



Stock Order status messages are published by data warehouse management system (RWMS) to specify the status of the whereabouts of the stock order. A merchandising system subscribes to stock order status messages to update the status of the stock orders.


SOStatusToSOStatusAT Tafr filters and transforms the stock order status messages


Functional Requirements


routing info type: It is an error for the input message not to contain routing info of type CONSUMER_DIRECT


routing info value: If the routing info value for type CONSUMER_DIRECT is not “n”, the message will be dropped


SOStatus detail’s status: If the SO status detail’s status is not “ds”, “du”, “pp”, “pu”, “sr,”, “ni”, “ex” , “rs” , “sd” and ”si”  SOStatusDtl will be removed from the payload.


MessageData XML schema declaration: The “messageData” or “payload” string will contain a namespace xml schema declaration detailing the URL of a XML schema definition (XSD) file. The directory specification in this URL will reside in the configuration, thus allowing customers to configure his/her own value. The name of the XSD file specified will be “SOStatusDesc.xsd” depending on the payload class of “SOStatusDesc”.



Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.