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 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:VendorDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
VendorHdrDesc * * Yes Child node - see below.
VendorAddrDesc * * Yes Child node - see below.

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:VendorHdrDesc
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
supplier sups supplier Yes Unique identifying number for a supplier.
sup_name sups sup_name Yes The supplier's trading name.
supplier_parent * * No *
contact_name sups contact_name No The contact name for the supplier.
contact_phone sups contact_phone No Contact phone number for the supplier.
contact_fax sups contact_fax No Fax number for supplier.
contact_pager sups contact_pager No Pager number for supplier.
sup_status sups sup_status No A code to indicate supplier status. A = Active, I = Inactive.
qc_ind sups qc_ind No Determines whether orders from this supplier will default as requiring quality control.
qc_pct sups qc_pct No The percentage of items per receipt that will be marked for quality checking.
qc_freq sups qc_freq No The frequency for which items per receipt will be marked for quality checking.
vc_ind sups vc_ind No Determines whether orders from this supplier will default as requiring vendor control.
vc_pct sups vc_pct No The percentage of items per receipt that will be marked for vendor checking.
vc_freq sups vc_freq No The frequency for which items per receipt that will be marked for vendor checking.
currency_code sups currency_code No A code identifying the currency the supplier uses for business transactions.
lang sups lang No A code for the supplier's preferred language.
terms sups terms No A code indicating the payment terms that will default when an order is created for the supplier.
freight_terms sups freight_terms No A code indicating what freight terms will default when an order is created for the supplier.
ret_allow_ind sups ret_allow_ind No Indicates whether or not the supplier will accept returns.
ret_auth_req sups ret_auth_req No Indicates if returns must be accompanied by an authorization number when sent back to the vendor.
ret_min_dol_amt sups ret_min_dol_amt No Contains a value if the supplier requires a minimum value to be returned in order to accept the return. Stored in the supplier's currency.
ret_courier sups ret_courier No Contains the name of the courier that should be used for returns to the supplier.
handling_pct sups handling_pct No The percent to be multiplied by an order's total cost to determine the handling cost for the return.
edi_po_ind sups edi_po_ind No Indicates whether purchase orders will be sent to the supplier via Electronic Data Interchange.
edi_po_chg sups edi_po_chg No Indicates whether purchase order changes will be sent to the supplier via EDI.
edi_po_confirm sups edi_po_confirm No Indicates whether acknowledgements of purchase orders will be sent to the supplier via EDI.
edi_asn sups edi_asn No Indicates whether the supplier will send Advance Shipment Notifications electronically.
edi_sales_rpt_freq sups edi_sales_rpt_freq No This field contains the EDI sales report frequency for the supplier. Valid values are D = Daily, W = Weekly.
edi_supp_available_ind sups edi_supp_available_ind No Indicates whether the supplier will send availability via EDI.
edi_contract_ind sups edi_contract_ind No Indicates whether contracts will be sent to the supplier via EDI.
edi_invc_ind sups edi_invc_ind No Indicates whether invoices, debit memos and credit note requests will be sent to/from the supplier via EDI.
cost_chg_pct_var sups cost_chg_pct_var No Contains the cost change variance by percent. If an EDI cost change is accepted and falls within these boundaries, it will be approved when inserted into the cost change dialog.
cost_chg_amt_var sups cost_chg_amt_var No Contains the cost change variance by amount. If an EDI cost change is accepted and falls within these boundaries, it will be approved when inserted into the cost change dialog.
replen_approval_ind sups replen_approval_ind No Indicates whether contract orders for the supplier should be created in Approved status.
ship_method sups ship_method No The method used to ship the items on the purchase order from the country of origin to the country of import. Check the RMS data model for valid values.
payment_method sups payment_method No Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are: LC (Letter of Credit), WT (Wire Transfer), OA (Open Account).
contact_telex sups contact_telex No The telex number for the supplier's contact.
contact_email sups contact_email No Contains an email address for the supplier's representative contact.
settlement_code sups settlement_code No Indicates which payment process method is used for the supplier. Check the RMS data model for valid values.
pre_mark_ind sups pre_mark_ind No Indicates whether or not the supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes (and mark them) that can be shipped directly to the stores.
auto_appr_invc_ind sups auto_appr_invc_ind No Indicates whether or not the supplier's invoice matches can be automatically approved for payment.
dbt_memo_code sups dbt_memo_code No Indicates when a debit memo will be sent to the supplier to resolve a discrepancy. Y = Yes, N = No, L = only if a credit note is not sent by the invoice due date.
freight_charge_ind sups freight_charge_ind No Indicates whether a supplier is allowed to charge freight costs to the client.
auto_appr_dbt_memo_ind sups auto_appr_dbt_memo_ind No Indicates whether debit memos sent to the supplier can be automatically approved on creation.
inv_mgmt_lvl sups inv_mgmt_lvl No Indicates whether supplier inventory management information can be set up at the supplier/deparment level or just at the supplier level.
backorder_ind sups backorder_ind No Indicates if backorders or partial shipments will be accepted.
vat_region sups vat_region No The VAT region for the supplier.
prepay_invc_ind sups prepay_invc_ind No Indicates whether or not all invoices for the supplier can be pre-paid invoices.
service_perf_req_ind sups service_perf_req_ind No Indicates if the supplier's services must be confirmed as performed before paying an invoice from that supplier.
invc_pay_loc sups invc_pay_loc No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are paid - at the store ('S') or centrally through corporate accounting ('C').
invc_receive_loc sups invc_receive_loc No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are received - at the store ('S') or centrally through corporate accounting ('C').
addinvc_gross_net sups addinvc_gross_net No Indicates if the supplier invoice lists items at gross cost ('G') or net cost ('N').
delivery_policy sups delivery_policy No Contains the delivery policy of the supplier. Valid values come from the DLVY code on code_head/code_detail.
comment_desc sups comment_desc No Any miscellaneous comments associated with the supplier.
default_item_lead_time sups default_item_lead_time No Holds the default lead time for the supplier. The lead time is the time the supplier needs between receiving an order and having the order ready to ship. This value will be defaulted to item/supplier relationships.
duns_number sups duns_number No The Dun and Bradstreet number of the supplier.
duns_loc sups duns_loc No The Dun and Bradstreet number of the location of the supplier.
bracket_costing_ind sups bracket_costing_ind No This field will determine if the supplier uses bracket costing pricing structures.
vmi_order_status sups vmi_order_status No Determines the status in which any inbound PO's from this supplier are created. A NULL value indicates that the supplier is not a VMI supplier.
end_date_active * * No Not used by RMS.
dsd_supplier_ind sups dsd_ind No Specifies whether or not DSD shipments can be created for the supplier.

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:VendorAddrDesc
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
module addr module Yes Indicates the data type that the address is attached to. In this case, it will always be 'SUPP'.
key_value_1 addr key_value_1 Yes Holds the id the address is attached to. In this case, it will be the supplier number.
key_value_2 * * No Field not used.
seq_no * * No Field not used.
addr_type addr addr_type Yes The address type. Valid values (e.g. 01 - Business, 02 - Postal, etc.) are on the add_type table.
primary_addr_ind * * No Field not used.
add_1 addr add_1 Yes The first line of the address.
add_2 addr add_2 No Contains the second line of the address.
add_3 addr add_3 No Contains the third line of the address.
city addr city Yes Contains the name of the city associated with the address.
state addr state No Contains the state abbreviation for the address.
country_id addr country_id Yes Contains the country where the address exists.
post addr post No The zip code for the address.
contact_name addr contact_name No The name of the contact at this address.
contact_phone addr contact_phone No The phone number for this address.
contact_telex addr contact_telex No The telex number for this address.
contact_fax addr contact_fax No The fax number for this address.
contact_email addr contact_email No The email address for this address.
org_unit_id * * No *
primary_pay_site * * No *