Warehouse Transaction


RWMS is responsible for communicating warehouse transactions.

Warehouse transactions are broadly defined as an element of work that takes place in a distribution center.  Typically, these work elements are tied to RWMS’s current Service Standards. However, warehouse transactions capture much more information that the current Service Standards Level. For further information on warehouse transactions, please see the RWMS Users Guide.

RWMS transaction information is communicated during some type of event. An example of an event could be the time needed to put away a container into a storage location. RWMS’s character based forms have mechanisms built in that allow users to capture the length of the transaction, number of pieces (be they pallets, cases, or units), the starting location or the transaction and the ending location of the transaction.



Message Type







Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.