Oracle Retail RIB/RSL/IGS Integration Guide 13.1.1


The RIB, RSL and IGS act as a shared communication layer for connecting various Oracle Retail applications and external applications through an enterprise computing infrastructure.  Each of the products implements a different integration pattern, but all use a common set of Business Objects.

The RIB/RSL/IGS interfaces are organized by Message Family. Each Message Family contains information specific to a related set of operations on a business entity or related business entities. Each message family has specific message payloads that contain business elements agreed upon between the Oracle Retail applications involved.

RTG RIB/RSL/IGS Domain Context Model

RTG RIB/RSL/IGS Domain Context Narrative

Oracle Retail RIB/RSL/IGS Integration Diagrams  (Start here)


Detailed Diagram of RIB Adapters (Best viewed with Internet Explorer)


RIB 13.1.1 Integration Flow File  


Integration Interfaces Catalog


RIB Message Family/Message Type Summary with API Mappings     



Functional Interfaces and Adapters by Application


Note: The table below does not contain an AIP Mapping Report because AIP utilizes the existing RMS inbound APIs for Transfers and Purchase Orders.



Mapping Reports –  RIB 13.1.1


RMS Mappings Report (All)


RPM Mappings Report (All)


RWMS Mappings Report (All)


SIM Mapping Report (All)






Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.