Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AppointDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_location varchar210 1 1 The location to which the merchandise has been sent. appt_head loc varchar2 10 Yes The location to which the merchandise has been sent.
to_location varchar210 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_nbr number9 1 1 An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. appt_head appt number 9 Yes An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment.
appt_start_ts xs:dateTime 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_action_status varchar22 1 1 The status of the Appointment. Valid values include: SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed. appt_head status varchar2 2 Yes The status of the Appointment. Valid values include: SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed.
AppointDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfAppointDesc:ExtOfAppointDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AppointDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID. appt_detail item varchar2 25 Yes The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the item slated to be sent to the location. appt_detail qty_appointed number 12 Yes The quantity of the item slated to be sent to the location.
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise. appt_detail doc null null Yes The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise.
document_type varchar21 1 1 The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Possible choices are 'P'urchase Order, 'T'ransfer and 'A'llocation. appt_detail doc_type varchar2 1 Yes The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Possible choices are 'P'urchase Order, 'T'ransfer and 'A'llocation.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment. appt_detail asn varchar2 30 No This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment.
ExtOfAppointDesc:ExtOfAppointDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description