This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. Description is not available. Location where the item is to be found. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. Type of location in the "loc" field. Valid values are 'S' (store) and 'W' (warehouse). NA Not Yet Available Current status of the item at the store (valid values are 'A' (active), 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued) and 'D' (deleted). Not Yet Available Contains the origin country which will be considered the primary country for the item/location. Determines whether the stock on hand for a pack component item or the buyer pack itself will be updated when a buyer pack is received at a warehouse. Valid values are 'E'ach or 'P'ack. Indicates whether the item is taxable at the store. Valid values are 'Y' (yes) and 'N' (No). Determines the source method for a requested item at a store. Valid values: 'W'(warehouse) and 'S'(supplier), default value is 'S'. If the source_method is 'W', this field contains the source warehouse for fulfilling item requests at a store. Unit retail of the item in the selling Unit of Measure. Only published for create not modify. Selling unit retail in selling unit of measure. Only published for create, not update Selling Unit of measure. Only published for Create not update. Not Yet Available Purchase Type Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocVirt. Description is not available. Location that is on replenishment. Will hold only virtual warehouse in the multi-channel environment. Contains the type of the location on replenishment. Valid values include 'S'tore, 'W'arehouse. Contains the numeric identifier of the supplier from which the specified location will source the replenishment demand for the specified item location. Used for items on Direct to Store/Warehouse or Cross-docked replenishment. Contains the character code for the algorithm that will be used to calculate the recommended order quantity for the item location. Valid values include 'C'onstant, 'M'in/Max, 'F'loating point, 'T'ime Supply, 'D'ynamic, 'SO' Store Orders. Contains an indicator that determines if uploaded store orders should be rejected. If the indicator is 'N', then store orders for all need dates are valid. If 'Y', store orders with needs date on or after the NEXT_DELIVERY_DATE are valid." Contains the next delivery date calculated for the next review cycle. If, for the next review cycle, an order will be created that is calculated to arrive on Thursday, this field will be updated with Thursday's date. Indicates if the item-location is replenished multiple times per day. Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocVirtRepl. Description is not available. If the loc_type is 'W', this is the physical warehouse that is assigned to the virtual wh where the item is located. If the loc_type is an 'S' then this is the store where the item is located. Description is not available. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocPhys. Description is not available. Not Yet Available Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize ItemLocPhys. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 3 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 120 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 6 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 4 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 20 and fraction digit count of 4. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a string of max length of 1 characters.