Oracle Portal
 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report     Release: 13.0.1

Application Name: Store Inventory Management
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:ReceiptDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
appt_nbr n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
Receipt * * * *

Application Name: Store Inventory Management
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:Receipt
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
dc_dest_id DO_CTL_INV ID_STR_RT Yes The receiving store number
po_nbr DO_CTL_INV ORDER_ID No Specified the unique identifier of the purchase order, allocation or transfer
document_type n/a n/a Yes Specified whether the receipt is for an allocation 'A', purchase order 'P', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D' and 'V' are also valid document types that are treated the same as transfers.
asn_nbr DO_CTL_INV APPLIED_ASN_NUM No Used to relate the receipt message to the previous ASN message. this field is required for doc types 'A' and 'T', not required for doc_type 'P'
ReceiptDtl * * * *
ReceiptCartonDtl * * * *
receipt_type n/a n/a No This fied is required when receiving a transfer or allocation to determine if the receipt is at the 'BL' (BOL) level or 'SK' (SKU) level. It is not used for a PO receipt
from_loc n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
from_loc_type n/a n/a No Not used by SIM

Application Name: Store Inventory Management
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:ReceiptDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item_id TR_LTM_ICD_MR ID_ICD Yes Specifieds the item on the allocation, purchase order, or transfer that has been received.
unit_qty TR_LTM_ICD_MR QU_ITM Yes Contains the quantity received for the allocation, purchase order, or transfer.
receipt_xactn_type n/a n/a Yes Specifies whether the receipt detail line item is for a 'R'eceipt, 'T'ransshipment, or 'A'djustment. For purchase order receiving, Transshipments are not allowed. For stock order (ie. Allocation and Transfer) receiving, Transshipments are handled the same way as 'R'eceipt type.
receipt_date DO_CTL_INV TS_CMPL No Identifies the date the transaction was written
receipt_nbr DO_CTL_INV REFERENCE_ID_ICD No An externally generated numerical identifier corresponding to the successful reception of the item at the location.
dest_id DO_CTL_INV ID_STR_RT No Specifies the receiving store of the Purchase order. Only used for doc_type of 'P'.
container_id TR_LTM_ICD_MR CONTAINER_ID No Identifies the Carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments
distro_nbr n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
distro_doc_type n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
to_disposition n/a n/a No This value is used to determine if the inventory availability.
from_disposition n/a n/a No This value is used to determine inventory availability. It is not used by SIM.
to_wip n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
from_wip n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
to_trouble n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
from_trouble n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
user_id DO_CTL_INV ID_ORGR_ICD No Identifies the point of origin for this inventory control document. An originator may be a program (for automatically generated documents) or a person
dummy_carton_ind n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
tampered_carton_ind n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
unit_cost TR_LTM_ICD_MR TC_UN_BS No Only used for doc_type of 'P'. Specifies the unit_cost for the item on the order
shipped_qty TR_LTM_ICD_MR QTY_SHIPPED No The number of the items shipped which was specified by the ASN
weight n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
weight_uom n/a n/a No Not used by SIM

Application Name: Store Inventory Management
Version 13.0.1
XML-Schema or Node Name:ReceiptCartonDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
carton_status_ind n/a n/a Yes Not used by SIM
container_id n/a n/a Yes Not used by SIM
dest_id n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
receipt_xactn_type n/a n/a Yes Not used by SIM
receipt_date n/a n/a Yes Not used by SIM
receipt_nbr n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
user_id n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
to_disposition n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
weight n/a n/a No Not used by SIM
weight_uom n/a n/a No Not used by SIM