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 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report    

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PayTermDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
terms terms_head terms Yes Unique id for this payment term.
terms_code terms_head terms_code Yes The alpha value which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials.
terms_desc terms_head terms_desc Yes Description of the payment terms.
due_days * * No Not used.
enabled_flag * * No Not used.
start_date_active * * No Not used.
end_date_active * * No Not used.
discdays * * No Not used.
percent * * No Not used.
PayTermDtl * * No Child node.
rank terms_head rank Yes Unique rank to rate invoice payment terms against PO terms

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PayTermDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
due_days terms_detail duedays Yes The number of days until payment is due.
due_max_amount terms_detail due_max_amount Yes Maximum payment amount due by a certain date.
due_dom terms_detail due_dom Yes Day of month used to calculate due date.
discdays terms_detail discdays Yes Number of days in which payment must be made to get the discount.
percent terms_detail percent Yes Percentage used to calculate discount available.
disc_dom terms_detail disc_dom Yes Day of month used to calculate discount date.
disc_mm_fwd terms_detail disc_mm_fwd Yes Number of months ahead to calculate discount date.
fixed_date terms_detail fixed_date No Fixed due date.
enabled_flag terms_detail enabled_flag Yes Indicates whether the Payment terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. The values would be either (Y)es or (N)o.
start_date_active terms_detail start_date_active No Start date terms are in effect.
end_date_active terms_detail end_date_active No End date terms are in effect.
terms_seq terms_detail terms_seq No Sequence for the discount percent and part of unique identifier for the detail line.
due_mm_fwd terms_detail due_mm_fwd Yes Number of months ahead to calculate due date.
cutoff_day terms_detail cutoff_day No Day of month after which the following month will be used for calculations.