Oracle Portal
 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:XItemRclsRef.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
reclass_no reclass_head reclass_no Yes The reclass event for which deletion activity is occurring.
reclass_date recass_head reclass_date No The date of the reclass event.
purge_all_ind * * No If this field is 'Y', then all item reclass events for this reclass_no should be deleted.
XItemRclsDtl * * No Child node.

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:XItemRclsDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item reclass_item item Yes The item of the reclass-item event which should be deleted