Oracle® Retail Integration Bus

Release Notes

Release 14.1



December 2014

This document highlights the major changes for Release 14.1 of the Oracle Retail Integration Bus.


This release of Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB) includes changes in architecture, technology stack, and deployment. Major highlights of this release are as follows:

n                Enhanced Retail Business Objects (RBO) with new data types and concepts

n                Added Java Messaging Service (JMS) Console, an administration tool for Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) JMS

n                Significant number of new RBOs

n                Updated technical stack

n                Enhancements in supporting tools

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide for information about the following:

n        Hardware and software requirements

n        Oracle Retail application software compatibility

Functional Enhancements

The following functional enhancements are included in this release:

Retail Business Objects

The following modifications are made to the Retail Business Objects (RBO) service:

n                41 new RBOs for new Web services           are added

n                                RBOs related to deprecated Services Administrator Graphical User Interface (GUI) for RIB-OMS are removed

n                34 RBOs, to support new functionality on retail applications, are updated

Retail Service Layer

The following modifications are made to the Retail Service Layer (RSL) service:

n                The RSL product is no longer a part of the Oracle Retail Integration Suite

n                                RBOs, related to RSL services, are removed

n                                RSL services are converted to RSE/RSB SOAP Web services

n                                You can now customize new services by using the standard Oracle AG and Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler (RSE) tools

Technical Enhancements

This section addresses the technical enhancements included in Oracle Retail Integration Bus Release 14.1.


The list below announces the addition of Oracle Retail support for the technology described. See the Installation Guide requirements section for critical information, such as whether the enhancement below replaces previous versions or is supported in addition to already existing versions.


Database Server Support

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Release 14. 1 is supported for use with the following database server:

n                                Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12cR1 (

Application Server Support

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Release 14. 1 is supported for use with the following database server:

n                                Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (

Software Operating System Support

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Release 14. 1 is supported for use with the following software operating systems:

n                Oracle Linux 6 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine)

n                Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine).

n                Java 1.7.0+ 64 bit for the server side (JDK)

JMS Console

JMS Console is an administration tool to monitor and manage RIB's JMS servers. It completes the missing operational viewpoint component of RIB's JMS server:

n                Monitor

n                                Provides an unattended view of the JMS system

n        Browse

-                           Discovers and drills down into various aspects of the JMS server

-                           Takes a snapshot of the in-flight messages for analysis

-                           Manage

*                  Provides the JMS Server operation management functionality

*                  Publishes messages to the JMS Topic

*                                  Dumps messages from the JMS Topic

*          Drains messages of the JMS Topic

For more information on the JMS Console, see the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Java Messaging Service (JMS) Console Guide.

Packaging the JMS Console

The following are the packaging details for the JMS Console:

n        JMS Console is packaged as a new RIB component

n                JMS Console is delivered as an independent BOM file

n        The name of the JMS Console archive is

JMS Console Availability and Support

The following are the availability and support details for the JMS Console:

n                JMS Console is an add-on component and is delivered with the RIB's product license.

n                JMS Console is available for all RIB AQ customers, independent of the RIB version.

n                If you are using a previous RIB version, you can use the JMS Console.

n        RIB 13.x.x does not support the JMS Console. You should be able to use JMS Console 14.x.x in a AQ JMS 13.x.x environment.

n                The standard product GA support is available from My Oracle Support.

Java Payload Mapper

The Java Payload Mapper is delivered as a part of the payload mapper component.

JAR Names

                The jar files are renamed to follow industry standard naming conventions.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

Related Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus documentation set:

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Hospital Administration Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Security Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Support Tools Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Java Messaging Service (JMS) Console Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Integration Guide

n        Oracle® Retail Functional Artifact Generator Guide

n        Oracle® Retail Functional Artifacts Guide

n        Oracle® Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool Guide

n        Oracle Retail Integration Bus Data Model

n        Oracle Retail Payload Mapper Guide

Supplemental Training on My Oracle Support

The following document is available on the My Oracle Support Web site. Access My Oracle Support at the following URL:

Transfer of Information (TOI) Material (ID 732026.1)

Online training is available to Oracle supported customers at product release. These online courses provide release-specific product knowledge that enables your functional and technical teams to plan, implement and/or upgrade and support Oracle Retail applications effectively and efficiently.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Retail Integration Bus, Release Notes, Release 14.1


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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.

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