ASN Outbound and ASN Inbound


Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Inbound

ASN inbound messages are advanced shipment notification (ASN) messages that inform RWMS or SIM to expect a shipment of merchandise. These messages can originate either from an outside vendor, from another RWMS instance or SIM (in the case of a transfer or allocation shipment). RMS and Store systems subscribe to ASN inbound messages as well as RWMS. RMS and Store systems use the ASN inbound message to create shipment records.


For ASNs originating from external vendors or SIM, the message is routed to the proper RWMS warehouse instance based on the facility type found in the routing information and the ‘To’ location found in the message data.


SIM will subscribe to any messages routed to a store from a vendor or warehouse. Since only one database instance exists for SIM all ASN messages bound for a store will be subscribed to.


For transfers between warehouses, ASN Inbound messages are created when RWMS publishes an ASN Outbound message.  The outbound message is a notification that a shipment is leaving the warehouse.  Transformation from an ASN Outbound (from the warehouse) to an ASN Inbound (to the specific distribution center) occurs, routing the transformed message to the appropriate subscribing systems. 


Message Type









Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Outbound

RWMS publishes ASN messages that RMS and Store systems use to create or modify a shipment record. Any ASN that originates from RWMS is called an “outbound” ASN. This is also commonly known as a Bill Of Lading (BOL). An ASN that is coming into RWMS from EDI or another instance of RWMS, is an “inbound” ASN.


Inbound ASNs can originate from external systems, or from another instance of RWMS. For example, if an outbound shipment occurs because of a transfer to another warehouse, the outbound ASN is transformed into an inbound ASN and routed to the receiving warehouse.


Any outbound ASNs that originate because of a customer order are sent to RMS. Shipments occurring because of a transfer or allocation are sent only to RMS.


The ASN Out to ASN In TAFR operation transforms ASNs that are directed to another warehouse, such as transfers or allocations between two warehouses. It also routes the message to the proper warehouse based on the facility type and the ‘To’ location found in the message data. 


A filter ensures that RMS receives only those ASNOut messages that pertain to Transfers or Allocations.


Similar logic as in RWMS exists for SIM. When SIM creates a transfer to a warehouse it publishes an ASNOut message. This message is converted through the TAFR into in inbound ASN for the warehouse.


Message Type











Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.