Oracle Portal
 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:XMrchHrDeptDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
dept deps dept Yes The number which uniquely identifies the department. This value cannot be modified.
dept_name deps dept_name Yes The name of the department.
buyer deps buyer No The number of the buyer associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table.
purchase_type deps purchase_type Yes The code which indicates whether items in this department are normal merchandise (0) or consignment stock (1). This field cannot be modified.
total_market_amt deps total_market_amt No The total market amount that is expected for the department. This value cannot be less than 1000.
merch deps merch No The number of the merchandiser that is associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table.
group_no deps group_no Yes The number of the group to which the department belongs. This value must be predefined on the GROUPS table.
bud_mkup deps bud_mkup No The budgeted markup percentage. The markup percent of cost. If this value is not populated on the message it will be calculated to be the inverse of the budgeted intake percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70.
profit_calc_type deps profit_calc_type Yes The number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by direct cost (1) or retail inventory (2). This value cannot be modified.
markup_calc_type deps markup_calc_type Yes The code letter that indicates how markup is calculated in this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R).
otb_calc_type deps otb_calc_type Yes The code letter which indicates how OTB is calculated for this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). This value cannot be modified.
max_avg_counter deps max_avg_counter No The maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an average for items within the department. This value is required if RPM is installed.
avg_tolerance_pct deps avg_tolerance_pct No The tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. This value is required if RPM is installed.
bud_int deps bud_int No The budgeted intake percentage. The percent of the total take that is income. If this field is not populated on the message it will be calculated as the inverse of the budgeted markup percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70.
XMrchHrDeptVAT * * * *

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:XMrchHrDeptVAT
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
vat_region vat_deps vat_region Yes The number of the VAT region to which this department is associated. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table.
vat_code vat_deps vat_code Yes The alphanumeric identifier of the VAT code. This value must be predefined on the VAT_CODES table.
vat_type vat_deps vat_type Yes Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing (C), selling (R), or both (B).