



ItemLoc messages are published by merchandizing system to route the incoming messages to various locations.



Functional Requirements


routing info to_phys_loc: The routing information for the message is supposed to contain the to_phys_loc specification. The message is considered to be in error, if the message does not contain to_phys_loc specification in the routing info.


StoreSystemActive: Outbound messages are dependent upon a configuration setting for StoreSystemActive. Messages will not be published if the configuration property is set to false


StoreSystemRouteToToLoc: Outbound messages are dependent upon a configuration setting for StoreSystemRouteToToLoc. Messages will not be published if the configuration property is set to false.


messageData DOCTYPE: The <messageData> or “payload” string will contain a <DOCTYPE> tag detailing the URL of a document type definition file. The directory specification in this URL will reside in the configuration, thus allowing the customer to configure his/her own value. The name of the DTD file specified will be “ItemLocDesc.dtd”” depending on if the payload class is an ItemLocDesc.


routing info detail value: The routing info of the input message, contains a routing info detail with a dtl_name equals “TO_PHYS_LOC_TYPE” and value equals “s”. The message will not be published if the routing info detail value is not “s”.




Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.