Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 Description is not available. addr addr_key null null Yes Address unique identifier
addr_type varchar22 1 1 Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table. addr addr_type null null Yes Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table.
primary_addr_type_ind varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. add_type_module primary_ind null null Yes Y or N - indicates whether this address type is the primary address type.
primary_addr_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type addr primary_addr_ind null null Yes Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type
add_1 varchar2240 1 1 Description is not available. addr add_1 varchar2 240 Yes Contains the first line of the address
add_2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the address
add_3 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the address
city varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. addr city null null Yes Contains the city of this address
state varchar23 0 1 Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located. addr state null null No Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located.
country_id varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. addr country_id null null Yes Contains the country code for this address.
post varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. addr post null null No Contains the zip code for the address
contact_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_name null null No Contains the name of the contact for this address
contact_phone varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_phone null null No Contains the phone number of the contact for this address.
contact_telex varchar220 0 1 Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_telex null null No Contains the telex number of the contact at this address.
contact_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_fax null null No Contains the fax number of the contact at this address.
contact_email varchar2100 0 1 Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_email null null No Contains the email address of the contact at this address.
oracle_vendor_site_id number15 0 1 The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used. addr oracle_vendor_site_id null null No The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used.
county varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr county null null No The county of this address.
ExtOfAddrDesc:ExtOfAddrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 The unique identifier of the address being deleted. addr addr_key null null Yes The key of the address being deleted.
ExtOfAddrRef:ExtOfAddrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AllocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AllocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
alloc_no number10 1 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the allocation within the system. alloc_header alloc_no number 10 Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies the allocation within the system.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies the type of document. This value will always be 'A' to signify an allocation. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies the type of document. This value will always be 'A' to signify an allocation.
physical_wh number10 1 1 Description is not available. wh physical_wh null null Yes The physical wh location where the allocation will originate.
wh number10 1 1 Contains the number of the warehouse loaction where the allocation will originate. alloc_header wh number 10 Yes Contains the number of the warehouse loaction where the allocation will originate.
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. alloc_header item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
pick_not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the date on which the allocation should be released from the warehouse for delivery to the store locations. alloc_header release_date RIBDate * No Contains the date on which the allocation should be released from the warehouse for delivery to the store locations.
pick_not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This value is calculated by adding code_detail.code desc for code 'DATE' and code_type 'DEFT' to alloc_header.release_date. If the allocation is closed, pick_not_after_date will be a day before pick_not_before_date. n/a n/a null null No This value is calculated by adding code_detail.code desc for code 'DATE' and code_type 'DEFT' to alloc_header.release_date. If the allocation is closed, pick_not_after_date will be a day before pick_not_before_date.
order_type varchar29 0 1 This field identifies the order associated with the PO. Allocations created before PO approval will be marked as 'PREDIST' ordertypes. Allocations created after PO approval will be marked as 'PO' order types. alloc_header order_type varchar2 9 No This field identifies the order associated with the PO. Allocations created before PO approval will be marked as 'PREDIST' ordertypes. Allocations created after PO approval will be marked as 'PO' order types.
order_no varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. alloc_header order_no varchar2 10 No Contains the order number to which the allocation applies.
order_doc_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null Yes This value will always be 'P'.
event varchar26 0 1 This field contains the event to which the promotion belongs to. This is an optional field that provides a method to group promotions together for tracking and reporting purposes. rpm_promo_event prom_event_id null null No This field contains the event to which the promotion belongs to. This is an optional field that provides a method to group promotions together for tracking and reporting purposes.
event_description varchar21000 0 1 Description is not available. rpm_promo_event description null null No This field contains the description of the promotional event.
priority number4 1 1 A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1. n/a n/a null null Yes A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1.
ticket_type_id varchar24 0 1 This field contains a character string which uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item. item_ticket ticket_type_id null null No This field contains a character string which uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item.
AllocDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
context_type varchar26 0 1 This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to for example Promotions. Valid value is: PROM - Promotion alloc_header context_type null null No This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to for example Promotions. Valid value is: PROM - Promotion
context_value varchar225 0 1 Description is not available. alloc_header context_value varchar2 25 No The value for the context type
ExtOfAllocDesc:ExtOfAllocDesc * 0 1 Proide an extention hook to customize AllocDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AllocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AllocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
physical_to_loc number10 1 1 This field contains the physical location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse. alloc_detail to_loc number 10 Yes This field contains the physical location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse.
to_loc varchar210 1 1 This field contains the location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 Yes This field contains the location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the loctaion field. Valid values are 'S'tore and 'W'arehouse. item_loc loc_type varchar2 1 Yes This field contains the type of location in the loctaion field. Valid values are 'S'tore and 'W'arehouse.
qty_allocated number12_4 1 1 Description is not available. alloc_detail qty_allocated number 12 Yes Contains the total number of items allocated.
price number20_4 0 1 This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. item_loc selling_unit_retail null null No This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency.
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. item_loc selling_uom null null No This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail.
priority number4 1 1 A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1. n/a n/a null null Yes A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1.
store_ord_mult varchar21 1 1 This column contains the multiple in which the item needs to be shipped from a warehouse to the location. item_loc store_ord_mult varchar2 1 Yes This column contains the multiple in which the item needs to be shipped from a warehouse to the location.
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
rush_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
AllocDtlTckt * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfAllocDesc:ExtOfAllocDtl * 0 1 Proide an extention hook to customize AllocDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AllocDtlTckt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AllocDtlTckt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
comp_item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. packitem_breakout item varchar2 25 Yes Alphanumeric value that identifies the item within the pack.
comp_price number20_4 1 1 This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. item_loc selling_unit_retail null null Yes This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency.
comp_selling_uom varchar24 1 1 This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. item_loc selling_uom null null Yes This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail.
ExtOfAllocDesc:ExtOfAllocDtlTckt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AllocDtlTckt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAllocDtlTckt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAllocDtlTckt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAllocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAllocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAllocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAllocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AllocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AllocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
alloc_no number10 1 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the allocation within the system. alloc_header alloc_no number 10 Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies the allocation within the system.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies the type of document. This value will always be 'A' to signify an allocation. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies the type of document. This value will always be 'A' to signify an allocation.
physical_wh number10 1 1 Contains the number of the physical warehouse location where the allocation will originate. wh physical_wh null null Yes Contains the number of the physical warehouse location where the allocation will originate.
wh number10 1 1 Contains the number of the warehouse location where the allocation will originate. alloc_header wh number 10 Yes Contains the number of the warehouse location where the allocation will originate.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. alloc_header item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
AllocDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfAllocRef:ExtOfAllocRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AllocRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AllocDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AllocDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_loc varchar210 1 1 This field contains the location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determines if the location is a store or a warehouse. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 Yes This field contains the location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determines if the location is a store or a warehouse.
ExtOfAllocRef:ExtOfAllocDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AllocDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAllocDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAllocDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAllocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAllocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AppointDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_location varchar210 1 1 The location to which the merchandise has been sent. appt_head loc varchar2 10 Yes The location to which the merchandise has been sent.
to_location varchar210 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_nbr number9 1 1 An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. appt_head appt number 9 Yes An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment.
appt_start_ts xs:dateTime 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_action_status varchar22 1 1 The status of the Appointment. Valid values include: SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed. appt_head status varchar2 2 Yes The status of the Appointment. Valid values include: SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed.
AppointDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfAppointDesc:ExtOfAppointDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AppointDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID. appt_detail item varchar2 25 Yes The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the item slated to be sent to the location. appt_detail qty_appointed number 12 Yes The quantity of the item slated to be sent to the location.
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise. appt_detail doc null null Yes The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise.
document_type varchar21 1 1 The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Possible choices are 'P'urchase Order, 'T'ransfer and 'A'llocation. appt_detail doc_type varchar2 1 Yes The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Possible choices are 'P'urchase Order, 'T'ransfer and 'A'llocation.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment. appt_detail asn varchar2 30 No This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment.
ExtOfAppointDesc:ExtOfAppointDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:AppointRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
appt_nbr number9 1 1 An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. Appointment is created in a Warehouse system. appt_head appt number 9 Yes An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. Appointment is created in a Warehouse system.
from_location varchar210 1 1 The location to which the merchandise has been sent. appt_head loc varchar2 10 Yes The location to which the merchandise has been sent.
AppointDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfAppointRef:ExtOfAppointRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AppointDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AppointDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID. appt_detail item varchar2 25 Yes The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID.
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise. appt_detail doc varchar2 10 Yes The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment. appt_detail asn varchar2 30 No This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment.
ExtOfAppointRef:ExtOfAppointDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AppointDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAppointRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAppointRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_location varchar210 1 1 Not used in RWMS shipment to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
from_location varchar210 1 1 Not used in RWMS n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
asn_nbr varchar230 1 1 Description is not available. shipment asn varchar2 30 Yes Holds the advance shipping notice number associated with a shipment.
asn_type varchar21 1 1 This field is used to determine the ship origin. If asn_type is 'C', ship_origin will be set to '6' (ASN UCC-128) upon insert to the SHIPMENT table. Otherwise, SHIP_ORIGIN is defaulted to '0' (ASN Shipment). n/a n/a null null Yes This field is used to determine the ship origin. If asn_type is 'C', ship_origin will be set to '6' (ASN UCC-128) upon insert to the SHIPMENT table. Otherwise, SHIP_ORIGIN is defaulted to '0' (ASN Shipment).
container_qty number6 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
bol_nbr varchar217 0 1 Holds the transaction sequence number on the input message from the receiving PO or transfer process. shipment ext_ref_no_in varchar2 17 No Holds the transaction sequence number on the input message from the receiving PO or transfer process.
shipment_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Not used in RWMS. shipment ship_date RIBDate * Yes This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped.
est_arr_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis. shipment est_arr_date RIBDate * No This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis.
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address4 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address5 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_city varchar2120 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_state varchar23 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_zip varchar230 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_country_id varchar23 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
trailer_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
seal_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. shipment courier varchar2 4 No Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment.
vendor_nbr varchar210 1 1 This element is used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The order number must be in the table ORDHEAD, in either the ORDER_NO column or VENDOR_ORDER_NO column. ordhead supplier null null Yes This element is used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The order number must be in the table ORDHEAD, in either the ORDER_NO column or VENDOR_ORDER_NO column.
ship_pay_method varchar22 0 1 Used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The ship_pay_method in the message must match the value of the order's SHIP_PAY_METHOD in RMS (ORDHEAD table.) If the message field is blank, the ORDHEAD value must be NULL. ordhead ship_pay_method varchar2 2 No Used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The ship_pay_method in the message must match the value of the order's SHIP_PAY_METHOD in RMS (ORDHEAD table.) If the message field is blank, the ORDHEAD value must be NULL.
ASNInPO * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNInDesc:ExtOfASNInDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNInPO Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInPO
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 Identifies the order number which relates to the goods delivered in the shipment. Validated against the ORDHEAD table, and also the SHIPMENT table if the message applies to an existing shipment. shipment order_no varchar2 10 Yes Identifies the order number which relates to the goods delivered in the shipment. Validated against the ORDHEAD table, and also the SHIPMENT table if the message applies to an existing shipment.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead not_after_date RIBDate * No Contains the last date that delivery of the order will be accepted.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNInCtn * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ASNInItem * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfASNInDesc:ExtOfASNInPO * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInPO. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNInCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 This will be the final destination of the carton. For a cross-dock order this will be the allocation location, otherwise it will be the direct to order location. carton location varchar2 10 Yes This will be the final destination of the carton. For a cross-dock order this will be the allocation location, otherwise it will be the direct to order location.
container_id varchar220 1 1 Description is not available. carton carton varchar2 20 Yes Holds the UCC-128 carton number.
container_weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_length number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_width number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_height number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_cube number12_2 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
rma_nbr varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
tracking_nbr varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
freight_charge number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
master_container_id varchar220 0 1 Not used in RWMS n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNInItem * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNInDesc:ExtOfASNInCtn * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInCtn. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNInItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location.
item_id varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. shipsku item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination. shipsku qty_expected number 12 Yes Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination.
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
vpn varchar230 0 1 Used to find the Retek item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. item_supplier vpn varchar2 30 No Used to find the Retek item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
lot_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. shipsku ref_item varchar2 25 No Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
distro_doc_type varchar21 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNInDesc:ExtOfASNInItem * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInItem. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ASNInItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location.
item_id varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. shipsku item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination. shipsku qty_expected number 12 Yes Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination.
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
vpn varchar230 0 1 Used to find the Retek item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. item_supplier vpn varchar2 30 No Used to find the Retek item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
lot_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. shipsku ref_item varchar2 25 No Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message.
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
distro_doc_type varchar21 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNInDesc:ExtOfASNInItem * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInItem. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInPO Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInPO
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNInRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_location varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. shipment to_loc null null Yes Contains the location which the shipment was to be delivered to.
from_location varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not use by RMS.
asn_nbr varchar230 1 1 Holds the advance shipping notice number associated with a shipment to be deleted. shipment asn null null Yes Holds the advance shipping notice number associated with a shipment to be deleted.
ExtOfASNInRef:ExtOfASNInRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNInRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNInRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNInRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_location varchar210 1 1 Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. shipment to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
from_location varchar210 1 1 For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced. shipment from_loc varchar2 10 Yes For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 Holds the bill of lading number associated with a shipment. shipment bol_no varchar2 30 No Holds the bill of lading number associated with a shipment.
asn_type varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. Set to C for container when ship to location is a store, T for tare when ship to location is a warehouse. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Contains the number of boxes associated with the shipment. shipment no_boxes number 6 No Contains the number of boxes associated with the shipment.
bol_nbr varchar217 1 1 Holds the transaction sequence number on the message from the transfer shipment confirmation process. shipment ext_ref_no_out varchar2 17 Yes Holds the transaction sequence number on the message from the transfer shipment confirmation process.
shipment_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped. shipment ship_date RIBDate * No This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped.
est_arr_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis. shipment est_arr_date RIBDate * No This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis.
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 Value of addr.add_1 for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 Value of addr.add_2 for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address4 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_address5 varchar2240 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_city varchar2120 0 1 Value of for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_state varchar23 0 1 Value of addr.state for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_zip varchar230 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ship_country_id varchar23 0 1 Value of addr.country_id for store/warehouse number in addr.key_value_1 and addr.module 'ST' (if to_loc_type is store) or 'WH' (if to_loc_type is warehouse) n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
trailer_nbr varchar212 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
seal_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
carrier_code varchar24 1 1 Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment. shipment courier null null No Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment.
transshipment_nbr varchar230 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutDistro * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any miscellaneous comments about the shipment. shipment comments varchar2 2000 No Contains any miscellaneous comments about the shipment.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutDistro Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutDistro
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton. shipsku distro_no varchar2 10 Yes Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton.
distro_doc_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies what the distro_nbr field corresponds to in RMS: V, D, and T specify transfer, A specifies Allocation. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies what the distro_nbr field corresponds to in RMS: V, D, and T specify transfer, A specifies Allocation.
customer_order_nbr varchar210 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
consumer_direct varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutCtn * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutDistro * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutDistro. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
final_location varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_id varchar220 1 1 Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level. shipsku carton varchar2 20 Yes Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level.
container_weight number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_length number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_width number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_height number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_cube number12_2 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the shipment should be expedited. For transfers, the value will be 'Y' if the transfer's freight_code is 'E'; otherwise 'N'. For allocations, the field is mapped to alloc_detail.rush_flag. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 For transfers, the value is always NULL. For allocations, the value is alloc_detail.in_store_date. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
rma_nbr varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
tracking_nbr varchar225 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
freight_charge number20_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
master_container_id varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ASNOutItem * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped for the container. shipsku weight_expected null null No Actual weight shipped for the container.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) that was shipped. shipsku weight_expected_uom null null No Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) that was shipped.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutCtn * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutCtn. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ASNOutItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ASNOutItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. shipsku item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's advance shipment notification for this item/shipment combination. shipsku qty_expected number 12 Yes Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's advance shipment notification for this item/shipment combination.
priority_level number1 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
lot_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
final_location varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code varchar2 4 No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
voucher_number varchar216 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count r_number. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
voucher_expiration_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
container_qty number6 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped. shipsku weight_expected null null No Actual weight shipped.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) shipped. shipsku weight_expected_uom null null No Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms) shipped.
ExtOfASNOutDesc:ExtOfASNOutItem * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ASNOutItem. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutCtn Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutCtn
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutDistro Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutDistro
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfASNOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfASNOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:BannerDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For BannerDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
banner_id number4 1 1 The number to uniquely identify a Banner. banner banner_id number 4 Yes The number to uniquely identify a Banner.
banner_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the Banner for which channels are associated. banner banner_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the Banner for which channels are associated.
ExtOfBannerDesc:ExtOfBannerDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize BannerDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfBannerDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfBannerDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:BannerRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For BannerRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
banner_id number4 1 1 The number to uniquely identify a Banner banner banner_id null null Yes The number to uniquely identify a Banner
ExtOfBannerRef:ExtOfBannerRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize BannerRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfBannerRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfBannerRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ChannelDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ChannelDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
channel_id number4 1 1 This column will contain the number that uniquely identifies the channel. channels channel_id null null Yes This column will contain the number that uniquely identifies the channel.
channel_name varchar2120 1 1 Contains the name of the channel. channels channel_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the name of the channel.
channel_type varchar26 1 1 Specifies the type of channel. channels channel_type varchar2 6 Yes Specifies the type of channel.
banner_id number4 1 1 The number to uniquely identify a Banner. channels banner_id number 4 Yes The number to uniquely identify a Banner.
ExtOfChannelDesc:ExtOfChannelDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ChannelDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfChannelDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfChannelDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ChannelRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ChannelRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
channel_id number4 1 1 This column will contain the number that uniquely identifies the channel. channels channel_id null null Yes This column will contain the number that uniquely identifies the channel.
ExtOfChannelRef:ExtOfChannelRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ChannelRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfChannelRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfChannelRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CodeDtlDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CodeDtlDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
code_type varchar24 1 1 This field will contain a valid code type for the row. the valid code types are defined on the CODE_HEAD table. code_detail code_type xs:string * Yes This field will contain a valid code type for the row. the valid code types are defined on the CODE_HEAD table.
code varchar26 1 1 This field contains the code used in Retek which must be decoded for display in the on-line forms. code_detail code xs:string * Yes This field contains the code used in Retek which must be decoded for display in the on-line forms.
code_desc varchar240 1 1 This field contains the description associated with the code and the code type. code_detail code_desc xs:string * Yes This field contains the description associated with the code and the code type.
required_ind varchar21 1 1 This field indicates whether or not the code is required. If the code is specified as required, then the user will not be able to delete the rows in the table for that code. code_detail required_ind xs:string * Yes This field indicates whether or not the code is required. If the code is specified as required, then the user will not be able to delete the rows in the table for that code.
code_seq number4 1 1 This is a number used to order the elements so that they appear consistently when using them to populate a list. code_detail code_seq xs:string * Yes This is a number used to order the elements so that they appear consistently when using them to populate a list.
ExtOfCodeDtlDesc:ExtOfCodeDtlDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CodeDtlDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCodeDtlDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCodeDtlDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CodeDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CodeDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
code_type varchar24 1 1 This field will contain a valid code type for the row. The valid code types are defined on the CODE_HEAD table. code_detail code_type xs:string * Yes This field will contain a valid code type for the row. The valid code types are defined on the CODE_HEAD table.
code varchar26 1 1 This field contains the code used in Retek which must be decoded for display in the on-line forms. code_detail code xs:string * Yes This field contains the code used in Retek which must be decoded for display in the on-line forms.
ExtOfCodeDtlRef:ExtOfCodeDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CodeDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCodeDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCodeDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CodeHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CodeHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
code_type varchar24 1 1 This field contains the code tpe which will serve as a grouping mechansim for the multiple codes stored on the CODE_DETAIL table. code_head code_type varchar2 4 Yes This field contains the code tpe which will serve as a grouping mechansim for the multiple codes stored on the CODE_DETAIL table.
code_type_desc varchar2120 1 1 This field will contain the description of the code type. code_head code_type_desc varchar2 120 Yes This field will contain the description of the code type.
ExtOfCodeHdrDesc:ExtOfCodeHdrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CodeHdrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCodeHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCodeHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CodeHdrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CodeHdrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
code_type varchar24 1 1 This field contains the code tpe which will serve as a grouping mechansim for the multiple codes stored on the CODE_DETAIL table. code_head code_type varchar2 4 Yes This field contains the code tpe which will serve as a grouping mechansim for the multiple codes stored on the CODE_DETAIL table.
code varchar26 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfCodeHdrRef:ExtOfCodeHdrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CodeHdrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCodeHdrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCodeHdrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CogsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CogsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
trans_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Idenfies the date the transaction was created. tran_data tran_date null null Yes Idenfies the date the transaction was created.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. This value must be a valid item in RMS. tran_data item null null Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. This value must be a valid item in RMS.
store number10 1 1 Unique value representing the store where the cogs transaction occurred. This must be a valid store within RMS. tran_data location null null Yes Unique value representing the store where the cogs transaction occurred. This must be a valid store within RMS.
units number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of units sold. This value is also used to update the stock on hand for the store. tran_data units null null Yes Contains the number of units sold. This value is also used to update the stock on hand for the store.
header_media number5 1 1 Concatinated with line_media and put into ref_no_1 column of tran_data. Note that both fields header_media and line_media should be numeric. tran_data ref_no_1 null null Yes Concatinated with line_media and put into ref_no_1 column of tran_data. Note that both fields header_media and line_media should be numeric.
line_media number5 1 1 Concatinated with header_media and put into ref_no_1 column of tran_data. Note that both fields header_media and line_media should be numeric. tran_data ref_no_1 null null Yes Concatinated with header_media and put into ref_no_1 column of tran_data. Note that both fields header_media and line_media should be numeric.
reason_code varchar26 1 1 Valid values are 1 or 2. tran_code ref_no_2 null null Yes Valid values are 1 or 2.
supplier varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfCogsDesc:ExtOfCogsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CogsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCogsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCogsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CountryDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CountryDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
country_id varchar23 1 1 The unique country identifier. country country_id varchar2 3 Yes The unique country identifier.
country_desc varchar2120 1 1 The name of the country country_desc country_desc varchar2 120 Yes The name of the country
ExtOfCountryDesc:ExtOfCountryDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CountryDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCountryDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCountryDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CountryRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CountryRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
country_id varchar23 1 1 The unique country identifier. country country_id varchar2 3 Yes The unique country identifier.
ExtOfCountryRef:ExtOfCountryRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CountryRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCountryRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCountryRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CurrRateDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CurrRateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_currency varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is from. currency_rates currency_code null null Yes Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is from.
to_currency varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is to. This must match the primary RMS currency system option. system_options currency_code null null Yes Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is to. This must match the primary RMS currency system option.
conversion_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Date on which the currency rate became or will become active. currency_rates effective_date null null Yes Date on which the currency rate became or will become active.
conversion_rate number20_10 1 1 Contains the exchange rate for the specified currency/type/effective date combination. currency_rates exchange_rate null null Yes Contains the exchange rate for the specified currency/type/effective date combination.
user_conversion_type varchar230 1 1 Incoming conversion type (e.g. Consolidation, Operational, etc.) is translated to an exchange type code (C, O, etc) by reading the fif_currency_xref table. currency_rates exchange_type null null Yes Incoming conversion type (e.g. Consolidation, Operational, etc.) is translated to an exchange type code (C, O, etc) by reading the fif_currency_xref table.
ExtOfCurrRateDesc:ExtOfCurrRateDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CurrRateDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCurrRateDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCurrRateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CustRetSaleDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CustRetSaleDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
store number10 1 1 The contains the non-stockholding location ID in which the item is being returned. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. item_loc_soh loc null null Yes The contains the non-stockholding location ID in which the item is being returned. This field may contain a store or a warehouse.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. item_loc_soh item xs:string * Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
shipped_quantity number12_4 1 1 This holds the number of units that was returned. item_loc_soh stock_on_hand null null Yes This holds the number of units that was returned.
wh number10 0 1 This contains the stockholding location to which the item is to be returned. item_loc_soh loc null null Yes This contains the stockholding location to which the item is to be returned.
ExtOfCustRetSaleDesc:ExtOfCustRetSaleDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CustRetSaleDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCustRetSaleDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCustRetSaleDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:CustSaleDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For CustSaleDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wh number10 1 1 This contains the stockholding location to which the item is sold. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. The item and wh combination must be valid on the item_loc table. item_loc_soh loc null null Yes This contains the stockholding location to which the item is sold. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. The item and wh combination must be valid on the item_loc table.
store number10 1 1 The contains the non-stockholding location ID in which the item is sold. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. The item and store combination must be valid on the item_loc table. item_loc_soh loc null null Yes The contains the non-stockholding location ID in which the item is sold. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. The item and store combination must be valid on the item_loc table.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. item_loc_soh item xs:string * Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
shipped_quantity number12_4 1 1 This will hold the number of units being sold for customer orders. item_loc_soh stock_on_hand null null Yes This will hold the number of units being sold for customer orders.
ship_confirmed_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfCustSaleDesc:ExtOfCustSaleDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize CustSaleDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfCustSaleDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfCustSaleDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 This field will hold a unique number (identifier) of the differentiator. diff_ids diff_id null null Yes This field will hold a unique number (identifier) of the differentiator.
diff_type varchar26 1 1 This field holds a value of all possible differential types. Valid values are stored in the code_detail table with the code_type of 'DIFF'. Valid values are also found in the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null Yes This field holds a value of all possible differential types. Valid values are stored in the code_detail table with the code_type of 'DIFF'. Valid values are also found in the diff_type table.
diff_desc varchar2120 1 1 Not Yet Available diff_ids diff_desc varchar2 120 Yes Description of the differential ID.
industry_code varchar210 0 1 A unique number that represents all possible combinations of sizes according to the National Retail Federation. diff_ids industry_code varchar2 10 No A unique number that represents all possible combinations of sizes according to the National Retail Federation.
industry_subcode varchar210 0 1 A unique number that represents all different color range groups. diff_ids industry_subgroup varchar2 10 No A unique number that represents all different color range groups.
ExtOfDiffDesc:ExtOfDiffDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffGrpDtlDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffGrpDtlDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 Contains the differential group that the differential belongs to. This field must be a valid value on the diff_group_head table. diff_group_detail diff_group_id varchar2 10 Yes Contains the differential group that the differential belongs to. This field must be a valid value on the diff_group_head table.
diff_id varchar210 1 1 Contains the value of the differential that is included in the differential group. This field must be a valid value from the diff_ids table. diff_group_detail diff_id null null Yes Contains the value of the differential that is included in the differential group. This field must be a valid value from the diff_ids table.
display_seq number4 0 1 This field contains the display sequence for the differential. diff_group_detail display_seq number 4 No This field contains the display sequence for the differential.
ExtOfDiffGrpDtlDesc:ExtOfDiffGrpDtlDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffGrpDtlDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffGrpDtlDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffGrpDtlDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffGrpDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffGrpDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 Contains the value of the differential group that the differential belongs to. This field must be a valid value on the diff_group_head table. diff_group_detail diff_group_id null null Yes Contains the value of the differential group that the differential belongs to. This field must be a valid value on the diff_group_head table.
diff_id varchar210 1 1 Contains the value of the differential that is included in the differential group. This field must be a valid value from the diff_ids table. diff_group_detail diff_id null null Yes Contains the value of the differential that is included in the differential group. This field must be a valid value from the diff_ids table.
ExtOfDiffGrpDtlRef:ExtOfDiffGrpDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffGrpDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffGrpDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffGrpDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffGrpHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffGrpHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. diff_group_head diff_group_id null null Yes This field holds a unique number (identifier) of the differential group.
diff_group_type varchar26 1 1 Description is not available. diff_group_head diff_type null null Yes This field holds a value for differential types.
diff_group_desc varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. diff_group_head diff_group_desc varchar2 120 Yes This is the description of the differential group.
ExtOfDiffGrpHdrDesc:ExtOfDiffGrpHdrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffGrpHdrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffGrpHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffGrpHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 This field holds a unique number (identifier) of the differential group. diff_group_head diff_group_id null null Yes This field holds a unique number (identifier) of the differential group.
ExtOfDiffGrpRef:ExtOfDiffGrpRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffGrpRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. diff_ids diff_id null null Yes This field will hold a unique number (identifier) of the differentiator.
ExtOfDiffRef:ExtOfDiffRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffTypeDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffTypeDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_type varchar26 1 1 Contains the value used to uniquely identify the diff type. diff_type diff_type varchar2 6 Yes Contains the value used to uniquely identify the diff type.
diff_type_desc varchar2120 1 1 Contains the diff type description. diff_type diff_type_desc varchar2 120 Yes Contains the diff type description.
ExtOfDiffTypeDesc:ExtOfDiffTypeDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffTypeDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffTypeDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffTypeDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DiffTypeRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DiffTypeRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_type varchar26 1 1 Contains the value used to uniquely identify the diff type. diff_type diff_type varchar2 6 Yes Contains the value used to uniquely identify the diff type.
ExtOfDiffTypeRef:ExtOfDiffTypeRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DiffTypeRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDiffTypeRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDiffTypeRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DSDDealsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDDealsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
DSDDeals * 1 unbounded Not used by SIM
ExtOfDSDDealsDesc:ExtOfDSDDealsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDDealsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:DSDDeals Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDDeals
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
order_no number8 1 1 Not used by SIM ordhead order_no null null Yes The order number that the deal should be applied.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Not used by SIM invc_head supplier null null Yes Invoice Supplier's Number.
store number10 1 1 This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. shipment to_loc number 10 Yes This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
dept number4 0 1 Not used by SIM n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 Not used by SIM n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
paid_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the invoice has already been paid. Valid values are 'Y' (invoice has already been paid) or 'N' (invoice should be paid in AP system) invc_head paid_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the invoice has already been paid. Valid values are 'Y' (invoice has already been paid) or 'N' (invoice should be paid in AP system)
ext_ref_no varchar230 0 1 Not used by SIM invc_head ext_ref_no varchar2 14 No Any given Supplier-generated invoice number.
proof_of_delivery_no varchar230 0 1 Proof of delivery or service number, given at the time of receipt at the store. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA. invc_head proof_of_delivery_no null null No Proof of delivery or service number, given at the time of receipt at the store. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
payment_ref_no varchar216 0 1 Reference number attached to the invoice payment, used when the invoice is paid from the POS system and interfaced through ReSA. invc_head payment_ref_no null null No Reference number attached to the invoice payment, used when the invoice is paid from the POS system and interfaced through ReSA.
payment_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date that the invoice was paid from the POS system. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA. invc_head payment_date RIBDate * No Date that the invoice was paid from the POS system. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
deals_ind varchar21 1 1 Specifies whether deals will be applied to the generated order. If set to 'Y', the procedure APPLY_DEALS_TO_ORDER will be called. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies whether deals will be applied to the generated order. If set to 'Y', the procedure APPLY_DEALS_TO_ORDER will be called.
shipment number10 1 1 The corresponding shipment for the order that was applied by the deal. shipment shipment null null No The corresponding shipment for the order that was applied by the deal.
invc_id number10 1 1 Contains the invoice number for the purchase order of this deal. invc_head invc_id null null No Contains the invoice number for the purchase order of this deal.
invc_ind varchar21 1 1 Inidcates whether an invoice was created for this receipt by the supplier. n/a n/a null null Yes Inidcates whether an invoice was created for this receipt by the supplier.
vdate xs:dateTime 1 1 Not used by SIM period vdate null null Yes Contains the current date of the RMS application.
qty_sum number12_4 1 1 Not used by SIM invc_head total_qty null null No Total quantity of items on the order to be invoiced.
cost_sum number20_4 1 1 Total merchandise cost for the invoice. This field will be held in the invoice currency. invc_head total_merch_cost null null No Total merchandise cost for the invoice. This field will be held in the invoice currency.
ext_receipt_no varchar217 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfDSDDealsDesc:ExtOfDSDDeals * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDDeals. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDDeals Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDDeals
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDDealsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDDealsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DSDReceiptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDReceiptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
DSDReceipt * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc:ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDReceipt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:DSDReceipt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDReceipt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifying number for a supplier for the receipt. ordhead supplier null null Yes Unique identifying number for a supplier for the receipt.
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The identifier of the country from which the item is being sourced. ordsku origin_country_id null null Yes The identifier of the country from which the item is being sourced.
store number10 1 1 Not Yet Available store store number 10 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the store.
dept number4 0 1 The department in which are all the items on the order. This field is required if the system enforces single department ordering. deps dept null null No The department in which are all the items on the order. This field is required if the system enforces single department ordering.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 Contains a code identifying the currency the supplier uses for business transactions. sups currency_code varchar2 3 Yes Contains a code identifying the currency the supplier uses for business transactions.
paid_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the invoice has already been paid. Valid values are 'Y' (invoice has already been paid) or 'N' (invoice should be paid in AP system). invc_head paid_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the invoice has already been paid. Valid values are 'Y' (invoice has already been paid) or 'N' (invoice should be paid in AP system).
ext_ref_no varchar230 0 1 Not Yet Available invc_head ext_ref_no varchar2 14 No Any given supplier-generated invoice number.
proof_of_delivery_no varchar230 0 1 Proof of delivery or service number, given at the time of receipt at the store. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA. invc_head proof_of_delivery_no varchar2 30 No Proof of delivery or service number, given at the time of receipt at the store. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
payment_ref_no varchar216 0 1 Reference number attached to the invoice payment, used when the invoice is paid from the POS system and interfaced through ReSA invc_head payment_ref_no varchar2 16 No Reference number attached to the invoice payment, used when the invoice is paid from the POS system and interfaced through ReSA
payment_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date when the invoice was paid from the POS system. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA. invc_head payment_date RIBDate * No Date when the invoice was paid from the POS system. This field will be populated when the invoice is interfaced through ReSA.
invc_ind varchar21 1 1 Inidcates whether an invoice was created for this receipt by the supplier. n/a n/a null null Yes Inidcates whether an invoice was created for this receipt by the supplier.
deals_ind varchar21 1 1 Valid values are 'Y' and NULL. This field decides whether deals need to be applied to the order or not. n/a n/a null null Yes Valid values are 'Y' and NULL. This field decides whether deals need to be applied to the order or not.
DSDDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
DSDNonMerch * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ext_receipt_no varchar217 0 1 This field holds the external transaction sequence number for the receipt. shipment ext_ref_no_in null null No This field holds the external transaction sequence number for the receipt.
ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc:ExtOfDSDReceipt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDReceipt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:DSDDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Not Yet Available shipsku item null null Yes Item that was received for the DSD.
qty_received number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items already received for the SKU / Shipment combination. shipsku qty_received null null Yes Contains the number of items already received for the SKU / Shipment combination.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 This field contains the cost for the SKU from the supplier/ origin country. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. ordloc unit_cost null null No This field contains the cost for the SKU from the supplier/ origin country. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
weight number12_4 0 1 Contains the actual weight of the item on received. shipsku weight_received null null No Contains the actual weight of the item on received.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). shipsku weight_received_uom null null No Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms).
ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc:ExtOfDSDDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:DSDNonMerch Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSDNonMerch
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
non_merch_code varchar26 1 1 Code identifying a non-merchandise cost that can be added to an invoice. invc_non_merch_temp non_merch_code varchar2 6 Yes Code identifying a non-merchandise cost that can be added to an invoice.
non_merch_amt number20 1 1 Amount of the non-merchandise cost, specified by the non-merchandise code, that has been invoiced for. This field will be held in the invoice currency. invc_non_merch_temp non_merch_amt number 20 Yes Amount of the non-merchandise cost, specified by the non-merchandise code, that has been invoiced for. This field will be held in the invoice currency.
vat_code varchar26 0 1 Code identifying the VAT rate that should be applied to the non_merch_amt entered. invc_non_merch_temp vat_code varchar2 6 No Code identifying the VAT rate that should be applied to the non_merch_amt entered.
service_perf_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if a service non-merchandise cost has actually been performed. Valid values are 'Y' (service has been performed) or 'N' (service has not been performed or non-merchandise cost is not a service cost). invc_non_merch_temp service_perf_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if a service non-merchandise cost has actually been performed. Valid values are 'Y' (service has been performed) or 'N' (service has not been performed or non-merchandise cost is not a service cost).
ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc:ExtOfDSDNonMerch * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSDNonMerch. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDNonMerch Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDNonMerch
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDReceipt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDReceipt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSDReceiptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:DSRcptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For DSRcptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
trans_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Description is not available. * * number 10 * *
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1 * *
store number10 1 1 The store number which is requesting the inventory. * * number 10 * The store number which is requesting the inventory.
units number12_4 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1 * *
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 Unit cost associated with an item. * * number 10 * Unit cost associated with an item.
ExtOfDSRcptDesc:ExtOfDSRcptDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize DSRcptDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfDSRcptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfDSRcptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:FrtTermDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For FrtTermDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
freight_terms varchar230 1 1 Contains a number that uniquely identifies the freight terms. freight_terms freight_terms null null Yes Contains a number that uniquely identifies the freight terms.
term_desc varchar2240 1 1 Contains a description of the freight terms used in the system. freight_terms term_desc varchar2 240 Yes Contains a description of the freight terms used in the system.
enabled_flag varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the freight terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. Valid values are 'Y'es or 'N'o. NOTE: if interface is from Oracle Financials, the Check_Enabled logic will be bypassed which means field would not be required. freight_terms enabled_flag null null No Indicates whether the freight terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. Valid values are 'Y'es or 'N'o. NOTE: if interface is from Oracle Financials, the Check_Enabled logic will be bypassed which means field would not be required.
start_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 Indicates the date for assigning an active date to the Freight Terms. freight_terms start_date_active RIBDate * No Indicates the date for assigning an active date to the Freight Terms.
end_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 Indicates the date for assigning an inactive date to the Freight Terms. freight_terms end_date_active RIBDate * No Indicates the date for assigning an inactive date to the Freight Terms.
ExtOfFrtTermDesc:ExtOfFrtTermDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize FrtTermDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfFrtTermDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfFrtTermDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:GLCOADesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For GLCOADesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
primary_account varchar225 1 1 This denotes the primary account for a chart of accounts. fif_gl_acct primary_account null null Yes This denotes the primary account for a chart of accounts.
attribute1 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description1 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute1 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description1 is supplied.
attribute2 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description2 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute2 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description2 is supplied.
attribute3 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description3 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute3 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description3 is supplied.
attribute4 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description4 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute4 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description4 is supplied.
attribute5 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description5 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute5 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description5 is supplied.
attribute6 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description6 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute6 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description6 is supplied.
attribute7 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description7 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute7 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description7 is supplied.
attribute8 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description8 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute8 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description8 is supplied.
attribute9 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description9 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute9 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description9 is supplied.
attribute10 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description10 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute10 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description10 is supplied.
attribute11 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description11 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute11 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description11 is supplied.
attribute12 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description12 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute12 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description12 is supplied.
attribute13 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description13 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute13 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description13 is supplied.
attribute14 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description14 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute14 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description14 is supplied.
attribute15 varchar225 0 1 Secondary Account information. A value is required if description15 is supplied. fif_gl_acct attribute15 null null No Secondary Account information. A value is required if description15 is supplied.
description1 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute1 field. Required if attribute1 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description1 null null No Description of the attribute1 field. Required if attribute1 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description2 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute2 field. Required if attribute2 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description2 null null No Description of the attribute2 field. Required if attribute2 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description3 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute3 field. Required if attribute3 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description3 null null No Description of the attribute3 field. Required if attribute3 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description4 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute4 field. Required if attribute4 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description4 null null No Description of the attribute4 field. Required if attribute4 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description5 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute5 field. Required if attribute5 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description5 null null No Description of the attribute5 field. Required if attribute5 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description6 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute6 field. Required if attribute6 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description6 null null No Description of the attribute6 field. Required if attribute6 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description7 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute7 field. Required if attribute7 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description7 null null No Description of the attribute7 field. Required if attribute7 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description8 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute8 field. Required if attribute8 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description8 null null No Description of the attribute8 field. Required if attribute8 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description9 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute9 field. Required if attribute9 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description9 null null No Description of the attribute9 field. Required if attribute9 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description10 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute10 field. Required if attribute10 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description10 null null No Description of the attribute10 field. Required if attribute10 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description11 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute11 field. Required if attribute11 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description11 null null No Description of the attribute11 field. Required if attribute11 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description12 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute12 field. Required if attribute12 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description12 null null No Description of the attribute12 field. Required if attribute12 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description13 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute13 field. Required if attribute13 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description13 null null No Description of the attribute13 field. Required if attribute13 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
description14 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute14 field. Required if attribute14 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater fif_gl_acct description14 null null No Description of the attribute14 field. Required if attribute14 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater
description15 varchar250 0 1 Description of the attribute15 field. Required if attribute15 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater. fif_gl_acct description15 null null No Description of the attribute15 field. Required if attribute15 supplied and you are not using Oracle Financials 11.5.10 or greater.
set_of_books_id number15 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No *
ExtOfGLCOADesc:ExtOfGLCOADesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize GLCOADesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfGLCOADesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfGLCOADesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:InvAdjustDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For InvAdjustDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. inv_adj location varchar2 10 Yes Contains the location where the inventory adjustment occurred.
InvAdjustDtl * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfInvAdjustDesc:ExtOfInvAdjustDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize InvAdjustDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:InvAdjustDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For InvAdjustDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. inv_adj item_id varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
adjustment_reason_code number4 0 1 Contains the reason for inventory adjustment. This field will only have a value for saleable inventory types. inv_adj reason number 4 No Contains the reason for inventory adjustment. This field will only have a value for saleable inventory types.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Description is not available. inv_adj adj_qty number 12 Yes Contains the quantity the inventory was adjusted by.
transshipment_nbr varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 Used to fetch the inv_status. Also used to determine if the adjustment quantity is negative or positive. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No Used to fetch the inv_status. Also used to determine if the adjustment quantity is negative or positive.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 Used to fetch the inv_status. Also used to determine if the adjustment quantity is negative or positive. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No Used to fetch the inv_status. Also used to determine if the adjustment quantity is negative or positive.
from_trouble_code varchar29 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
to_trouble_code varchar29 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
from_wip_code varchar29 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
to_wip_code varchar29 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
transaction_code number4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
user_id varchar230 1 1 Description is not available. inv_adj user_id varchar2 30 Yes Contains the user id for the user making the inventory adjustment.
create_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Description is not available. inv_adj adj_date RIBDate * Yes Contains the date on which the inventory adjustment occurred.
po_nbr varchar210 0 1 Either a PO or transfer associated to the inventory adjustment based on the doc_type. ordhead, tsfhead order_no, tsf_no null null No Either a PO or transfer associated to the inventory adjustment based on the doc_type.
doc_type varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Indicates if the document is a Purchase Order (P) or a Transfer (T).
aux_reason_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Actual weight of the inventory that was adjusted.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Unit of measure for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms)
ExtOfInvAdjustDesc:ExtOfInvAdjustDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize InvAdjustDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfInvAdjustDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfInvAdjustDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfInvAdjustDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfInvAdjustDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:InvReqDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For InvReqDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
request_id number10 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
store number10 1 1 The store ID which is requesting the item. store_orders store null null Yes The store ID which is requesting the item.
request_type varchar22 1 1 Defines the request type. Valid values are - 'IR' (inventory request) and 'SO' (store order). n/a n/a null null Yes Defines the request type. Valid values are - 'IR' (inventory request) and 'SO' (store order).
InvReqItem * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfInvReqDesc:ExtOfInvReqDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize InvReqDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:InvReqItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For InvReqItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item to be requested. store_orders item xs:string * Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item to be requested.
qty_rqst number12_4 1 1 The quantity for the item being requested. This field is stored in the standard unit of measure. store_orders need_qty xs:string * Yes The quantity for the item being requested. This field is stored in the standard unit of measure.
uop varchar26 1 1 Unit of Purchase - used for conversion, since NEED_QTY is being stored in the standard unit of measure. uom_class uom xs:string * Yes Unit of Purchase - used for conversion, since NEED_QTY is being stored in the standard unit of measure.
need_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date that the store needs the item by. store_orders need_date RIBDate * Yes The date that the store needs the item by.
delivery_slot_id varchar215 0 1 Delivery Slot Id. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfInvReqDesc:ExtOfInvReqItem * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize InvReqItem. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfInvReqItem Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfInvReqItem
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfInvReqDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfInvReqDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ISCDimDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ISCDimDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supp_country_dim item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supp_country_dim supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country varchar23 1 1 The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered. item_supp_country_dim origin_country varchar2 3 Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered.
dim_object varchar26 1 1 Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record. item_supp_country_dim dim_object varchar2 6 Yes Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record.
object_desc varchar240 0 1 Dim_object description fetched from the code_detail table. code_detail code_desc/object_desc varchar2 40 No Dim_object description fetched from the code_detail table.
presentation_method varchar26 0 1 Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions. item_supp_country_dim presentation_method varchar2 6 No Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions.
method_desc varchar240 0 1 Presentation method description fetched from the code_detail table. code_detail code_desc/method_desc varchar2 40 No Presentation method description fetched from the code_detail table.
length number12_4 0 1 Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim length number 12 No Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
width number12_4 0 1 Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim width number 12 No Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
height number12_4 0 1 Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim height number 6 No Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
lwh_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for length, width and height. item_supp_country_dim lwh_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for length, width and height.
weight number12_4 0 1 Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom. item_supp_country_dim weight number 12 No Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom.
net_weight number12_4 0 1 Net weight of the dim_object (weight without packaging) measured in units specified in weight_uom. item_supp_country_dim net_weight varchar2 12 No Net weight of the dim_object (weight without packaging) measured in units specified in weight_uom.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight. item_supp_country_dim weight_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for weight.
liquid_volume number12_4 0 1 Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in colume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume number 12 No Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in colume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes.
liquid_volume_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for liquid volume. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for liquid volume. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes.
stat_cube number12_4 0 1 Statistical value of the dim_object's dimensions to be used for loading purposes. item_supp_country_dim stat_cube varchar2 12 No Statistical value of the dim_object's dimensions to be used for loading purposes.
tare_weight number12_4 0 1 Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object. item_supp_country_dim tare_weight number 12 No Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object.
tare_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates whether the tare weight for the dim_object is wet or dry. item_supp_country_dim tare_type varchar2 6 No Indicates whether the tare weight for the dim_object is wet or dry.
ExtOfISCDimDesc:ExtOfISCDimDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ISCDimDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfISCDimDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfISCDimDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ISCDimRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ISCDimRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 NA item_supp_country_dim item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 NA item_supp_country_dim supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country varchar23 1 1 The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered item_supp_country_dim origin_country null null Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered
dim_object varchar26 1 1 Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record. item_supp_country_dim dim_object varchar2 6 Yes Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record.
ExtOfISCDimRef:ExtOfISCDimRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ISCDimRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfISCDimRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfISCDimRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ISCDimWHRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ISCDimWHRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
itemid varchar225 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 25 * *
from_location varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
to_location varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
vendornbr xs:string 0 1 Description is not available. * * xs:string * * *
origincountryid xs:string 0 1 Description is not available. * * xs:string * * *
dimobject xs:string 0 1 Description is not available. * * xs:string * * *
ExtOfISCDimWHRef:ExtOfISCDimWHRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ISCDimWHRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfISCDimWHRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfISCDimWHRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemBOMDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemBOMDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
pack_no varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the pack item. packitem_breakout pack_no varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the pack item.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the component item. packitem_breakout item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the component item.
pack_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the quantity of each item in the pack item. packitem_breakout pack_item_qty number 12 Yes Contains the quantity of each item in the pack item.
ExtOfItemBOMDesc:ExtOfItemBOMDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemBOMDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemBOMDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemBOMDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemBOMRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemBOMRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
pack_no varchar225 1 1 mapped to AS_ITM_RTL_STR,RK_ITEM_SUPPLIER,RK_ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY,CO_CLN_ITM,AS_ITM as well. Not Yet Available packitem_breakout pack_no xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the pack item.
item varchar225 1 1 mapped to AS_ITM_RTL_STR, RK_ITEM_SUPPLIER, RK_ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY, CO_CLN_ITM, AS_ITM as well. Not Yet Available packitem_breakout item xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the component item.
ExtOfItemBOMRef:ExtOfItemBOMRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemBOMRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemBOMRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemBOMRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
ItemHdrDesc:ItemHdrDesc * 1 1 It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemSupDesc:ItemSupDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemSupCtyDesc:ItemSupCtyDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ISCDimDesc:ISCDimDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemUDALOVDesc:ItemUDALOVDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemUDAFFDesc:ItemUDAFFDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemUDADateDesc:ItemUDADateDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemImageDesc:ItemImageDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemUPCDesc:ItemUPCDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemBOMDesc:ItemBOMDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemTcktDesc:ItemTcktDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemSupCtyMfrDesc:ItemSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemDesc:ExtOfItemDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. item_master item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
item_number_type varchar26 1 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber_type. item_master item_number_type varchar2 6 Yes Code specifying what type the item is. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'UPCT' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
format_id varchar21 0 1 This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs. item_master format_id varchar2 1 No This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs.
prefix number2 0 1 This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. It is the clients responsibility to download this value to their item_master prefix number 2 No This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. It is the clients responsibility to download this value to their
item_parent varchar225 0 1 Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group at the level above the item. This value must exist as an item in another row on the item_master table. item_master item_parent varchar2 25 No Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group at the level above the item. This value must exist as an item in another row on the item_master table.
item_grandparent varchar225 0 1 Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group two levels above the item. This value must exist as both an item and an item parent in another row on the item_master table. item_master item_grandparent varchar2 25 No Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group two levels above the item. This value must exist as both an item and an item parent in another row on the item_master table.
pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a pack. A pack item is a collection of items that may be either ordered or sold as a unit. Packs require details (i.e. component items and qtys, etc.) that other items do not. This field is required by the database. item_master pack_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the item is a pack. A pack item is a collection of items that may be either ordered or sold as a unit. Packs require details (i.e. component items and qtys, etc.) that other items do not. This field is required by the database.
item_level number1 0 1 Number indicating which of the three levels the item resides. The item level determines if the item stands alone or if it is part of a family of related items. The item level also determines how the item may be used throughout the system. item_master item_level number 1 Yes Number indicating which of the three levels the item resides. The item level determines if the item stands alone or if it is part of a family of related items. The item level also determines how the item may be used throughout the system.
tran_level number1 0 1 Number indicating which of the three levels transactions occur for the item's group. The transaction level is the level at which the item's inventory is tracked in the system. The transaction level item will be counted, transferred, shipped, etc. The transaction level may be at the current item or up to 2 levels above or below the current item. Only one level of the hierarchy of an item family may contain transaction level items. item_master tran_level null null Yes Number indicating which of the three levels transactions occur for the item's group. The transaction level is the level at which the item's inventory is tracked in the system. The transaction level item will be counted, transferred, shipped, etc. The transaction level may be at the current item or up to 2 levels above or below the current item. Only one level of the hierarchy of an item family may contain transaction level items.
diff_1 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Men's pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_1 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Men's pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_1_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_2 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_2 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_2_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_3 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_3 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_3_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_4 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_4 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_4_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
dept number4 0 1 Number identifying the department to which the item is attached. The item's department will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the deps table. item_master dept number 4 No Number identifying the department to which the item is attached. The item's department will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the deps table.
dept_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the department. deps dept_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the department.
class varchar27 0 1 Number identifying the class to which the item is attached. The item's class will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the class table. item_master class varchar2 7 Yes Number identifying the class to which the item is attached. The item's class will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the class table.
class_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the class. class class_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the class.
subclass varchar24 0 1 Number identifying the subclass to which the item is attached. The item's subclass will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the subclass table. item_master subclass varchar2 4 Yes Number identifying the subclass to which the item is attached. The item's subclass will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the subclass table.
sub_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the subclass. subclass sub_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the subclass.
status varchar21 0 1 Status of the item. Valid values are: W = Worksheet: item setup in progress, cannot be used in system; S = Submitted: item setup complete and awaiting approval, cannot be use in system; A = Approved: item is approved and can now be used throughout the system. item_master status null null Yes Status of the item. Valid values are: W = Worksheet: item setup in progress, cannot be used in system; S = Submitted: item setup complete and awaiting approval, cannot be use in system; A = Approved: item is approved and can now be used throughout the system.
item_desc varchar2250 0 1 Long description of the item. This description is used through out the system to help online users identify the item. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parents description plus any differentiators. For items without parents this description will default to null. item_master item_desc null null Yes Long description of the item. This description is used through out the system to help online users identify the item. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parents description plus any differentiators. For items without parents this description will default to null.
short_desc varchar2120 0 1 Shortened description of the item. This description is the default for downloading to the POS. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parent's short description. For items without parents, this description will default to null. item_master short_desc null null Yes Shortened description of the item. This description is the default for downloading to the POS. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parent's short description. For items without parents, this description will default to null.
desc_up varchar2250 0 1 All upper case description of the item (same as upper(item_desc)). This field is not displayed in the on-line item maintenance dialog, but is used in item list of value search processing through out the system. item_master desc_up varchar2 100 Yes All upper case description of the item (same as upper(item_desc)). This field is not displayed in the on-line item maintenance dialog, but is used in item list of value search processing through out the system.
primary_ref_item_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the sub-transation level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above the value in this field will be 'N'o. item_master primary_ref_item_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the sub-transation level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above the value in this field will be 'N'o.
retail_zone_group_id number4 0 1 Retail pricing strategy associated with the item. item_master retail_zone_group_id number 4 No Retail pricing strategy associated with the item.
cost_zone_group_id number4 0 1 Cost zone group associated with the item. This field is only required when elc_ind (landed cost indicator) is set to 'Y' on the system_options table. item_master cost_zone_group_id number 4 No Cost zone group associated with the item. This field is only required when elc_ind (landed cost indicator) is set to 'Y' on the system_options table.
standard_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measure in which stock of the item is tracked at a corporate level. item_master standard_uom varchar2 4 Yes Unit of measure in which stock of the item is tracked at a corporate level.
uom_conv_factor number20_10 0 1 Conversion factor between an "Each" and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure. item_master uom_conv_factor null null No Conversion factor between an "Each" and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure.
package_size number12_4 0 1 Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Retek Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items. item_master package_size number 12 No Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Retek Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items.
package_uom varchar24 0 1 Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Retek Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items. item_master package_uom varchar2 4 No Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Retek Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items.
merchandise_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N). item_master merchandise_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N).
store_ord_mult varchar21 0 1 Merchandise shipped from the warehouses to the stores must be specified in this unit type. Valid values are:C = Cases; I = Inner; E = Eaches. item_master store_ord_mult null null Yes Merchandise shipped from the warehouses to the stores must be specified in this unit type. Valid values are:C = Cases; I = Inner; E = Eaches.
forecast_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if this item will be interfaced to an external forecasting system (Y, N). item_master forecast_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if this item will be interfaced to an external forecasting system (Y, N).
mfg_rec_retail number20_4 0 1 Manufacturer's recommended retail price for the item. Used for informational purposes only. This field is stored in the primary currency. item_master mfg_rec_retail number 20 No Manufacturer's recommended retail price for the item. Used for informational purposes only. This field is stored in the primary currency.
retail_label_type varchar26 0 1 This field indicates any special lable type assoctiated with an item (i.e. pre-priced or cents off). This field is used for reporting purposes only. Values for this field are defined by the 'RTLT' code on code detail. item_master retail_label_type varchar2 6 No This field indicates any special lable type assoctiated with an item (i.e. pre-priced or cents off). This field is used for reporting purposes only. Values for this field are defined by the 'RTLT' code on code detail.
retail_label_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the retail label type description corresponding to the retail_label_type value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the retail label type description corresponding to the retail_label_type value in item_master.
retail_label_value number20_4 0 1 This field represents the value associated with the retail label type. item_master retail_label_value number 20 No This field represents the value associated with the retail label type.
handling_temp varchar26 0 1 Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HTMP' on the code_head and code_detail tables. item_master handling_temp varchar2 6 No Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HTMP' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
handling_temp_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Handling temperature description corresponding to the handling_temp value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Handling temperature description corresponding to the handling_temp value in item_master.
handling_sensitivity varchar26 0 1 Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HSEN' on the code_head and code_detail tables. item_master handling_sensitivity varchar2 6 No Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HSEN' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
handling_sensitivity_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Handling sensitivity description corresponding to the handling_sensitivity value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Handling sensitivity description corresponding to the handling_sensitivity value in item_master.
catch_weight_ind varchar21 0 1 Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are 'Y' and 'N'. item_master catch_weight_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are 'Y' and 'N'.
waste_type varchar26 0 1 Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage. Sales wastage occurs during processes that make an item saleable (i.e. fat is trimmed off at customer request). Spoilage wastage occurs during the products shelf life (i.e. evaporation causes the product to weight less after a period of time). Valid values are: SP - spoilage; and SL - Sales. item_master waste_type null null No Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage. Sales wastage occurs during processes that make an item saleable (i.e. fat is trimmed off at customer request). Spoilage wastage occurs during the products shelf life (i.e. evaporation causes the product to weight less after a period of time). Valid values are: SP - spoilage; and SL - Sales.
waste_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Waste Type description corresponding to the Waste_Type value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Waste Type description corresponding to the Waste_Type value in item_master.
waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items. item_master waste_pct number 12 No Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items.
default_waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Default daily wastage percent for spoilage type wastage items. This value will default to all item locations and represents the average amount of wastage that occurs on a daily basis. item_master default_waste_pct number 12 No Default daily wastage percent for spoilage type wastage items. This value will default to all item locations and represents the average amount of wastage that occurs on a daily basis.
const_dimen_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primiary country. item_master const_dimen_ind null null Yes Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primiary country.
simple_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is a simple pack or not. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. A simple pack is an item whose components are all the same item (i.e. a six pack of cola, etc). Valid values are:Y = Yes, this item is a simple pack; N = No if this is not a simple pack. item_master simple_pack_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item is a simple pack or not. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. A simple pack is an item whose components are all the same item (i.e. a six pack of cola, etc). Valid values are:Y = Yes, this item is a simple pack; N = No if this is not a simple pack.
contains_inner_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item contains inner packs. Vendor packs will never contain inner packs and this field will be defaulted to 'N'. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are:Y = Yes, this pack contains inner packs; N = No, this pack does not contain inner packs. item_master contains_inner_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item contains inner packs. Vendor packs will never contain inner packs and this field will be defaulted to 'N'. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are:Y = Yes, this pack contains inner packs; N = No, this pack does not contain inner packs.
sellable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item may be sold as a unit. If it is 'Y' then the pack will have its own unique unit retail. If it is 'N' then the pack's unit retail is the sum of each individual item's total retail within the pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Value values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be sold as a unit; N = No, this pack man not be sold as a unit. item_master sellable_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item may be sold as a unit. If it is 'Y' then the pack will have its own unique unit retail. If it is 'N' then the pack's unit retail is the sum of each individual item's total retail within the pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Value values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be sold as a unit; N = No, this pack man not be sold as a unit.
orderable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is orderable. If it is 'Y' then the suppliers of the pack must supply all components in the pack. If it is 'N' then the components may have different suppliers. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be ordered, N = No, this pack may not be ordered. item_master orderable_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item is orderable. If it is 'Y' then the suppliers of the pack must supply all components in the pack. If it is 'N' then the components may have different suppliers. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be ordered, N = No, this pack may not be ordered.
pack_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is a vendor pack or a buyer pack. A vendor pack is a pack that the vendor or supplier recognizes and sells to the retailer. If the pack item is a vendor pack, communication with the supplier will use the vendor pack number. A buyer pack is a pack that a buyer created for internal ease of use. If the pack item is a buyer pack communication with the supplier will explode the pack out to its component items. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. If the pack item is not orderable this field must be null. Valid values are: V = Vendor; B = Buyer. item_master pack_type null null No Indicates if pack item is a vendor pack or a buyer pack. A vendor pack is a pack that the vendor or supplier recognizes and sells to the retailer. If the pack item is a vendor pack, communication with the supplier will use the vendor pack number. A buyer pack is a pack that a buyer created for internal ease of use. If the pack item is a buyer pack communication with the supplier will explode the pack out to its component items. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. If the pack item is not orderable this field must be null. Valid values are: V = Vendor; B = Buyer.
order_as_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is receivable at the component level or at the pack level (for a buyer pack only). This field is required if pack item is an orderable buyer pack. This field must be NULL if the pack is sellable only or a vendor pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid Values are: E = Eaches (component level) P = Pack (buyer pack only). item_master order_as_type null null No Indicates if pack item is receivable at the component level or at the pack level (for a buyer pack only). This field is required if pack item is an orderable buyer pack. This field must be NULL if the pack is sellable only or a vendor pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid Values are: E = Eaches (component level) P = Pack (buyer pack only).
comments varchar22000 0 1 Holds any comments associated with the item. item_master comments varchar2 2000 No Holds any comments associated with the item.
unit_retail number20_4 0 1 This field holds the unit retail in the standard unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. item_zone_price unit_retail number 20 No This field holds the unit retail in the standard unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency.
item_service_level varchar26 0 1 Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item. item_master item_service_level varchar2 6 No Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item.
gift_wrap_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped. item_master gift_wrap_ind varchar2 1 Yes This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped.
ship_alone_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box. item_master ship_alone_ind varchar2 1 Yes This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box.
vendor_style varchar215 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 15 No Not used by RMS.
std_unit_weight number20_10 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 20 No Not used by RMS.
single_price_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
preticket_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
planned_residual varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
autopackable number8 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 8 No Not used by RMS.
sortable varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda1 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda2 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda3 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda4 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda5 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda6 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda7 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda8 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda9 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda10 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda11 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda12 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda13 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda14 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda15 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
ship_alone varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
slottable varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
freight_class varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
new_item varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
brand varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used by RMS.
break_case_ups varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
rigid varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
fragile varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
container_type varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
conveyable_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
hazard_matl_code varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
velocity number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 12 No Not used by RMS.
high_value_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
ticket_type varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
color varchar224 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 24 No Not used by RMS.
size1 varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
fit varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
shade varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
single_contain_bulk varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
unit_pick_system_code varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
roundable_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
perishable_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
division number4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 4 No Not used by RMS.
vendor_nbr varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used by RMS.
kitting_wip_code varchar29 0 1 Wip code used to designate the Kitting process used in item_master n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Wip code used to designate the Kitting process used in item_master
unit_ticket_qty number3 0 1 Item Master User Defined Attribute n/a n/a number 3 No Item Master User Defined Attribute
item_length number12_4 0 1 Length of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Length of an individual item
item_width number12_4 0 1 Width of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Width of an individual item
item_height number12_4 0 1 Height of an individual Item n/a n/a number 12 No Height of an individual Item
item_weight number12_4 0 1 Weight of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Weight of an individual item
item_cube number12_4 0 1 Cubic dimension of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Cubic dimension of an individual item
std_unit_factor number6_2 0 1 Used for putaway by volume. The percentage of the standard number of units that will fit into a location type. n/a n/a number 6 No Used for putaway by volume. The percentage of the standard number of units that will fit into a location type.
std_unit_qty number12_4 0 1 The number of items that normally fit on/in the container type n/a n/a number 12 No The number of items that normally fit on/in the container type
expiration_days number4 0 1 The number of days before inventory is deemed to be no longer distributable n/a n/a number 4 No The number of days before inventory is deemed to be no longer distributable
putaway_by_volume varchar26 0 1 If set to Y, putaway will be determined by cube or volume. If set to N, putaway will be determined by capacity. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No If set to Y, putaway will be determined by cube or volume. If set to N, putaway will be determined by capacity.
putaway_plan varchar220 0 1 Plan used for putaway n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Plan used for putaway
item_type varchar26 0 1 This column contains a character indicator to determine if the item being ordered is a pack or not. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No This column contains a character indicator to determine if the item being ordered is a pack or not.
sorter_group varchar26 0 1 Sorter Group identifier n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Sorter Group identifier
sku_optimization varchar21 0 1 Indicator for inclusion in SKU optimization n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Indicator for inclusion in SKU optimization
ext_source_system varchar26 0 1 Specifies what external system the data originated from. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Specifies what external system the data originated from.
item_xform_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator shows that an item is associated with an item transformation. The item is either the sellable or the orderable item in the transformation process. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Indicator shows that an item is associated with an item transformation. The item is either the sellable or the orderable item in the transformation process.
inventory_ind varchar21 0 1 Inventory Indicator n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Inventory Indicator
order_type varchar29 0 1 Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated. n/a n/a varchar2 9 No Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated.
sale_type varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
deposit_item_type varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
container_item varchar225 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 25 No n/a
deposit_in_price_per_uom varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
transport_ind varchar21 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 1 No n/a
notional_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a sellable simple pack needs to be broken down to its component item. NA NA NA NA NA NA
soh_inquiry_at_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a notional simple pack item's inventory should be displayed in packs. NA NA NA NA NA NA
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates if an item is a normal, consignment or concession item - 'N' for normal, 'S' for consignment, 'C' for concession. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemHdrDesc:ExtOfItemHdrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemHdrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supplier item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supplier supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 1 1 This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. An item can have one and only one primary supplier. item_supplier primary_supp_ind varchar2 3 Yes This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. An item can have one and only one primary supplier.
vpn varchar230 0 1 This field contains the Vendor Product Number for the Item. item_supplier vpn null null No This field contains the Vendor Product Number for the Item.
supp_label varchar215 0 1 This field contains the supplier label. It will only be popluated if item is a style. item_supplier supp_label null null No This field contains the supplier label. It will only be popluated if item is a style.
consignment_rate number12_4 0 1 This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier. item_supplier consignment_rate number 12 No This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier.
supp_diff_1 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_1 varchar2 80 No This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_2 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_2 varchar2 80 No This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_3 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_3 varchar2 80 No This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_4 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_4 varchar2 80 No This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
pallet_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet. item_supplier pallet_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet.
case_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the case. item_supplier case_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the case.
inner_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner. item_supplier inner_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner.
supp_discontinue_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date when the supplier discontinues an item. item_supplier supp_discontinue_date RIBDate n/a No Date when the supplier discontinues an item.
direct_ship_ind varchar21 0 1 A value of 'Y'es in this field indicates that any item associated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer. item_supplier direct_ship_ind varchar2 1 Yes A value of 'Y'es in this field indicates that any item associated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer.
ExtOfItemSupDesc:ExtOfItemSupDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupCtyDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supp_country item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supp_country supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered. item_supp_country origin_country_id varchar2 3 Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 1 1 This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Each item can have one and only one primary supplier. item_supp_country primary_supp_ind null null Yes This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Each item can have one and only one primary supplier.
primary_country_ind varchar21 1 1 This field indicates whether this country is the primary country for the item/supplier. Each item/supplier combination can have one and only one primary country. item_supp_country primary_country_ind null null Yes This field indicates whether this country is the primary country for the item/supplier. Each item/supplier combination can have one and only one primary country.
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 This field contains the current corporate unit cost for the item from the supplier /origin country. This field is stored in the Supplier's currency. item_supp_country unit_cost null null Yes This field contains the current corporate unit cost for the item from the supplier /origin country. This field is stored in the Supplier's currency.
lead_time number4 0 1 This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier. item_supp_country lead_time number 4 No This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier.
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Contains the time that will be taken to get the item from the supplier to the initial receiving location. item_supp_country pickup_lead_time number 4 No Contains the time that will be taken to get the item from the supplier to the initial receiving location.
supp_pack_size number12_4 1 1 This field contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item. item_supp_country supp_pack_size null null Yes This field contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item.
inner_pack_size number12_4 1 1 This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier. item_supp_country inner_pack_size null null Yes This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier.
round_lvl varchar26 1 1 This column is used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to case, layer and pallet. item_supp_country round_lvl null null Yes This column is used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to case, layer and pallet.
min_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the minimum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item. item_supp_country min_order_qty number 12 No This field contains the minimum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item.
max_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item. item_supp_country max_order_qty number 12 No This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item.
packing_method varchar26 0 1 This field indicates whether the packing method for the item in the container is flat or hanging. item_supp_country packing_method varchar2 6 No This field indicates whether the packing method for the item in the container is flat or hanging.
default_uop varchar26 0 1 Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include 'C'ase and 'P'allet. item_supp_country default_uop varchar2 6 No Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include 'C'ase and 'P'allet.
ti number12_4 1 1 Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of the pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet. item_supp_country ti null null Yes Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of the pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet.
hi number12_4 1 1 Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet. item_supp_country hi null null Yes Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet.
cost_uom varchar24 0 1 A cost UOM is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM to the standard UOM. item_supp_country cost_uom null null Yes A cost UOM is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM to the standard UOM.
tolerance_type varchar26 0 1 The unit of tolerance for catch weight simple packs. Valid values are: 'A'-actual 'P' - percent. item_supp_country tolerance_type varchar2 6 No The unit of tolerance for catch weight simple packs. Valid values are: 'A'-actual 'P' - percent.
max_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The maximum tolerance value for the catch weight simple pack. item_supp_country max_tolerance number 12 No The maximum tolerance value for the catch weight simple pack.
min_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack item_supp_country min_tolerance number 12 No The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack
ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc:ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupCtyDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ISCDimDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ISCDimDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supp_country_dim item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supp_country_dim supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country varchar23 1 1 The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered. item_supp_country_dim origin_country varchar2 3 Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered.
dim_object varchar26 1 1 Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record. item_supp_country_dim dim_object varchar2 6 Yes Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record.
object_desc varchar240 0 1 Dim_object description fetched from the code_detail table. code_detail code_desc/object_desc varchar2 40 No Dim_object description fetched from the code_detail table.
presentation_method varchar26 0 1 Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions. item_supp_country_dim presentation_method varchar2 6 No Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions.
method_desc varchar240 0 1 Presentation method description fetched from the code_detail table. code_detail code_desc/method_desc varchar2 40 No Presentation method description fetched from the code_detail table.
length number12_4 0 1 Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim length number 12 No Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
width number12_4 0 1 Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim width number 12 No Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
height number12_4 0 1 Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. item_supp_country_dim height number 6 No Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
lwh_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for length, width and height. item_supp_country_dim lwh_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for length, width and height.
weight number12_4 0 1 Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom. item_supp_country_dim weight number 12 No Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom.
net_weight number12_4 0 1 Net weight of the dim_object (weight without packaging) measured in units specified in weight_uom. item_supp_country_dim net_weight varchar2 12 No Net weight of the dim_object (weight without packaging) measured in units specified in weight_uom.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight. item_supp_country_dim weight_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for weight.
liquid_volume number12_4 0 1 Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in colume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume number 12 No Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in colume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes.
liquid_volume_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for liquid volume. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for liquid volume. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes.
stat_cube number12_4 0 1 Statistical value of the dim_object's dimensions to be used for loading purposes. item_supp_country_dim stat_cube varchar2 12 No Statistical value of the dim_object's dimensions to be used for loading purposes.
tare_weight number12_4 0 1 Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object. item_supp_country_dim tare_weight number 12 No Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object.
tare_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates whether the tare weight for the dim_object is wet or dry. item_supp_country_dim tare_type varchar2 6 No Indicates whether the tare weight for the dim_object is wet or dry.
ExtOfISCDimDesc:ExtOfISCDimDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ISCDimDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDALOVDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDALOVDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Item ID uda_item_lov item varchar2 25 Yes Item ID
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains the unique identified of the Attribute Group being added or delete to the item list. uda_item_lov uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains the unique identified of the Attribute Group being added or delete to the item list.
uda_value varchar230 1 1 Contains the value of the Attribute Group. uda_item_lov uda_value varchar2 30 Yes Contains the value of the Attribute Group.
ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc:ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDALOVDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDAFFDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDAFFDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. uda_item_ff item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_ff uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
uda_text varchar2250 0 1 This field contains the text value of the user-defined attribute for the item. uda_item_ff uda_text varchar2 250 No This field contains the text value of the user-defined attribute for the item.
ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc:ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDAFFDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDADateDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDADateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. uda_item_date item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_date uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
uda_date xs:dateTime 1 1 This field contains the effective date for the Uda id. uda_item_date uda_date RIBDate n/a Yes This field contains the effective date for the Uda id.
ExtOfItemUDADateDesc:ExtOfItemUDADateDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDADateDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDADateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemImageDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemImageDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_image item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
image_name varchar2120 1 1 Name of the image. item_image image_name varchar2 64 Yes Name of the image.
image_addr varchar2255 1 1 Path where the image file is stored. item_image image_addr varchar2 255 Yes Path where the image file is stored.
ExtOfItemImageDesc:ExtOfItemImageDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemImageDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemImageDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemUPCDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUPCDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_master item_id varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
item_parent varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item/group at the level above the item. item_master item_parent varchar2 25 No Unique identifier for the item/group at the level above the item.
primary_ref_item_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the sub-transaction level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above, the value in this field will be 'N'o. item_master primary_ref_item_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the sub-transaction level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above, the value in this field will be 'N'o.
format_id varchar21 0 1 This field will hold the format id that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs. item_master format_id varchar2 1 No This field will hold the format id that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs.
prefix number2 0 1 This field holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. item_master prefix number 2 No This field holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS.
item_number_type varchar26 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber_type. item_master item_number_type varchar2 6 No Code specifying what type the item is.
ExtOfItemUPCDesc:ExtOfItemUPCDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUPCDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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XML-Schema Name:ItemBOMDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemBOMDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
pack_no varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the pack item. packitem_breakout pack_no varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the pack item.
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the component item. packitem_breakout item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the component item.
pack_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the quantity of each item in the pack item. packitem_breakout pack_item_qty number 12 Yes Contains the quantity of each item in the pack item.
ExtOfItemBOMDesc:ExtOfItemBOMDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemBOMDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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XML-Schema Name:ItemTcktDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemTcktDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_ticket item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
ticket_type_id varchar24 1 1 This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item. item_ticket ticket_type_id varchar2 4 Yes This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item.
ExtOfItemTcktDesc:ExtOfItemTcktDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemTcktDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

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Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemTcktDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Item ID. NA NA NA NA NA NA
supplier number10 1 1 Supplier ID. NA NA NA NA NA NA
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_manufacturer_ctry_ind varchar21 1 1 Primary country of manufacturer indicator. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc:ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupCtyMfrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. item_master item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
item_number_type varchar26 1 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber_type. item_master item_number_type varchar2 6 Yes Code specifying what type the item is. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'UPCT' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
format_id varchar21 0 1 This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs. item_master format_id varchar2 1 No This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs.
prefix number2 0 1 This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. It is the clients responsibility to download this value to their item_master prefix number 2 No This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. It is the clients responsibility to download this value to their
item_parent varchar225 0 1 Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group at the level above the item. This value must exist as an item in another row on the item_master table. item_master item_parent varchar2 25 No Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group at the level above the item. This value must exist as an item in another row on the item_master table.
item_grandparent varchar225 0 1 Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group two levels above the item. This value must exist as both an item and an item parent in another row on the item_master table. item_master item_grandparent varchar2 25 No Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the item/group two levels above the item. This value must exist as both an item and an item parent in another row on the item_master table.
pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a pack. A pack item is a collection of items that may be either ordered or sold as a unit. Packs require details (i.e. component items and qtys, etc.) that other items do not. This field is required by the database. item_master pack_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the item is a pack. A pack item is a collection of items that may be either ordered or sold as a unit. Packs require details (i.e. component items and qtys, etc.) that other items do not. This field is required by the database.
item_level number1 0 1 Number indicating which of the three levels the item resides. The item level determines if the item stands alone or if it is part of a family of related items. The item level also determines how the item may be used throughout the system. item_master item_level number 1 Yes Number indicating which of the three levels the item resides. The item level determines if the item stands alone or if it is part of a family of related items. The item level also determines how the item may be used throughout the system.
tran_level number1 0 1 Number indicating which of the three levels transactions occur for the item's group. The transaction level is the level at which the item's inventory is tracked in the system. The transaction level item will be counted, transferred, shipped, etc. The transaction level may be at the current item or up to 2 levels above or below the current item. Only one level of the hierarchy of an item family may contain transaction level items. item_master tran_level null null Yes Number indicating which of the three levels transactions occur for the item's group. The transaction level is the level at which the item's inventory is tracked in the system. The transaction level item will be counted, transferred, shipped, etc. The transaction level may be at the current item or up to 2 levels above or below the current item. Only one level of the hierarchy of an item family may contain transaction level items.
diff_1 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Men's pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_1 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Men's pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_1_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_2 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_2 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_2_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_3 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_3 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_3_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
diff_4 varchar210 0 1 Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables. item_master diff_4 null null No Diff_group or diff_id that differentiates the current item from its item_parent. For an item that is a parent, this field may be either a group (i.e. Mens pant sizes) or a value (6 oz). For an item that is not a parent, this field may contain a value (34X34, Red, etc.). Valid values are found on the diff_group and diff_id tables.
diff_4_type varchar26 0 1 This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table. diff_ids diff_type null null No This field will hold a value of all possible differential types. (for example, 'S' - size, 'C' - color, 'F' - flavor, 'E' - scent, 'P' - pattern). Valid values are stored on the code_detail table with the code_type 'DIFF' and on the diff_type table.
dept number4 0 1 Number identifying the department to which the item is attached. The item's department will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the deps table. item_master dept number 4 No Number identifying the department to which the item is attached. The item's department will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the deps table.
dept_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the department. deps dept_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the department.
class varchar27 0 1 Number identifying the class to which the item is attached. The item's class will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the class table. item_master class varchar2 7 Yes Number identifying the class to which the item is attached. The item's class will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the class table.
class_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the class. class class_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the class.
subclass varchar24 0 1 Number identifying the subclass to which the item is attached. The item's subclass will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the subclass table. item_master subclass varchar2 4 Yes Number identifying the subclass to which the item is attached. The item's subclass will be the same as that of its parent (and, by transitivity, to that of its grandparent). Valid values for this field are located on the subclass table.
sub_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the subclass. subclass sub_name varchar2 20 Yes Contains the name of the subclass.
status varchar21 0 1 Status of the item. Valid values are: W = Worksheet: item setup in progress, cannot be used in system; S = Submitted: item setup complete and awaiting approval, cannot be use in system; A = Approved: item is approved and can now be used throughout the system. item_master status null null Yes Status of the item. Valid values are: W = Worksheet: item setup in progress, cannot be used in system; S = Submitted: item setup complete and awaiting approval, cannot be use in system; A = Approved: item is approved and can now be used throughout the system.
item_desc varchar2250 0 1 Long description of the item. This description is used through out the system to help online users identify the item. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parents description plus any differentiators. For items without parents this description will default to null. item_master item_desc null null Yes Long description of the item. This description is used through out the system to help online users identify the item. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parents description plus any differentiators. For items without parents this description will default to null.
short_desc varchar2120 0 1 Shortened description of the item. This description is the default for downloading to the POS. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parent's short description. For items without parents, this description will default to null. item_master short_desc null null Yes Shortened description of the item. This description is the default for downloading to the POS. For items that have parents, this description will default to the parent's short description. For items without parents, this description will default to null.
desc_up varchar2250 0 1 All upper case description of the item (same as upper(item_desc)). This field is not displayed in the on-line item maintenance dialog, but is used in item list of value search processing through out the system. item_master desc_up varchar2 100 Yes All upper case description of the item (same as upper(item_desc)). This field is not displayed in the on-line item maintenance dialog, but is used in item list of value search processing through out the system.
primary_ref_item_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the sub-transation level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above the value in this field will be 'N'o. item_master primary_ref_item_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the sub-transation level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above the value in this field will be 'N'o.
retail_zone_group_id number4 0 1 Retail pricing strategy associated with the item. item_master retail_zone_group_id number 4 No Retail pricing strategy associated with the item.
cost_zone_group_id number4 0 1 Cost zone group associated with the item. This field is only required when elc_ind (landed cost indicator) is set to 'Y' on the system_options table. item_master cost_zone_group_id number 4 No Cost zone group associated with the item. This field is only required when elc_ind (landed cost indicator) is set to 'Y' on the system_options table.
standard_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measure in which stock of the item is tracked at a corporate level. item_master standard_uom varchar2 4 Yes Unit of measure in which stock of the item is tracked at a corporate level.
uom_conv_factor number20_10 0 1 Conversion factor between an "Each" and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure. item_master uom_conv_factor null null No Conversion factor between an "Each" and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure.
package_size number12_4 0 1 Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Retek Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items. item_master package_size number 12 No Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Retek Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items.
package_uom varchar24 0 1 Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Retek Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items. item_master package_uom varchar2 4 No Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Retek Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items.
merchandise_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N). item_master merchandise_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N).
store_ord_mult varchar21 0 1 Merchandise shipped from the warehouses to the stores must be specified in this unit type. Valid values are:C = Cases; I = Inner; E = Eaches. item_master store_ord_mult null null Yes Merchandise shipped from the warehouses to the stores must be specified in this unit type. Valid values are:C = Cases; I = Inner; E = Eaches.
forecast_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if this item will be interfaced to an external forecasting system (Y, N). item_master forecast_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if this item will be interfaced to an external forecasting system (Y, N).
mfg_rec_retail number20_4 0 1 Manufacturer's recommended retail price for the item. Used for informational purposes only. This field is stored in the primary currency. item_master mfg_rec_retail number 20 No Manufacturer's recommended retail price for the item. Used for informational purposes only. This field is stored in the primary currency.
retail_label_type varchar26 0 1 This field indicates any special lable type assoctiated with an item (i.e. pre-priced or cents off). This field is used for reporting purposes only. Values for this field are defined by the 'RTLT' code on code detail. item_master retail_label_type varchar2 6 No This field indicates any special lable type assoctiated with an item (i.e. pre-priced or cents off). This field is used for reporting purposes only. Values for this field are defined by the 'RTLT' code on code detail.
retail_label_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the retail label type description corresponding to the retail_label_type value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the retail label type description corresponding to the retail_label_type value in item_master.
retail_label_value number20_4 0 1 This field represents the value associated with the retail label type. item_master retail_label_value number 20 No This field represents the value associated with the retail label type.
handling_temp varchar26 0 1 Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HTMP' on the code_head and code_detail tables. item_master handling_temp varchar2 6 No Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HTMP' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
handling_temp_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Handling temperature description corresponding to the handling_temp value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Handling temperature description corresponding to the handling_temp value in item_master.
handling_sensitivity varchar26 0 1 Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HSEN' on the code_head and code_detail tables. item_master handling_sensitivity varchar2 6 No Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type 'HSEN' on the code_head and code_detail tables.
handling_sensitivity_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Handling sensitivity description corresponding to the handling_sensitivity value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Handling sensitivity description corresponding to the handling_sensitivity value in item_master.
catch_weight_ind varchar21 0 1 Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are 'Y' and 'N'. item_master catch_weight_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are 'Y' and 'N'.
waste_type varchar26 0 1 Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage. Sales wastage occurs during processes that make an item saleable (i.e. fat is trimmed off at customer request). Spoilage wastage occurs during the products shelf life (i.e. evaporation causes the product to weight less after a period of time). Valid values are: SP - spoilage; and SL - Sales. item_master waste_type null null No Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage. Sales wastage occurs during processes that make an item saleable (i.e. fat is trimmed off at customer request). Spoilage wastage occurs during the products shelf life (i.e. evaporation causes the product to weight less after a period of time). Valid values are: SP - spoilage; and SL - Sales.
waste_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Contains the Waste Type description corresponding to the Waste_Type value in item_master. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the Waste Type description corresponding to the Waste_Type value in item_master.
waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items. item_master waste_pct number 12 No Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items.
default_waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Default daily wastage percent for spoilage type wastage items. This value will default to all item locations and represents the average amount of wastage that occurs on a daily basis. item_master default_waste_pct number 12 No Default daily wastage percent for spoilage type wastage items. This value will default to all item locations and represents the average amount of wastage that occurs on a daily basis.
const_dimen_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primiary country. item_master const_dimen_ind null null Yes Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primiary country.
simple_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is a simple pack or not. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. A simple pack is an item whose components are all the same item (i.e. a six pack of cola, etc). Valid values are:Y = Yes, this item is a simple pack; N = No if this is not a simple pack. item_master simple_pack_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item is a simple pack or not. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. A simple pack is an item whose components are all the same item (i.e. a six pack of cola, etc). Valid values are:Y = Yes, this item is a simple pack; N = No if this is not a simple pack.
contains_inner_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item contains inner packs. Vendor packs will never contain inner packs and this field will be defaulted to 'N'. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are:Y = Yes, this pack contains inner packs; N = No, this pack does not contain inner packs. item_master contains_inner_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item contains inner packs. Vendor packs will never contain inner packs and this field will be defaulted to 'N'. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are:Y = Yes, this pack contains inner packs; N = No, this pack does not contain inner packs.
sellable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item may be sold as a unit. If it is 'Y' then the pack will have its own unique unit retail. If it is 'N' then the pack's unit retail is the sum of each individual item's total retail within the pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Value values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be sold as a unit; N = No, this pack man not be sold as a unit. item_master sellable_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item may be sold as a unit. If it is 'Y' then the pack will have its own unique unit retail. If it is 'N' then the pack's unit retail is the sum of each individual item's total retail within the pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Value values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be sold as a unit; N = No, this pack man not be sold as a unit.
orderable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is orderable. If it is 'Y' then the suppliers of the pack must supply all components in the pack. If it is 'N' then the components may have different suppliers. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be ordered, N = No, this pack may not be ordered. item_master orderable_ind null null Yes Indicates if pack item is orderable. If it is 'Y' then the suppliers of the pack must supply all components in the pack. If it is 'N' then the components may have different suppliers. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid values are: Y = Yes, this pack may be ordered, N = No, this pack may not be ordered.
pack_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is a vendor pack or a buyer pack. A vendor pack is a pack that the vendor or supplier recognizes and sells to the retailer. If the pack item is a vendor pack, communication with the supplier will use the vendor pack number. A buyer pack is a pack that a buyer created for internal ease of use. If the pack item is a buyer pack communication with the supplier will explode the pack out to its component items. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. If the pack item is not orderable this field must be null. Valid values are: V = Vendor; B = Buyer. item_master pack_type null null No Indicates if pack item is a vendor pack or a buyer pack. A vendor pack is a pack that the vendor or supplier recognizes and sells to the retailer. If the pack item is a vendor pack, communication with the supplier will use the vendor pack number. A buyer pack is a pack that a buyer created for internal ease of use. If the pack item is a buyer pack communication with the supplier will explode the pack out to its component items. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. If the pack item is not orderable this field must be null. Valid values are: V = Vendor; B = Buyer.
order_as_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates if pack item is receivable at the component level or at the pack level (for a buyer pack only). This field is required if pack item is an orderable buyer pack. This field must be NULL if the pack is sellable only or a vendor pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid Values are: E = Eaches (component level) P = Pack (buyer pack only). item_master order_as_type null null No Indicates if pack item is receivable at the component level or at the pack level (for a buyer pack only). This field is required if pack item is an orderable buyer pack. This field must be NULL if the pack is sellable only or a vendor pack. This field will only be available if the item is a pack item. Valid Values are: E = Eaches (component level) P = Pack (buyer pack only).
comments varchar22000 0 1 Holds any comments associated with the item. item_master comments varchar2 2000 No Holds any comments associated with the item.
unit_retail number20_4 0 1 This field holds the unit retail in the standard unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. item_zone_price unit_retail number 20 No This field holds the unit retail in the standard unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency.
item_service_level varchar26 0 1 Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item. item_master item_service_level varchar2 6 No Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item.
gift_wrap_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped. item_master gift_wrap_ind varchar2 1 Yes This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped.
ship_alone_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box. item_master ship_alone_ind varchar2 1 Yes This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box.
vendor_style varchar215 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 15 No Not used by RMS.
std_unit_weight number20_10 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 20 No Not used by RMS.
single_price_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
preticket_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
planned_residual varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
autopackable number8 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 8 No Not used by RMS.
sortable varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda1 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda2 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda3 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda4 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda5 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda6 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda7 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda8 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda9 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda10 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda11 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda12 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda13 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda14 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
item_master_uda15 varchar220 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 20 No Not used by RMS.
ship_alone varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
slottable varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
freight_class varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
new_item varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
brand varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used by RMS.
break_case_ups varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
rigid varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
fragile varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
container_type varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
conveyable_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
hazard_matl_code varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
velocity number12_4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 12 No Not used by RMS.
high_value_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
ticket_type varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
color varchar224 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 24 No Not used by RMS.
size1 varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
fit varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
shade varchar26 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
single_contain_bulk varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
unit_pick_system_code varchar212 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used by RMS.
roundable_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
perishable_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS.
division number4 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a number 4 No Not used by RMS.
vendor_nbr varchar210 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used by RMS.
kitting_wip_code varchar29 0 1 Wip code used to designate the Kitting process used in item_master n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Wip code used to designate the Kitting process used in item_master
unit_ticket_qty number3 0 1 Item Master User Defined Attribute n/a n/a number 3 No Item Master User Defined Attribute
item_length number12_4 0 1 Length of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Length of an individual item
item_width number12_4 0 1 Width of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Width of an individual item
item_height number12_4 0 1 Height of an individual Item n/a n/a number 12 No Height of an individual Item
item_weight number12_4 0 1 Weight of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Weight of an individual item
item_cube number12_4 0 1 Cubic dimension of an individual item n/a n/a number 12 No Cubic dimension of an individual item
std_unit_factor number6_2 0 1 Used for putaway by volume. The percentage of the standard number of units that will fit into a location type. n/a n/a number 6 No Used for putaway by volume. The percentage of the standard number of units that will fit into a location type.
std_unit_qty number12_4 0 1 The number of items that normally fit on/in the container type n/a n/a number 12 No The number of items that normally fit on/in the container type
expiration_days number4 0 1 The number of days before inventory is deemed to be no longer distributable n/a n/a number 4 No The number of days before inventory is deemed to be no longer distributable
putaway_by_volume varchar26 0 1 If set to Y, putaway will be determined by cube or volume. If set to N, putaway will be determined by capacity. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No If set to Y, putaway will be determined by cube or volume. If set to N, putaway will be determined by capacity.
putaway_plan varchar220 0 1 Plan used for putaway n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Plan used for putaway
item_type varchar26 0 1 This column contains a character indicator to determine if the item being ordered is a pack or not. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No This column contains a character indicator to determine if the item being ordered is a pack or not.
sorter_group varchar26 0 1 Sorter Group identifier n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Sorter Group identifier
sku_optimization varchar21 0 1 Indicator for inclusion in SKU optimization n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Indicator for inclusion in SKU optimization
ext_source_system varchar26 0 1 Specifies what external system the data originated from. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Specifies what external system the data originated from.
item_xform_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator shows that an item is associated with an item transformation. The item is either the sellable or the orderable item in the transformation process. n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Indicator shows that an item is associated with an item transformation. The item is either the sellable or the orderable item in the transformation process.
inventory_ind varchar21 0 1 Inventory Indicator n/a n/a varchar2 1 No Inventory Indicator
order_type varchar29 0 1 Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated. n/a n/a varchar2 9 No Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated.
sale_type varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
deposit_item_type varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
container_item varchar225 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 25 No n/a
deposit_in_price_per_uom varchar26 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 6 No n/a
transport_ind varchar21 0 1 n/a n/a n/a varchar2 1 No n/a
notional_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a sellable simple pack needs to be broken down to its component item. NA NA NA NA NA NA
soh_inquiry_at_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a notional simple pack item's inventory should be displayed in packs. NA NA NA NA NA NA
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates if an item is a normal, consignment or concession item - 'N' for normal, 'S' for consignment, 'C' for concession. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemHdrDesc:ExtOfItemHdrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemHdrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemHdrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemHdrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemImageDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemImageDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_image item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
image_name varchar2120 1 1 Name of the image. item_image image_name varchar2 64 Yes Name of the image.
image_addr varchar2255 1 1 Path where the image file is stored. item_image image_addr varchar2 255 Yes Path where the image file is stored.
ExtOfItemImageDesc:ExtOfItemImageDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemImageDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemImageDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemImageDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemImageRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemImageRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_image item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
image_name varchar2120 1 1 Name of the image. item_image image_name varchar2 120 Yes Name of the image.
ExtOfItemImageRef:ExtOfItemImageRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemImageRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemImageRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemImageRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Not Yet Available item_loc item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
ItemLocPhys * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfItemLocDesc:ExtOfItemLocDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocPhys. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocPhys Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocPhys
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
physical_loc number10 1 1 If the loc_type is 'W', this is the physical warehouse that is assigned to the virtual wh where the item is located. If the loc_type is an 'S' then this is the store where the item is located. wh, item_loc physical_wh, loc null null Yes If the loc_type is 'W', this is the physical warehouse that is assigned to the virtual wh where the item is located. If the loc_type is an 'S' then this is the store where the item is located.
ItemLocVirt * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ItemLocVirtRepl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfItemLocDesc:ExtOfItemLocPhys * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocPhys. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocVirt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocVirt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc number10 1 1 Location where the item is to be found. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. item_loc loc number 10 Yes Location where the item is to be found. This field may contain a store or a warehouse.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Type of location in the "loc" field. Valid values are 'S' (store) and 'W' (warehouse). item_loc loc_type varchar2 1 Yes Type of location in the "loc" field. Valid values are 'S' (store) and 'W' (warehouse).
local_item_desc varchar2250 1 1 NA item_loc local_item_desc varchar2 250 Yes Contains the local description of the item.
local_short_desc varchar2120 0 1 Not Yet Available item_loc local_short_desc varchar2 120 No Contains the local short description of the item.
status varchar21 1 1 Current status of the item at the store (valid values are 'A' (active), 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued) and 'D' (deleted). item_loc status varchar2 1 Yes Current status of the item at the store (valid values are 'A' (active), 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued) and 'D' (deleted).
primary_supp number10 0 1 Not Yet Available item_loc primary_supp number 10 No Primary supplier for the item/location.
primary_cntry varchar23 0 1 Contains the origin country which will be considered the primary country for the item/location. item_loc primary_cntry varchar2 3 No Contains the origin country which will be considered the primary country for the item/location.
receive_as_type varchar21 0 1 Determines whether the stock on hand for a pack component item or the buyer pack itself will be updated when a buyer pack is received at a warehouse. Valid values are 'E'ach or 'P'ack. item_loc receive_as_type varchar2 1 No Determines whether the stock on hand for a pack component item or the buyer pack itself will be updated when a buyer pack is received at a warehouse. Valid values are 'E'ach or 'P'ack.
taxable_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the item is taxable at the store. Valid values are 'Y' (yes) and 'N' (No). item_loc taxable_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates whether the item is taxable at the store. Valid values are 'Y' (yes) and 'N' (No).
source_method varchar21 0 1 Determines the source method for a requested item at a store. Valid values: 'W'(warehouse) and 'S'(supplier), default value is 'S'. item_loc source_method null null No Determines the source method for a requested item at a store. Valid values: 'W'(warehouse) and 'S'(supplier), default value is 'S'.
source_wh number10 0 1 If the source_method is 'W', this field contains the source warehouse for fulfilling item requests at a store. item_loc source_wh number 10 No If the source_method is 'W', this field contains the source warehouse for fulfilling item requests at a store.
unit_retail number20_4 0 1 Unit retail of the item in the selling Unit of Measure. Only published for create not modify. item_loc unit_retail null null No Unit retail of the item in the selling Unit of Measure. Only published for create not modify.
selling_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 Selling unit retail in selling unit of measure. Only published for create, not update item_loc selling_unit_retail null null No Selling unit retail in selling unit of measure. Only published for create, not update
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 Selling Unit of measure. Only published for Create not update. item_loc selling_uom null null No Selling Unit of measure. Only published for Create not update.
store_price_ind varchar21 0 1 Not Yet Available item_loc store_price_ind null null Yes Indicates if the location can modify the item's price
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Purchase Type NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemLocDesc:ExtOfItemLocVirt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocVirt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocVirt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocVirt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocVirtRepl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocVirtRepl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc number10 1 1 Location that is on replenishment. Will hold only virtual warehouse in the multi-channel environment. repl_item_loc location null null Yes Location that is on replenishment. Will hold only virtual warehouse in the multi-channel environment.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Contains the type of the location on replenishment. Valid values include 'S'tore, 'W'arehouse. repl_item_loc loc_type varchar2 1 Yes Contains the type of the location on replenishment. Valid values include 'S'tore, 'W'arehouse.
primary_repl_supplier number10 0 1 Contains the numeric identifier of the supplier from which the specified location will source the replenishment demand for the specified item location. Used for items on Direct to Store/Warehouse or Cross-docked replenishment. repl_item_loc primary_repl_supplier number 10 No Contains the numeric identifier of the supplier from which the specified location will source the replenishment demand for the specified item location. Used for items on Direct to Store/Warehouse or Cross-docked replenishment.
repl_method varchar26 0 1 Contains the character code for the algorithm that will be used to calculate the recommended order quantity for the item location. Valid values include 'C'onstant, 'M'in/Max, 'F'loating point, 'T'ime Supply, 'D'ynamic, 'SO' Store Orders. repl_item_loc repl_method null null Yes Contains the character code for the algorithm that will be used to calculate the recommended order quantity for the item location. Valid values include 'C'onstant, 'M'in/Max, 'F'loating point, 'T'ime Supply, 'D'ynamic, 'SO' Store Orders.
reject_store_order_ind varchar21 0 1 Contains an indicator that determines if uploaded store orders should be rejected. If the indicator is 'N', then store orders for all need dates are valid. If 'Y', store orders with needs date on or after the NEXT_DELIVERY_DATE are valid." repl_item_loc reject_store_ord_ind varchar2 1 No Contains an indicator that determines if uploaded store orders should be rejected. If the indicator is 'N', then store orders for all need dates are valid. If 'Y', store orders with needs date on or after the NEXT_DELIVERY_DATE are valid."
next_delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the next delivery date calculated for the next review cycle. If, for the next review cycle, an order will be created that is calculated to arrive on Thursday, this field will be updated with Thursday's date. repl_item_loc next_delivery_date RIBDate * No Contains the next delivery date calculated for the next review cycle. If, for the next review cycle, an order will be created that is calculated to arrive on Thursday, this field will be updated with Thursday's date.
multiple_runs_per_day_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item-location is replenished multiple times per day. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemLocDesc:ExtOfItemLocVirtRepl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocVirtRepl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocVirtRepl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocVirtRepl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocPhys Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocPhys
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_loc item null null Yes Unique identifier for the item.
ItemLocPhysRef * 1 unbounded Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemLocRef:ExtOfItemLocRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocPhysRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocPhysRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
physical_loc number10 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ItemLocVirtRef * 1 unbounded Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemLocRef:ExtOfItemLocPhysRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocPhysRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemLocVirtRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemLocVirtRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc number10 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemLocRef:ExtOfItemLocVirtRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocVirtRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocVirtRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocVirtRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocPhysRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocPhysRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemLocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemLocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Mapped to ,RK_ITEM_SUPPLIER,RK_ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY,AS_ITM_RTL_STR,AS_ITM as well. Not Yet Available NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemRef:ExtOfItemRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupCtyDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supp_country item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supp_country supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered. item_supp_country origin_country_id varchar2 3 Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 1 1 This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Each item can have one and only one primary supplier. item_supp_country primary_supp_ind null null Yes This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Each item can have one and only one primary supplier.
primary_country_ind varchar21 1 1 This field indicates whether this country is the primary country for the item/supplier. Each item/supplier combination can have one and only one primary country. item_supp_country primary_country_ind null null Yes This field indicates whether this country is the primary country for the item/supplier. Each item/supplier combination can have one and only one primary country.
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 This field contains the current corporate unit cost for the item from the supplier /origin country. This field is stored in the Supplier's currency. item_supp_country unit_cost null null Yes This field contains the current corporate unit cost for the item from the supplier /origin country. This field is stored in the Supplier's currency.
lead_time number4 0 1 This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier. item_supp_country lead_time number 4 No This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier.
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Contains the time that will be taken to get the item from the supplier to the initial receiving location. item_supp_country pickup_lead_time number 4 No Contains the time that will be taken to get the item from the supplier to the initial receiving location.
supp_pack_size number12_4 1 1 This field contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item. item_supp_country supp_pack_size null null Yes This field contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item.
inner_pack_size number12_4 1 1 This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier. item_supp_country inner_pack_size null null Yes This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier.
round_lvl varchar26 1 1 This column is used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to case, layer and pallet. item_supp_country round_lvl null null Yes This column is used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to case, layer and pallet.
min_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the minimum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item. item_supp_country min_order_qty number 12 No This field contains the minimum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item.
max_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item. item_supp_country max_order_qty number 12 No This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one from the supplier for the item.
packing_method varchar26 0 1 This field indicates whether the packing method for the item in the container is flat or hanging. item_supp_country packing_method varchar2 6 No This field indicates whether the packing method for the item in the container is flat or hanging.
default_uop varchar26 0 1 Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include 'C'ase and 'P'allet. item_supp_country default_uop varchar2 6 No Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include 'C'ase and 'P'allet.
ti number12_4 1 1 Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of the pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet. item_supp_country ti null null Yes Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of the pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet.
hi number12_4 1 1 Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet. item_supp_country hi null null Yes Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) in a Pallet.
cost_uom varchar24 0 1 A cost UOM is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM to the standard UOM. item_supp_country cost_uom null null Yes A cost UOM is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM to the standard UOM.
tolerance_type varchar26 0 1 The unit of tolerance for catch weight simple packs. Valid values are: 'A'-actual 'P' - percent. item_supp_country tolerance_type varchar2 6 No The unit of tolerance for catch weight simple packs. Valid values are: 'A'-actual 'P' - percent.
max_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The maximum tolerance value for the catch weight simple pack. item_supp_country max_tolerance number 12 No The maximum tolerance value for the catch weight simple pack.
min_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack item_supp_country min_tolerance number 12 No The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack
ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc:ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupCtyDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Item ID. NA NA NA NA NA NA
supplier number10 1 1 Supplier ID. NA NA NA NA NA NA
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_manufacturer_ctry_ind varchar21 1 1 Primary country of manufacturer indicator. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc:ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupCtyMfrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupCtyRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupCtyRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. item_supp_country item xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. item_supp_country supplier xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. item_supp_country origin_country_id xs:string * Yes The country where the item was manufactured or significantly altered.
ExtOfItemSupCtyRef:ExtOfItemSupCtyRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupCtyRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupCtyRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupCtyRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supplier item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supplier supplier varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 1 1 This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. An item can have one and only one primary supplier. item_supplier primary_supp_ind varchar2 3 Yes This field indicates whether this supplier is the primary supplier for the item. An item can have one and only one primary supplier.
vpn varchar230 0 1 This field contains the Vendor Product Number for the Item. item_supplier vpn null null No This field contains the Vendor Product Number for the Item.
supp_label varchar215 0 1 This field contains the supplier label. It will only be popluated if item is a style. item_supplier supp_label null null No This field contains the supplier label. It will only be popluated if item is a style.
consignment_rate number12_4 0 1 This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier. item_supplier consignment_rate number 12 No This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier.
supp_diff_1 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_1 varchar2 80 No This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_2 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_2 varchar2 80 No This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_3 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_3 varchar2 80 No This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_4 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. item_supplier supp_diff_4 varchar2 80 No This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
pallet_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet. item_supplier pallet_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet.
case_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the case. item_supplier case_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the case.
inner_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner. item_supplier inner_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner.
supp_discontinue_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date when the supplier discontinues an item. item_supplier supp_discontinue_date RIBDate n/a No Date when the supplier discontinues an item.
direct_ship_ind varchar21 0 1 A value of 'Y'es in this field indicates that any item associated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer. item_supplier direct_ship_ind varchar2 1 Yes A value of 'Y'es in this field indicates that any item associated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer.
ExtOfItemSupDesc:ExtOfItemSupDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemSupRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemSupRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_supplier item xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the item.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Unique identifier for the supplier. item_supplier supplier xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the supplier.
ExtOfItemSupRef:ExtOfItemSupRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemSupRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemSupRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemSupRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemTcktDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemTcktDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_ticket item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
ticket_type_id varchar24 1 1 This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item. item_ticket ticket_type_id varchar2 4 Yes This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item.
ExtOfItemTcktDesc:ExtOfItemTcktDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemTcktDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemTcktDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemTcktDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemTcktRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemTcktRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. item_ticket item xs:string * Yes Unique identifier for the item.
ticket_type_id varchar24 1 1 This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item. item_ticket ticket_type_id xs:string * Yes This field uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item.
ExtOfItemTcktRef:ExtOfItemTcktRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemTcktRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemTcktRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemTcktRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDADateDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDADateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. uda_item_date item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_date uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
uda_date xs:dateTime 1 1 This field contains the effective date for the Uda id. uda_item_date uda_date RIBDate n/a Yes This field contains the effective date for the Uda id.
ExtOfItemUDADateDesc:ExtOfItemUDADateDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDADateDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDADateDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDADateDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDADateRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDADateRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 NA uda_item_date item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a unique number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_date uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a unique number identifying the user-defined attribute.
ExtOfItemUDADateRef:ExtOfItemUDADateRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDADateRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDADateRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDADateRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDAFFDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDAFFDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. uda_item_ff item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_ff uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
uda_text varchar2250 0 1 This field contains the text value of the user-defined attribute for the item. uda_item_ff uda_text varchar2 250 No This field contains the text value of the user-defined attribute for the item.
ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc:ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDAFFDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDAFFDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDAFFRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDAFFRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. uda_item_ff item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_ff uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
ExtOfItemUDAFFRef:ExtOfItemUDAFFRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDAFFRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDAFFRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDAFFRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDALOVDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDALOVDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Item ID uda_item_lov item varchar2 25 Yes Item ID
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains the unique identified of the Attribute Group being added or delete to the item list. uda_item_lov uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains the unique identified of the Attribute Group being added or delete to the item list.
uda_value varchar230 1 1 Contains the value of the Attribute Group. uda_item_lov uda_value varchar2 30 Yes Contains the value of the Attribute Group.
ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc:ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDALOVDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDALOVDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUDALOVRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUDALOVRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 NA uda_item_lov item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute. uda_item_lov uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the user-defined attribute.
uda_value varchar230 1 1 This field contains value of the user-defined attribute for the item. uda_item_lov uda_value varchar2 30 Yes This field contains value of the user-defined attribute for the item.
ExtOfItemUDALOVRef:ExtOfItemUDALOVRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUDALOVRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUDALOVRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUDALOVRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUPCDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUPCDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item. item_master item_id varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
item_parent varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item/group at the level above the item. item_master item_parent varchar2 25 No Unique identifier for the item/group at the level above the item.
primary_ref_item_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the sub-transaction level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above, the value in this field will be 'N'o. item_master primary_ref_item_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the sub-transaction level item is designated as the primary sub-transaction level item. For transaction level items and above, the value in this field will be 'N'o.
format_id varchar21 0 1 This field will hold the format id that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs. item_master format_id varchar2 1 No This field will hold the format id that corresponds to the item's variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs.
prefix number2 0 1 This field holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. item_master prefix number 2 No This field holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS.
item_number_type varchar26 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber_type. item_master item_number_type varchar2 6 No Code specifying what type the item is.
ExtOfItemUPCDesc:ExtOfItemUPCDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUPCDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUPCDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUPCDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ItemUPCRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemUPCRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
ItemRef:ItemRef * 1 1 It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemUPCRef:ExtOfItemUPCRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemUPCRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Mapped to ,RK_ITEM_SUPPLIER,RK_ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY,AS_ITM_RTL_STR,AS_ITM as well. Not Yet Available NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfItemRef:ExtOfItemRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ItemRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfItemUPCRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfItemUPCRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:LocationDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For LocationDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
dest_type varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 20 * *
description varchar21000 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1000 * *
address1 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 240 * *
address2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 240 * *
city varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 120 * *
state varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 3 * *
country_code varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 3 * *
zip varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
contact_person varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 120 * *
dest_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 20 * *
phone_nbr varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 20 * *
currency_code varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 3 * *
default_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
default_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
default_service_code varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
expedite_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
expedite_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
expedite_service_code varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
bol_upload_type varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
bol_print_type varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
lead_time number3 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 4 * *
distance_to_dest number4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 4 * *
drop_trailers_accepted_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1 * *
rcv_dock_available_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1 * *
container_type varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
mld_default_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
unit_pick_container_type varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
dest_seq_nbr number4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 4 * *
owning_dc varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
email_to varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 500 * *
email_cc varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 500 * *
email_bcc varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 500 * *
ExtOfLocationDesc:ExtOfLocationDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize LocationDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfLocationDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfLocationDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:LocationRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For LocationRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
ExtOfLocationRef:ExtOfLocationRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize LocationRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfLocationRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfLocationRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrClsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrClsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
class number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the class within the system. class class number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the class within the system.
class_name varchar2120 1 1 Contains the name of the class which, along with the class number, identifies the class. class class_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the name of the class which, along with the class number, identifies the class.
class_vat_ind varchar21 0 1 This field determines if retail is displayed and held with or with out vat. This field is only editable when vat is turned on in the system and defined at the class level, when that is the case the field can vary between 'Y' and 'N' by class. When vat is turned on in the system and not defined at the class level, this field defaults to 'Y'. When vat is turned off in the system, this field defaults to 'N'. class class_vat_ind null null No This field determines if retail is displayed and held with or with out vat. This field is only editable when vat is turned on in the system and defined at the class level, when that is the case the field can vary between 'Y' and 'N' by class. When vat is turned on in the system and not defined at the class level, this field defaults to 'Y'. When vat is turned off in the system, this field defaults to 'N'.
dept number4 1 1 Contains the number of the department of which the class is a member. class dept number 4 Yes Contains the number of the department of which the class is a member.
ExtOfMrchHrClsDesc:ExtOfMrchHrClsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrClsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrClsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrClsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrClsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrClsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
class number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the class within the system. class class number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the class within the system.
dept number4 1 1 Contains the number of the department of which the class is a member. class dept number 4 Yes Contains the number of the department of which the class is a member.
ExtOfMrchHrClsRef:ExtOfMrchHrClsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrClsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrClsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrClsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrDeptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrDeptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the department. deps dept number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the department.
dept_name varchar2120 0 1 Not used by SIM deps dept_name null null Yes Contains the name of the department.
buyer number4 0 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the buyer for that department. deps buyer number 4 No Contains the number which uniquely identifies the buyer for that department.
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Contains a code which indicates whether items in this department are normal merchandise or consignment stock. Valid values are:0 = Normal Merchandise1 = Consignment Stock. deps purchase_type null null Yes Contains a code which indicates whether items in this department are normal merchandise or consignment stock. Valid values are:0 = Normal Merchandise1 = Consignment Stock.
total_market_amt number24_4 0 1 Contains the total market amount that is expected for the department. The field can be used for analytics or reporting. deps total_market_amt number 24 No Contains the total market amount that is expected for the department. The field can be used for analytics or reporting.
merch number4 0 1 Contains the number which uniquely describes the merchandiser for that department. deps merch number 4 No Contains the number which uniquely describes the merchandiser for that department.
group_no number4 0 1 Contains the number of the group in which the department exists. deps group_no null null Yes Contains the number of the group in which the department exists.
bud_mkup number12_4 0 1 Contains the Budgeted Markup percentage. This term is synonymous with the term Markup Percent of Cost. deps bud_mkup null null Yes Contains the Budgeted Markup percentage. This term is synonymous with the term Markup Percent of Cost.
profit_calc_type number1 0 1 Contains a number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by Direct Cost or by Retail Inventory. Valid values are:1 = Direct Cost, 2 = Retail Inventory deps profit_calc_type null null Yes Contains a number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by Direct Cost or by Retail Inventory. Valid values are:1 = Direct Cost, 2 = Retail Inventory
markup_calc_type varchar22 0 1 Contains the code letter which determines how markup is calculated in this department. Valid values are:C = Cost, R = Retail deps markup_calc_type null null Yes Contains the code letter which determines how markup is calculated in this department. Valid values are:C = Cost, R = Retail
otb_calc_type varchar21 0 1 Contains the code letter which determines how OTB is calculated in this department. Valid values are:C = Cost, R = Retail deps otb_calc_type null null Yes Contains the code letter which determines how OTB is calculated in this department. Valid values are:C = Cost, R = Retail
max_avg_counter number5 0 1 A maximum average counter will hold the maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an avarage for items within the department. Although not required on the table, if the RPM_ind column is 'Y' (yes) on the system_options table, then this field will be required when maintaining departments online. deps max_avg_counter null null No A maximum average counter will hold the maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an avarage for items within the department. Although not required on the table, if the RPM_ind column is 'Y' (yes) on the system_options table, then this field will be required when maintaining departments online.
avg_tolerance_pct number12_4 0 1 A tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This value will set up a range for appropriate data and constrain outliers. This column will hold 70% as 70 - not 0.70. Although not required on the table, if the RPM_ind column deps avg_tolerance_pct number 12 No A tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This value will set up a range for appropriate data and constrain outliers. This column will hold 70% as 70 - not 0.70. Although not required on the table, if the RPM_ind column
bud_int number12_4 0 1 Contains the Budgeted Intake percentage. Budgeted Intake is the percent of total take that is income and is synonymous with the term Markup Percent of Retail. deps bud_int null null Yes Contains the Budgeted Intake percentage. Budgeted Intake is the percent of total take that is income and is synonymous with the term Markup Percent of Retail.
dept_vat_incl_ind varchar21 0 1 This indicator will be be used only to default to the class level indicator when classes are initially set up for the department and will only be available when the system level class vat option is on. When vat is turned on in the system and not defined at the class level, this field defaults to 'Y'. When vat is turned off in the system, this field defaults to 'N'. deps dept_vat_incl_ind null null Yes This indicator will be be used only to default to the class level indicator when classes are initially set up for the department and will only be available when the system level class vat option is on. When vat is turned on in the system and not defined at the class level, this field defaults to 'Y'. When vat is turned off in the system, this field defaults to 'N'.
ExtOfMrchHrDeptDesc:ExtOfMrchHrDeptDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrDeptDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrDeptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrDeptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrDeptRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrDeptRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the department. deps dept number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the department.
ExtOfMrchHrDeptRef:ExtOfMrchHrDeptRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrDeptRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrDeptRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrDeptRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrDivDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrDivDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
division number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the division of the company. division division number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the division of the company.
div_name varchar2120 1 1 Contains the name which, along with the division number, identifies the division of the company. division div_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the name which, along with the division number, identifies the division of the company.
buyer number4 0 1 Contains the number of the buyer associated with the division. division buyer number 4 No Contains the number of the buyer associated with the division.
merch number4 0 1 Contains the number of the merchandiser associated with the division. division merch number 4 No Contains the number of the merchandiser associated with the division.
total_market_amt number24_4 0 1 Contains the total market amount that is expected for the division. The field can be used for analytics or reporting. division total_market_amt number 24 No Contains the total market amount that is expected for the division. The field can be used for analytics or reporting.
ExtOfMrchHrDivDesc:ExtOfMrchHrDivDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrDivDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrDivDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrDivDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrDivRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrDivRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
division number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the division of the company. division division number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the division of the company.
ExtOfMrchHrDivRef:ExtOfMrchHrDivRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrDivRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrDivRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrDivRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
group_no number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the group. groups group_no number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the group.
group_name varchar2120 1 1 Contains the description which, along with the group number, identifies the group. groups group_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the description which, along with the group number, identifies the group.
buyer number4 0 1 Contains the number of the buyer associated with the group. groups buyer number 4 No Contains the number of the buyer associated with the group.
merch number4 0 1 Contains the number of the merchandiser associated with the group. groups merch number 4 No Contains the number of the merchandiser associated with the group.
division number4 1 1 Contains the number of the division of which the group is a member. groups division number 4 Yes Contains the number of the division of which the group is a member.
ExtOfMrchHrGrpDesc:ExtOfMrchHrGrpDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrGrpDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
group_no number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the group. groups group_no number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the group.
ExtOfMrchHrGrpRef:ExtOfMrchHrGrpRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrGrpRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrSclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrSclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
subclass number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the subclass. subclass subclass number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the subclass.
subclass_name varchar2120 1 1 Contains the name of the subclass which, along with the subclass number, uniquely identifies the subclass. subclass sub_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the name of the subclass which, along with the subclass number, uniquely identifies the subclass.
class number4 1 1 Contains the class number of which the subclass is a member. subclass class number 4 Yes Contains the class number of which the subclass is a member.
dept number4 1 1 Contains the department number of which the subclass is a member. subclass dept number 4 Yes Contains the department number of which the subclass is a member.
ExtOfMrchHrSclsDesc:ExtOfMrchHrSclsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrSclsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrSclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrSclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:MrchHrSclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For MrchHrSclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
subclass number4 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the subclass. subclass subclass number 4 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the subclass.
class number4 1 1 Contains the class number of which the subclass is a member. subclass class number 4 Yes Contains the class number of which the subclass is a member.
dept number4 1 1 Contains the department number of which the subclass is a member. subclass dept number 4 Yes Contains the department number of which the subclass is a member.
ExtOfMrchHrSclsRef:ExtOfMrchHrSclsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize MrchHrSclsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfMrchHrSclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfMrchHrSclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:OrgHierDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For OrgHierDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_level varchar22 1 1 The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District n/a n/a null null Yes The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District
hier_value number10 1 1 Hierarchy value. chain, area, region, district chain, area, region, district null null Yes Hierarchy value.
hier_desc varchar2120 0 1 Hierarchy description. chain, area, region, district chain_name, area_name, region_name null null No Hierarchy description.
mgr_name varchar2120 0 1 Manager name of the hierarchy. chain, area, region, district mgr_name null null No Manager name of the hierarchy.
currency_code varchar23 0 1 The currency code for the Hierarchy entity. chain, area, region, district currency_code null null No The currency code for the Hierarchy entity.
parent_id number10 0 1 Contains the number that identifies the Hierarchy level. chain, area, region chain, area, region number 10 No Contains the number that identifies the Hierarchy level.
parent_level varchar22 0 1 Contains the parent level of the current Organizational Hierarchy level. Valid values are; for Area parent - Chain, for Region parent - Area, for District parent - Region. n/a n/a null null No Contains the parent level of the current Organizational Hierarchy level. Valid values are; for Area parent - Chain, for Region parent - Area, for District parent - Region.
ExtOfOrgHierDesc:ExtOfOrgHierDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize OrgHierDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfOrgHierDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfOrgHierDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:OrgHierRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For OrgHierRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_level varchar22 1 1 The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District n/a n/a null null Yes The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District
hier_value number10 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the hierarchy within the system. chain, area, region, district chain, area, region, district null null Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the hierarchy within the system.
parent_id number10 0 1 Contains the number that identifies the Hierarchy level above. chain, area, region chain, area, region null null No Contains the number that identifies the Hierarchy level above.
parent_level varchar22 0 1 Contains the parent level of the current Organizational Hierarchy level. Valid values are; for Area parent - Chain, for Region parent - Area, for District parent - Region. n/a n/a null null Yes Contains the parent level of the current Organizational Hierarchy level. Valid values are; for Area parent - Chain, for Region parent - Area, for District parent - Region.
ExtOfOrgHierRef:ExtOfOrgHierRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize OrgHierRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfOrgHierRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfOrgHierRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:OTBDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For OTBDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
OTB * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfOTBDesc:ExtOfOTBDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize OTBDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:OTB Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For OTB
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 Identifies the unique umber which relates to the goods delivered in the shipment. shipment order_no varchar2 10 Yes Identifies the unique umber which relates to the goods delivered in the shipment.
dept number4 1 1 Contains the department number for the Open To Buy budget. otb dept number 4 Yes Contains the department number for the Open To Buy budget.
class varchar27 1 1 Contains the class number for the Open To Buy budget. otb class varchar2 7 Yes Contains the class number for the Open To Buy budget.
subclass varchar24 1 1 Contains the sublass number for the Open To Buy budget. otb subclass varchar2 4 Yes Contains the sublass number for the Open To Buy budget.
unit_retail number20_4 1 1 Contains the current retail price for the SKU at this location. This field is stored int he local currency. This field is only stored on this table for the purpose of calculating Open-To-Buy. ordloc unit_retail number 20 Yes Contains the current retail price for the SKU at this location. This field is stored int he local currency. This field is only stored on this table for the purpose of calculating Open-To-Buy.
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 This field contains the unit cost for the Item/Location on the order, including discounts (deal/bracket/allowance), but not landed cost components. This field is stored in order currency. ordloc unit_cost null null Yes This field contains the unit cost for the Item/Location on the order, including discounts (deal/bracket/allowance), but not landed cost components. This field is stored in order currency.
receipt_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items already received for the purchase order. ordloc qty_received null null Yes Contains the number of items already received for the purchase order.
approved_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items ordered for the purchase order. ordloc qty_ordered null null Yes Contains the number of items ordered for the purchase order.
ExtOfOTBDesc:ExtOfOTB * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize OTB. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfOTB Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfOTB
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfOTBDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfOTBDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PartnerDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PartnerDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
partner_type varchar26 1 1 Specifies the type of the partner. partner partner_type null null Yes Specifies the type of the partner.
partner_id varchar210 1 1 Unique identifying number for a partner within the system. partner partner_id null null Yes Unique identifying number for a partner within the system.
partner_desc varchar2240 1 1 Contain the partner's description or name. partner partner_desc null null Yes Contain the partner's description or name.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 Contains a code identifying the currency the partner uses for business transactions. partner currency_code null null Yes Contains a code identifying the currency the partner uses for business transactions.
lang number6 0 1 The partner's preferred language. This field is provided for custom purchase orders in a specified language partner lang null null No The partner's preferred language. This field is provided for custom purchase orders in a specified language
status varchar21 1 1 Determines if the partner is currently active. Valid values are 'A' = Active or 'I' = Inactive. partner status null null Yes Determines if the partner is currently active. Valid values are 'A' = Active or 'I' = Inactive.
contact_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the name of the partner's representative contract. partner contact_name varchar2 120 Yes Contains the name of the partner's representative contract.
contact_phone varchar220 0 1 Contains the phone number of the partner's representative contact. partner contact_phone varchar2 20 Yes Contains the phone number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_fax varchar220 0 1 Contains the fax number of the partner's representative contact. partner contact_fax varchar2 20 No Contains the fax number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_telex varchar220 0 1 Contains the telex number of the partner's representative contact. partner contact_telex varchar2 20 No Contains the telex number of the partner's representative contact.
contact_email varchar2100 0 1 Contains the e-mail address of the partner's representative contact. partner contact_email varchar2 100 No Contains the e-mail address of the partner's representative contact.
mfg_id varchar218 0 1 Contains the manufacturer's tax identification number. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner mfg_id null null No Contains the manufacturer's tax identification number. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
principal_country_id varchar23 0 1 Contains the country id to which the partner is assigned. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner principal_country_id null null No Contains the country id to which the partner is assigned. This field is NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
line_of_credit number20_4 0 1 Contains the line of credit the company has at the Bank in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner line_of_credit null null No Contains the line of credit the company has at the Bank in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
outstanding_credit number20_4 0 1 Contains the total amount of credit that the company has used or has charged against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner outstanding_credit null null No Contains the total amount of credit that the company has used or has charged against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
open_credit number20_4 0 1 Contains the total amount that the company can still charge against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner open_credit null null No Contains the total amount that the company can still charge against in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
ytd_credit number20_4 0 1 Contains the total amount of credit the company has used this year to date in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner ytd_credit null null No Contains the total amount of credit the company has used this year to date in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
ytd_drawdowns number20_4 0 1 Contains the year to date payments the bank has made on behalf of the company in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK'). partner ytd_drawdowns null null No Contains the year to date payments the bank has made on behalf of the company in the Partner's currency. This field is not NULL when the Partner Type is Bank ('BK').
tax_id varchar218 0 1 Contains the unique tax identification number of the partner. This will be used for reporting during the Customs Entry process. partner tax_id null null No Contains the unique tax identification number of the partner. This will be used for reporting during the Customs Entry process.
terms varchar215 1 1 Payment terms for the partner. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. If populated, they will default on any invoice entered for this partner. partner terms null null Yes Payment terms for the partner. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. If populated, they will default on any invoice entered for this partner.
service_perf_req_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the partner's services (e.g. shelf stocking) must be confirmed as performed before paying an invoice from that partner. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. partner service_perf_req_ind null null Yes Indicates if the partner's services (e.g. shelf stocking) must be confirmed as performed before paying an invoice from that partner. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'.
invc_pay_loc varchar26 0 1 Indicates where invoices from this supplier are paid - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (paid at the store) and 'C' (paid centrally). partner invc_pay_loc varchar2 6 No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are paid - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (paid at the store) and 'C' (paid centrally).
invc_receive_loc varchar26 0 1 Indicates where invoices from this supplier are received - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (received at the store) and 'C' (received centrally). partner invc_receive_loc varchar2 6 No Indicates where invoices from this supplier are received - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are 'S' (received at the store) and 'C' (received centrally).
import_country_id varchar23 0 1 Import country of the Import Authority. This field is not populated for other partner types. partner import_country_id null null No Import country of the Import Authority. This field is not populated for other partner types.
primary_ia_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if an Import Authority is the primary Import Authority for an import country. This field will always be 'N' for other partner types. There must be one and only one primary Import Authority for each country associated with an Import Authority on the partner table. partner primary_ia_ind null null Yes Indicates if an Import Authority is the primary Import Authority for an import country. This field will always be 'N' for other partner types. There must be one and only one primary Import Authority for each country associated with an Import Authority on the partner table.
AddrDesc:AddrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfPartnerDesc:ExtOfPartnerDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PartnerDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 Description is not available. addr addr_key null null Yes Address unique identifier.
addr_type varchar22 1 1 Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table. addr addr_type varchar2 2 Yes Indicates the type for the address. Valid values are: 01-business, 02-postal, 03-returns, 04-order, 05-invoice, 06-external finisher
primary_addr_type_ind varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. addr primary_addr_type_ind varchar2 1 Yes The primary address of a particular address type
primary_addr_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type addr primary_addr_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates whether the address is the primary address for the address type
add_1 varchar2240 1 1 Description is not available. addr add_1 varchar2 240 Yes Contains the first line of the address
add_2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the address
add_3 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the address
city varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. addr city varchar2 120 Yes Contains the city address
state varchar23 0 1 Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located. addr state null null Yes Contains the postal abbreviation for the state of the address.
country_id varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. addr country_id null null Yes Contains the country code of the country for the address.
post varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. addr post varchar2 30 Yes Contains the zip code for the address
contact_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_name null null No Contains the name of the contact for the partner at this address
contact_phone varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_phone null null No Contains the phone number of the contact for the partner at this address.
contact_telex varchar220 0 1 Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_telex null null No Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact.
contact_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_fax null null No Contains the fax number of the contact for the partner at this address.
contact_email varchar2100 0 1 Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_email null null No Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact.
oracle_vendor_site_id number15 0 1 The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used. addr oracle_vendor_site_id number 15 No The unique identifier of the address on the oracle side
county varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr county null null No Holds the county of the location
ExtOfAddrDesc:ExtOfAddrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPartnerDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPartnerDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PartnerRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PartnerRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
partner_type varchar26 1 1 Specifies the type of partner. Valid values are Bank 'BK', Agent 'AG', Freight Forwarder 'FF', Importer 'IM', Broker 'BR', Factory 'FA', Applicant 'AP', Consolidator 'CO', and Consignee 'CN', Supplier hierarchy level 1 'S1', Supplier hierarchy level 2 ' partner partner_type varchar2 6 Yes Specifies the type of partner. Valid values are Bank 'BK', Agent 'AG', Freight Forwarder 'FF', Importer 'IM', Broker 'BR', Factory 'FA', Applicant 'AP', Consolidator 'CO', and Consignee 'CN', Supplier hierarchy level 1 'S1', Supplier hierarchy level 2 '
partner_id varchar210 1 1 Unique identifying number for a partner within the system. The user determines this number when a new partner is first added to the system. partner partner_id varchar2 10 Yes Unique identifying number for a partner within the system. The user determines this number when a new partner is first added to the system.
AddrRef:AddrRef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfPartnerRef:ExtOfPartnerRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PartnerRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 The unique identifier of the address being deleted. addr addr_key null null Yes Address Unique Identifier
ExtOfAddrRef:ExtOfAddrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPartnerRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPartnerRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PayTermDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PayTermDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
terms_xref_key varchar232 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
terms varchar215 0 1 Unique id for this payment term. terms_head terms null null Yes Unique id for this payment term.
terms_code varchar250 1 1 The alpha value which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials. terms_head terms_code null null Yes The alpha value which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials.
terms_desc varchar2240 1 1 Description of the payment terms. terms_head terms_desc null null Yes Description of the payment terms.
due_days number3 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
enabled_flag varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
start_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
end_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
discdays number3 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
percent number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
PayTermDtl * 0 unbounded Child node.
rank number10 0 1 Unique rank to rate invoice payment terms against PO terms terms_head rank null null Yes Unique rank to rate invoice payment terms against PO terms
ExtOfPayTermDesc:ExtOfPayTermDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PayTermDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:PayTermDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PayTermDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
due_days number3 1 1 The number of days until payment is due. terms_detail duedays null null Yes The number of days until payment is due.
due_max_amount number12_4 1 1 Maximum payment amount due by a certain date. terms_detail due_max_amount number 12 Yes Maximum payment amount due by a certain date.
due_dom number2 1 1 Day of month used to calculate due date. terms_detail due_dom null null Yes Day of month used to calculate due date.
discdays number3 1 1 Number of days in which payment must be made to get the discount. terms_detail discdays null null Yes Number of days in which payment must be made to get the discount.
percent number12_4 1 1 Percentage used to calculate discount available. terms_detail percent null null Yes Percentage used to calculate discount available.
disc_dom number2 1 1 Day of month used to calculate discount date. terms_detail disc_dom null null Yes Day of month used to calculate discount date.
disc_mm_fwd number3 1 1 Number of months ahead to calculate discount date. terms_detail disc_mm_fwd null null Yes Number of months ahead to calculate discount date.
fixed_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Fixed due date. terms_detail fixed_date null null No Fixed due date.
enabled_flag varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the Payment terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. The values would be either (Y)es or (N)o. terms_detail enabled_flag null null Yes Indicates whether the Payment terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. The values would be either (Y)es or (N)o.
start_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 Start date terms are in effect. terms_detail start_date_active null null No Start date terms are in effect.
end_date_active xs:dateTime 0 1 End date terms are in effect. terms_detail end_date_active RIBDate * No End date terms are in effect.
terms_seq number10 1 1 Sequence for the discount percent and part of unique identifier for the detail line. terms_detail terms_seq null null No Sequence for the discount percent and part of unique identifier for the detail line.
due_mm_fwd number3 1 1 Number of months ahead to calculate due date. terms_detail due_mm_fwd null null Yes Number of months ahead to calculate due date.
cutoff_day number2 1 1 Day of month after which the following month will be used for calculations. terms_detail cutoff_day null null No Day of month after which the following month will be used for calculations.
ExtOfPayTermDesc:ExtOfPayTermDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PayTermDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPayTermDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPayTermDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPayTermDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPayTermDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PODesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PODesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the type of document this message is for. Valid value is 'P' for purchase order. n/a n/a null null Yes Indicates the type of document this message is for. Valid value is 'P' for purchase order.
order_no varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. ordhead order_no varchar2 10 Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies an order within the system.
order_type varchar29 1 1 Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated. Valid values include: 'N/B' - Non Basic 'ARB' - Automatic Reorder of Basic 'BRB' - Buyer Reorder of Basic. ordhead order_type varchar2 9 Yes Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated. Valid values include: 'N/B' - Non Basic 'ARB' - Automatic Reorder of Basic 'BRB' - Buyer Reorder of Basic.
order_type_desc varchar2250 1 1 Not used in RWMS. order_types order_types_desc null null Yes The description for the given order type.
dept number4 0 1 Contains the department number for orders limited to a single department and will be Null for orders involving items in more than one department. ordhead dept number 4 No Contains the department number for orders limited to a single department and will be Null for orders involving items in more than one department.
dept_name varchar2120 0 1 Not used in RWMS. deps dept_name varchar2 120 No Contains the name of the department.
buyer number4 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead buyer number 4 No Contains the number associated with the buyer for the order.
buyer_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. buyer buyer_name varchar2 120 No Contains the name of the authorized buyer.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Contains the vendor number who will provide the merchandise specified in the order. ordhead supplier varchar2 10 Yes Contains the vendor number who will provide the merchandise specified in the order.
promotion number10 0 1 Contains the ad number associated with the order to provide a link between the order dialog and the promotions dialog. ordhead promotion number 10 No Contains the ad number associated with the order to provide a link between the order dialog and the promotions dialog.
prom_desc varchar2160 0 1 Contains a description of the promotion. This value comes from RPM. rpm_promo description null null Yes Contains a description of the promotion. This value comes from RPM.
qc_ind varchar21 1 1 Determines whether or not quality control will be required when items for this order are received. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. ordhead qc_ind varchar2 1 Yes Determines whether or not quality control will be required when items for this order are received. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'.
not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead not_before_date RIBDate * No Contains the first date that delivery of the order will be accepted.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead not_after_date RIBDate * No Contains the last date that delivery of the order will be accepted.
otb_eow_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the OTB budget bucket the order amount should be placed into. ordhead otb_eow_date RIBDate * No This field contains the OTB budget bucket the order amount should be placed into.
earliest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date before which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the earliest earliest ship date of all the items on the order. ordhead earliest_ship_date RIBDate * No The date before which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the earliest earliest ship date of all the items on the order.
latest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date after which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the greatest latest ship date of all the items on the order. ordhead latest_ship_date RIBDate * No The date after which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the greatest latest ship date of all the items on the order.
close_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordhead close_date RIBDate * No Contains the date when the order is closed.
terms varchar215 1 1 Indicator identifying the sales terms for the order. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. ordhead terms varchar2 15 Yes Indicator identifying the sales terms for the order. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment.
terms_code varchar250 1 1 Indicates the Alphanumeric representation of Term Name which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials. terms terms_code varchar2 50 Yes Indicates the Alphanumeric representation of Term Name which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials.
freight_terms varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead freight_terms varchar2 30 No Indicator that references what freight terms are related to the order.
cust_order varchar21 1 1 This field indicates whether or not the order is generated for a customer. ordhead cust_order varchar2 1 Yes This field indicates whether or not the order is generated for a customer.
payment_method varchar26 0 1 Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are LC (Letter of Credit), WT (Wire Transfer), OA (Open Account). ordhead payment_method varchar2 6 No Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are LC (Letter of Credit), WT (Wire Transfer), OA (Open Account).
payment_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are 'LC' - Letter of Credit, 'WT' - Wire Transfer, 'OA' - Open Account. ordhead payment_method_desc varchar2 40 No Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are 'LC' - Letter of Credit, 'WT' - Wire Transfer, 'OA' - Open Account.
backhaul_type varchar26 0 1 This field contains the type of backhaul allowance that will be applied to the order. Some examples are 'C'alculated or 'F'lat rate ordhead backhaul_type varchar2 6 No This field contains the type of backhaul allowance that will be applied to the order. Some examples are 'C'alculated or 'F'lat rate
backhaul_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No The description for the given backhaul type.
backhaul_allowance number20_4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordhead backhaul_allowance number 20 No This field will contain the backhaul allowance value.
ship_method varchar26 0 1 The method used to ship the items on the purchase order from the country of origin to the country of import. ordhead ship_method varchar2 6 No The method used to ship the items on the purchase order from the country of origin to the country of import.
ship_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Description is not available. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the description of the given shipping method.
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates what's included in the supplier's cost of the item. Valid values include C (Cost), CI (Cost and Insurance), CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), FOB (Free on Board). ordhead purchase_type varchar2 6 No Indicates what's included in the supplier's cost of the item. Valid values include C (Cost), CI (Cost and Insurance), CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), FOB (Free on Board).
purchase_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Description is not available. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the description of the given purchase type.
status varchar21 1 1 Indicates the current status of the order. Valid values include 'W' - Worksheet, 'S' - Submitted, 'A' - Approved, 'C' - Closed ordhead status null null Yes Indicates the current status of the order. Valid values include 'W' - Worksheet, 'S' - Submitted, 'A' - Approved, 'C' - Closed
ship_pay_method varchar22 0 1 Code indicating the payment terms for freight charges associated with the order. Valid values inlude: 'CC' - Collect, 'CF' - Collect Freight Credited Back to Customer, 'DF' - Defined by Buyer and Seller, 'MX' - Mixed, 'PC' - Prepaid but Charged to Customer, 'PO' - Prepaid Only, 'PP' - Prepaid by Seller. ordhead ship_pay_method null null No Code indicating the payment terms for freight charges associated with the order. Valid values inlude: 'CC' - Collect, 'CF' - Collect Freight Credited Back to Customer, 'DF' - Defined by Buyer and Seller, 'MX' - Mixed, 'PC' - Prepaid but Charged to Customer, 'PO' - Prepaid Only, 'PP' - Prepaid by Seller.
ship_pay_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. code_detail code_desc null null No Contains the description of the given shipment payment method.
fob_trans_res varchar22 0 1 Contains the code indicating the type of the location that is responsible for the transportation of the order. ordhead fob_trans_desc varchar2 2 No Contains the code indicating the type of the location that is responsible for the transportation of the order.
fob_trans_res_code_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the description of the given fob_trans_res_code
fob_trans_res_desc varchar2250 0 1 User entered field describing the code for the location responsible for the transportation of the order. ordhead fob_trans_res_desc varchar2 250 No User entered field describing the code for the location responsible for the transportation of the order.
fob_title_pass varchar22 0 1 Indicator used to determine where the title for goods is passed from the vendor to the purchaser. Examples include city, factory, or origin. ordhead fob_title_pass varchar2 2 No Indicator used to determine where the title for goods is passed from the vendor to the purchaser. Examples include city, factory, or origin.
fob_title_pass_code_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. code_detail code_desc varchar2 40 No Contains the description of the given fob_title_pass_code.
fob_title_pass_desc varchar2250 0 1 User entered field describing the code where the title of the merchandise is to be passed. Could be a city name, factory name, or place of origin. ordhead fob_title_pass_desc varchar2 250 No User entered field describing the code where the title of the merchandise is to be passed. Could be a city name, factory name, or place of origin.
vendor_order_no varchar215 0 1 Contains the vendor's unique identifying number for an order. These orders may have originated by the vendor through the EDI process or this number can be associated to a Retek order when the order is created on-line. ordhead vendor_order_no varchar2 15 No Contains the vendor's unique identifying number for an order. These orders may have originated by the vendor through the EDI process or this number can be associated to a Retek order when the order is created on-line.
exchange_rate number20_10 0 1 The rate of exchange used for the purchase order between the order and primary currencies. ordhead exchange_rate number 20 No The rate of exchange used for the purchase order between the order and primary currencies.
factory varchar210 0 1 The factory at which the items on the purchase order are made. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. ordhead factory varchar2 10 No The factory at which the items on the purchase order are made. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality.
factory_desc varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. partner partner_desc varchar2 240 No Contains the description of the given factory.
agent varchar210 0 1 The agent that is used in the purchase of the items on the purchase order. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. ordhead agent varchar2 10 No The agent that is used in the purchase of the items on the purchase order. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality.
agent_desc varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. partner partner_desc varchar2 240 No Contains the description of the given partner
discharge_port varchar25 0 1 The port at which the items on the purchase order will enter the country of import. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. ordhead discharge_port varchar2 5 No The port at which the items on the purchase order will enter the country of import. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality.
discharge_port_desc varchar2150 0 1 Not used in RWMS. outloc outloc_desc varchar2 150 No Contains the description of the given discharge port.
lading_port varchar25 0 1 The port from which the items on the purchase order are shipped. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. ordhead lading_port varchar2 5 No The port from which the items on the purchase order are shipped. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality.
lading_port_desc varchar2150 0 1 Not used in RWMS. outloc outloc_desc varchar2 150 No Contains the description of the given lading port.
bill_to_id varchar25 0 1 Indicates the ID of the bill-to-address, which will be stored on the OUTLOC table under the outloc_type 'BT'. ordhead bill_to_id varchar2 5 No Indicates the ID of the bill-to-address, which will be stored on the OUTLOC table under the outloc_type 'BT'.
freight_contract_no varchar210 0 1 The number of the contract with a shipper that will give specific freight rates. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. ordhead freight_contract_no varchar2 10 No The number of the contract with a shipper that will give specific freight rates. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality.
po_type varchar24 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordhead po_type varchar2 4 No Contains the value associated with the PO_TYPE for the order.
po_type_desc varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. po_type po_type_desc varchar2 120 No Contains a description for the specific PO_TYPE
pre_mark_ind varchar21 1 1 This field indicated whether or not a supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes so that the boxes can be sent directly to stores. ordhead pre_mark_ind varchar2 1 Yes This field indicated whether or not a supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes so that the boxes can be sent directly to stores.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code for the order. When creating an order within Retek, this field will always default to the currency of the supplier, but it can be overwritten. ordhead currency_code varchar2 3 Yes Contains the currency code for the order. When creating an order within Retek, this field will always default to the currency of the supplier, but it can be overwritten.
contract_no number6 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordhead contract_no null null No Contains the contract number associated with this order.
pickup_loc varchar2250 0 1 Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order. ordhead pickup_loc varchar2 250 No Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order.
pickup_no varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordhead pickup_no varchar2 25 No Contains the reference number of the 'Pickup' order.
pickup_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the date when the order can be picked up from the Supplier. This field is only required if the Purchase Type of the order is 'Pickup'. ordhead pickup_date RIBDate * No Contains the date when the order can be picked up from the Supplier. This field is only required if the Purchase Type of the order is 'Pickup'.
app_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 This column will hold the date and time of the receiving appointment at the warehouse. ordhead app_datetime RIBDate * No This column will hold the date and time of the receiving appointment at the warehouse.
comment_desc varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. ordhead comment_desc varchar2 2000 No Any miscellaneous comments attached to the purchase order.
PODtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPODesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PODesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:PODtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PODtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. ordloc item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordsku ref_item varchar2 25 No Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the reference item.
physical_location_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are 'S' -Store, 'W' -Warehouse ordloc loc_type varchar2 1 Yes This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are 'S' -Store, 'W' -Warehouse
physical_location number10 1 1 This field contains the actual physical location that item will be ordered to. This field may contain a store or a physical warehouse. ordloc location null null Yes This field contains the actual physical location that item will be ordered to. This field may contain a store or a physical warehouse.
physical_qty_ordered number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. ordloc qty_ordered number 12 No Contains the total number of items ordered for the SKU to this location.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 This field contains the unit cost for the Item/Location on the order, including discounts (deal/bracket/allowance), but not landed cost components. This field is stored in order currency. ordloc unit_cost number 20 No This field contains the unit cost for the Item/Location on the order, including discounts (deal/bracket/allowance), but not landed cost components. This field is stored in order currency.
origin_country_id varchar23 0 1 The identifier of the country into which the items on the order are being imported. ordsku country_code varchar2 3 No The identifier of the country into which the items on the order are being imported.
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. ordsku order_casepack number 12 No Supplier pack size for this order/item.
earliest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date before which the item can not be shipped by the supplier. ordsku earliest_ship_date RIBDate * No The date before which the item can not be shipped by the supplier.
latest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date after which the item can not be shipped by the supplier. ordsku latest_ship_date RIBDate * No The date after which the item can not be shipped by the supplier.
pickup_loc varchar2250 0 1 Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order. ordsku pickup_loc varchar2 250 No Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order.
pickup_no varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. ordsku pickup_no varchar2 25 No Contains the reference number of the 'Pickup' order.
packing_method varchar26 0 1 This field indicates whether the packing method of the item in the container is flat or hanging. Valid values for this field are stored in the 'PKMT' code. item_supp_country packing_method varchar2 6 No This field indicates whether the packing method of the item in the container is flat or hanging. Valid values for this field are stored in the 'PKMT' code.
round_lvl varchar26 0 1 This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet. item_supp_country round_lvl varchar2 6 No This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet.
door_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
new_item varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
quarantine varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
rcvd_unit_qty number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
tsf_po_link_id number10 0 1 A reference number to link the item on the transfer to any purchase orders that have been created to allow the from location (ie warehouse) on the transfer to fulfill the transfer quantity to the to location (ie store) on the transfer. ordloc tsf_po_link_no number 10 No A reference number to link the item on the transfer to any purchase orders that have been created to allow the from location (ie warehouse) on the transfer to fulfill the transfer quantity to the to location (ie store) on the transfer.
POVirtualDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
cost_source varchar24 0 1 Indicates the basis for the cost of the Item/Location on the order. Valid values include 'NORM' - Normal Supplier Cost, 'DEAL' - Cost Based on a Deal, 'BRKT' - Cost Based on a Bracket, 'MANL' - User Specified or Manual Override Cost, 'CONT' - Costs retrieved from the Contract, 'ALLW' - Cost Based on an Allowance ordloc cost_source null null No Indicates the basis for the cost of the Item/Location on the order. Valid values include 'NORM' - Normal Supplier Cost, 'DEAL' - Cost Based on a Deal, 'BRKT' - Cost Based on a Bracket, 'MANL' - User Specified or Manual Override Cost, 'CONT' - Costs retrieved from the Contract, 'ALLW' - Cost Based on an Allowance
est_in_stock_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date that the item on the PO is expected to be available to ship from the PO location to another location. ordloc est_in_stock_date null null No Date that the item on the PO is expected to be available to ship from the PO location to another location.
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPODtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PODtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:POVirtualDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For POVirtualDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are S - Store, W - Warehouse ordloc loc_type null null Yes This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are S - Store, W - Warehouse
location number10 1 1 This field contains the location all items on the order will be delivered to if populated. (i.e. it will mean a single location order) ordloc location null null Yes This field contains the location all items on the order will be delivered to if populated. (i.e. it will mean a single location order)
qty_ordered number12_4 0 1 Contains the total number of items ordered for the SKU to this location. ordloc qty_ordered number 12 No Contains the total number of items ordered for the SKU to this location.
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPOVirtualDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize POVirtualDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPOVirtualDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPOVirtualDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPODtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPODtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPODesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPODesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PORef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PORef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the type of document this message is for. This field will always have a value of 'P'. n/a n/a null null Yes Indicates the type of document this message is for. This field will always have a value of 'P'.
order_no varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. ordhead order_no xs:string * Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies an order within the system.
PODtlRef * 0 unbounded Not Yet Available NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfPORef:ExtOfPORef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PORef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:PODtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For PODtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Not Yet Available NA NA NA NA NA NA
physical_location_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
physical_location number10 1 1 Not Yet Available NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfPORef:ExtOfPODtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PODtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPODtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPODtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPORef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfPORef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RcptAdjustDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RcptAdjustDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
bol_nbr varchar230 1 1 This column will hold the bill of lading number associated with a shipment. shipment bol_nbr null null Yes This column will hold the bill of lading number associated with a shipment.
carton varchar220 1 1 Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level. shipsku carton null null No Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments. This field will be zero for all shipments that are not at a carton level.
from_location varchar210 1 1 For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced. shipment from_loc null null Yes For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced.
to_location varchar210 1 1 This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. shipment to_loc null null Yes This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to.
receipt_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the date the stock order is received. shipment receive_date null null No This field contains the date the stock order is received.
ExtOfRcptAdjustDesc:ExtOfRcptAdjustDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RcptAdjustDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRcptAdjustDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRcptAdjustDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RcvUnitAdjDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RcvUnitAdjDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc number10 1 1 The location where a receiver unit adjustment was performed. rua_mfqueue location null null Yes The location where a receiver unit adjustment was performed.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 The type of location where the receiver unit adjustment was performed. Valid values are 'W' warehouse or 'S' store. rua_mfqueue loc_type null null Yes The type of location where the receiver unit adjustment was performed. Valid values are 'W' warehouse or 'S' store.
RcvUnitAdjDtl * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDesc:ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RcvUnitAdjDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RcvUnitAdjDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RcvUnitAdjDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
po_nbr varchar210 1 1 The order number against which a receiver unit adjustment was performed. rua_mfqueue order_no null null Yes The order number against which a receiver unit adjustment was performed.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 The ASn number associated with the shipment for which a receiver unit adjustment was performed. rua_mfqueue asn null null No The ASn number associated with the shipment for which a receiver unit adjustment was performed.
item varchar225 1 1 The item number that the receiver unit adjustment was performed against. rua_mfqueue item null null Yes The item number that the receiver unit adjustment was performed against.
container_id varchar220 0 1 The supplier carton that contained the item against which the receiver unit adjustment was performed. rua_mfqueue carton null null No The supplier carton that contained the item against which the receiver unit adjustment was performed.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the receiver unit adjustment. rua_mfqueue adj_qty null null Yes The quantity of the receiver unit adjustment.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value, along with the to_disposition value, is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No This value, along with the to_disposition value, is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDesc:ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RcvUnitAdjDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRcvUnitAdjDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:ReceiptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ReceiptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
appt_nbr number9 0 1 Unique identifier for receiving a group of items. This is usually an RDM-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. appt_head appt null null No Unique identifier for receiving a group of items. This is usually an RDM-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment.
Receipt * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfReceiptDesc:ExtOfReceiptDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ReceiptDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:Receipt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For Receipt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 This element corresponds to different RMS tables, depending on the document_type. 'A' - ALLOC_DETAIL.TO_LOC, 'P' - ORDLOC.LOCATION, 'T' - TSFHEAD.TO_LOC alloc_detail, ordloc, tsf to_loc, location, to_loc varchar2 10 Yes This element corresponds to different RMS tables, depending on the document_type. 'A' - ALLOC_DETAIL.TO_LOC, 'P' - ORDLOC.LOCATION, 'T' - TSFHEAD.TO_LOC
po_nbr varchar210 0 1 Specified the unique identifier of the purchase order, allocation or transfer alloc_header, ordhead, tsf alloc_no, ordloc, tsf_no null null No Specifies the unique identifier of the allocation, purchase order, or transfer.
document_type varchar21 1 1 Specified whether the receipt is for an allocation 'A', purchase order 'P', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D' and 'V' are also valid document types that are treated the same as transfers. doc_close_queue doc_type null null Yes Specifies whether the receipt is for an allocation 'A', purchase order 'P', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D' and 'V' are also valid document types that are treated the same as transfers.
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 Used to relate the receipt message to the previous ASN message. this field is required for doc types 'A' and 'T', not required for doc_type 'P' shipment asn varchar2 30 No Used to relate the receipt message to the previous ASN message, be it ASNIn or ASNOut. This field is required for doc types 'A' and 'T', not required for doc_type 'P'.
ReceiptDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ReceiptCartonDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
receipt_type varchar22 0 1 This fied is required when receiving a transfer or allocation to determine if the receipt is at the 'BL' (BOL) level or 'SK' (SKU) level. It is not used for a PO receipt n/a n/a null null No This field is required when receiving a transfer or allocation to determine if the receipt is at the 'BL' (BOL) level or 'SK' (SKU) level. It is not used for a PO receipt.
from_loc varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. shipment from_loc varchar2 10 No The originating location
from_loc_type varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. shipment from_loc_type varchar2 1 No From location type
ExtOfReceiptDesc:ExtOfReceipt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize Receipt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ReceiptDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ReceiptDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Specifieds the item on the allocation, purchase order, or transfer that has been received. alloc_header, ordloc, tsf item null null Yes Specifies the item on the allocation, purchase order, or transfer that has been received.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the quantity received for the allocation, purchase order, or transfer. The shipment record is also updated with the quantity received (SHIPSKU.QTY_RECEIVED) alloc_detail, ordloc, tsf qty_received null null Yes Contains the quantity received for the allocation, purchase order, or transfer. The shipment record is also updated with the quantity received (SHIPSKU.QTY_RECEIVED)
receipt_xactn_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies whether the receipt detail line item is for a 'R'eceipt, 'T'ransshipment, or 'A'djustment. For purchase order receiving, Transshipments are not allowed. For stock order (ie. Allocation and Transfer) receiving, Transshipments are handled the same way as 'R'eceipt type. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies whether the receipt detail line item is for a 'R'eceipt, 'T'ransshipment, or 'A'djustment. For purchase order receiving, Transshipments are not allowed. For stock order (ie. Allocation and Transfer) receiving, Transshipments are handled the same way as 'R'eceipt type.
receipt_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. shipment receive_date null null No Identifies the date the transaction was written.
receipt_nbr varchar217 1 1 An externally generated numerical identifier corresponding to the successful reception of the item at the location. shipment ext_ref_no_out null null No An externally generated numerical identifier corresponding to the successful reception of the item at the location.
dest_id varchar210 0 1 Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. This element specifies the location to which the allocation is being sent. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 No Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. This element specifies the location to which the allocation is being sent.
container_id varchar220 0 1 Identifies the Carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments shipsku carton varchar2 20 Yes Identifies the UCC-128 carton number for shipments originating from the Advance Shipment Notification process as carton shipments.
distro_nbr varchar210 0 1 Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. This element specifies the allocation id. alloc_header alloc_no varchar2 10 No Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. This element specifies the allocation id.
distro_doc_type varchar21 0 1 Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. When populated, this value should always be 'A' to specify an allocation. n/a n/a null null No Only used for doc_type of 'P', when the purchase order has an allocation attached to it. When populated, this value should always be 'A' to specify an allocation.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code varchar2 4 No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine inventory availability. It is not used by SIM. inv_status_codes inv_status_code varchar2 4 No This value is used to determine inventory availability only if the to_disposition is not specified in the message.
to_wip varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. n/a * varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
from_wip varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. n/a * varchar2 6 No Not used by RMS.
to_trouble varchar22 0 1 Description is not available. n/a * varchar2 2 No Not used by RMS.
from_trouble varchar22 0 1 Description is not available. n/a * varchar2 2 No Not used by RMS.
user_id varchar230 0 1 Identifies the point of origin for this inventory control document. An originator may be a program (for automatically generated documents) or a person n/a * varchar2 30 No Not used by RMS.
dummy_carton_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if this carton is a dummy carton. This field is only used for transfer receipts. dummy_carton_stage dummy_carton_ind null null No Indicates if this carton is a dummy carton. This field is only used for transfer receipts.
tampered_carton_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the carton was tampered. This field is only used for transfer receipts. dummy_carton_stage tampered_ind null null No Indicates if the carton was tampered. This field is only used for transfer receipts.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Only used for doc_type of 'P'. Specifies the unit_cost for the item on the order. Cost is converted to the order's currency before insert/update. ordloc unit_cost number 20 No Only used for doc_type of 'P'. Specifies the unit_cost for the item on the order. Cost is converted to the order's currency before insert/update.
shipped_qty number12_4 0 1 Only used for doc_type of 'P'. Updates the number of items expected to be received, originally set by the ASN process. shipsku qty_expected number 12 No Only used for doc_type of 'P'. Updates the number of items expected to be received, originally set by the ASN process.
weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. shipsku weight_received null null No Contains the actual weight of the item on received for the shipment.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). shipsku weight_received_uom null null No Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms).
ExtOfReceiptDesc:ExtOfReceiptDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ReceiptDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfReceiptDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfReceiptDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ReceiptCartonDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ReceiptCartonDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
carton_status_ind varchar21 0 1 Denotes the status of the carton received. It can be ?A?ctual, ?D?ummy or ?O?verage. This field is only used for stock order receiving. n/a n/a null null Yes Denotes the status of the carton received. It can be ?A?ctual, ?D?ummy or ?O?verage. This field is only used for stock order receiving.
container_id varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. shipsku carton null null Yes Contains the carton ID for the shipment.
dest_id varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. shipsku to_loc null null No Identifies the location to which the stock order is received.
receipt_xactn_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies whether the carton receipt is for a 'R'eceipt, 'T'ranshipment, or 'A'djustment. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies whether the carton receipt is for a 'R'eceipt, 'T'ranshipment, or 'A'djustment.
receipt_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. shipment receive_date null null No This field contains the date the carton is received.
receipt_nbr varchar217 0 1 This field holds the externally generated number when the shipment is received at the location. shipment ext_ref_no_out null null No This field holds the externally generated number when the shipment is received at the location.
user_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. shipsku weight_received null null No Contains the actual weight of the item on received for the carton.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). shipsku weight_received_uom null null No Contains the unit of measure of the received weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms).
ExtOfReceiptDesc:ExtOfReceiptCartonDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize ReceiptCartonDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfReceiptCartonDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfReceiptCartonDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfReceipt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfReceipt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfReceiptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfReceiptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RegPrcChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location number10 1 1 Unique identifier that indicates a Location (Store or Warehouse) ticket_request location null null Yes This field contains the location number which has requested tickets.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the type of location which has requested tickets. Valid values for this field are: 'W' (for warehouse) and 'S' (for store). ticket_request loc_type null null Yes Indicates the type of location which has requested tickets. Valid values for this field are: 'W' (for warehouse) and 'S' (for store).
RegPrcChgDtl * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc:ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RegPrcChgDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
price_change_id number15 1 1 Contains the ID of the price change that initiated the ticket request. ticket_request price_change_id null null Yes Contains the ID of the price change that initiated the ticket request.
item varchar225 1 1 Alphanumeric value that identifies the item for which tickets have been requested. ticket_request item null null Yes Alphanumeric value that identifies the item for which tickets have been requested.
effective_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Price Change Effective Date ticket_request price_change_eff_date null null Yes Holds the effective date for the price change.
selling_retail_changed_ind number1 1 1 Indicates whether the selling retail price has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed. n/a n/a null null Yes Indicates whether the selling retail price has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed.
selling_unit_retail number20_4 1 1 This field contains the unit retail for the item at the indicated location. ticket_request unit_retail null null Yes This field contains the unit retail for the item at the indicated location.
selling_uom varchar24 1 1 Holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. uom_class uom null null Yes Holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail.
selling_currency varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code. currencies currency_code null null Yes Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code.
multi_unit_changed_ind number1 1 1 Indicates whether the retail for multi units has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed. n/a n/a null null Yes Indicates whether the retail for multi units has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed.
multi_units number12_4 0 1 The number that indicate how many item is priced in the multi unit selling retail ticket_request multi_units null null No This field contains the multi-unit parts of the multi-unit retail for the item at the indicated location.
multi_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 This field contains the multi-unit retail for the item at the indicated location. ticket_request multi_unit_retail null null No This field contains the multi-unit retail for the item at the indicated location.
multi_unit_retail_currency varchar23 0 1 Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code. currencies currency_code null null No Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code.
multi_selling_uom varchar24 0 1 Multi Unit Selling UOM uom_class uom null null No Holds the selling unit of measure for an item's multi-unit retail.
ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RegPrcChgRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location number10 1 1 Description is not available. ticket_request location number 10 * *
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Identifier that indicates whether a location is a Store ('S') or a Warehouse ('W') ticket_request loc_type varchar2 1 * *
RegPrcChgDtlRef * 1 unbounded NA
ExtOfRegPrcChgRef:ExtOfRegPrcChgRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RegPrcChgDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
price_change_id number15 1 1 Description is not available. ticket_request price_change_id number 15 * *
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. ticket_request item varchar2 25 * *
ExtOfRegPrcChgRef:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RTVDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 Contains the location number that the items are returned from. If the dc_dest_id is a store, the STORE column gets populated with the dc_dest_id value, and the WH column is defaulted to -1. If the dc_dest_id is a warehouse, the WH column gets populated. rtv_head store, wh null null Yes Contains the location number that the items are returned from. If the dc_dest_id is a store, the STORE column gets populated with the dc_dest_id value, and the WH column is defaulted to -1. If the dc_dest_id is a warehouse, the WH column gets populated.
rtv_id varchar214 1 1 Audit trail reference to external system when an external transaction initiates master record creation in the Retek system. rtv_head ext_ref_no number 7 Yes Audit trail reference to external system when an external transaction initiates master record creation in the Retek system.
item_id varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item on the RTV. rtv_detail item null null Yes Unique identifier for the item on the RTV.
rtn_auth_nbr varchar212 1 1 Contains the number that the supplier provides when the decision is made that an order may be returned. This value is not always required and is determined by vendor level data. rtv_head ret_auth_num null null No Contains the number that the supplier provides when the decision is made that an order may be returned. This value is not always required and is determined by vendor level data.
unit_qty number12_4 0 1 Contains the quantiy of items being returned to the supplier under this RTV number. rtv_detail qty_returned null null Yes Contains the quantiy of items being returned to the supplier under this RTV number.
container_qty number6 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
vendor_nbr varchar210 1 1 Contains the supplier ID to which the merchandise is being returned. rtv_head supplier null null Yes Contains the supplier ID to which the merchandise is being returned.
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 Contains the first line of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_add_1 varchar2 240 No Contains the first line of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 Contains the second line of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 Contains the third line of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the supplier's address for returns.
state varchar23 0 1 Contains the state of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head state varchar2 3 No Contains the state of the supplier's address for returns.
city varchar2120 0 1 Contains the city name of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_city varchar2 120 No Contains the city name of the supplier's address for returns.
shipto_zip varchar230 0 1 Contains the zip code of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_pcode varchar2 30 No Contains the zip code of the supplier's address for returns.
country varchar23 0 1 Contains the country ID of the supplier's address for returns. rtv_head ship_to_country_id varchar2 3 No Contains the country ID of the supplier's address for returns.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code varchar2 4 No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
creation_ts xs:dateTime 0 1 CREATED_DATE contains the date the vendor return was created, COMPLETED_DATE contains the date the vendor return was completed. rtv_head created_date, completed_date null null No CREATED_DATE contains the date the vendor return was created, COMPLETED_DATE contains the date the vendor return was completed.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_detail unit_cost number 20 No Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
reason varchar26 0 1 Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory. Other values may also be entered via the codes table under code type 'RTVR', however, the two codes listed previously may never be deleted. Note that any value added can only be related to RTV from existing inventory (e.g. overstock). rtv_detail reason null null No Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory. Other values may also be entered via the codes table under code type 'RTVR', however, the two codes listed previously may never be deleted. Note that any value added can only be related to RTV from existing inventory (e.g. overstock).
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comments associated with the return. rtv_head comment_desc varchar2 2000 No Contains any comments associated with the return.
rtv_order_no number10 0 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system. rtv_head rtv_order_no number 10 No Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system.
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped for the item on the RTV. n/a n/a null null No Actual weight shipped for the item on the RTV.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of Measure for the weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). n/a n/a null null No Unit of Measure for the weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms).
RTVDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
status_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfRTVDesc:ExtOfRTVDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RTVDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Unique identifier for the item on the RTV. rtv_detail item null null Yes Unique identifier for the item on the RTV.
unit_qty number12_4 0 1 Contains the quantiy of items being returned to the supplier under this RTV number. rtv_detail qty_returned null null Yes Contains the quantiy of items being returned to the supplier under this RTV number.
container_qty number6 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
from_disposition varchar24 0 1 This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table. inv_status_codes inv_status_code null null No This value is used to determine if the inventory is available or unavailable, based on the code's INV_STATUS value on the INV_STATUS_CODES table.
to_disposition varchar24 0 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_detail unit_cost null null No Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
reason varchar26 0 1 Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory. Other values may also be entered via the codes table under code type 'RTVR', however, the two codes listed previously may never be deleted. Note that any value added can only be related to RTV from existing inventory (e.g. overstock). rtv_detail reason null null No Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory. Other values may also be entered via the codes table under code type 'RTVR', however, the two codes listed previously may never be deleted. Note that any value added can only be related to RTV from existing inventory (e.g. overstock).
weight number12_4 0 1 Actual weight shipped for the item on the RTV. n/a n/a null null No Actual weight shipped for the item on the RTV.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of Measure for the weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). n/a n/a null null No Unit of Measure for the weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms).
ExtOfRTVDesc:ExtOfRTVDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RTVReqDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVReqDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
rtv_order_no number10 1 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system. rtv_head rtv_order_no number 10 Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system.
supplier varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_head supplier varchar2 10 Yes Contains the supplier number to which the merchandise is being returned.
status_ind number2 1 1 Contains the current status of the return. Valid values include: 05- Input, 10 - Approved, 15 - Shipped, 20 - Cancelled. rtv_head status_ind null null Yes Contains the current status of the return. Valid values include: 05- Input, 10 - Approved, 15 - Shipped, 20 - Cancelled.
loc number10 1 1 Contains either the store or warehouse number for the items being returned. rtv_head store, wh null null Yes Contains either the store or warehouse number for the items being returned.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the location type. Contains an 'S' if the location is a store or 'W' if the location is a warehouse. n/a n/a null null Yes Indicates the location type. Contains an 'S' if the location is a store or 'W' if the location is a warehouse.
physical_loc number10 1 1 Contains the store number or the physical warehouse where the items are being returned. rtv_head, wh store, physical_wh null null Yes Contains the store number or the physical warehouse where the items are being returned.
total_order_amt number20_4 0 1 Contains the total amount of the return. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_head total_order_amt number 20 No Contains the total amount of the return. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
ship_to_addr_line1 varchar2240 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_add_1 varchar2 240 Yes Contains the first line of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_to_addr_line2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_to_addr_line3 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_to_city varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_city varchar2 120 Yes Contains the city name of the supplier's address for returns.
state varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head state varchar2 3 Yes Contains the state of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_to_country_code varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_country_id varchar2 3 Yes Contains the country ID of the supplier's address for returns.
ship_to_postal_code varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head ship_to_pcode varchar2 30 No Contains the zip code of the supplier's address for returns.
ret_auth_nbr varchar212 0 1 Contains the number that the supplier provides when the decision is made that an order may be returned. This value is not always required and is determined by vendor level data. rtv_head ret_auth_num varchar2 12 No Contains the number that the supplier provides when the decision is made that an order may be returned. This value is not always required and is determined by vendor level data.
ret_courier varchar2250 0 1 Contains the courier name if the supplier requires that returns be sent by a designated carrier. rtv_head courier varchar2 250 No Contains the courier name if the supplier requires that returns be sent by a designated carrier.
freight_charge number20_4 0 1 Contains the freight cost associated with the vendor return. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_head freight number 20 No Contains the freight cost associated with the vendor return. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
creation_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_head created_date RIBDate * Yes Contains the date the vendor return was created.
completed_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head completed_date RIBDate * No Contains the date the vendor return was completed.
handling_pct number12_4 0 1 Contains the handling (restocking) percent if a percent is specified at a vendor level. rtv_head restock_pct null null No Contains the handling (restocking) percent if a percent is specified at a vendor level.
handling_cost number20_4 1 1 Contains the handling (restocking) cost for the vendor return if a handling (restocking) percent is specified at a supplier level. The cost is calculated by taking the total order amount multiplied by the handling (restocking) percent. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_head restock_cost null null Yes Contains the handling (restocking) cost for the vendor return if a handling (restocking) percent is specified at a supplier level. The cost is calculated by taking the total order amount multiplied by the handling (restocking) percent. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
ext_ref_no varchar214 0 1 Audit trail reference to external system when an external transaction initiates master record creation in the Retek system. rtv_head ext_ref_no varchar2 14 No Audit trail reference to external system when an external transaction initiates master record creation in the Retek system.
comment_desc varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head comment_desc varchar2 2000 No Contains any comments associated with the return.
RTVReqDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. rtv_head not_after_date RIBDate * No Contains the last date that delivery of the order will be accepted.
ExtOfRTVReqDesc:ExtOfRTVReqDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVReqDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RTVReqDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVReqDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
seq_no number8 1 1 This field will contain a sequence number which makes the record unique when combined with the RTV_ORDER_NO field. rtv_detail seq_no null null Yes This field will contain a sequence number which makes the record unique when combined with the RTV_ORDER_NO field.
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. rtv_detail item varchar2 25 Yes Unique identifier for the item.
shipment number10 0 1 Contains the shipment number associated with all vendor returns originating from the Quality Control process. This field will contain a -1 for all returns originating from held inventory. rtv_detail shipment number 10 Yes Contains the shipment number associated with all vendor returns originating from the Quality Control process. This field will contain a -1 for all returns originating from held inventory.
inv_status number2 0 1 This field contains the number representing the inventory status code. This field is only required if the reason field has a value of 'U' for unavailable inventory. rtv_detail inv_status null null No This field contains the number representing the inventory status code. This field is only required if the reason field has a value of 'U' for unavailable inventory.
rtv_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the quantity of items requested to be returned to the supplier under this RTV number. rtv_detail qty_requested null null Yes Contains the quantity of items requested to be returned to the supplier under this RTV number.
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency. rtv_detail unit_cost number 20 Yes Contains the cost per unit for the SKU being returned. This field is stored in the supplier's currency.
reason varchar26 1 1 Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory. rtv_detail reason null null Yes Contains the value identifying the reason for the return. Valid values are: Q - QC Failed, U - Unavailable Inventory.
ExtOfRTVReqDesc:ExtOfRTVReqDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVReqDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVReqDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVReqDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVReqDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVReqDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RTVReqRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVReqRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
rtv_order_no number10 1 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system. rtv_head rtv_order_no xs:string * Yes Contains the number that uniquely identifies the return to vendor within the system.
RTVReqDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfRTVReqRef:ExtOfRTVReqRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVReqRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RTVReqDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For RTVReqDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
seq_no number8 1 1 This field will contain a sequence number which makes the record unique when combined with the RTV_ORDER_NO field. rtv_detail seq_no null null Yes This field will contain a sequence number which makes the record unique when combined with the RTV_ORDER_NO field.
item varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item on the RTV. rtv_detail item null null Yes Unique identifier for the item on the RTV.
ExtOfRTVReqRef:ExtOfRTVReqDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RTVReqDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVReqDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVReqDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRTVReqRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfRTVReqRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:SOStatusDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For SOStatusDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. tsfhead, alloc_detail to_loc, store null null No Contains the location number of the stock order receiving location.
distro_nbr varchar210 0 1 Contains the stock order number. This is either the transfer or allocation number in RMS. alloc_header, tsfhead alloc_no, tsf_no null null No Contains the stock order number. This is either the transfer or allocation number in RMS.
distro_document_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies whether the stock order status pertains to an allocation 'A', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D'C Created Stock Order,'C'ustomer Order, and 'V'irtual Distro are also valid document types but will be ignored by the RMS API. n/a n/a null null Yes Specifies whether the stock order status pertains to an allocation 'A', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D'C Created Stock Order,'C'ustomer Order, and 'V'irtual Distro are also valid document types but will be ignored by the RMS API.
SOStatusDtl * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfSOStatusDesc:ExtOfSOStatusDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize SOStatusDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:SOStatusDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For SOStatusDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
cust_order_nbr varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. tsfhead, alloc_detail to_loc, store null null No Contains the location number of the stock order receiving location.
item_id varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. tsfdetail, alloc_header item null null Yes Unique identifier for the item.
order_line_nbr number3 1 1 Derived as ROWNUM. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 The difference beween the number of ITEM units shipped versus the receiving count for the given ITEM. This is subtracted from the document-line-item-unit-count to yield an over/under variance between what a supplier said was shipped and what was counted and received at by the store's staff. alloc_detail, tsfdetail qty_allocated, tsf_qty null null Yes The quantity of the item pertaining to the stock order status message.
status varchar22 1 1 The status of the stock order. Valid values are: 'DS' - Details Selected, 'DU' - Details Un-Selected, 'NI' - Line Cancellation, 'PP' - Distributed, 'PU' - Un-Distributed, 'RS' - Return To Stock, 'EX' - Expired, 'SR' - Store Reassign, 'SC' - Store Cancellation. n/a n/a null null Yes The status of the stock order. Valid values are: 'DS' - Details Selected, 'DU' - Details Un-Selected, 'NI' - Line Cancellation, 'PP' - Distributed, 'PU' - Un-Distributed, 'RS' - Return To Stock, 'EX' - Expired, 'SR' - Store Reassign, 'SC' - Store Cancellation.
user_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
updated_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfSOStatusDesc:ExtOfSOStatusDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize SOStatusDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfSOStatusDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfSOStatusDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfSOStatusDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfSOStatusDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StkCountSchDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
cycle_count number8 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the stock or cycle count. stake_head cycle_count number 8 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the stock or cycle count.
cycle_count_desc varchar2250 1 1 Contains a description of the cycle or stock count which, along with the cycle count number, identifies the cycle or stock count. stake_head cycle_count_desc varchar2 250 Yes Contains a description of the cycle or stock count which, along with the cycle count number, identifies the cycle or stock count.
location_type varchar21 1 1 Contains an indicator which identifies whether the cycle count will be for Stores or Warehouses. Valid values are 'S' - Store and 'W' - Warehouse. stake_head loc_type null null Yes Contains an indicator which identifies whether the cycle count will be for Stores or Warehouses. Valid values are 'S' - Store and 'W' - Warehouse.
stocktake_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Contains the date on which the stock or cycle count even will take place. stake_head stocktake_date RIBDate * Yes Contains the date on which the stock or cycle count even will take place.
stocktake_type varchar21 1 1 Contains a value which indicates the type of stock take. Valid values are 'B' -Both Unit and Dollar and 'U' - Unit only. However the RIB interface only allows 'B'. stake_head stocktake_type varchar2 1 Yes Contains a value which indicates the type of stock take. Valid values are 'B' -Both Unit and Dollar and 'U' - Unit only. However the RIB interface only allows 'B'.
StkCountSchProd * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
StkCountSchLoc * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchProd Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StkCountSchProd
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 Contains the department number where the cycle count will occur. If the value = -1, the stock count will applies to all departments. stake_product dept null null Yes Contains the department number where the cycle count will occur. If the value = -1, the stock count will applies to all departments.
class number4 0 1 Contains the class number where the cycle count will occur. stake_product class null null No Contains the class number where the cycle count will occur.
subclass number4 0 1 Contains the subclass number where the cycle count will occur. stake_product subclass null null No Contains the subclass number where the cycle count will occur.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchProd * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchProd. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchProd Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchProd
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchLoc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StkCountSchLoc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location number10 1 1 Contains the store or wh number on the cycle count. stake_location location null null Yes Contains the store or wh number on the cycle count.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchLoc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchLoc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchLoc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchLoc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StkCountSchRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
cycle_count number8 1 1 NA stake_head cycle_count null null Yes The unique identifier for the cycle count.
ExtOfStkCountSchRef:ExtOfStkCountSchRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:StoreDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StoreDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
store number10 1 1 Description is not available. store store number 10 Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the store.
store_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 1 Yes *
store_name varchar2150 1 1 Description is not available. store store_name null null Yes Contains the name of the store.
store_name10 varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. store store_name10 null null Yes Contains a ten character abbreviation of the store name.
store_name3 varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. store store_name3 null null Yes Contains a three character abbreviation of the store name.
store_add1 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
store_add2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
store_city varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
county varchar2250 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
state varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
country_id varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
store_pcode varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
store_class varchar21 0 1 Contains the code letter indicating the class of which the store is a member. Valid values are A through E. store store_class null null Yes Contains the code letter indicating the class of which the store is a member. Valid values are A through E.
store_mgr_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. store store_mgr_name null null Yes Contains the name of the store manager.
store_open_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. store store_open_date null null Yes Contains the date on which the store opened.
store_close_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. store store_close_date RIBDate * No Contains the date on which the store closed.
acquired_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. store acquired_date RIBDate * No Contains the date on which the store was acquired.
remodel_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. store remodel_date RIBDate * No Contains the date on which the store was last remodeled.
fax_number varchar220 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count mber. store fax_number varchar2 20 No Contains the fax number for the store.
phone_number varchar220 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count number. store phone_number varchar2 20 No Contains the phone number for the store.
email varchar2100 0 1 Description is not available. store email varchar2 100 No Holds the email address for the location
total_square_ft number8 0 1 Description is not available. store total_square_ft number 8 No Contains the total square footage of the store.
selling_square_ft number8 0 1 Description is not available. store selling_square_ft number 8 No Contains the total square footage of the store's selling area.
linear_distance number8 0 1 Description is not available. store linear_distance number 8 No Holds the total merchandisable space of the location.
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 This column indicates whether the store can hold stock. In a non-multichannel environment this will always be store stockholding_ind null null Yes This column indicates whether the store can hold stock. In a non-multichannel environment this will always be
channel_id number4 0 1 In a multichannel environment this will contain the channel with which the store is associated. Valid values can be found on the channels table. store channel_id number 4 No In a multichannel environment this will contain the channel with which the store is associated. Valid values can be found on the channels table.
store_format number4 0 1 Contains the number indicating the format of the store. Valid values are found on the store format table. store store_format number 4 No Contains the number indicating the format of the store. Valid values are found on the store format table.
mall_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. store mall_name varchar2 120 No Contains the name of the mall in which the store is located.
district number10 0 1 Description is not available. store district null null Yes Contains the number of the district in which the store is a member.
district_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. district district_name null null No Contains the name of the district.
promo_zone number4 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
promo_desc varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
transfer_zone number4 0 1 Contains the transfer zone in which the store is located. Valid values are located on the tsfzone table. store transfer_zone number 4 No Contains the transfer zone in which the store is located. Valid values are located on the tsfzone table.
description varchar21000 0 1 Description is not available. tsfzone description varchar2 1000 No Contains the name of the transfer zone.
default_wh varchar210 0 1 Contains the number of the warehouse that may be used as the default for creating cross-dock masks. This determines which stores are associated with or sourced from a warehouse. Will hold only virtual warehouses in a multi-channel environment. store default_wh varchar2 10 No Contains the number of the warehouse that may be used as the default for creating cross-dock masks. This determines which stores are associated with or sourced from a warehouse. Will hold only virtual warehouses in a multi-channel environment.
stop_order_days number3 0 1 Contains the number of days before a store closing that the store will stop accepting orders. This column will be used when the store_close_date is defined. store stop_order_days number 3 No Contains the number of days before a store closing that the store will stop accepting orders. This column will be used when the store_close_date is defined.
start_order_days number3 0 1 Contains the number of days before the store_open_date that the store will begin accepting orders. store start_order_days null null Yes Contains the number of days before the store_open_date that the store will begin accepting orders.
currency_code varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. store currency_code null null Yes This field contains the currency code under which the store operates.
lang number6 0 1 Description is not available. store lang null null Yes This column identifies the language to be used for the given store.
integrated_pos_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. store integrated_pos_ind null null Yes Indicates whether or not the POS system at the Store is integrated.
orig_currency_code varchar23 0 1 holds the original currency of a store after it's adopted the Euro as its main operating currency store orig_currency_code null null Yes holds the original currency of a store after it's adopted the Euro as its main operating currency
duns_number varchar29 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber. store duns_number varchar2 9 No This field holds the Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the store.
duns_loc varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. store duns_loc varchar2 4 No This field holds the Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location
AddrDesc:AddrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
pricing_loc number10 0 1 If this field is null, the new store will not be added to RPM_ZONE_LOCATION table. store-add price-store null null No The store from which pricing info was copied for this store.
pricing_loc_curr varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. store currency_code null null No This is the currency code of the pricing_loc store.
org_unit_id number15 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
timezone_name varchar264 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfStoreDesc:ExtOfStoreDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StoreDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 Description is not available. addr addr_key null null Yes Address Unigue Identifier
addr_type varchar22 1 1 Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table. addr addr_type null null Yes Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table.
primary_addr_type_ind varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. add_type_module primary_ind null null Yes Y or N - indicates whether this address type is the primary address type.
primary_addr_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type addr primary_addr_ind null null Yes Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type
add_1 varchar2240 1 1 Description is not available. addr add_1 varchar2 240 Yes Contains the first line of the address
add_2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the address
add_3 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the address
city varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. addr city null null Yes Contains the city.
state varchar23 0 1 Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located. addr state null null No Contains the postal abbreviation for the state.
country_id varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. addr country_id null null Yes Contains the country code.
post varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. addr post null null No Contains the zip code for the address
contact_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_name null null No Contains the name of the contact.
contact_phone varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_phone null null No Contains the phone number of the contact.
contact_telex varchar220 0 1 Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_telex null null No Contains the telex number of the contact.
contact_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_fax null null No Contains the fax number of the contact.
contact_email varchar2100 0 1 Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_email null null No Contains the email address of the contact.
oracle_vendor_site_id number15 0 1 The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used. addr oracle_vendor_site_id null null No Generally not used.
county varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr county null null No Holds the county of the location
ExtOfAddrDesc:ExtOfAddrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStoreDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStoreDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:StoreRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For StoreRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
store number10 1 1 The store number for the store or address being deleted. store store null null Yes The store number for the store or address being deleted.
AddrRef:AddrRef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfStoreRef:ExtOfStoreRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StoreRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 The unique identifier of the address being deleted. addr addr_key null null Yes The unique identifier of the address being deleted.
ExtOfAddrRef:ExtOfAddrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStoreRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfStoreRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:TsfDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For TsfDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
tsf_no number10 1 1 The number that uniquely identifies the transfer. tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes The number that uniquely identifies the transfer.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Defaulted to 'T' for RMS transfers. * * null null Yes Defaulted to 'T' for RMS transfers.
physical_from_loc number10 1 1 Physical location that the from_loc belongs to. store, wh store, physical_wh number 10 Yes Physical location that the from_loc belongs to.
from_loc_type varchar21 1 1 Type of location in the location field. Valid values are: S = Store W = Warehouse item_loc loc_type null null Yes Type of location in the location field. Valid values are: S = Store W = Warehouse
from_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the transfer from location. This field will contain either a store or warehouse number based on the from_loc_type field. tsfhead from_loc null null Yes The location number of the transfer from location. This field will contain either a store or warehouse number based on the from_loc_type field.
physical_to_loc number10 1 1 Physical location that the to_loc belongs to. store, wh store, physical_wh number 10 Yes Physical location that the to_loc belongs to.
to_loc_type varchar21 1 1 Type of location in the location field. Valid values are: S = Store W = Warehouse item_loc loc_type null null Yes Type of location in the location field. Valid values are: S = Store W = Warehouse
to_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the transfer to location. This field will contain either a store or warehouse number based on the to_loc_type field. tsfhead to_loc null null Yes The location number of the transfer to location. This field will contain either a store or warehouse number based on the to_loc_type field.
tsf_type varchar26 1 1 A code for the type of the transfer, such as SR - Store Requisition CO - Customer Order RV - RTV CF - Confirmation NS - Non-Salable AD - Administrative MR - Manual Requisitions PL - PO-Linked Transfer. tsfhead tsf_type null null Yes A code for the type of the transfer, such as SR - Store Requisition CO - Customer Order RV - RTV CF - Confirmation NS - Non-Salable AD - Administrative MR - Manual Requisitions PL - PO-Linked Transfer.
pick_not_before_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date the transfer was approved. tsfhead approval_date null null Yes The date the transfer was approved.
pick_not_after_date xs:dateTime 1 1 This is a calculated date. * * null null Yes This is a calculated date.
default_order_type varchar29 1 1 This is the default order type associated with transfers.. RWMS uses this value to determine how to distribute stock orders. Valid values (e.g. Automatic, Manual, etc.) are on the order_types table. system_options default_order_type null null Yes This is the default order type associated with transfers.. RWMS uses this value to determine how to distribute stock orders. Valid values (e.g. Automatic, Manual, etc.) are on the order_types table.
priority number4 0 1 Reserved for future use; currently defaulted to 1. * * null null No Reserved for future use; currently defaulted to 1.
break_by_distro varchar21 1 1 Set to 'Y' if the deliver_type for the transfer's customer is 'S'. Otherwise, set to N. * * null null Yes Set to 'Y' if the deliver_type for the transfer's customer is 'S'. Otherwise, set to N.
delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The earliest date that the transfer can be delivered to the store. This will be populated if the transfer type is PO-Linked. tsfhead delivery_date RIBDate * No The earliest date that the transfer can be delivered to the store. This will be populated if the transfer type is PO-Linked.
cust_name varchar240 0 1 The name of the customer. customer cust_name null null No The name of the customer.
deliver_add1 varchar2240 0 1 The delivery address for the customer/order relationship. ordcust deliver_add1 null null No The delivery address for the customer/order relationship.
deliver_add2 varchar2240 0 1 Contains an optional second line of the delivery address for the customer/order relationship. ordcust deliver_add2 varchar2 240 No Contains an optional second line of the delivery address for the customer/order relationship.
deliver_city varchar2120 0 1 Contains the city in which the customer order will be delivered. ordcust deliver_city varchar2 120 No Contains the city in which the customer order will be delivered.
deliver_state varchar23 0 1 Contains the state in which the customer order will be delivered. ordcust deliver_state varchar2 3 No Contains the state in which the customer order will be delivered.
deliver_post varchar230 0 1 Contains the postal code in which the customer order will be delivered. ordcust deliver_post varchar2 30 No Contains the postal code in which the customer order will be delivered.
deliver_country_id varchar23 0 1 Contains the country in which the customer order will be delivered. ordcust deliver_country_id varchar2 3 No Contains the country in which the customer order will be delivered.
message varchar22000 0 1 Any comments associated with the transfer. tsfhead comment_desc null null No Any comments associated with the transfer.
TsfDtl * 0 unbounded Child node - see layout below.
tsf_parent_no number10 0 1 Transfer parent number tsfhead tsf_parent_no number 10 No Transfer parent number
exp_dc_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date the inventory is expected to arrive at the DC. tsfhead exp_dc_date RIBDate * No Date the inventory is expected to arrive at the DC.
approval_id varchar230 0 1 The ID of the user who approved the transfer tsfhead approval_id null null No The ID of the user who approved the transfer
approval_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date the transfer was approved tsfhead approval_date RIBDate * No Date the transfer was approved
from_loc_tsf_entity number10 0 1 Transfer entity of the from location store, wh tsf_entity_id null null No Transfer entity of the from location
to_loc_tsf_entity number10 0 1 Transfer entity of the to location store, wh tsf_entity_id null null No Transfer entity of the to location
inv_type varchar26 0 1 Type of inventory tsfhead inventory_type null null No Type of inventory
tsf_status varchar21 0 1 Status of the transfer. tsfhead status null null No Status of the transfer.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The last day delivery of the transfer will be accepted tsfhead not_after_date null null No The last day delivery of the transfer will be accepted
context_type varchar26 0 1 Can be used to indicate the transfer reason or category, e.g. 'promotion'. tsfhead context_type null null No Can be used to indicate the transfer reason or category, e.g. 'promotion'.
context_value varchar225 0 1 Further info to indicate the reason or category for the transfer. For instance, if context_type was 'promotion', this could be the promotion number. tsfhead context_value null null No Further info to indicate the reason or category for the transfer. For instance, if context_type was 'promotion', this could be the promotion number.
delivery_slot_id varchar215 0 1 Delivery Slot Id. NA NA NA NA NA NA
delivery_slot_desc varchar2240 0 1 Delivery slot description. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfTsfDesc:ExtOfTsfDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize TsfDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:TsfDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For TsfDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. tsfdetail item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
tsf_qty number12_4 1 1 The total quantity of the item reserved at the from location for this transfer. This field is set back to zero each time the stock is either merged into a 'Combined Transfer' or shipped. tsfdetail tsf_qty null null Yes The total quantity of the item reserved at the from location for this transfer. This field is set back to zero each time the stock is either merged into a 'Combined Transfer' or shipped.
price number20_4 0 1 This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with item as the input. * * null null No This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with item as the input.
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with item as the input. * * null null No This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with item as the input.
priority number4 0 1 This field is currently defaulted to 1. It is reserved for future use. * * null null No This field is currently defaulted to 1. It is reserved for future use.
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 If TSFHEAD.FREIGHT_CODE is 'E', expedite_flag is 'Y'. Otherwise, expedite_flag is 'N'. * * null null No If TSFHEAD.FREIGHT_CODE is 'E', expedite_flag is 'Y'. Otherwise, expedite_flag is 'N'.
store_ord_mult varchar21 0 1 The multiple in which the item needs to be shipped from a warehouse to the location. item_loc store_ord_mult null null No The multiple in which the item needs to be shipped from a warehouse to the location.
tsf_po_link_no number10 0 1 A reference number to link the item on the transfer to any purchase orders that have been created to allow the from location (i.e. warehouse) on the transfer to fulfill the transfer quantity to the to location (i.e store) on the transfer. tsfdetail tsf_po_link_no number 10 No A reference number to link the item on the transfer to any purchase orders that have been created to allow the from location (i.e. warehouse) on the transfer to fulfill the transfer quantity to the to location (i.e store) on the transfer.
ticket_type_id varchar24 0 1 The ticket type associated with the item. item_ticket ticket_type_id null null No The ticket type associated with the item.
TsfDtlTckt * 0 unbounded Child Node - see layout below.
inv_status number2 0 1 Description is not available. tsfdetail inv_status null null No *
ExtOfTsfDesc:ExtOfTsfDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize TsfDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:TsfDtlTckt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For TsfDtlTckt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
comp_item varchar225 1 1 Alphanumeric value that identifies the item within the pack. packitem_breakout item varchar2 25 Yes Alphanumeric value that identifies the item within the pack.
comp_price number20_4 0 1 This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with comp_item as the input. * * null null No This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with comp_item as the input.
comp_selling_uom varchar24 0 1 This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with comp_item as the input. * * null null No This field is generated from a call to PRICING_ATTRIB_SQL.GET_RETAIL with comp_item as the input.
ExtOfTsfDesc:ExtOfTsfDtlTckt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize TsfDtlTckt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfTsfDtlTckt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfTsfDtlTckt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfTsfDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfTsfDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfTsfDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfTsfDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:TsfRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For TsfRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
tsf_no number10 1 1 The number that uniquely identifies the transfer within the system. tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes The number that uniquely identifies the transfer within the system.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 NA * * null null Yes Defaulted to 'T' for RMS transfers.
physical_from_loc number10 1 1 NA store, wh store, physical_wh number 10 Yes Physical location that the from_loc belongs to.
from_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the transfer from location. This will be either a store or warehouse number based on the from_loc_type field. tsfhead from_loc null null Yes The location number of the transfer from location. This will be either a store or warehouse number based on the from_loc_type field.
physical_to_loc number10 1 1 NA store, wh store, physical_wh number 10 Yes Physical location that the to_loc belongs to.
to_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the transfer to location. This will be either a store or warehouse number based on the to_loc_type field. tsfhead to_loc null null Yes The location number of the transfer to location. This will be either a store or warehouse number based on the to_loc_type field.
TsfDtlRef * 0 unbounded Child Node - see below.
tsf_parent_no number10 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfTsfRef:ExtOfTsfRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize TsfRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:TsfDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For TsfDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. tsfdetail item varchar2 25 Yes Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item.
ExtOfTsfRef:ExtOfTsfDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize TsfDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfTsfDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfTsfDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfTsfRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfTsfRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:UDADesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For UDADesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 Description is not available. uda uda_id null null Yes The id number for the User Defined Attribute.
uda_desc varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. uda uda_desc null null Yes Description of the UDA.
module varchar220 1 1 Indicates which system module the UDA belongs to. This will always be 'ITEM'. uda module null null Yes Indicates which system module the UDA belongs to. This will always be 'ITEM'.
display_type varchar22 1 1 A code to indicate how the UDA will be displayed to the user. Values are in the UDIS code table. uda display_type null null Yes A code to indicate how the UDA will be displayed to the user. Values are in the UDIS code table.
data_type varchar212 0 1 Optional field indicating what value types are valid for this UDA. Valid types are NUM, ALPHA, DATE. uda data_type null null No Optional field indicating what value types are valid for this UDA. Valid types are NUM, ALPHA, DATE.
data_length number3 0 1 Not used in RWMS. uda data_length null null No Optional field indicating valid data length for this UDA.
single_value_ind varchar21 0 1 Y or N to indicate whether the UDA is limited to having at most one value. uda single_value_ind null null Yes Y or N to indicate whether the UDA is limited to having at most one value.
host_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
carton_group varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
combinability varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. * * null null No Field not used.
ExtOfUDADesc:ExtOfUDADesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize UDADesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfUDADesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfUDADesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:UDARef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For UDARef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 The id number of the UDA that was deleted in RMS. uda uda_id null null Yes The id number of the UDA that was deleted in RMS.
ExtOfUDARef:ExtOfUDARef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize UDARef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfUDARef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfUDARef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:UDAValDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For UDAValDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 Description is not available. uda_values uda_id null null Yes The id number of the UDA.
uda_value varchar230 1 1 Description is not available. uda_values uda_value null null Yes The value for the UDA.
uda_value_desc varchar2250 1 1 Description is not available. uda_values uda_value_desc null null Yes Description of the UDA value.
ExtOfUDAValDesc:ExtOfUDAValDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize UDAValDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfUDAValDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfUDAValDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:UDAValRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For UDAValRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 The id number of the UDA. uda_values uda_id null null Yes The id number of the UDA.
uda_value varchar230 1 1 The value being deleted. uda_values uda_value null null Yes The value being deleted.
ExtOfUDAValRef:ExtOfUDAValRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize UDAValRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfUDAValRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfUDAValRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:VendorAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For VendorAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 Not Yet Available sups supplier null null Yes The supplier number.
seq_no number4 1 1 Number indicating the sequence that addresses within the same type were entered. addr seq_no number 4 Yes Number indicating the sequence that addresses within the same type were entered.
addr_type varchar22 1 1 Description is not available. addr addr_type null null Yes Indicates the address type (e.g. 01 - Business, 02 - Postal, etc.).
ExtOfVendorAddrRef:ExtOfVendorAddrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize VendorAddrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfVendorAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfVendorAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:VendorOURef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For VendorOURef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
org_unit_id number15 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfVendorOURef:ExtOfVendorOURef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize VendorOURef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfVendorOURef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfVendorOURef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:VendorRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For VendorRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. sups supplier null null Yes The supplier number.
VendorOURef:VendorOURef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfVendorRef:ExtOfVendorRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize VendorRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:VendorOURef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For VendorOURef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
org_unit_id number15 1 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfVendorOURef:ExtOfVendorOURef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize VendorOURef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfVendorOURef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfVendorOURef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfVendorRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfVendorRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WHDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WHDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wh number10 1 1 The number which uniquely identifies the warehouse. The wh table stores all warehouses in the system, both virtual and physical. wh wh null null Yes The number which uniquely identifies the warehouse. The wh table stores all warehouses in the system, both virtual and physical.
wh_name varchar2150 1 1 Not Yet Available wh wh_name null null Yes The name of the warehouse.
wh_add1 varchar2240 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
wh_add2 varchar2240 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
wh_city varchar2120 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
county varchar2250 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
state varchar23 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
country_id varchar23 0 1 Not Yet Available * * null null No Field not used.
wh_pcode varchar230 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
email varchar2100 0 1 Not Yet Available wh email null null No The email address for the warehouse.
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the warehouse is a stock holding location. In a non-multichannel environment, this will always be 'Y'. In a multichannel environment it will be 'N' for a physical warehouse and 'Y' for a virtual warehouse. wh stockholding_ind null null Yes Indicates if the warehouse is a stock holding location. In a non-multichannel environment, this will always be 'Y'. In a multichannel environment it will be 'N' for a physical warehouse and 'Y' for a virtual warehouse.
channel_id number4 0 1 The channel for which the virtual warehouse will be assigned. wh channel_id null null No The channel for which the virtual warehouse will be assigned.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 The code for the currency which the warehouse uses. wh currency_code null null Yes The code for the currency which the warehouse uses.
duns_number varchar29 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber. wh duns_number null null No The Dun and Bradstreet number tp identify the warehouse.
duns_loc varchar24 0 1 The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location. wh duns_loc null null No The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location.
physical_wh number10 0 1 The number of the physical warehouse corresponding to this warehouse. wh physical_wh null null Yes The number of the physical warehouse corresponding to this warehouse.
break_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether or not the warehouse is capable of distributing less than the supplier case quantity. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' wh break_pack_ind null null Yes Indicates whether or not the warehouse is capable of distributing less than the supplier case quantity. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'
redist_wh_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether the warehouse is a 'Re-Distribution' warehouse. Used as a location on Purchase Orders in place of actual locations that are unknown at the time of purchase order creation. Used by Redistribution report. wh redist_wh_ind null null Yes Indicates whether the warehouse is a 'Re-Distribution' warehouse. Used as a location on Purchase Orders in place of actual locations that are unknown at the time of purchase order creation. Used by Redistribution report.
delivery_policy varchar26 0 1 The delivery policy of the warehouse. Next day indicates that the if a location is closed, the warehouse will deliver on the next day. Next Valid Delivery Day indicates that the warehouse will wait until the next scheduled delivery day. wh delivery_policy null null Yes The delivery policy of the warehouse. Next day indicates that the if a location is closed, the warehouse will deliver on the next day. Next Valid Delivery Day indicates that the warehouse will wait until the next scheduled delivery day.
contact_person varchar2120 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
dest_fax varchar220 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
phone_nbr varchar220 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
default_route varchar210 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
default_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
default_service_code varchar26 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
expedite_route varchar210 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
expedite_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
expedite_service_code varchar26 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
bol_upload_type varchar24 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
bol_print_type varchar24 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
lead_time number4 0 1 NA * * null null No Always set to zero.
distance_to_dest number4 0 1 NA * * null null No Always set to zero.
drop_trailers_accepted_flag varchar21 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
rcv_dock_available_flag varchar21 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
container_type varchar26 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
mld_default_route varchar210 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
unit_pick_container_type varchar26 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
dest_seq_nbr number4 0 1 NA * * null null No Always set to zero.
owning_dc varchar210 0 1 NA * * null null No Field not used.
AddrDesc:AddrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
pricing_loc number10 0 1 The location for which pricing info was copied for this warehouse. wh_add pricing_location null null No The location for which pricing info was copied for this warehouse.
pricing_loc_curr varchar23 0 1 This is the currency code of the pricing location. wh_add pricing_loc_curr null null No This is the currency code of the pricing location.
ExtOfWHDesc:ExtOfWHDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WHDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 Description is not available. addr addr_key null null Yes Address unique identifier
addr_type varchar22 1 1 Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table. addr addr_type null null Yes Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table.
primary_addr_type_ind varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. add_type_module primary_ind null null Yes Y or N - indicates whether this address type is the primary address type.
primary_addr_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type addr primary_addr_ind null null Yes Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type
add_1 varchar2240 1 1 Description is not available. addr add_1 varchar2 240 Yes Contains the first line of the address
add_2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_2 varchar2 240 No Contains the second line of the address
add_3 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. addr add_3 varchar2 240 No Contains the third line of the address
city varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. addr city null null Yes Contains the city of this address
state varchar23 0 1 Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located. addr state null null No Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located.
country_id varchar23 1 1 Description is not available. addr country_id null null Yes Contains the country code for this address.
post varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. addr post null null No Contains the zip code for the address
contact_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_name null null No Contains the name of the contact for this address
contact_phone varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_phone null null No Contains the phone number of the contact for this address.
contact_telex varchar220 0 1 Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_telex null null No Contains the telex number of the contact at this address.
contact_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr contact_fax null null No Contains the fax number of the contact at this address.
contact_email varchar2100 0 1 Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. addr contact_email null null No Contains the email address of the contact at this address.
oracle_vendor_site_id number15 0 1 The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used. addr oracle_vendor_site_id null null No The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used.
county varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. addr county null null No The county of this address.
ExtOfAddrDesc:ExtOfAddrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWHDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWHDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WHRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WHRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wh number10 1 1 Description is not available. wh wh null null Yes The number of the warehouse for which data is being deleted.
AddrRef:AddrRef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfWHRef:ExtOfWHRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WHRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:AddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For AddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
addr number6 1 1 The unique identifier of the address being deleted. addr addr_key null null Yes The key of the address being deleted.
ExtOfAddrRef:ExtOfAddrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize AddrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfAddrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfAddrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWHRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWHRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WOInDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOInDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wo_id number10 1 1 The unique identifier for work in process associated with an order or transfer. wo_head wo_id null null Yes The unique identifier for work in process associated with an order or transfer.
order_no varchar210 1 1 The order number associated with the work order. wo_head order_no null null Yes The order number associated with the work order.
WOInDtl * 1 unbounded Child node - see below.
ExtOfWOInDesc:ExtOfWOInDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOInDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOInDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOInDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wh number10 1 1 The warehouse where the work order will be done. wo_detail wh null null Yes The warehouse where the work order will be done.
item varchar225 1 1 The item on which the work order will be done. wo_detail item null null Yes The item on which the work order will be done.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 The location type of the final destination location. Valid values are:'S' - Store or 'W' - Warehouse wo_detail loc_type null null Yes The location type of the final destination location. Valid values are:'S' - Store or 'W' - Warehouse
location number10 1 1 The final destination of the merchandise. If the item is predistributed this location will be the store/warehouse on the allocation. If not, it will be the same warehouse as in the wh column. wo_detail location null null Yes The final destination of the merchandise. If the item is predistributed this location will be the store/warehouse on the allocation. If not, it will be the same warehouse as in the wh column.
seq_no number4 1 1 The sequence number (needed to ensure each record is unique, since the same wip code can be listed more than once on the same work order). wo_detail seq_no null null Yes The sequence number (needed to ensure each record is unique, since the same wip code can be listed more than once on the same work order).
wip_code varchar29 1 1 The wip code for the work to be done on the item. wo_detail wip_code null null Yes The wip code for the work to be done on the item.
instructions varchar2300 0 1 Not used by RMS. * * null null No Not used by RMS.
ExtOfWOInDesc:ExtOfWOInDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOInDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOInDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOInDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOInDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOInDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WOInRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOInRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wo_id number10 1 1 Description is not available. wo_head wo_id null null Yes The work order for which deletion activity is occurring.
order_no varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. wo_head order_no null null Yes Th order number associated with the work order.
WOInDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfWOInRef:ExtOfWOInRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOInRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOInDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOInDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wh number10 1 1 Description is not available. wo_detail wh null null Yes The warehouse of the work order.
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. wo_detail item null null Yes The item of the work order.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 The location type of the final destination location. Valid values are:'S' - Store 'W' - Warehouse wo_detail loc_type null null Yes The location type of the final destination location. Valid values are:'S' - Store 'W' - Warehouse
location number10 1 1 The final destination of the merchandise. If the item is predistributed this location will be the store/warehouse on the allocation. If not, it will be the same warehouse as in the wh column. wo_detail location null null Yes The final destination of the merchandise. If the item is predistributed this location will be the store/warehouse on the allocation. If not, it will be the same warehouse as in the wh column.
seq_no number4 1 1 Description is not available. wo_detail seq_no null null Yes The sequence number.
wip_code varchar29 1 1 Description is not available. wo_detail wip_code null null Yes The wip code which indicates the work to be done on the item.
ExtOfWOInRef:ExtOfWOInDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOInDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOInDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOInDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOInRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOInRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WOOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wo_id number15 1 1 The work order number for this finishing activity. tsf-wo-head tsf_wo_id null null Yes The work order number for this finishing activity.
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 The 'from' location for tis transfer. tsfhead from_loc null null Yes The 'from' location for tis transfer.
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 The transfer that this work order is part of. tsfhead tsf-no null null Yes The transfer that this work order is part of.
WOOutDtl * 1 unbounded Child node - see below.
distro_parent_nbr varchar210 0 1 The higher level transfer that this transfer belongs to. tsfhead tsf-parent-no null null No The higher level transfer that this transfer belongs to.
WOOutXForm * 0 unbounded Child node - see below.
WOOutPacking * 0 unbounded Child node - see below.
inv_type varchar26 0 1 A code to indicate whether the inventory on the transfer is available. A = available; U = unavailable. tsfhead inventory_type null null Yes A code to indicate whether the inventory on the transfer is available. A = available; U = unavailable.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOOutDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 The 'to' location for this transfer. tsfhead to-loc null null Yes The 'to' location for this transfer.
item_id varchar225 1 1 The item for this portion of the work order. tsf_wo_detail item null null Yes The item for this portion of the work order.
wip_seq_nbr number7 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
wip_code varchar29 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
personalization varchar2300 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
instructions varchar2300 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
order_line_nbr number3 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
auto_complete varchar21 1 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
WOOutActivity * 0 unbounded Child node - see below.
inv_status number2 0 1 The inventory status of the transfer detail. tsfdetail inv_status null null No The inventory status of the transfer detail.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOOutActivity Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutActivity
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
activity_id number10 1 1 A code number indicating the activity that will be performed on the item. tsf_wo_detail activity_id null null No A code number indicating the activity that will be performed on the item.
activity_cost number20_4 0 1 The per-unit cost of the finishing activity. tsf_wo_detail unit_cost null null No The per-unit cost of the finishing activity.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Any comments regarding this activity. tsf_wo_detail comments null null No Any comments regarding this activity.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutActivity * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutActivity. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutActivity Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutActivity
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:WOOutXForm Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutXForm
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_item varchar225 1 1 The original item on the transfer. tsf_xform_detail from_item null null No The original item on the transfer.
to_item varchar225 1 1 The item which will result from the finishing activity. tsf_xform_detail to_item null null No The item which will result from the finishing activity.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutXForm * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutXForm. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutXForm Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutXForm
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:WOOutPacking Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutPacking
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
WOOutPackTo * 1 unbounded Child node - see below.
WOOutPackFrom * 1 unbounded Child node - see below.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutPacking * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutPacking. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOOutPackTo Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutPackTo
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_item varchar225 1 1 The item resulting from the packing process. tsf_packing_detail item null null Yes The item resulting from the packing process.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutPackTo * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutPackTo. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutPackTo Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutPackTo
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:WOOutPackFrom Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutPackFrom
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_item varchar225 1 1 The item used in the packing process. tsf_packing_detail item null null Yes The item used in the packing process.
ExtOfWOOutDesc:ExtOfWOOutPackFrom * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutPackFrom. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutPackFrom Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutPackFrom
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutPacking Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutPacking
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WOOutRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wo_id number15 1 1 NA tsf_wo_head tsf_wo_id null null Yes The work order number.
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 NA tsfhead from_loc null null Yes The 'from' location of the transfer.
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 NA tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes The transfer that this work order is part of.
WOOutDtlRef * 0 unbounded NA
distro_parent_nbr varchar210 0 1 The higher level transfer that this transfer belongs to. tsfhead tsf_parent_no null null No The higher level transfer that this transfer belongs to.
ExtOfWOOutRef:ExtOfWOOutRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOOutDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOOutDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 NA tsfhead to_loc null null Yes The 'to' location of the transfer.
item_id varchar225 1 1 NA tsf_wo_detail item null null Yes The item for this portion of the work order.
wip_seq_nbr number7 0 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
order_line_nbr number20 0 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
ExtOfWOOutRef:ExtOfWOOutDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOOutDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOOutRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOOutRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:WOStatusDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOStatusDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
wo_id varchar215 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
distro_nbr varchar210 1 1 NA tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes The transfer that this work order is part of.
distro_doc_type varchar21 1 1 NA * * null null Yes The should be 'T' for transfer.
distro_parent_nbr varchar210 0 1 The higher level transfer that this transfer is part of. tsfhead tsf_parent_no null null No The higher level transfer that this transfer is part of.
distro_parent_type varchar21 0 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
item varchar225 0 1 The item on which the work order has been completed. If an item transformation occurred, this should be the resultant item. tsfdetail item null null Yes The item on which the work order has been completed. If an item transformation occurred, this should be the resultant item.
wh number10 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
loc_type varchar21 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
location number10 1 1 NA wh wh null null Yes The warehouse that is the finisher location.
seq_no number4 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
wip_code varchar29 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
instructions varchar2300 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
complete_date xs:dateTime 1 1 NA * * null null No The date the work on the item was completed.
completed_qty number12 0 1 The quantity of the item on which work has been completed. * * null null No The quantity of the item on which work has been completed.
completed_ind varchar21 1 1 NA * * null null No Not used.
WOStatusInvAdj * 0 unbounded NA
ExtOfWOStatusDesc:ExtOfWOStatusDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOStatusDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:WOStatusInvAdj Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For WOStatusInvAdj
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
from_disposition varchar24 1 1 NA * * null null No This entire node is not used.
to_disposition varchar24 1 1 NA * * null null No *
unit_qty number12 1 1 NA * * null null No *
ExtOfWOStatusDesc:ExtOfWOStatusInvAdj * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize WOStatusInvAdj. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOStatusInvAdj Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOStatusInvAdj
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfWOStatusDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfWOStatusDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XAllocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XAllocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
XAlloc * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXAllocDesc:ExtOfXAllocDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XAlloc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XAlloc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XAlloc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
alloc_no number10 1 1 Contains the unique identifier of the Allocation. This field is not editable once the allocation is created in RMS. This should fall within the range of RMS ids already designated for allocations. alloc_header alloc_no number 10 Yes Contains the unique identifier of the Allocation. This field is not editable once the allocation is created in RMS. This should fall within the range of RMS ids already designated for allocations.
alloc_desc varchar2300 1 1 Contains the user defined description of the Allocation. This field is always editable. alloc_header alloc_desc varchar2 300 Yes Contains the user defined description of the Allocation. This field is always editable.
order_no number8 0 1 Contains the purchase order with which the allocation is associated in order to perform a cross-dock allocation. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS. alloc_header order_no varchar2 10 No Contains the purchase order with which the allocation is associated in order to perform a cross-dock allocation. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS.
item varchar225 1 1 Contains the transaction level item that is being allocated. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS. alloc_header item varchar2 25 Yes Contains the transaction level item that is being allocated. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS.
from_loc number10 1 1 Contains the location that is the source of the allocation. This must be a valid stockholding store or warehouse predefined in RMS. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS. alloc_header wh null null Yes Contains the location that is the source of the allocation. This must be a valid stockholding store or warehouse predefined in RMS. This field is not editable once the allocation has been created in RMS.
release_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the earliest date on which the warehouse should ship the allocation. This field is editable assuming that the warehouse has not yet started processing on the Allocation. This date cannot be in the past. alloc_header release_date RIBDate * No Contains the earliest date on which the warehouse should ship the allocation. This field is editable assuming that the warehouse has not yet started processing on the Allocation. This date cannot be in the past.
XAllocDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXAllocDesc:ExtOfXAlloc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XAlloc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XAllocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XAllocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_loc number10 1 1 Contains the to location of the allocation. This must be an active store previously defined in RMS. alloc_detail to_loc varchar2 10 Yes Contains the to location of the allocation. This must be an active store previously defined in RMS.
to_loc_type varchar21 1 1 Contains the location type of the to location. Since only stores can be allocated to, this value should always be 'S'. alloc_detail to_loc_type varchar2 1 Yes Contains the location type of the to location. Since only stores can be allocated to, this value should always be 'S'.
qty_allocated number12_4 1 1 Contains the allocated quantity of the item to the to location. When the allocation is being created this value must be a positive integer. If this value is being modified, it will contain the quantity adjusted (positive or negative), rather than an override value. alloc_detail qty_allocated null null Yes Contains the allocated quantity of the item to the to location. When the allocation is being created this value must be a positive integer. If this value is being modified, it will contain the quantity adjusted (positive or negative), rather than an override value.
ExtOfXAllocDesc:ExtOfXAllocDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XAllocDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXAllocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXAllocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXAlloc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXAlloc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXAllocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXAllocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XAllocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XAllocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
alloc_no number10 1 1 Contains the unique identifier of the Allocation. This should fall within the range of RMS ids already designated for allocations. alloc_header alloc_no null null Yes Contains the unique identifier of the Allocation. This should fall within the range of RMS ids already designated for allocations.
XAllocDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXAllocRef:ExtOfXAllocRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XAllocRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XAllocDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XAllocDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
to_loc number10 1 1 Contains the to location of the allocation. This must be an active store previously defined in RMS. alloc_detail to_loc null null Yes Contains the to location of the allocation. This must be an active store previously defined in RMS.
to_loc_type varchar21 1 1 Contains the location type of the to location. Since only stores can be allocated to, this value should always be 'S'. alloc_detail to_loc_type null null Yes Contains the location type of the to location. Since only stores can be allocated to, this value should always be 'S'.
ExtOfXAllocRef:ExtOfXAllocDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XAllocDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXAllocDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXAllocDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXAllocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXAllocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XCostChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XCostChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The item to which the cost change applies. It can be a parent item, but its item level cannot be greater than its transaction level. This cannot be a buyer pack. item_supp_country item varchar2 25 Yes The item to which the cost change applies. It can be a parent item, but its item level cannot be greater than its transaction level. This cannot be a buyer pack.
supplier number10 1 1 The number of the supplier that sources the items the cost change affects. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table. This can be a primary or non-primary supplier. item_supp_country supplier varchar2 10 Yes The number of the supplier that sources the items the cost change affects. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table. This can be a primary or non-primary supplier.
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The identifier of the origin country of the item\supplier to which the cost change will apply. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRIES table. This can be the primary or a non-primary country. item_supp_country origin_country_id varchar2 3 Yes The identifier of the origin country of the item\supplier to which the cost change will apply. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRIES table. This can be the primary or a non-primary country.
diff_id varchar210 0 1 The identifier for a differentiator. This can be used with a parent or grandparent item. The cost change will "explode" to all the parent's transaction level items with the differentiator. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS table. item_master diff_1, diff_2, diff_3, diff_4 null null No The identifier for a differentiator. This can be used with a parent or grandparent item. The cost change will "explode" to all the parent's transaction level items with the differentiator. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS table.
unit_cost number20_4 1 1 The new unit cost of the item in the currency specified on the message. Tables item_supp_country_loc, item_loc_soh, and ordloc can also be updated, depending on the values in tags hier_level and hier_value. item_supp_country unit_cost null null Yes The new unit cost of the item in the currency specified on the message. Tables item_supp_country_loc, item_loc_soh, and ordloc can also be updated, depending on the values in tags hier_level and hier_value.
recalc_ord_ind varchar21 1 1 This field will indicate if orders in approved status for items on the cost change will be recalculated with the new cost. Valid values will be Y (yes) and N (no). n/a n/a null null Yes This field will indicate if orders in approved status for items on the cost change will be recalculated with the new cost. Valid values will be Y (yes) and N (no).
currency_code varchar23 1 1 The currency code of the unit cost. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table and must be the currency of the supplier. currency currency_code null null Yes The currency code of the unit cost. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table and must be the currency of the supplier.
hier_level varchar22 0 1 The hierarchy level of the hierarchy value. This field will indicate the level of the organizational hierarchy to which the cost change applies. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse). n/a n/a null null No The hierarchy level of the hierarchy value. This field will indicate the level of the organizational hierarchy to which the cost change applies. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse).
XCostChgHrDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXCostChgDesc:ExtOfXCostChgDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XCostChgDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XCostChgHrDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XCostChgHrDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_value number10 1 1 The hierarchy value at the specified level of the hierarchy which encompasses the locations affected by the cost change. chain, area, region, district, store, wh chain, area, region, district, store, wh null null Yes The hierarchy value at the specified level of the hierarchy which encompasses the locations affected by the cost change.
ExtOfXCostChgDesc:ExtOfXCostChgHrDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XCostChgHrDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXCostChgHrDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXCostChgHrDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXCostChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXCostChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XDiffGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 A unique differentiator group identifier. This field cannot be modified once the differentiator is created. diff_group_head diff_group_id varchar2 10 Yes A unique differentiator group identifier. This field cannot be modified once the differentiator is created.
diff_group_type varchar26 1 1 A differentiator type which is predefined on the DIFF_TYPE table. Each diff group is composed of one diff type. This field cannot be modified once the diff group is created. diff_group_head diff_type varchar2 6 Yes A differentiator type which is predefined on the DIFF_TYPE table. Each diff group is composed of one diff type. This field cannot be modified once the diff group is created.
diff_group_desc varchar2120 1 1 The description of the differentiator group. diff_group_head diff_group_desc varchar2 120 Yes The description of the differentiator group.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 The date/time the differentiator group was created. If it is not populated on the message it will be defaulted to the time of creation in RMS. This value cannot be modified once the diff group is created. diff_group_head create_datetime null null No The date/time the differentiator group was created. If it is not populated on the message it will be defaulted to the time of creation in RMS. This value cannot be modified once the diff group is created.
XDiffGrpDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXDiffGrpDesc:ExtOfXDiffGrpDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffGrpDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XDiffGrpDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffGrpDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 The identifier of the differentiator contained within the differentiator group. This id must be unique within the diff group. This must be populated when a diff group is being created since a diff group needs at least one diff id. Value must be predefined in the DIFF_IDS table. diff_group_detail diff_id null null Yes The identifier of the differentiator contained within the differentiator group. This id must be unique within the diff group. This must be populated when a diff group is being created since a diff group needs at least one diff id. Value must be predefined in the DIFF_IDS table.
display_seq number4 0 1 The order in which the differentiators within the differentiator group are displayed on-line. diff_group_detail display_seq null null No The order in which the differentiators within the differentiator group are displayed on-line.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 The date\time the differentiator was added to the differentiator group. This field will default to the time of creation in RMS if it is not populated on the message. This field will not be editable once the detail has been created. diff_group_detail create_datetime RIBDate * No The date\time the differentiator was added to the differentiator group. This field will default to the time of creation in RMS if it is not populated on the message. This field will not be editable once the detail has been created.
ExtOfXDiffGrpDesc:ExtOfXDiffGrpDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffGrpDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffGrpDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffGrpDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XDiffGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_group_id varchar210 1 1 A unique differentiator group identifier. diff_group_head diff_group_id null null Yes A unique differentiator group identifier.
XDiffGrpDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXDiffGrpRef:ExtOfXDiffGrpRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffGrpRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XDiffGrpDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffGrpDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 The identifier of the differentiator contained within the differentiator group. This id must be unique within the diff group. Value must be predefined in the DIFF_IDS table. diff_group_detail diff_id null null Yes The identifier of the differentiator contained within the differentiator group. This id must be unique within the diff group. Value must be predefined in the DIFF_IDS table.
ExtOfXDiffGrpRef:ExtOfXDiffGrpDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffGrpDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffGrpDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffGrpDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XDiffIDDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffIDDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 The unique identifier of the differentiator. This field cannot be modified. diff_ids diff_id varchar2 10 Yes The unique identifier of the differentiator. This field cannot be modified.
diff_type varchar26 1 1 The identifier of the differentiator type. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_TYPE table. This field cannot be modified. diff_ids diff_type varchar2 6 Yes The identifier of the differentiator type. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_TYPE table. This field cannot be modified.
diff_desc varchar2120 1 1 The description of the differentiator. diff_ids diff_desc null null Yes The description of the differentiator.
industry_code varchar210 0 1 The unique reference number which represents all possible combinations of sizes according to the National Retail Federation. diff_ids industry_code null null No The unique reference number which represents all possible combinations of sizes according to the National Retail Federation.
industry_subgroup varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 The date/time the differentiator was created. If this field is not populated on the message it will default to the time of creation in RMS. This field cannot be modified. diff_ids create_datetime null null No The date/time the differentiator was created. If this field is not populated on the message it will default to the time of creation in RMS. This field cannot be modified.
ExtOfXDiffIDDesc:ExtOfXDiffIDDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffIDDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffIDDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffIDDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XDiffIDRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XDiffIDRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
diff_id varchar210 1 1 The unique identifier of the differentiator. diff_ids diff_id null null Yes The unique identifier of the differentiator.
ExtOfXDiffIDRef:ExtOfXDiffIDRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XDiffIDRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXDiffIDRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXDiffIDRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier of the main item on the message. item_master item varchar2 25 Yes The unique identifier of the main item on the message.
item_parent varchar225 0 1 The item at the level above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. The item parent cannot be modified. item_master item_parent null null No The item at the level above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. The item parent cannot be modified.
item_grandparent varchar225 0 1 The item two levels above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. The item grandparent cannot be modified. item_master item_grandparent null null No The item two levels above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. The item grandparent cannot be modified.
pack_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the item is a pack item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. item_master pack_ind null null No Indicates if the item is a pack item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified.
item_level number1 1 1 The level of the item. Valid values are 1 (single level or pack item), 2 (child item), and 3 (grandchild item). This value cannot be modified. item_master item_level null null No The level of the item. Valid values are 1 (single level or pack item), 2 (child item), and 3 (grandchild item). This value cannot be modified.
tran_level number1 1 1 The transaction level of the item. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. If this is a transaction item this will equal the item level. If the item is a pack this will equal 1. This value cannot be modified. item_master tran_level null null No The transaction level of the item. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. If this is a transaction item this will equal the item level. If the item is a pack this will equal 1. This value cannot be modified.
diff_1 varchar210 0 1 A differentiator id which differentiates a transaction level item from its parent item. If the item on the message is a parent this field may hold a differentiator group id. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS or DIFF_GROUP_HEAD table. item_master diff_1 null null No A differentiator id which differentiates a transaction level item from its parent item. If the item on the message is a parent this field may hold a differentiator group id. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS or DIFF_GROUP_HEAD table.
diff_2 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. item_master diff_2 null null No See description for diff_1.
diff_3 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. item_master diff_3 null null No See description for diff_1.
diff_4 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. item_master diff_4 null null No See description for diff_1.
dept number4 1 1 The number of the department to which this item belongs. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. It cannot be modified. item_master dept null null No The number of the department to which this item belongs. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. It cannot be modified.
class number4 1 1 The number of the class to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. It cannot be modified. item_master class null null No The number of the class to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. It cannot be modified.
subclass number4 1 1 The number of the subclass to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the SUBCLASS table. It cannot be modified. item_master subclass null null No The number of the subclass to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the SUBCLASS table. It cannot be modified.
item_desc varchar2250 1 1 The long description of the item. item_master item_desc varchar2 250 Yes The long description of the item.
iscloc_hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\supplier\country\location relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse). * * null null No The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\supplier\country\location relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse).
izp_hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\zone\price relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). This value should be null if the item is a non sellable pack. * * null null No The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\zone\price relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). This value should be null if the item is a non sellable pack.
short_desc varchar2120 0 1 The short description of the item. If this field is not populated it will default from the long description. item_master short_desc varchar2 120 No The short description of the item. If this field is not populated it will default from the long description.
retail_zone_group_id number4 0 1 The zone group on the price_zone_group table to which this item belongs. It is required except for non sellable packs. This value cannot be modified. item_master retail_zone_group_id null null No The zone group on the price_zone_group table to which this item belongs. It is required except for non sellable packs. This value cannot be modified.
cost_zone_group_id number4 0 1 The cost zone from the cost_zone_group table to which the item belongs. This should be null if landed cost is not being used in the system or the item is an orderable buyer pack. item_master cost_zone_group_id null null No The cost zone from the cost_zone_group table to which the item belongs. This should be null if landed cost is not being used in the system or the item is an orderable buyer pack.
standard_uom varchar24 0 1 The unit of measure at which the item is tracked at the corporate level. This will be defaulted to EA (eaches) if not populated on the message. It cannot be modified. item_master standard_uom null null No The unit of measure at which the item is tracked at the corporate level. This will be defaulted to EA (eaches) if not populated on the message. It cannot be modified.
store_ord_mult varchar21 1 1 The unit type of merchandise shipped from the warehouse to the store for this item. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches). item_master store_ord_mult varchar2 1 Yes The unit type of merchandise shipped from the warehouse to the store for this item. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches).
forecast_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the item is forecastable. Valid value are Y (yes) and N (no). This value should be N if the item is a pack. item_master forecast_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates whether the item is forecastable. Valid value are Y (yes) and N (no). This value should be N if the item is a pack.
simple_pack_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the item is a simple pack. This field is required if the item is a pack. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. item_master simple_pack_ind null null No Indicates if the item is a simple pack. This field is required if the item is a pack. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified.
contains_inner_ind varchar21 1 1 This should be Y (yes) if the item is a pack and at least one component item is a pack; otherwise it should be N (no). item_master contains_inner_ind null null No This should be Y (yes) if the item is a pack and at least one component item is a pack; otherwise it should be N (no).
sellable_ind varchar21 1 1 If the item is a pack, this value indicates if the pack can be sold as a unique unit. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item. item_master sellable_ind null null No If the item is a pack, this value indicates if the pack can be sold as a unique unit. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item.
orderable_ind varchar21 1 1 If the item is a pack, this field indicates if it can be placed on orders. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This field cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item. item_master orderable_ind null null No If the item is a pack, this field indicates if it can be placed on orders. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This field cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item.
pack_type varchar21 0 1 If the item is a pack, this field will indicate what type of pack it is. Valid values are B (buyer) and V (vendor). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack this value should be null. item_master pack_type varchar2 1 No If the item is a pack, this field will indicate what type of pack it is. Valid values are B (buyer) and V (vendor). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack this value should be null.
order_as_type varchar21 0 1 If the item is an orderable buyer pack, this indicates how it will be ordered. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack, this should be null. item_master order_as_type null null No If the item is an orderable buyer pack, this indicates how it will be ordered. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack, this should be null.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Comments associated with the item. item_master comments varchar2 2000 No Comments associated with the item.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Date/time stamp of when the record was created. This date/time will be used in export processing. This value should only be populated on insert - it should never be updated. item_master create_datetime RIBDate * No Date/time stamp of when the record was created. This date/time will be used in export processing. This value should only be populated on insert - it should never be updated.
XItemSupDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemBOMDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemVATDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XIZPDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemUDADtl * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemSeason * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemImage * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
status varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
uom_conv_factor number20_10 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
package_size number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
handling_temp varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
handling_sensitivity varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
mfg_rec_retail number20_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
waste_type varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
item_number_type varchar26 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber_type. * * null null No Not used.
catch_weight_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
const_dimen_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
gift_wrap_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
ship_alone_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
ext_source_system varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
size_group1 number4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
size_group2 number4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
size1 varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
size2 varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
color varchar224 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
system_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
upc_supplement number5 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
upc_type varchar25 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
primary_upc_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
primary_repl_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
item_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
diff_1_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
diff_2_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
diff_3_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
diff_4_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
perishable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if an item is perishable. NA NA NA NA NA NA
notional_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a sellable simple pack needs to be broken down to its component item. NA NA NA NA NA NA
soh_inquiry_at_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a notional simple pack item's inventory should be displayed in packs. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 The identifier of the supplier who sources the item. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table. item_supplier supplier varchar2 10 Yes The identifier of the supplier who sources the item. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 1 1 Indicates if the supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). item_supplier primary_supp_ind varchar2 3 Yes Indicates if the supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no).
vpn varchar230 0 1 The vendor product number associated with the item. item_supplier vpn varchar2 30 No The vendor product number associated with the item.
supp_label varchar215 0 1 The supplier label for the item. item_supplier supp_label varchar2 15 No The supplier label for the item.
XItemSupCtyDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
consignment_rate number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
supp_discontinue_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
direct_ship_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
pallet_name varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
case_name varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
inner_name varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
XItmSupCtyMfrDesc:XItmSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemSupDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The identifier for the country where the item is sourced. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRY table. item_supp_country origin_country_id null null Yes The identifier for the country where the item is sourced. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRY table.
primary_country_ind varchar21 1 1 This indicates if the country is the primary country for the item\supplier. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). item_supp_country primary_country_ind varchar2 1 Yes This indicates if the country is the primary country for the item\supplier. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no).
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 The current corporate unit cost for the item in the supplier's currency. This field will only be used to establish the item\supplier\country unit cost; it cannot be modified. item_supp_country unit_cost null null No The current corporate unit cost for the item in the supplier's currency. This field will only be used to establish the item\supplier\country unit cost; it cannot be modified.
XISCLocDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
lead_time number4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
min_order_qty number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
max_order_qty number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
supp_hier_lvl_1 varchar210 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
supp_hier_lvl_2 varchar210 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
supp_hier_lvl_3 varchar210 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
default_uop varchar26 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
inner_pack_size number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
ti number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
hi number12_4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
XISCDimDesc * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used..
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemSupCtyDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupCtyDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XISCLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XISCLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The specific location id for this Item Supplier Country Loc message. Corresponds with the value used in the iscloc_hier_level field. item_supp_country_loc loc null null Yes The specific location id for this Item Supplier Country Loc message. Corresponds with the value used in the iscloc_hier_level field.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 The unit cost for the item at the item\supplier\country\loc level in the supplier's currency. This field will be used for creating new records, not updating existing records. item_supp_country_loc unit_cost number 20 No The unit cost for the item at the item\supplier\country\loc level in the supplier's currency. This field will be used for creating new records, not updating existing records.
primary_loc_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the location is the primary location for the item\supplier\country. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). item_supp_country_loc primary_loc_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the location is the primary location for the item\supplier\country. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no).
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
round_lvl varchar26 0 1 This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet. item_supp_country_loc round_lvl varchar2 6 No This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet.
round_to_case_pct number12_4 0 1 The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial case quantities up or down. item_supp_country_loc round_to_case_pct null null No The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial case quantities up or down.
round_to_layer_pct number12_4 0 1 The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down. item_supp_country_loc round_to_layer_pct null null No The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down.
round_to_pallet_pct number12_4 0 1 The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Pallet quantities up or down. item_supp_country_loc round_to_pallet_pct null null No The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Pallet quantities up or down.
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXISCLocDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XISCLocDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXISCLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXISCLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XISCDimDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XISCDimDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dim_object varchar26 1 1 This entire node is not used. * * null null No This entire node is not used.
tare_weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
tare_type varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
lwh_uom varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
length number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
width number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
dim_height number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
liquid_volume number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
liquid_volume_uom varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
stat_cube varchar212 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 12 * *
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 4 * *
weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 12 * *
net_weight varchar212 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 12 * *
presentation_method varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 6 * *
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXISCDimDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XISCDimDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXISCDimDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXISCDimDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupCtyDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupCtyDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItmSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItmSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_manufacturer_ctry_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if it's the primary country of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc:ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItmSupCtyMfrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemBOMDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemBOMDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
component_item varchar225 1 1 The component item within the pack. This value must be predefined on ITEM_MASTER. It will only be populated if the item on the message is a pack item. This value cannot be modified. Only transaction level items can be pack components. packitem item null null Yes The component item within the pack. This value must be predefined on ITEM_MASTER. It will only be populated if the item on the message is a pack item. This value cannot be modified. Only transaction level items can be pack components.
pack_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the component item. This value cannot be modified. packitem pack_qty null null Yes The quantity of the component item. This value cannot be modified.
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemBOMDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemBOMDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemBOMDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemBOMDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemVATDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemVATDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
vat_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing or selling. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail). vat_item vat_type null null Yes Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing or selling. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail).
vat_region number6 1 1 The identifier for the VAT region. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. This node is optional, if it is included this field is required. vat_item vat_region null null Yes The identifier for the VAT region. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. This node is optional, if it is included this field is required.
vat_code varchar26 1 1 The identifier for the VAT code. This node is optional, if it is included in the message this field is required. vat_item vat_code null null Yes The identifier for the VAT code. This node is optional, if it is included in the message this field is required.
active_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date that the VAT rate became active for the item/VAT region combination. vat_item active_date null null Yes The date that the VAT rate became active for the item/VAT region combination.
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemVATDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemVATDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemVATDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemVATDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XIZPDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XIZPDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The specific hierarchy id for this Item Zone Price message. Corresponds with value used in izp_hier_level field. * * null null Yes The specific hierarchy id for this Item Zone Price message. Corresponds with value used in izp_hier_level field.
base_retail_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
selling_unit_retail number20_4 1 1 The selling unit retail value in the currency and the selling UOM on the message. This field cannot be modified. rpm_item_zone_price selling_retail null null Yes The selling unit retail value in the currency and the selling UOM on the message. This field cannot be modified.
selling_uom varchar24 1 1 The selling unit of measure for the item's single unit retail. This field cannot be modified. rpm_item_zone_price selling_uom null null Yes The selling unit of measure for the item's single unit retail. This field cannot be modified.
multi_selling_uom varchar24 0 1 The selling unit of measure for the item's multi unit retail. This field cannot be modified. rpm_item_zone_price multi_selling_uom null null No The selling unit of measure for the item's multi unit retail. This field cannot be modified.
country_id varchar23 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 The code of the currency the retail value and zones are in. Item\zone\price records will only be created for stores with the same currency as the retail value on the message. * * null null No The code of the currency the retail value and zones are in. Item\zone\price records will only be created for stores with the same currency as the retail value on the message.
multi_units number12_4 0 1 The multi units for the item\zone. This field cannot be modified. rpm_item_zone_price multi_units null null No The multi units for the item\zone. This field cannot be modified.
multi_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 The multi unit retail in the currency and the multi unit UOM specified on the message. This field cannot be modified. rpm_item_zone_price multi_unit_retail null null No The multi unit retail in the currency and the multi unit UOM specified on the message. This field cannot be modified.
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXIZPDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XIZPDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXIZPDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXIZPDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemUDADtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemUDADtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 This entire node is not used. * * null null No This entire node is not used.
display_type varchar22 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 2 * *
uda_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
uda_value varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
uda_text varchar2250 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 250 * *
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemUDADtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemUDADtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemUDADtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemUDADtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemSeason Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSeason
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
season_id number3 1 1 This entire node is not used. * * null null No This entire node is not used.
phase_id number3 1 1 Description is not available. * * number 3 * *
item_season_seq_no number4 0 1 Description is not available. * * number 4 * *
diff_id varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 10 * *
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
color number4 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemSeason * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSeason. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSeason Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSeason
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemImage Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemImage
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
image_name varchar2120 1 1 This entire node is not used. * * null null No This entire node is not used.
image_addr varchar2255 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 255 * *
image_desc varchar240 1 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 40 * *
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. * * RIBDate * * *
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
ExtOfXItemDesc:ExtOfXItemImage * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemImage. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemImage Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemImage
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The identifier for the item. item_loc item null null Yes The identifier for the item.
hier_level varchar22 1 1 The level of the organizational hierarchy to which the hier_value field pertains. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). * * null null Yes The level of the organizational hierarchy to which the hier_value field pertains. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse).
XItemLocDtl * 1 unbounded Child node.
ExtOfXItemLocDesc:ExtOfXItemLocDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemLocDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemLocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemLocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_value number10 1 1 The same value as in the hier_level field. * * null null Yes The same value as in the hier_level field.
primary_supp number10 1 1 The primary supplier for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary supplier on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. item_loc primary_supp null null No The primary supplier for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary supplier on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table.
primary_cntry varchar23 1 1 The primary country for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary country on the ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY table. item_loc primary_cntry null null No The primary country for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary country on the ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY table.
local_item_desc varchar2250 0 1 Local description for the item at the location. If not populated on the message this will default from the ITEM_MASTER table. item_loc local_item_desc null null No Local description for the item at the location. If not populated on the message this will default from the ITEM_MASTER table.
status varchar21 1 1 The status of the item at the location. This value must be 'A' (active) on a create message. On a modify messge it can be 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued), or 'D' (deleted). item_loc status null null Yes The status of the item at the location. This value must be 'A' (active) on a create message. On a modify messge it can be 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued), or 'D' (deleted).
store_ord_mult varchar21 1 1 The unit type of the item shipped from the warehouse to the location. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches). Eaches will default if left null on a create message. item_loc store_ord_mult null null No The unit type of the item shipped from the warehouse to the location. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches). Eaches will default if left null on a create message.
receive_as_type varchar21 1 1 The unit in which the warehouse will receive goods. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field only applies to buyer packs. If the item is not a buyer pack this field should be null. item_loc receive_as_type null null No The unit in which the warehouse will receive goods. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field only applies to buyer packs. If the item is not a buyer pack this field should be null.
taxable_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the item is taxable at the location. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. If not populated on the message it will default to 'Y'. item_loc taxable_ind null null No Indicates if the item is taxable at the location. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. If not populated on the message it will default to 'Y'.
ti number12_4 0 1 Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of a pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet. item_loc ti number 12 No Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of a pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet.
hi number12_4 0 1 Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet (height). Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet. item_loc hi number 12 No Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet (height). Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet.
daily_waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Average percentage lost from inventory on a daily basis due to natural wastage. item_loc daily_waste_pct number 12 No Average percentage lost from inventory on a daily basis due to natural wastage.
local_short_desc varchar2120 0 1 The local short description of the item. Will default to the item's short description. Will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc local_short_desc null null No The local short description of the item. Will default to the item's short description. Will be downloaded to the POS.
XItemLocTrt * 0 1 Child node.
ExtOfXItemLocDesc:ExtOfXItemLocDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemLocDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
launch_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date the item should first be sold at the location. Value will be downloaded to the POS. No internal processing occurs from this field. item_loc_traits launch_date null null No The date the item should first be sold at the location. Value will be downloaded to the POS. No internal processing occurs from this field.
qty_key_options varchar26 0 1 Determines whether the qty key on a POS should be used for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added to the code type item_loc_traits qty_key_options varchar2 6 No Determines whether the qty key on a POS should be used for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added to the code type
manual_price_entry varchar26 0 1 Determines whether the price can/should be entered manually on a POS for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added. item_loc_traits manual_price_entry null null No Determines whether the price can/should be entered manually on a POS for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added.
deposit_code varchar26 0 1 Indicates whether a deposit is associated with this item at the location. Values are in the code_type 'DEPO'. The only processing in RMS is downloading it to the POS item_loc_traits deposit_code null null No Indicates whether a deposit is associated with this item at the location. Values are in the code_type 'DEPO'. The only processing in RMS is downloading it to the POS
food_stamp_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether the item is approved for food stamps at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc_traits food_stamp_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates whether the item is approved for food stamps at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS.
wic_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether the item is approved for WIC at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc_traits wic_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates whether the item is approved for WIC at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS.
proportional_tare_pct number12_4 0 1 For items sold by weight, this is the proportion of the total weight of a unit of an item that is packaging. item_loc_traits proportional_tare_pct null null No For items sold by weight, this is the proportion of the total weight of a unit of an item that is packaging.
fixed_tare_value number12_4 0 1 Holds the weight of the packaging in items sold by weight at the location; i.e. if the tare item is bulk candy, this is weight of the bag and twist tie). The only processing RMS does is to download it to POS. item_loc_traits fixed_tare_value null null No Holds the weight of the packaging in items sold by weight at the location; i.e. if the tare item is bulk candy, this is weight of the bag and twist tie). The only processing RMS does is to download it to POS.
fixed_tare_uom varchar24 0 1 Holds the unit of measure value associated with the tare value. The only processing RMS does involving the fixed tare value and UOM is downloading it to the POS. Fixed tare is not subtracted from items sold by weight when sales are uploaded to RMS, etc item_loc_traits fixed_tare_uom varchar2 4 No Holds the unit of measure value associated with the tare value. The only processing RMS does involving the fixed tare value and UOM is downloading it to the POS. Fixed tare is not subtracted from items sold by weight when sales are uploaded to RMS, etc
reward_eligible_ind varchar21 0 1 Holds whether the item is legally valid for various types of bonus point/award programs at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc_traits reward_eligible_ind varchar2 1 No Holds whether the item is legally valid for various types of bonus point/award programs at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS.
natl_brand_comp_item varchar225 0 1 Holds the nationally branded item to which you would like to compare the current item. This nationally branded item must exist as an item in RMS (i.e. on the item_master table). item_loc_traits natl_brand_comp_item varchar2 25 No Holds the nationally branded item to which you would like to compare the current item. This nationally branded item must exist as an item in RMS (i.e. on the item_master table).
return_policy varchar26 0 1 The return policy for the item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RETP'. This value will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc_traits return_policy null null No The return policy for the item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RETP'. This value will be downloaded to the POS.
stop_sale_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates that sale of the item should be stopped immediately at the location (i.e. in case of recall etc). This value will be downloaded to the POS. item_loc_traits stop_sale_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates that sale of the item should be stopped immediately at the location (i.e. in case of recall etc). This value will be downloaded to the POS.
elect_mkt_clubs varchar26 0 1 Code for the marketing clubs to which the item belongs at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'MTKC'. item_loc_traits elect_mtk_clubs null null No Code for the marketing clubs to which the item belongs at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'MTKC'.
report_code varchar26 0 1 Code to determine which reports the location should run. Values are in the code type 'REPC'. item_loc_traits report_code null null No Code to determine which reports the location should run. Values are in the code type 'REPC'.
req_shelf_life_on_selection number4 0 1 Holds the required shelf life for an item on selection in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it. item_loc_traits req_shelf_life_on_selection null null No Holds the required shelf life for an item on selection in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it.
req_shelf_life_on_receipt number4 0 1 Holds the required shelf life for an item on receipt in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing item_loc_traits req_shelf_life_on_receipt number 4 No Holds the required shelf life for an item on receipt in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing
ib_shelf_life number4 0 1 The Investment Buy-specific shelf life for the item/location item_loc_traits ib_shelf_life null null No The Investment Buy-specific shelf life for the item/location
store_reorderable_ind varchar21 0 1 A code (Y or N) to indicate whether the store may re-order the item. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems. item_loc_traits store_reorderable_ind null null No A code (Y or N) to indicate whether the store may re-order the item. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems.
rack_size varchar26 0 1 Indicates the rack size that should be used for the item. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'RACK'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems. item_loc_traits rack_size null null No Indicates the rack size that should be used for the item. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'RACK'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems.
full_pallet_item varchar21 0 1 A code (Y or N) to indicate whether a store must reorder an item in full pallets only. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems. item_loc_traits full_pallet_item null null No A code (Y or N) to indicate whether a store must reorder an item in full pallets only. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems.
in_store_market_basket varchar26 0 1 The in store market basket code for this item/location. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'STMB'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems. item_loc_traits in_store_market_basket null null No The in store market basket code for this item/location. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'STMB'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems.
storage_location varchar27 0 1 Holds the current storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing. item_loc_traits storage_location varchar2 7 No Holds the current storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing.
alt_storage_location varchar27 0 1 Holds the preferred alternate storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing item_loc_traits alt_storage_location varchar2 7 No Holds the preferred alternate storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing
returnable_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be returned to the location item_loc_traits returnable_ind varchar2 1 No This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be returned to the location
refundable_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item is refundable at the location. item_loc_traits refundable_ind varchar2 1 No This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item is refundable at the location.
back_order_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be back ordered to the location item_loc_traits back_order_ind varchar2 1 No This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be back ordered to the location
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 The the time and date of record creation. item_loc_traits create_datetime null null No The the time and date of record creation.
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 The user id of the last user to update the record. item_loc_traits last_update_id null null No The user id of the last user to update the record.
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 The time and date of the last update of the record. item_loc_traits last_update_datetime null null No The time and date of the last update of the record.
ExtOfXItemLocDesc:ExtOfXItemLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemLocDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemLocDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemLocDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemLocDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemRclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
reclass_no number4 1 1 The unique number which identifies the reclass event. reclass_head reclass_no number 4 Yes The unique number which identifies the reclass event.
reclass_desc varchar2120 1 1 The description of the reclass event. reclass_head reclass_desc varchar2 30 Yes The description of the reclass event.
reclass_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date on which the reclass event is scheduled to take place. reclass_head reclass_date RIBDate * Yes The date on which the reclass event is scheduled to take place.
to_dept number4 1 1 The department to which the item will belong after the reclass event. reclass_head to_dept number 4 Yes The department to which the item will belong after the reclass event.
to_class number4 1 1 The class to which the item will belong after the reclass event. reclass_head to_class number 4 Yes The class to which the item will belong after the reclass event.
to_subclass number4 1 1 The subclass to which the item will belong after the reclass event. reclass_head to_subclass number 4 Yes The subclass to which the item will belong after the reclass event.
XItemRclsDtl:XItemRclsDtl * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemRclsDesc:ExtOfXItemRclsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRclsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The item in the reclass event. reclass_item item varchar2 25 Yes The item in the reclass event.
ExtOfXItemRclsDtl:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRclsDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The item in the reclass event. reclass_item item null null Yes The item of the reclass-item event which should be deleted
ExtOfXItemRclsDtl:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRclsDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemRclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
reclass_no number4 0 1 The reclass event for which deletion activity is occurring. reclass_head reclass_no null null Yes The reclass event for which deletion activity is occurring.
reclass_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date of the reclass event. recass_head reclass_date null null No The date of the reclass event.
purge_all_ind varchar21 0 1 If this field is 'Y', then all item reclass events for this reclass_no should be deleted. * * null null No If this field is 'Y', then all item reclass events for this reclass_no should be deleted.
XItemRclsDtl:XItemRclsDtl * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemRclsRef:ExtOfXItemRclsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRclsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The item in the reclass event. reclass_item item null null Yes The item of the reclass-item event which should be deleted
ExtOfXItemRclsDtl:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRclsDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRclsDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRclsDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier for the item. item_master item null null Yes The unique identifier for the item.
hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District n/a n/a varchar2 2 No The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District
XItemSupRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemVATRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemImageRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemSeasonRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemUDARef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemBOMRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
system_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
upc_supplement number5 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 Item Supplier affected by the deletion activity. item_supplier supplier null null Yes Item Supplier affected by the deletion activity.
delete_children_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the deletion should be applied to all associated item/supplier records below the item level of the item specified on the deletion message. * * null null Yes Indicates whether the deletion should be applied to all associated item/supplier records below the item level of the item specified on the deletion message.
XItemSupCtyRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemSupCtyMfrRef:XItemSupCtyMfrRef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemSupRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupCtyRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The supplier country affected by the deletion activity. item_supp_country origin_country_id null null Yes The supplier country affected by the deletion activity.
XISCLocRef * 0 unbounded Child node
XISCDimRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemSupCtyRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupCtyRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XISCLocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XISCLocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The id of the location hierarchy level affected by the message. * * null null Yes The id of the location hierarchy level affected by the message.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXISCLocRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XISCLocRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXISCLocRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXISCLocRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XISCDimRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XISCDimRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dim_object varchar26 1 1 This node is not used. * * null null No This node is not used.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXISCDimRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XISCDimRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXISCDimRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXISCDimRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupCtyRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupCtyRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyMfrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupCtyMfrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef:ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupCtyMfrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemVATRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemVATRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
vat_type varchar21 1 1 The vat type of the vat item info to be deleted. vat_item vat_type null null Yes The vat type of the vat item info to be deleted.
vat_region number6 1 1 The vat region of the vat item info to be deleted. vat_item vat_region null null Yes The vat region of the vat item info to be deleted.
vat_code varchar26 1 1 The vat code of the vat item info to be deleted. vat_item vat_code null null Yes The vat code of the vat item info to be deleted.
active_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The active date of the vat item info to be deleted. vat_item active_date null null Yes The active date of the vat item info to be deleted.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemVATRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemVATRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemVATRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemVATRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemImageRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemImageRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
image_name varchar2120 1 1 This node is not used. * * null null No This node is not used.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemImageRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemImageRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemImageRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemImageRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemSeasonRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSeasonRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
season_id number3 1 1 This node is not used. * * null null No This node is not used.
phase_id number3 1 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
diff_id varchar210 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
color number4 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemSeasonRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSeasonRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSeasonRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSeasonRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemUDARef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemUDARef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 This node is not used. * * null null No This node is not used.
display_type varchar22 1 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
uda_value varchar230 0 1 Not used. * * null null No Not used.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemUDARef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemUDARef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemUDARef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemUDARef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XItemBOMRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemBOMRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
component_item varchar225 1 1 The pack item to be deleted. packitem item null null Yes The pack item to be deleted.
ExtOfXItemRef:ExtOfXItemBOMRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemBOMRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemBOMRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemBOMRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyMfrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItemSupCtyMfrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef:ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItemSupCtyMfrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItemSupCtyMfrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XItmSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XItmSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_manufacturer_ctry_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if it's the primary country of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc:ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XItmSupCtyMfrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXItmSupCtyMfrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XLocTrtDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XLocTrtDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_trait_id number4 1 1 The unique id number of the location trait. loc_traits loc_trait null null Yes The unique id number of the location trait.
trait_desc varchar2120 1 1 The description of the location trait. loc_traits description null null Yes The description of the location trait.
ExtOfXLocTrtDesc:ExtOfXLocTrtDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XLocTrtDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXLocTrtDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXLocTrtDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XLocTrtRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XLocTrtRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_trait_id number4 1 1 The id number of the location trait being deleted. loc_traits loc_trait null null Yes The id number of the location trait being deleted.
ExtOfXLocTrtRef:ExtOfXLocTrtRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XLocTrtRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXLocTrtRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXLocTrtRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrClsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrClsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
class number4 1 1 The unique number of the class. This field cannot be modified. class class varchar2 7 Yes The unique number of the class. This field cannot be modified.
class_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the class. class class_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the class.
class_vat_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether retail is displayed and held with or without VAT for items within the class. This field is available when VAT is on in the system and defined at the class level. Valid values are Y and N. class class_vat_ind null null No Indicates whether retail is displayed and held with or without VAT for items within the class. This field is available when VAT is on in the system and defined at the class level. Valid values are Y and N.
dept number4 1 1 The number of the department which contains the class. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. This value cannot be modified. class dept number 4 Yes The number of the department which contains the class. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. This value cannot be modified.
ExtOfXMrchHrClsDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrClsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrClsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrClsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrClsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrClsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrClsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
class number4 1 1 The unique number of the class. class class null null Yes The unique number of the class.
dept number4 1 1 The ID of the department which which contains the class. class dept null null Yes The ID of the department which which contains the class.
ExtOfXMrchHrClsRef:ExtOfXMrchHrClsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrClsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrClsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrClsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrCompDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrCompDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
company number4 1 1 The unique number which identifies the company for which the system is running. This value cannot be modified. comphead company number 4 Yes The unique number which identifies the company for which the system is running. This value cannot be modified.
company_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the company for which the system is running. comphead co_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the company for which the system is running.
add_1 varchar2240 1 1 The first line of the company headquarters address. comphead co_add1 varchar2 240 Yes The first line of the company headquarters address.
add_2 varchar2240 0 1 The second line of the company headquarters address. comphead co_add2 varchar2 240 No The second line of the company headquarters address.
add_3 varchar2240 0 1 The third line of the company headquarters address. comphead co_add3 varchar2 240 No The third line of the company headquarters address.
city varchar2120 1 1 The city the company headquarters. comphead co_city varchar2 120 Yes The city the company headquarters.
state varchar23 0 1 The abbreviation of the state of the company headquarters. This value must be predefined on the STATE table. comphead co_state varchar2 3 No The abbreviation of the state of the company headquarters. This value must be predefined on the STATE table.
country_code varchar23 1 1 The abbreviation of the country of the company headquarters. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRY table. comphead co_country varchar2 3 Yes The abbreviation of the country of the company headquarters. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRY table.
postal_code varchar230 0 1 The postal zip code of the company headquarters. comphead co_post varchar2 30 No The postal zip code of the company headquarters.
ExtOfXMrchHrCompDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrCompDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrCompDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrCompDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrCompDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrDeptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrDeptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 The number which uniquely identifies the department. This value cannot be modified. deps dept number 4 Yes The number which uniquely identifies the department. This value cannot be modified.
dept_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the department. deps dept_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the department.
buyer number4 0 1 The number of the buyer associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table. deps buyer number 4 No The number of the buyer associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table.
purchase_type number1 1 1 The code which indicates whether items in this department are normal merchandise (0) or consignment stock (1). This field cannot be modified. deps purchase_type varchar2 6 Yes The code which indicates whether items in this department are normal merchandise (0) or consignment stock (1). This field cannot be modified.
total_market_amt number24_4 0 1 The total market amount that is expected for the department. This value cannot be less than 1000. deps total_market_amt number 24 No The total market amount that is expected for the department. This value cannot be less than 1000.
merch number4 0 1 The number of the merchandiser that is associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table. deps merch number 4 No The number of the merchandiser that is associated to the department. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table.
group_no number4 1 1 The number of the group to which the department belongs. This value must be predefined on the GROUPS table. deps group_no number 4 Yes The number of the group to which the department belongs. This value must be predefined on the GROUPS table.
bud_mkup number12_4 0 1 The budgeted markup percentage. The markup percent of cost. If this value is not populated on the message it will be calculated to be the inverse of the budgeted intake percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. deps bud_mkup number 12 No The budgeted markup percentage. The markup percent of cost. If this value is not populated on the message it will be calculated to be the inverse of the budgeted intake percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70.
profit_calc_type number1 1 1 The number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by direct cost (1) or retail inventory (2). This value cannot be modified. deps profit_calc_type number 1 Yes The number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by direct cost (1) or retail inventory (2). This value cannot be modified.
markup_calc_type varchar22 1 1 The code letter that indicates how markup is calculated in this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). deps markup_calc_type varchar2 2 Yes The code letter that indicates how markup is calculated in this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R).
otb_calc_type varchar21 0 1 The code letter which indicates how OTB is calculated for this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). This value cannot be modified. deps otb_calc_type varchar2 1 Yes The code letter which indicates how OTB is calculated for this department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). This value cannot be modified.
max_avg_counter number5 0 1 The maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an average for items within the department. This value is required if RPM is installed. deps max_avg_counter number 5 No The maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an average for items within the department. This value is required if RPM is installed.
avg_tolerance_pct number12_4 0 1 The tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. This value is required if RPM is installed. deps avg_tolerance_pct number 12 No The tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. This value is required if RPM is installed.
bud_int number12_4 0 1 The budgeted intake percentage. The percent of the total take that is income. If this field is not populated on the message it will be calculated as the inverse of the budgeted markup percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. deps bud_int number 12 No The budgeted intake percentage. The percent of the total take that is income. If this field is not populated on the message it will be calculated as the inverse of the budgeted markup percentage. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70.
XMrchHrDeptVAT * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXMrchHrDeptDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrDeptDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrDeptVAT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrDeptVAT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
vat_region number4 1 1 The number of the VAT region to which this department is associated. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. vat_deps vat_region null null Yes The number of the VAT region to which this department is associated. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table.
vat_code varchar26 1 1 The alphanumeric identifier of the VAT code. This value must be predefined on the VAT_CODES table. vat_deps vat_code null null Yes The alphanumeric identifier of the VAT code. This value must be predefined on the VAT_CODES table.
vat_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing (C), selling (R), or both (B). vat_deps vat_type null null Yes Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing (C), selling (R), or both (B).
ExtOfXMrchHrDeptDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptVAT * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrDeptVAT. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptVAT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrDeptVAT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrDeptDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrDeptRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrDeptRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 The number which uniquely identifies the department. deps dept null null Yes The number which uniquely identifies the department.
ExtOfXMrchHrDeptRef:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrDeptRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrDeptRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrDeptRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrDivDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrDivDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
division number4 1 1 The unique identifier of the division. This field cannot be modified. division division number 4 Yes The unique identifier of the division. This field cannot be modified.
div_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the division. division div_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the division.
merch number4 0 1 The number of the merchant associated with the division. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table. division merch number 4 No The number of the merchant associated with the division. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table.
buyer number4 0 1 The number of the buyer associated with the division. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table. division buyer number 4 No The number of the buyer associated with the division. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table.
total_market_amt number24_4 0 1 The total market amount that is expected for the division. If this field is not null it must be at least 1000. division total_market_amt number 24 No The total market amount that is expected for the division. If this field is not null it must be at least 1000.
ExtOfXMrchHrDivDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrDivDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrDivDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrDivDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrDivDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrDivRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrDivRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
division number4 1 1 The unique identifier of the division. division division null null Yes The unique identifier of the division.
ExtOfXMrchHrDivRef:ExtOfXMrchHrDivRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrDivRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrDivRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrDivRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
group_no number4 1 1 The number which uniquely identifies the group. This field cannot be modified. groups group_no number 4 Yes The number which uniquely identifies the group. This field cannot be modified.
group_name varchar2120 1 1 Description is not available. groups group_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the group.
division number4 1 1 The identifier of the division of which the group is a member. This value must be predefined on the DIVISION table. groups division number 4 Yes The identifier of the division of which the group is a member. This value must be predefined on the DIVISION table.
merch number4 0 1 The number of the merchandiser associated to the group. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table. groups merch number 4 No The number of the merchandiser associated to the group. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table.
buyer number4 0 1 The number of the buyer associated to the group. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table. groups buyer number 4 No The number of the buyer associated to the group. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table.
ExtOfXMrchHrGrpDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrGrpDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrGrpDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrGrpDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrGrpDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
group_no number4 1 1 Description is not available. groups group_no number 4 Yes The number which uniquely identifies the group. This field cannot be modified.
ExtOfXMrchHrGrpRef:ExtOfXMrchHrGrpRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrGrpRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrGrpRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrGrpRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrRclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrRclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
merch_hier_level varchar21 1 1 Indicates the level of the merchandise hierarchy. Valid values are V (division), G (group), D (department), C (class), and S (subclass). pend_merch_hier hier_type null null Yes Indicates the level of the merchandise hierarchy. Valid values are V (division), G (group), D (department), C (class), and S (subclass).
merch_hier_id number4 1 1 Contains the merchandise hierarchy ID. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_id null null Yes Contains the merchandise hierarchy ID.
merch_hier_parent_id number4 0 1 The parent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_parent_id number 4 No The parent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field.
merch_hier_grandparent_id number4 0 1 The grandparent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. This field will only be used when the hierarchy level indicates subclass. It will contain the number of the department the subclass belongs to. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_grandparent_id null null No The grandparent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. This field will only be used when the hierarchy level indicates subclass. It will contain the number of the department the subclass belongs to.
merch_hier_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the hierarchy value. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the hierarchy value.
effective_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date the hierarchy change will become effective. pend_merch_hier effective_date RIBDate * Yes The date the hierarchy change will become effective.
action_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates if this field is an addition or modification. Valid values are A and M. It is required on a create message and should not be populated on a modify message. pend_merch_hier action_type varchar2 1 No Indicates if this field is an addition or modification. Valid values are A and M. It is required on a create message and should not be populated on a modify message.
buyer number4 0 1 The number of the buyer associated with the entity. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table. This field should only hold a value if the hierarchy level indicates division, group, or department. pend_merch_hier buyer number 4 No The number of the buyer associated with the entity. This value must be predefined on the BUYER table. This field should only hold a value if the hierarchy level indicates division, group, or department.
purchase_type number1 0 1 The code which indicates whether items in the department are normal merchandise (0) or consignment stock (1). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. pend_merch_hier purchase_type varchar2 6 No The code which indicates whether items in the department are normal merchandise (0) or consignment stock (1). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department.
total_market_amt number24_4 0 1 The total market amount that is expected for the entity. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates division or department. pend_merch_hier total_market_amt number 24 No The total market amount that is expected for the entity. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates division or department.
merch number4 0 1 The number of the merchandiser associated with the entity. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table. This field should hold a value only if the hierarchy level indicates division, group, or department. pend_merch_hier merch number 4 No The number of the merchandiser associated with the entity. This value must be predefined on the MERCHANT table. This field should hold a value only if the hierarchy level indicates division, group, or department.
bud_mkup number12_4 0 1 The budgeted markup percentage. The markup percent of cost. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. pend_merch_hier bud_mkup number 12 No The budgeted markup percentage. The markup percent of cost. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department.
profit_calc_type number1 0 1 The number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by direct cost (1) or retail inventory (2). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. pend_merch_hier profit_calc_type number 1 No The number which indicates whether profit will be calculated by direct cost (1) or retail inventory (2). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department.
markup_calc_type varchar22 0 1 The code letter which indicates how markup is calculated in the department. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail). pend_merch_hier markup_calc_type varchar2 2 No The code letter which indicates how markup is calculated in the department. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail).
otb_calc_type varchar21 0 1 The code letter which indicates how OTB is calculated in the department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department. pend_merch_hier otb_calc_type varchar2 1 No The code letter which indicates how OTB is calculated in the department. Valid values are cost (C) and retail (R). This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department.
max_avg_counter number5 0 1 The maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an average for items with the department. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. It is required if RPM is installed. pend_merch_hier max_avg_counter number 5 No The maximum count of days with acceptable data to include in an average for items with the department. This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates department. It is required if RPM is installed.
avg_tolerance_pct number12_4 0 1 The tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department. It is required if RPM is installed. pend_merch_hier avg_tolerance_pct number 12 No The tolerance percentage value used in averaging for items within this value. This column will hold 70% as 70, not .70. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department. It is required if RPM is installed.
bud_int number12_4 0 1 The budgeted intake percentage. The percent of the total take that is income. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department. pend_merch_hier bud_int number 12 No The budgeted intake percentage. The percent of the total take that is income. This field will only be used if the hierarchy value indicates department.
dept_vat_incl_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates the default value for the class VAT indicator. When classes are initially set up they will inherit this value. This field will only be populated when the hierarchy level indicates department. pend_merch_hier dept_vat_incl_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates the default value for the class VAT indicator. When classes are initially set up they will inherit this value. This field will only be populated when the hierarchy level indicates department.
class_vat_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if retail is displayed and held with or without VAT for items within a class. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates class. pend_merch_hier class_vat_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if retail is displayed and held with or without VAT for items within a class. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This field will only be used if the hierarchy level indicates class.
ExtOfXMrchHrRclsDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrRclsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrRclsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrRclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrRclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrRclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrRclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
merch_hier_level varchar21 1 1 Indicates the level of the merchandise hierarchy. Valid values are V (division), G (group), D (department), C (class), and S (subclass). pend_merch_hier hier_type null null Yes Indicates the level of the merchandise hierarchy. Valid values are V (division), G (group), D (department), C (class), and S (subclass).
merch_hier_id number4 1 1 Contains the merchandise hierarchy ID. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_id null null Yes Contains the merchandise hierarchy ID.
merch_hier_parent_id number4 0 1 The parent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. pend_merch_hier hier_parent_id null null No The parent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field.
merch_hier_grandparent_id number4 0 1 The grandparent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. This column will only be populated if the merch_hier_level = subclass. In this case, the column will contain the dept number. pend_merch_hier merch_hier_grandparent_id null null No The grandparent of the hierarchy identified in the merch_hier_id field. This column will only be populated if the merch_hier_level = subclass. In this case, the column will contain the dept number.
ExtOfXMrchHrRclsRef:ExtOfXMrchHrRclsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrRclsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrRclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrRclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrSclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrSclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
subclass number4 1 1 The unique number which identifies the subclass. This value cannot be modified. subclass subclass varchar2 4 Yes The unique number which identifies the subclass. This value cannot be modified.
subclass_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the subclass. subclass subclass_name varchar2 120 Yes The name of the subclass.
class number4 1 1 The number of the class which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. This value cannot be modified. subclass class varchar2 7 Yes The number of the class which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. This value cannot be modified.
dept number4 1 1 The number of the department which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. This value cannot be modified. subclass dept number 4 Yes The number of the department which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. This value cannot be modified.
ExtOfXMrchHrSclsDesc:ExtOfXMrchHrSclsDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrSclsDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrSclsDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrSclsDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XMrchHrSclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XMrchHrSclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
subclass number4 1 1 The unique number which identifies the subclass. subclass subclass null null Yes The unique number which identifies the subclass.
class number4 1 1 The number of the class which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. subclass class null null Yes The number of the class which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table.
dept number4 1 1 The number of the department which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. subclass dept null null Yes The number of the department which contains the subclass. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table.
ExtOfXMrchHrSclsRef:ExtOfXMrchHrSclsRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XMrchHrSclsRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXMrchHrSclsRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXMrchHrSclsRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XOrderDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrderDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
order_no varchar210 1 1 The unique identifier for the order. ordhead order_no varchar2 10 Yes The unique identifier for the order.
supplier varchar210 1 1 The identifier of the supplier from which the order will be sourced. This cannot be modified if details exist for the PO. ordhead supplier varchar2 10 Yes The identifier of the supplier from which the order will be sourced. This cannot be modified if details exist for the PO.
currency_code varchar23 0 1 The code of the order's currency. If not populated, the supplier's currency will be used. This field can be modified if the order status is worksheet or approved and the order has not been shipped. ordhead currency_code varchar2 3 No The code of the order's currency. If not populated, the supplier's currency will be used. This field can be modified if the order status is worksheet or approved and the order has not been shipped.
terms varchar215 0 1 The sales terms of the order. If not populated on the create message, will default to the supplier's terms. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status. ordhead terms varchar2 15 No The sales terms of the order. If not populated on the create message, will default to the supplier's terms. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status.
not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The first date that delivery will be accepted. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status. ordhead not_before_date RIBDate * No The first date that delivery will be accepted. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The last date that delivery will be accepted. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status. ordhead not_after_date RIBDate * No The last date that delivery will be accepted. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status.
otb_eow_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The end of week date of the OTB bucket used. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status. ordhead otb_eow_date RIBDate * No The end of week date of the OTB bucket used. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status.
dept number4 0 1 The department in which are all the items on the order. This field is required if the system enforces single department ordering. This cannot be modified if details exist for the PO. ordhead dept number 4 No The department in which are all the items on the order. This field is required if the system enforces single department ordering. This cannot be modified if details exist for the PO.
status varchar21 0 1 The code for the status of the order. Valid values are 'W' worksheet and 'A' approved for PO creation. It is also possible to modify the status to 'C' closed. ordhead status null null No The code for the status of the order. Valid values are 'W' worksheet and 'A' approved for PO creation. It is also possible to modify the status to 'C' closed.
exchange_rate number20_10 0 1 The rate of exchange for the PO used between the order and primary currencies. This field can be modified if the order status is worksheet or approved and the order has not been shipped.. ordhead exchange_rate number 20 No The rate of exchange for the PO used between the order and primary currencies. This field can be modified if the order status is worksheet or approved and the order has not been shipped..
include_on_ord_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the order should be included in on-order calculations. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status. ordhead include_on_ord_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates if the order should be included in on-order calculations. This can be modified in worksheet or approved status.
written_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date the order was created. If this field is not populated on the message it will default to the time of creation in RMS. It cannot be modified. ordhead written_date RIBDate * No The date the order was created. If this field is not populated on the message it will default to the time of creation in RMS. It cannot be modified.
XOrderDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
orig_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates where the order originated. Valid values include: 2 - Manual, 6 - AIP generated order, 7 , 8. ordhead orig_ind null null Yes Indicates where the order originated. Valid values include: 2 - Manual, 6 - AIP generated order, 7 , 8.
edi_po_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether or not the order will be transmitted to the supplier via an Electronic Data Exchange transaction. Valid values are: Y = Submit via EDI, N = Do not use EDI. ordhead edi_po_ind null null No Indicates whether or not the order will be transmitted to the supplier via an Electronic Data Exchange transaction. Valid values are: Y = Submit via EDI, N = Do not use EDI.
pre_mark_ind varchar21 0 1 This field indicated whether or not a supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes so that the boxes can be sent directly to stores. ordhead pre_marked_ind null null No This field indicated whether or not a supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes so that the boxes can be sent directly to stores.
user_id varchar230 0 1 Indicates where the order was approved. It will be the user ID of the person approving the order. ordhead orig_approval_id null null No Indicates where the order was approved. It will be the user ID of the person approving the order.
comment_desc varchar22000 0 1 Any comments pertaining to the order. ordhead comment_desc null null No Any comments pertaining to the order.
ExtOfXOrderDesc:ExtOfXOrderDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrderDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XOrderDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrderDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 0 1 An approved, transaction level item. If a pack, it must be an orderable pack (with an order_as_type of 'P'). This is required if the ref_item field is not populated.An item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status. ordsku item null null No An approved, transaction level item. If a pack, it must be an orderable pack (with an order_as_type of 'P'). This is required if the ref_item field is not populated.An item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status.
location number10 1 1 An active store or warehouse. If multichannel is on, and a warehouse is being order to, a virtual warehouse is expected. An item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status. ordloc location null null Yes An active store or warehouse. If multichannel is on, and a warehouse is being order to, a virtual warehouse is expected. An item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 The cost of the item from the supplier in the order's currency. This can be modified if the status is worksheet or approved, but not if any portion of the item's order quantity is in transit or has been received. If it is not specified on the message, it will default from the item supplier cost for this location. ordloc unit_cost null null No The cost of the item from the supplier in the order's currency. This can be modified if the status is worksheet or approved, but not if any portion of the item's order quantity is in transit or has been received. If it is not specified on the message, it will default from the item supplier cost for this location.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 The id of a reference item which can be used instead of using the item field. If the item field is not populated this field is required. A ref item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status. ordsku ref_item null null No The id of a reference item which can be used instead of using the item field. If the item field is not populated this field is required. A ref item/location may be added to the order in worksheet or approved status.
origin_country_id varchar23 0 1 The identifier of the country from which the item is being sourced. This field cannot be modified. ordsku origin_country_id varchar2 3 No The identifier of the country from which the item is being sourced. This field cannot be modified.
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 The supplier pack size for the item on the order. This may be updated in worksheet or approved status. ordsku supp_pack_size number 12 No The supplier pack size for the item on the order. This may be updated in worksheet or approved status.
qty_ordered number12_4 1 1 The quantity ordered of item. This can be updated in worksheet or approved status to adjust the quantity of an item/location or cancel an item/location from the order. ordloc qty_ordered null null Yes The quantity ordered of item. This can be updated in worksheet or approved status to adjust the quantity of an item/location or cancel an item/location from the order.
location_type varchar21 1 1 The location type of the location. Valid values are 'S' store and 'W' warehouse. This field cannot be modified. ordloc location_type varchar2 1 Yes The location type of the location. Valid values are 'S' store and 'W' warehouse. This field cannot be modified.
cancel_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the detail record's quantity should be cancelled. Valid values are 'Y'es and 'N'o. n/a n/a null null No Indicates if the detail record's quantity should be cancelled. Valid values are 'Y'es and 'N'o.
reinstate_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if a detail record which was previously cancelled should be reinstated. This will reinstate in the order quantity the amount in the cancelled bucket. Valid values are 'Y'es and 'N'o. n/a n/a null null No Indicates if a detail record which was previously cancelled should be reinstated. This will reinstate in the order quantity the amount in the cancelled bucket. Valid values are 'Y'es and 'N'o.
ExtOfXOrderDesc:ExtOfXOrderDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrderDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrderDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrderDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrderDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrderDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XOrderRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrderRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
order_no varchar210 1 1 The unique identifier for the order. ordhead order_no varchar2 10 Yes The unique identifier for the order.
XOrderDtlRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfXOrderRef:ExtOfXOrderRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrderRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XOrderDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrderDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 0 1 An approved, transaction level item. If a pack, it must be an orderable pack (with an order_as_type of 'P'). ordsku item varchar2 25 No An approved, transaction level item. If a pack, it must be an orderable pack (with an order_as_type of 'P').
location number10 1 1 An active store or warehouse. If multichannel is on, and a warehouse is being order to, a virtual warehouse is expected. ordloc location number 10 Yes An active store or warehouse. If multichannel is on, and a warehouse is being order to, a virtual warehouse is expected.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 The id of a reference item which can be used instead of using the item field. If the item field is not populated this field is required. ordsku ref_item varchar2 25 No The id of a reference item which can be used instead of using the item field. If the item field is not populated this field is required.
ExtOfXOrderRef:ExtOfXOrderDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrderDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrderDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrderDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrderRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrderRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XOrgHrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrgHrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_value number10 1 1 The identifier of the hierarchy value. This value must be unique among other values of the same hierarchy level. It cannot be modified. chain, area, region, district chain, area, region, district null null Yes The identifier of the hierarchy value. This value must be unique among other values of the same hierarchy level. It cannot be modified.
hier_desc varchar2120 1 1 The description of the hierarchy value. chain, area, region, district chain_name, area_name, region_name, district_name null null Yes The description of the hierarchy value.
hier_level varchar22 1 1 Value is restricted by message type. The value will indicate either CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), or DI (district). n/a n/a null null Yes Value is restricted by message type. The value will indicate either CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), or DI (district).
parent_id number10 0 1 The identifier of the hierarchy value's parent hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on either the CHAIN, AREA or REGION table. chain, area, region chain, area, region null null No The identifier of the hierarchy value's parent hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on either the CHAIN, AREA or REGION table.
mgr_name varchar2120 0 1 The manager name of the hierarchy value. chain, area, region, district mgr_name null null No The manager name of the hierarchy value.
currency_code varchar23 0 1 The code which identifies the currency under which the hierarchy value operates. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table. chain, area, region, district currency_code null null No The code which identifies the currency under which the hierarchy value operates. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table.
XOrgHrLocTrt:XOrgHrLocTrt * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXOrgHrDesc:ExtOfXOrgHrDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrgHrDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_trait_id number4 1 1 The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain. loc_area_traits, loc_region_traits, loc_district_traits loc_trait null null Yes The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain.
ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrgHrLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrgHrDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrgHrDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_trait_id number4 1 1 The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain. loc_area_traits, loc_region_traits, loc_district_traits loc_trait null null Yes The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain.
ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrgHrLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XOrgHrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrgHrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_value number10 1 1 The identifier of the hierarchy value. This value must be unique among other values of the same hierarchy level. chain, area, region, district chain, area, region, district null null Yes The identifier of the hierarchy value. This value must be unique among other values of the same hierarchy level.
hier_level varchar22 1 1 Value is restricted by message type. The value will indicate either CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), or DI (district). n/a n/a null null Yes Value is restricted by message type. The value will indicate either CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), or DI (district).
XOrgHrLocTrt:XOrgHrLocTrt * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXOrgHrRef:ExtOfXOrgHrRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrgHrRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
hier_trait_id number4 1 1 The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain. loc_area_traits, loc_region_traits, loc_district_traits loc_trait null null Yes The location trait associated to the hierarchy value. This value must be predefined on LOC_TRAITS table. A location trait cannot be associated with (or deleted from) a chain.
ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XOrgHrLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrgHrLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXOrgHrRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXOrgHrRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XStoreDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
store number10 1 1 The unique identifier of the store. store store null null Yes The unique identifier of the store.
store_name varchar2150 1 1 The name of the store. store store_name null null Yes The name of the store.
store_type varchar21 0 1 The one character abbreviation of the store type. NA NA NA NA NA NA
store_name10 varchar210 0 1 The ten character abbreviation of the store name. store store_name10 null null No The ten character abbreviation of the store name.
store_name3 varchar23 0 1 The three character abbreviation of the store name. store store_name3 null null No The three character abbreviation of the store name.
store_add1 varchar2240 1 1 The first line of the store's address. addr add1 null null Yes The first line of the store's address.
store_add2 varchar2240 0 1 The second line of the store's address. addr add2 null null No The second line of the store's address.
store_city varchar2120 1 1 The city in which the store is located. addr city null null Yes The city in which the store is located.
state varchar23 0 1 The postal abbreviation of the state in which the store is located. This value must be predefined on the STATE table. addr state null null No The postal abbreviation of the state in which the store is located. This value must be predefined on the STATE table.
country_id varchar23 1 1 The identifier of the country in which the store is located. This value must be predefined in the COUNTRY table. addr country_id null null Yes The identifier of the country in which the store is located. This value must be predefined in the COUNTRY table.
store_pcode varchar230 1 1 The postal zip code for the store. addr post null null No The postal zip code for the store.
store_class varchar21 1 1 The code of the class of which the store is a member. store store_class null null Yes The code of the class of which the store is a member.
store_mgr_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the store manager. store store_mgr_name null null Yes The name of the store manager.
store_open_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date on which the store opened. store store_open_date null null Yes The date on which the store opened.
store_close_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date on which the store closed. store store_close_date null null No The date on which the store closed.
acquired_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date on which the store was acquired. store acquired_date null null No The date on which the store was acquired.
remodel_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date on which the store was remodeled. store remodel_date null null No The date on which the store was remodeled.
fax_number varchar220 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count mber. store fax_number null null No The fax number of the store.
phone_number varchar220 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count number. store phone_number null null No The store's phone number.
email varchar2100 0 1 The email address of the store. store email null null No The email address of the store.
total_square_ft number8 0 1 The total square footage of the store. store total_square_ft null null No The total square footage of the store.
selling_square_ft number8 0 1 The total square footage of the store's selling area. store selling_square_ft null null No The total square footage of the store's selling area.
linear_distance number8 0 1 The total merchandise space of the store. store linear_distance null null No The total merchandise space of the store.
stockholding_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the store can hold stock. This field cannot be modified. store stockholding_ind null null Yes Indicates if the store can hold stock. This field cannot be modified.
channel_id number4 0 1 The identifier of the channel. This value must be predefined on the CHANNELS table. In a multichannel environment this field is required. store channel_id null null No The identifier of the channel. This value must be predefined on the CHANNELS table. In a multichannel environment this field is required.
store_format number4 0 1 The code of the store format of the store. This value must be predefined on the STORE_FORMAT table. store store_format null null No The code of the store format of the store. This value must be predefined on the STORE_FORMAT table.
mall_name varchar2120 0 1 The name of the mall in which the store is located. store mall_name null null No The name of the mall in which the store is located.
district number10 1 1 The number of the district of which the store is a member. This value must be predefined on the DISTRICT table. store district null null Yes The number of the district of which the store is a member. This value must be predefined on the DISTRICT table.
promo_zone number4 0 1 Field not used. * * null null No Field not used.
transfer_zone number4 0 1 The transfer zone in which the store is located. This value must be predefined on the TSFZONE table. store transfer_zone null null No The transfer zone in which the store is located. This value must be predefined on the TSFZONE table.
default_wh number10 0 1 The default warehouse for the store. This value must be predefined on the WH table. store default_wh null null No The default warehouse for the store. This value must be predefined on the WH table.
stop_order_days number3 0 1 The number of days before the store close date that the store will stop accepting orders. store stop_order_days null null No The number of days before the store close date that the store will stop accepting orders.
start_order_days number3 1 1 The number of days before the store open date that the store will begin accepting orders. store start_order_days null null Yes The number of days before the store open date that the store will begin accepting orders.
currency_code varchar23 1 1 The code of the currency under which the store operates. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table. It cannot be modified. store currency_code null null Yes The code of the currency under which the store operates. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table. It cannot be modified.
lang number6 0 1 The code of the language used at the store. This value must be predefined on the LANG table. store lang null null No The code of the language used at the store. This value must be predefined on the LANG table.
iso_code varchar26 0 1 The character code corresponding to the Language used at the store store iso_code null null No The character code corresponding to the Language used at the store
integrated_pos_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the store's POS is integrated. store integrated_pos_ind null null Yes Indicates whether the store's POS is integrated.
duns_number varchar29 0 1 This type can hold a number of digits count umber. store duns_number null null No The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the store.
duns_loc varchar24 0 1 The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location. store duns_loc null null No The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location.
copy_dlvry_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the like store's delivery schedule information should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. store copy_dlvry_ind null null No Indicates if the like store's delivery schedule information should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message.
copy_activity_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the like store's closing date schedule should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. store copy_activity_ind null null No Indicates if the like store's closing date schedule should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message.
price_store number10 0 1 The store from which pricing information will be copied to the new store. The pricing store does not need the same currency as the new store. This value is not required on a create message and should not be populated on a modify message. store price_store null null No The store from which pricing information will be copied to the new store. The pricing store does not need the same currency as the new store. This value is not required on a create message and should not be populated on a modify message.
cost_location number10 0 1 The location from which to copy cost information to the new store. This field should only be populated on store create messages. This value must be predefined on the WH or STORE table. This value cannot be modified. store cost_location null null No The location from which to copy cost information to the new store. This field should only be populated on store create messages. This value must be predefined on the WH or STORE table. This value cannot be modified.
vat_include_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether retail prices for the store will contain VAT. store vat_include_ind null null No Indicates whether retail prices for the store will contain VAT.
vat_region number4 0 1 The vat region of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. It is required if VAT is on in the system. store vat_region null null No The vat region of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. It is required if VAT is on in the system.
like_store number10 0 1 The store from which the new store will have item\locations copied. This value must be predefined on the STORE table. It cannot be modified and will only be populated on a create message. store like_store null null No The store from which the new store will have item\locations copied. This value must be predefined on the STORE table. It cannot be modified and will only be populated on a create message.
copy_repl_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether replenishment information should be copied from the like store to the new store. This field cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. store copy_repl_ind null null No Indicates whether replenishment information should be copied from the like store to the new store. This field cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message.
transfer_entity number10 1 1 The transfer entity of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the TSF_ENTITY table. If the system allows intercompany transfers this field is required. store tsf_entity_id null null No The transfer entity of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the TSF_ENTITY table. If the system allows intercompany transfers this field is required.
sister_store number10 0 1 The store which will be used to relate historical data to the new store. This value must be predefined on the STORE table. store sister_store null null No The store which will be used to relate historical data to the new store. This value must be predefined on the STORE table.
tran_no_generated varchar26 1 1 The level at which unique POS transaction numbers are generated. store tran_no_generated null null Yes The level at which unique POS transaction numbers are generated.
addr_change varchar21 0 1 Field not used. * * null null No Field not used.
county varchar2250 0 1 The county in which the store is located. addr county null null No The county in which the store is located.
XStoreLocTrt:XStoreLocTrt * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
XStoreWT:XStoreWT * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
timezone_name varchar264 0 1 TimeZone name. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXStoreDesc:ExtOfXStoreDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
wf_customer_id number10 0 1 Customer ID associated with the WF Store. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc_trait number4 1 1 The identifier of the location trait. Though the node is optional, this field is required if the node is included. The node can not be populated on the store create message. loc_traits loc_trait number 4 Yes The identifier of the location trait. Though the node is optional, this field is required if the node is included. The node can not be populated on the store create message.
ExtOfXStoreLocTrt:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
walk_through_store number10 1 1 A walk through store of the store being modified. Though the node is optional, if it is included this field is required. This node can not be populated on a store create message. walk_through_store walk_through_store number 10 Yes A walk through store of the store being modified. Though the node is optional, if it is included this field is required. This node can not be populated on a store create message.
ExtOfXStoreWT:ExtOfXStoreWT * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreWT. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc_trait number4 1 1 The identifier of the location trait. Though the node is optional, this field is required if the node is included. The node can not be populated on the store create message. loc_traits_matrix loc_trait null null Yes The location trait to be disassociated from this store.
ExtOfXStoreLocTrt:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XStoreRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
store number10 1 1 The store number being deleted, or for which a location trait or walk through store is being disassociated. store store null null Yes The store number being deleted, or for which a location trait or walk through store is being disassociated.
XStoreLocTrt:XStoreLocTrt * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
XStoreWT:XStoreWT * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
ExtOfXStoreRef:ExtOfXStoreRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
loc_trait number4 1 1 The identifier of the location trait. Though the node is optional, this field is required if the node is included. The node can not be populated on the store create message. loc_traits_matrix loc_trait null null Yes The location trait to be disassociated from this store.
ExtOfXStoreLocTrt:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreLocTrt. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreLocTrt Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreLocTrt
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:XStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
walk_through_store number10 1 1 A walk through store of the store being modified. Though the node is optional, if it is included this field is required. This node can not be populated on a store create message. walk_through_store walk_through_store null null Yes The store to be removed as a walk through store for this store.
ExtOfXStoreWT:ExtOfXStoreWT * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreWT. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
walk_through_store number10 1 1 A walk through store of the store being modified. Though the node is optional, if it is included this field is required. This node can not be populated on a store create message. walk_through_store walk_through_store null null Yes The store to be removed as a walk through store for this store.
ExtOfXStoreWT:ExtOfXStoreWT * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XStoreWT. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXStoreWT Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXStoreWT
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XTsfDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XTsfDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
tsf_no number10 1 1 Number that uniquely identifies the transfer. tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes Number that uniquely identifies the transfer.
from_loc_type varchar21 1 1 The location type of the from location. tsfhead from_loc_type null null Yes The location type of the from location.
from_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the from location. tsfhead from_loc null null Yes The location number of the from location.
to_loc_type varchar21 1 1 The location type of the to location. tsfhead to_loc_type null null Yes The location type of the to location.
to_loc varchar210 1 1 The location number of the to location. tsfhead to_loc null null Yes The location number of the to location.
delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The earliest date the transfer can be delivered. tsfhead delivery_date null null No The earliest date the transfer can be delivered.
dept number4 0 1 The department number associated with the transfer. tsfhead dept null null No The department number associated with the transfer.
routing_code varchar21 0 1 If the freight status is expedite, this is a code indicating more detailed freight info. tsfhead routing_code null null No If the freight status is expedite, this is a code indicating more detailed freight info.
freight_code varchar21 0 1 A code indicating the freight status of the transfer (e.g. normal, expedite, etc.). tsfhead freight_code null null No A code indicating the freight status of the transfer (e.g. normal, expedite, etc.).
tsf_type varchar26 0 1 A code indicating the type of transfer (e.g. store requisition, book transfer, etc.). tsfhead tsf_type null null No A code indicating the type of transfer (e.g. store requisition, book transfer, etc.).
XTsfDtl * 0 unbounded Child node - see layout below.
status varchar21 0 1 A code indicating the status of the transfer (e.g. approved, closed, etc.). tsfhead status null null No A code indicating the status of the transfer (e.g. approved, closed, etc.).
user_id varchar230 0 1 The userid of the user who created the transfer. tsfhead create_id null null No The userid of the user who created the transfer.
comment_desc varchar22000 0 1 Comments associated with the transfer. tsfhead comment_desc null null No Comments associated with the transfer.
ExtOfXTsfDesc:ExtOfXTsfDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XTsfDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XTsfDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XTsfDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier of the item being transferred. tsfdetail item null null Yes The unique identifier of the item being transferred.
tsf_qty number12_4 1 1 The total quantity of the item reserved for this transfer at the from location. tsfdetail tsf_qty null null Yes The total quantity of the item reserved for this transfer at the from location.
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 The supplier pack size for this item/transfer. tsfdetail supp_pack_size null null No The supplier pack size for this item/transfer.
inv_status number2 0 1 A code indicating the inventory status for this transfer detail; valid values are found on the inv_status_types table. tsfdetail inv_status null null No A code indicating the inventory status for this transfer detail; valid values are found on the inv_status_types table.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 Not mapped to a database field. Sometimes used to calculate retail price. * * null null No Not mapped to a database field. Sometimes used to calculate retail price.
ExtOfXTsfDesc:ExtOfXTsfDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XTsfDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXTsfDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXTsfDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXTsfDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXTsfDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

RIB Mappings Report Release:13.1
Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Merchandizing System)
Application Retail Merchandizing System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:XTsfRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XTsfRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
tsf_no number10 1 1 The transfer number where info is being deleted. tsfhead tsf_no null null Yes The transfer number where info is being deleted.
XTsfDtlRef * 0 unbounded Child node - see below.
ExtOfXTsfRef:ExtOfXTsfRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XTsfRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XTsfDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For XTsfDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The item for which transfer info is being deleted. tsfdetail item null null Yes The item for which transfer info is being deleted.
ExtOfXTsfRef:ExtOfXTsfDtlRef * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize XTsfDtlRef. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXTsfDtlRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXTsfDtlRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfXTsfRef Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rms Mapping For ExtOfXTsfRef
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description