority for each country associated with an Import Authority on the partner table.
AddrDesc * * * *

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:AddrDesc
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
addr addr addr_key Yes Address unique identifier.
addr_type addr addr_type Yes Indicates the type for the address. Valid values are: 01-business, 02-postal, 03-returns, 04-order, 05-invoice, 06-external finisher
primary_addr_type_ind addr primary_addr_type_ind Yes The primary address of a particular address type
primary_addr_ind addr primary_addr_ind Yes Indicates whether the address is the primary address for the address type
add_1 addr add_1 Yes Contains the first line of the address
add_2 addr add_2 No Contains the second line of the address
add_3 addr add_3 No Contains the third line of the address
city addr city Yes Contains the city address
state addr state Yes Contains the postal abbreviation for the state of the address.
country_id addr country_id Yes Contains the country code of the country for the address.
post addr post Yes Contains the zip code for the address
contact_name addr contact_name No Contains the name of the contact for the partner at this address
contact_phone addr contact_phone No Contains the phone number of the contact for the partner at this address.
contact_telex addr contact_telex No Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact.
contact_fax addr contact_fax No Contains the fax number of the contact for the partner at this address.
contact_email addr contact_email No Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact.
oracle_vendor_site_id addr oracle_vendor_site_id No The unique identifier of the address on the oracle side
county addr county No Holds the county of the location