Direct Store Delivery (DSD) Deals


Direct store delivery (DSD) is the delivery of merchandise and/or services to a store without the benefit of a pre-approved purchase order. When the delivery occurs, RMS must be informed of the order so that it may record the purchase order and account for it in the store’s inventory. The goods delivered by the vendor, however, might have applicable deals that should be applied to the purchase order created in RMS.


DSD Receiving/DSD Deal relationship


·         SIM publishes the DSD Receipt message.

·         ReceiptsToRMS processes the message and calls the RMS API (invoked through the RMS package rmssub_dsdb.pls)

·         RMS creates the DSD Deals message.

·         The DSD Deals message is published onto etDSDDeals topic

·         ewDSDDealstoRMS processes that message.


    Note the deal indicator should be "Y" to spawn the DSD deals message.



Message Type






Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.