



Work Order messages are published by a merchandising system, such as RMS to Order a known quantity of goods. A merchandising system produces an order message and it needs to be routed to various warehouses depending on the warehouse locations as specified by the order.


The Work Order Out to Work Order Out WH TAFR takes Work Order Out messages and converts these messages to WorkOrderOutWH messages. Work Order messages are subscribed by Retail Warehouse Management System (RWMS). The TAFR performs routing operation to insure the message is forwarded to the correct instance of the warehouse with warehouse specific information.


Functional Requirements


Message type requirement: It is required that the input message to be of type “outbdwocre”, “outbdwodtlcre” or “outbdwodel”. An Exception is thrown if the message type is not one of the above specified


Routing info detail value: Message routing is dependent upon the routing info detail value of the rib message routing info. If the detail value is not “w”, an output message will not be published.


Facility ID requirement: It is an error for a message to contain a facility Id not specified in the configuration file


Routing requirement: Each message is divided into individual messages depending on the routing info detail value. Routing Info’s value is set as the ID for the output message. A WOOut message may contain multiple warehouse locations in the routing info and order line details. This will result in multiple output orders, each to a different topic.



Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.