



Pending Return messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Pending Returns information. Pending Returns messages represent a notification to the warehouse of merchandise that is being returned to the warehouse. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the amount of each item that is being returned.


The PendReturnToPendReturnWH TAFR takes Pend Return messages and converts these messages to PendReturnWH messages. Pend Return messages are subscribed by retail warehouse management system (RWMS). Besides transforming the message payload formats, the TAFR must also perform routing operations to insure the message is forwarded to the correct instance of the warehouse with warehouse specific information. This TAFR does not validate for the message types.


This document describes the functionality of the PendReturnToPendReturnWH TAFR.  This component has specific method to route a single RIB Message node. This method is called by the TAFR processing framework. This framework is also responsible for publishing the appropriate message nodes using a single RibMessages message to the correct output topic or topics. The framework requirements are not in scope of this document.


Functional Requirements


Facility ID requirement: It is an error for the input message to contain the facility ID not specified in the configuration file.



Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.