Oracle Portal Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report   

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgDesc.xsd
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
location rpm_future_retail location * Unique identifier that indicates a Location (Store or Warehouse)
loc_type rpm_future_retail zone_node_type * Identifier that indicates whether a location is a Store ('S') or a Warehouse ('W')
PrmPrcChgDtl * * * *

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
promo_id rpm_promo promo_id * Promotion Id
promo_name rpm_promo name * Promotion Name
promo_description rpm_promo description * Promotion Description
promo_comp_id rpm_promo_comp promo_comp_id * Promotion Component Id
promo_comp_desc rpm_promo_comp name * Promotion Component Description
promo_comp_detail_id rpm_promo_comp_detail rpm_promo_comp_detail_id * Promotion Component Detail Id
apply_order rpm_future_retail * * The order that this promotion component detail to be applied in case there is more than one promotion component details in one day for an item/location
start_date rpm_promo_comp_detail start_date * Start date of the promotion component detail
end_date rpm_promo_comp_detail end_date * End date of the promotion component detail
PrmPrcChgSmp * * * *
PrmPrcChgThr * * * *
PrmPrcChgBuyGet * * * *

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgSmp
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item rpm_future_retail item * Item number
promo_selling_retail rpm_future_retail simple_promo_retail * Simple Promotion selling retail
promo_selling_uom rpm_future_retail simple_promo_uom * Simple promotion selling UOM
prm_chg_type rpm_promo_comp_simple change_type * Simple Promotion change type
prm_chg_value rpm_promo_comp_simple change_amt or change_percent * Simple Promotion change value
prm_chg_uom rpm_promo_comp_simple change_selling_uom * Simple Promotion change selling UOM

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgThr
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item rpm_future_retail item * Item number
threshold_id rpm_prom_comp_threshold threshold_id * Threshold Id
threshold_name rpm_threshold name * Threshold Name
qualification_type rpm_threshold qualification_type * Threshold Qualification Type
threshold_type rpm_threshold_interval threshold_type * Threshold Type
prm_chg_type rpm_threshold_interval change_type * Threshold Discount Change Type
PrmPrcChgThrDtl * * * *

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgThrDtl
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
threshold_value rpm_threshold_interval threshold_amount * Threshold Interval Value
prm_chg_value rpm_threshold_interval change_amt or change_percent * Threshold Change Value
prm_chg_uom rpm_threshold_interval change_uom * Threshold Change Selling UOM

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgBuyGet
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
prm_chg_type rpm_promo_comp_buy_get change_type * Buy Get discount change type
prm_chg_value rpm_promo_comp_buy_get change_amount or change_percent * Buy Get Discount Change Value
prm_chg_uom rpm_promo_comp_buy_get change_selling_uom change_selling_uom Buy Get Change Selling UOM
buy_qty rpm_promo_comp_buy_get buy_item_qty * Buy quantity
all_ind rpm_promo_comp_buy_get buy_item_type * Buy All Indicator
PrmPrcChgGetItem * * * *
PrmPrcChgBuyItem * * * *

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgGetItem
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item rpm_promo_get_item item * Get Item

Application Name: Retail Price Management System
XML-Schema or Node Name:PrmPrcChgBuyItem
Tag Name Table Name Column Name API Req Description
item rpm_promo_comp_buy_item item * Buy Item