Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For StkCountSchDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
cycle_count number8 1 1 Contains the number which uniquely identifies the stock or cycle count. RK_STK_CT STK_CT_ID null null Yes Contains the number which uniquely identifies the stock count
cycle_count_desc varchar2250 1 1 Contains a description of the cycle or stock count which, along with the cycle count number, identifies the cycle or stock count. RK_STK_CT DESCRIPTION null null No Contains a description of the stock count
location_type varchar21 1 1 Contains an indicator which identifies whether the cycle count will be for Stores or Warehouses. Valid values are 'S' - Store and 'W' - Warehouse. n/a n/a null null Yes Contains an indicator which identifies whether the cycle count will be for Stores or Warehouses. Valid values are 'S' - Store and 'W' - Warehouse.
stocktake_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Contains the date on which the stock or cycle count even will take place. RK_STK_CT START_DATE null null Yes Contains the date on which the stock or cycle count even will take place
stocktake_type varchar21 1 1 Contains a value which indicates the type of stock take. Valid values are 'B' -Both Unit and Dollar and 'U' - Unit only. However the RIB interface only allows 'B'. n/a n/a null null Yes Contains a value which indicates the type of stock take. Valid values are 'B' -Both Unit and Dollar and 'U' - Unit only. However the RIB interface only allows 'B'.
StkCountSchProd * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
StkCountSchLoc * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchProd Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For StkCountSchProd
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
dept number4 1 1 Contains the department number where the cycle count will occur. If the value = -1, the stock count will applies to all departments. RK_STK_CT_GRP_MH MH_ID null null Yes Contains the department number where the cycle count will occur. If the value = -1, the stock count will applies to all departments.
class number4 0 1 Contains the class number where the cycle count will occur. RK_STK_CT_GRP_MH MH_ID null null No Contains the class number where the cycle count will occur.
subclass number4 0 1 Contains the subclass number where the cycle count will occur. RK_STK_CT_GRP_MH MH_ID null null No Contains the subclass number where the cycle count will occur.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchProd * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchProd. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchProd Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchProd
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:StkCountSchLoc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For StkCountSchLoc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location number10 1 1 Contains the store or wh number on the cycle count. RK_STK_CT_STORE ID_STR_RT null null No Contains the store or wh number on the stock count.
ExtOfStkCountSchDesc:ExtOfStkCountSchLoc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize StkCountSchLoc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchLoc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchLoc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfStkCountSchDesc Version:13.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description sim Mapping For ExtOfStkCountSchDesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description