Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Retail Price Management)
Application Retail Price Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rpm Mapping For RegPrcChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location number10 1 1 Unique identifier that indicates a Location (Store or Warehouse) rpm_future_retail location null null Yes Unique identifier that indicates a Location (Store or Warehouse)
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the type of location which has requested tickets. Valid values for this field are: 'W' (for warehouse) and 'S' (for store). rpm_future_retail zone_node_type null null Yes Identifier that indicates whether a location is a Store ('S') or a Warehouse ('W')
RegPrcChgDtl * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc:ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:RegPrcChgDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rpm Mapping For RegPrcChgDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
price_change_id number15 1 1 Contains the ID of the price change that initiated the ticket request. rpm_price_change price_change_id null null Yes Price Change Id
item varchar225 1 1 Alphanumeric value that identifies the item for which tickets have been requested. rpm_future_retail item null null Yes Item number
effective_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Price Change Effective Date rpm_future_retail action_date null null Yes Price Change Effective Date
selling_retail_changed_ind number1 1 1 Indicates whether the selling retail price has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed. rpm_future_retail_gtt pc_selling_retail_ind null null Yes Indicate whether the regular selling retail is change by the Price Change
selling_unit_retail number20_4 1 1 This field contains the unit retail for the item at the indicated location. rpm_future_retail selling_retail null null Yes Regular selling retail
selling_uom varchar24 1 1 Holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. rpm_future_retail selling_uom null null Yes Regular Selling UOM
selling_currency varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code. rpm_future_retail selling_retail currency null null Yes Regular Selling Retail Currency
multi_unit_changed_ind number1 1 1 Indicates whether the retail for multi units has been changed. Valid values are '0' - no change or '1' - retail is changed. rpm_future_retail_gtt pc_multi_unit_ind null null Yes Indicate whether the Multi Unit Selling Retail is changed by the Price Change
multi_units number12_4 0 1 The number that indicate how many item is priced in the multi unit selling retail rpm_future_retail multi_units null null No The number that indicate how many item is priced in the multi unit selling retail
multi_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 This field contains the multi-unit retail for the item at the indicated location. rpm_future_retail multi_unit_retail null null No Multi Unit Selling Retail
multi_unit_retail_currency varchar23 0 1 Contains the currency code that should match the store's or warehouse's currency code. rpm_future_retail multi_unit_retail_currency null null No Multi Unit Retail Currency
multi_selling_uom varchar24 0 1 Multi Unit Selling UOM rpm_future_retail multi_selling_uom null null No Multi Unit Selling UOM
ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize RegPrcChgDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rpm Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rpm Mapping For ExtOfRegPrcChgDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description