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 Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report    

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
XML-Schema or Node Name:XDiffGrpDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
diff_group_id diff_group_head diff_group_id Yes A unique differentiator group identifier. This field cannot be modified once the differentiator is created.
diff_group_type diff_group_head diff_type Yes A differentiator type which is predefined on the DIFF_TYPE table. Each diff group is composed of one diff type. This field cannot be modified once the diff group is created.
diff_group_desc diff_group_head diff_group_desc Yes The description of the differentiator group.
create_datetime diff_group_head create_datetime No The date/time the differentiator group was created. If it is not populated on the message it will be defaulted to the time of creation in RMS. This value cannot be modified once the diff group is created.
XDiffGrpDtl * * * *

Application Name: Retail Merchandising System
XML-Schema or Node Name:XDiffGrpDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
diff_id diff_group_detail diff_id Yes The identifier of the differentiator contained within the differentiator group. This id must be unique within the diff group. This must be populated when a diff group is being created since a diff group needs at least one diff id. Value must be predefined in the DIFF_IDS table.
display_seq diff_group_detail display_seq No The order in which the differentiators within the differentiator group are displayed on-line.
create_datetime diff_group_detail create_datetime No The date\time the differentiator was added to the differentiator group. This field will default to the time of creation in RMS if it is not populated on the message. This field will not be editable once the detail has been created.