Retail Integration Bus Mappings Report Release:13.1.1 (Retail Warehouse Management System)
Application Retail Warehouse Management System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.

XML-Schema Name:PODesc Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For PODesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates the type of document this message is for. Valid value is 'P' for purchase order. po doc_type varchar2 1 Yes *
order_no varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. po po_nbr varchar2 10 Yes *
order_type varchar29 1 1 Indicates the type of order and which Open To Buy bucket will be updated. Valid values include: 'N/B' - Non Basic 'ARB' - Automatic Reorder of Basic 'BRB' - Buyer Reorder of Basic. n/a n/a varchar2 9 Yes Not used in RWMS.
order_type_desc varchar2250 1 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 250 Yes Not used in RWMS.
dept number4 0 1 Contains the department number for orders limited to a single department and will be Null for orders involving items in more than one department. n/a n/a number 4 No Not used in RWMS.
dept_name varchar2120 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 120 No Not used in RWMS.
buyer number4 0 1 Description is not available. * buyer number 4 No *
buyer_name varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. po buyer_code varchar2 120 No *
supplier varchar210 1 1 Contains the vendor number who will provide the merchandise specified in the order. po vendor_nbr varchar2 10 Yes *
promotion number10 0 1 Contains the ad number associated with the order to provide a link between the order dialog and the promotions dialog. n/a n/a number 10 No Not used in RWMS.
prom_desc varchar2160 0 1 Contains a description of the promotion. This value comes from RPM. n/a n/a varchar2 160 No Not used in RWMS.
qc_ind varchar21 1 1 Determines whether or not quality control will be required when items for this order are received. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. n/a n/a varchar2 1 Yes Not used in RWMS.
not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. po deliv_not_before_date RIBDate * No *
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. po deliv_not_after_date RIBDate * No *
otb_eow_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the OTB budget bucket the order amount should be placed into. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
earliest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date before which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the earliest earliest ship date of all the items on the order. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
latest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date after which the items on the purchase order can not be shipped by the supplier. Represents the greatest latest ship date of all the items on the order. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
close_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
terms varchar215 1 1 Indicator identifying the sales terms for the order. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. n/a n/a varchar2 15 Yes Not used in RWMS.
terms_code varchar250 1 1 Indicates the Alphanumeric representation of Term Name which acts as the Term code in Oracle Financials. n/a n/a varchar2 50 Yes Not used in RWMS.
freight_terms varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. * * varchar2 30 * *
cust_order varchar21 1 1 This field indicates whether or not the order is generated for a customer. n/a n/a varchar2 1 Yes Not used in RWMS.
payment_method varchar26 0 1 Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are LC (Letter of Credit), WT (Wire Transfer), OA (Open Account). n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used in RWMS.
payment_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Indicates how the purchase order will be paid. Valid options are 'LC' - Letter of Credit, 'WT' - Wire Transfer, 'OA' - Open Account. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No Not used in RWMS.
backhaul_type varchar26 0 1 This field contains the type of backhaul allowance that will be applied to the order. Some examples are 'C'alculated or 'F'lat rate n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used in RWMS.
backhaul_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No Not used in RWMS.
backhaul_allowance number20_4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a number 20 No Not used in RWMS.
ship_method varchar26 0 1 The method used to ship the items on the purchase order from the country of origin to the country of import. po transportation_mode varchar2 6 No *
ship_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No *
purchase_type varchar26 0 1 Indicates what's included in the supplier's cost of the item. Valid values include C (Cost), CI (Cost and Insurance), CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), FOB (Free on Board). n/a n/a varchar2 6 No *
purchase_type_desc varchar240 0 1 Description is not available. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No *
status varchar21 1 1 Indicates the current status of the order. Valid values include 'W' - Worksheet, 'S' - Submitted, 'A' - Approved, 'C' - Closed po status varchar2 1 Yes *
ship_pay_method varchar22 0 1 Code indicating the payment terms for freight charges associated with the order. Valid values inlude: 'CC' - Collect, 'CF' - Collect Freight Credited Back to Customer, 'DF' - Defined by Buyer and Seller, 'MX' - Mixed, 'PC' - Prepaid but Charged to Customer, 'PO' - Prepaid Only, 'PP' - Prepaid by Seller. n/a n/a varchar2 2 No Not used in RWMS.
ship_pay_method_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_trans_res varchar22 0 1 Contains the code indicating the type of the location that is responsible for the transportation of the order. n/a n/a varchar2 2 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_trans_res_code_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_trans_res_desc varchar2250 0 1 User entered field describing the code for the location responsible for the transportation of the order. n/a n/a varchar2 250 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_title_pass varchar22 0 1 Indicator used to determine where the title for goods is passed from the vendor to the purchaser. Examples include city, factory, or origin. n/a n/a varchar2 2 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_title_pass_code_desc varchar240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 40 No Not used in RWMS.
fob_title_pass_desc varchar2250 0 1 User entered field describing the code where the title of the merchandise is to be passed. Could be a city name, factory name, or place of origin. n/a n/a varchar2 250 No Not used in RWMS.
vendor_order_no varchar215 0 1 Contains the vendor's unique identifying number for an order. These orders may have originated by the vendor through the EDI process or this number can be associated to a Retek order when the order is created on-line. n/a n/a varchar2 15 No Not used in RWMS.
exchange_rate number20_10 0 1 The rate of exchange used for the purchase order between the order and primary currencies. n/a n/a number 20 No Not used in RWMS.
factory varchar210 0 1 The factory at which the items on the purchase order are made. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used in RWMS.
factory_desc varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 240 No Not used in RWMS.
agent varchar210 0 1 The agent that is used in the purchase of the items on the purchase order. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used in RWMS.
agent_desc varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 240 No Not used in RWMS.
discharge_port varchar25 0 1 The port at which the items on the purchase order will enter the country of import. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. n/a n/a varchar2 5 No Not used in RWMS.
discharge_port_desc varchar2150 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 150 No Not used in RWMS.
lading_port varchar25 0 1 The port from which the items on the purchase order are shipped. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. n/a n/a varchar2 5 No Not used in RWMS.
lading_port_desc varchar2150 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 150 No Not used in RWMS.
bill_to_id varchar25 0 1 Indicates the ID of the bill-to-address, which will be stored on the OUTLOC table under the outloc_type 'BT'. n/a n/a varchar2 5 No Not used in RWMS.
freight_contract_no varchar210 0 1 The number of the contract with a shipper that will give specific freight rates. This field is only available when the system is running Import functionality. n/a n/a varchar2 10 No Not used in RWMS.
po_type varchar24 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 4 No Not used in RWMS.
po_type_desc varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. po po_type varchar2 120 No *
pre_mark_ind varchar21 1 1 This field indicated whether or not a supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes so that the boxes can be sent directly to stores. n/a n/a varchar2 1 Yes *
currency_code varchar23 1 1 Contains the currency code for the order. When creating an order within Retek, this field will always default to the currency of the supplier, but it can be overwritten. n/a n/a varchar2 3 Yes Not used in RWMS.
contract_no number6 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a number 6 No Not used in RWMS.
pickup_loc varchar2250 0 1 Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order. n/a n/a varchar2 250 No Not used in RWMS.
pickup_no varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 25 No Not used in RWMS.
pickup_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the date when the order can be picked up from the Supplier. This field is only required if the Purchase Type of the order is 'Pickup'. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
app_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 This column will hold the date and time of the receiving appointment at the warehouse. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
comment_desc varchar22000 0 1 Description is not available. po po_comments varchar2 2000 No *
PODtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPODesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PODesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:PODtl Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For PODtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Description is not available. po_detail item_id varchar2 25 Yes *
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 25 No Not used in RWMS.
physical_location_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are 'S' -Store, 'W' -Warehouse n/a n/a varchar2 1 Yes Not used in RWMS.
physical_location number10 1 1 This field contains the actual physical location that item will be ordered to. This field may contain a store or a physical warehouse. n/a n/a number 10 Yes Not used in RWMS.
physical_qty_ordered number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail requested_unit_qty number 12 No *
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 This field contains the unit cost for the Item/Location on the order, including discounts (deal/bracket/allowance), but not landed cost components. This field is stored in order currency. n/a n/a number 20 No Not used in RWMS.
origin_country_id varchar23 0 1 The identifier of the country into which the items on the order are being imported. po_detail country_code varchar2 3 No *
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail order_casepack number 12 No *
earliest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date before which the item can not be shipped by the supplier. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
latest_ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date after which the item can not be shipped by the supplier. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used in RWMS.
pickup_loc varchar2250 0 1 Contains the location at which the order will be picked up, if the order is a 'Pickup' order. n/a n/a varchar2 250 No Not used in RWMS.
pickup_no varchar225 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 25 No Not used in RWMS.
packing_method varchar26 0 1 This field indicates whether the packing method of the item in the container is flat or hanging. Valid values for this field are stored in the 'PKMT' code. n/a n/a varchar2 6 No Not used in RWMS.
round_lvl varchar26 0 1 This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet. po_detail round_lvl varchar2 6 No *
door_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail door_ind varchar2 1 No *
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail priority_level number 1 No *
new_item varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail new_item varchar2 1 No *
quarantine varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail quarantine varchar2 1 No *
rcvd_unit_qty number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. po_detail rcvd_unit_qty number 12 No *
tsf_po_link_id number10 0 1 A reference number to link the item on the transfer to any purchase orders that have been created to allow the from location (ie warehouse) on the transfer to fulfill the transfer quantity to the to location (ie store) on the transfer. n/a n/a number 10 No Not used in RWMS.
POVirtualDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
cost_source varchar24 0 1 Indicates the basis for the cost of the Item/Location on the order. Valid values include 'NORM' - Normal Supplier Cost, 'DEAL' - Cost Based on a Deal, 'BRKT' - Cost Based on a Bracket, 'MANL' - User Specified or Manual Override Cost, 'CONT' - Costs retrieved from the Contract, 'ALLW' - Cost Based on an Allowance * * varchar2 4 * *
est_in_stock_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date that the item on the PO is expected to be available to ship from the PO location to another location. * * RIBDate * * *
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPODtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize PODtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:POVirtualDtl Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For POVirtualDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description
location_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the location field. Valid values are S - Store, W - Warehouse n/a n/a varchar2 1 Yes Not used in RWMS.
location number10 1 1 This field contains the location all items on the order will be delivered to if populated. (i.e. it will mean a single location order) n/a n/a number 10 Yes Not used in RWMS.
qty_ordered number12_4 0 1 Contains the total number of items ordered for the SKU to this location. n/a n/a number 12 No Not used in RWMS.
ExtOfPODesc:ExtOfPOVirtualDtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to customize POVirtualDtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPOVirtualDtl Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For ExtOfPOVirtualDtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPODtl Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For ExtOfPODtl
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description

XML-Schema Name:ExtOfPODesc Version:13.1.1 Return to Top
Tag Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs Description rwms Mapping For ExtOfPODesc
Table Name Column Name API Type Column Length API Required API Description