Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_location varchar210 1 1 Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. shipment to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
from_location varchar210 1 1 For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced. shipment from_loc varchar2 10 Yes For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 Holds the bill of lading number associated with a shipment. shipment bol_no varchar2 30 No Holds the bill of lading number associated with a shipment.
asn_type varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. Set to C for container when ship to location is a store, T for tare when ship to location is a warehouse. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Contains the number of boxes associated with the shipment. shipment no_boxes number 6 No Contains the number of boxes associated with the shipment.
bol_nbr varchar217 1 1 Holds the transaction sequence number on the message from the transfer shipment confirmation process. shipment ext_ref_no_out varchar2 17 Yes Holds the transaction sequence number on the message from the transfer shipment confirmation process.
shipment_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped. shipment ship_date RIBDate * No This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped.
est_arr_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis. shipment est_arr_date RIBDate * No This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis.
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 Value of addr.add_1 for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 Value of addr.add_2 for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address4 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address5 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_city varchar2120 0 1 Value of for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_state varchar23 0 1 Value of addr.state for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_zip varchar230 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_country_id varchar23 0 1 Value of addr.country_id for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
trailer_nbr varchar212 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
seal_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
carrier_code varchar24 1 1 Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment. shipment courier null null No Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment.
transshipment_nbr varchar230 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutDistro * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any miscellaneous comments about the shipment. shipment comments varchar2 2000 No Contains any miscellaneous comments about the shipment.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutDistro Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutDistro
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton. shipsku distro_no varchar2 10 Yes Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton.
distro_doc_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies what the distro_nbr field corresponds to in RMS: V, D, and T specify transfer, A specifies Allocation. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies what the distro_nbr field corresponds to in RMS: V, D, and T specify transfer, A specifies Allocation.
customer_order_nbr varchar210 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
consumer_direct varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutCtn * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutDistro * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutDistro. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
final_location varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_id varchar220 1 1 Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level. shipsku carton varchar2 20 Yes Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level.
container_weight number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_length number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_width number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_height number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_cube number12_2 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the shipment should be expedited. For transfers, the value will be 'Y' if the transfer's freight_code is 'E'; otherwise 'N'. For allocations, the field is mapped to alloc_detail.rush_flag. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 For transfers, the value is always NULL. For allocations, the value is alloc_detail.in_store_date. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
rma_nbr varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
tracking_nbr varchar225 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
freight_charge number20_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
master_container_id varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutItem * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped for the container. shipsku weight_expected null null No Actual weight shipped for the container.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) that was shipped. shipsku weight_expected_uom null null No Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) that was shipped.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutCtn * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutCtn. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. shipsku item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's advance shipment notification for this item/shipment combination. shipsku qty_expected number 12 Yes Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's advance shipment notification for this item/shipment combination.
priority_level number1 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
lot_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
final_location varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code varchar2 4 No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
voucher_number varchar216 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count r_number. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
voucher_expiration_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped. shipsku weight_expected null null No Actual weight shipped.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) shipped. shipsku weight_expected_uom null null No Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) shipped.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutItem * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutItem. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutDistro Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutDistro
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description