Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:14.1.0 (Integration Gateway Services)
Application Integration Gateway Services
Target Name Space
Version 1.3
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:XItemDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier of the main item on the message. RMS.item_master item varchar2 25 Yes The unique identifier of the main item on the message.
item_parent varchar225 0 1 The item at the level above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. RMS.item_master item_parent varchar2 25 No The item at the level above this item.This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table.
item_grandparent varchar225 0 1 The item two levels above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table. RMS.item_master item_grandparent varchar2 25 No The item two levels above this item. This value must be predefined as an item on the ITEM_MASTER table.
pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a pack item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. RMS.item_master pack_ind null null No Indicates if the item is a pack item. Valid values are Y and N. This value cannot be modified.
item_level number1 0 1 The level of the item. Valid values are 1 (single level or pack item), 2 (child item), and 3 (grandchild item). RMS.item_master item_level number 1 No The level of the item. Valid values are 1 (single level or pack item), 2 (child item), and 3 (grandchild item).
tran_level number1 0 1 The transaction level of the item. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. If this is a transaction item this will equal the item level. If the item is a pack this will equal 1. This value cannot be modified. RMS.item_master tran_level varchar2 1 No The transaction level of the item. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. If this is a transaction item, it will equal the item level. If the item is a pack this will equal 1. This value cannot be modified.
diff_1 varchar210 0 1 A differentiator id which differentiates a transaction level item from its parent item. If the item on the message is a parent this field may hold a differentiator group id. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS or DIFF_GROUP_HEAD table. RMS.item_master diff_1 varchar2 10 No A differentiator ID that differentiates a transaction level item from its parent item. If the item on the message is a parent. this field may contain a differentiator group ID. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS or DIFF_GROUP_HEAD table.
diff_2 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. RMS.item_master diff_2 varchar2 10 No See description for diff_1.
diff_3 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. RMS.item_master diff_3 varchar2 10 No See description for diff_1.
diff_4 varchar210 0 1 See description for diff_1. RMS.item_master diff_4 varchar2 10 No See description for diff_1.
dept number4 0 1 The number of the department to which this item belongs. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. It cannot be modified. RMS.item_master dept number 4 Yes The number of the department to which this item belongs. This value must be predefined on the DEPS table. It cannot be modified.
class number4 0 1 The number of the class to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. It cannot be modified. RMS.item_master class null null No The number of the class to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the CLASS table. It cannot be modified.
subclass number4 0 1 The number of the subclass to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined on the SUBCLASS table. It cannot be modified. RMS.item_master subclass number 4 No The number of the subclass to which the item belongs. This value must be predefined in the SUBCLASS table. It cannot be modified.
item_desc varchar2250 0 1 The long description of the item. RMS.item_master item_desc varchar2 250 Yes The long description of the item.
iscloc_hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\supplier\country\location relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse). RMS.* * null null No The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\supplier\country\location relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse).
izp_hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\zone\price relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). This value should be null if the item is a non sellable pack. RMS.* * null null No The level of the organizational hierarchy used to create item\zone\price relationships. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). This value should be null if the item is a non sellable pack.
short_desc varchar2120 0 1 The short description of the item. If this field is not populated it will default from the long description. RMS.item_master short_desc varchar2 120 No The short description of the item. If this field is not populated it will default from the long description.
cost_zone_group_id number4 0 1 The cost zone from the cost_zone_group table to which the item belongs. This should be null if landed cost is not being used in the system or the item is an orderable buyer pack. RMS.item_master cost_zone_group_id number 4 No The cost zone from the cost_zone_group table to which the item belongs. This should be null if landed cost is not being used in the system or the item is an orderable buyer pack.
standard_uom varchar24 0 1 The unit of measure at which the item is tracked at the corporate level. This will be defaulted to EA (eaches) if not populated on the message. It cannot be modified. RMS.item_master standard_uom varchar2 4 No The unit of measure at which the item is tracked at the corporate level. This is defaulted to EA (eaches) if not populated in the message. It cannot be modified.
store_ord_mult varchar21 0 1 The unit type of merchandise shipped from the warehouse to the store for this item. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches). RMS.item_master store_ord_mult varchar2 1 No The unit type of merchandise shipped from the warehouse to the store for this item. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches).
forecast_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates whether the item is forecastable. Valid value are Y (yes) and N (no). This value should be N if the item is a pack. RMS.item_master forecast_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates whether the item is forecastable. Valid values are Y and N. Value should be N if the item is a pack.
simple_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a simple pack. This field is required if the item is a pack. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. RMS.item_master simple_pack_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates whether the item is a simple pack. This field is required if the item is a pack. Valid values are Y and N. This value cannot be modified.
contains_inner_ind varchar21 0 1 This should be Y (yes) if the item is a pack and at least one component item is a pack; otherwise it should be N (no). RMS.item_master contains_inner_ind varchar2 1 Yes This should be Y if the item is a pack and at least one component item is a pack. Otherwise, it should be N.
sellable_ind varchar21 0 1 If the item is a pack, this value indicates if the pack can be sold as a unique unit. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This value cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item. RMS.item_master sellable_ind varchar2 1 No If the item is a pack, this value indicates if the pack can be sold as a unique unit. Valid values are Y and N. This value cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item.
orderable_ind varchar21 0 1 If the item is a pack, this field indicates if it can be placed on orders. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). This field cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item. RMS.item_master orderable_ind varchar2 1 No If the item is a pack, this field indicates if it can be placed on orders. Valid values are Y and N. This field cannot be modified. It should be Y for a non-pack item.
pack_type varchar21 0 1 If the item is a pack, this field will indicate what type of pack it is. Valid values are B (buyer) and V (vendor). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack this value should be null. RMS.item_master pack_type varchar2 1 No If the item is a pack, this field indicates the type of pack. Valid values are B (buyer) and V (vendor). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack, this value should be null.
order_as_type varchar21 0 1 If the item is an orderable buyer pack, this indicates how it will be ordered. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack, this should be null. RMS.item_master order_as_type varchar2 1 No If the item is an orderable buyer pack, this field indicates how it will be ordered. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field cannot be modified. If the item is not a pack, this should be null.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Comments associated with the item. RMS.item_master comments varchar2 2000 No Comments associated with the item.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Date/time stamp of when the record was created. This date/time will be used in export processing. This value should only be populated on insert - it should never be updated. RMS.item_master create_datetime RIBDate * No Date/time stamp from when the record was created. This date/time will be used in export processing. This value should only be initially populated. It should never be updated.
XItemCtryDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemSupDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemBOMDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemVATDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XIZPDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemUDADtl * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemSeason * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemImage * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
status varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
uom_conv_factor number20_10 0 1 Conversion factor between an Each and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure. RMS.item_master uom_conv_factor number 20,10 No Conversion factor between an Each and the standard_uom when the standard_uom is not in the quantity class (e.g. if standard_uom = lb and 1 lb = 10 eaches, this factor will be 10). This factor will be used to convert sales and stock data when an item is retailed in eaches but does not have eaches as its standard unit of measure.
package_size number12_4 0 1 Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Oracle Retail Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items. RMS.item_master package_size number 12,4 No Holds the size of the product printed on any packaging (i.e. 24 ounces). This field is used for reporting purposes, as well as by Oracle Retail Price Mangement to determine same sized and different sized items.
handling_temp varchar26 0 1 Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type HTMP on the code_head and code_detail tables. RMS.item_master handling_temp varchar2 6 No Holds the temperature information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type HTMP on the code_head and code_detail tables.
handling_sensitivity varchar26 0 1 Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type HSEN on the code_head and code_detail tables. RMS.item_master handling_sensitivity varchar2 6 No Holds the sensitivity information associated with the item. Valid values for this field are in the code type HSEN on the code_head and code_detail tables.
mfg_rec_retail number20_4 0 1 Manufacturers recommended retail price for the item in primary currency. Used for informational purposes only. RMS.item_master mfg_rec_retail number 20,4 No Manufacturers recommended retail price for the item in primary currency. Used for informational purposes only.
waste_type varchar26 0 1 Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage. RMS.item_master waste_type varchar2 6 No Identifies the wastage type as either sales or spoilage wastage.
waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items. RMS.item_master waste_pct number 12,4 No Average percent of wastage for the item over its shelf life. Used in inflating the retail price for wastage items.
item_number_type varchar26 0 1 Code specifying what type the item is. Valid values for this field are in the code type UPCT on the code_head and code_detail tables. RMS.item_master item_number_type varchar2 6 No Code specifying what type the item is. Valid values for this field are in the code type UPCT on the code_head and code_detail tables.
catch_weight_ind varchar21 0 1 Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are Y and N. RMS.item_master catch_weight_ind varchar2 1 No Indiactes whether the item should be weighed when it arives at a location. Valid values for this field are Y and N.
const_dimen_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primary country. RMS.item_master const_dimen_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates that the dimensions of the product are always the same, regardless of the supplier. If this field is Y, the dimensions for all suppliers will be defaulted to the primary supplier/primary country dimensions. Editing of dimensions for the item will only be allowed for the primary supplier/primary country.
gift_wrap_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped. RMS.item_master gift_wrap_ind varchar2 1 No This field will contain a value of 'Y' if the item is eligible to be gift wrapped.
ship_alone_ind varchar21 0 1 This field will contain a value of Y if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box. RMS.item_master ship_alone_ind varchar2 1 No This field will contain a value of Y if the item should be shipped to the customer is a seperate package versus being grouped together in a box.
ext_source_system varchar26 0 1 Not used. RMS.n/a n/s null null No Not used by RMS.
size_group1 number4 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
size_group2 number4 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
size1 varchar26 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
size2 varchar26 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
color varchar224 0 1 Not used. RMS.n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
system_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.n/a n/a null null No Not used by RMS.
upc_supplement number5 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
upc_type varchar25 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
primary_upc_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
primary_repl_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
item_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
diff_1_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator for the corresponding diff. RMS.item_master dif_1_aggregate_ind varchar2 1 No Indicator for the corresponding diff.
diff_2_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator for the corresponding diff. RMS.item_master diff_2_aggregate_ind varchar2 1 No Indicator for the corresponding diff.
diff_3_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator for the corresponding diff. RMS.item_master diff_3_aggregate_ind varchar2 1 No Indicator for the corresponding diff.
diff_4_aggregate_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicator for the corresponding diff. RMS.item_master diff_4_aggregate_ind varchar2 1 No Indicator for the corresponding diff.
perishable_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if an item is perishable. RMS.ITEM_MASTER perishable_ind VARCHAR2 1 No A grocery item attribute used to indicate whether an item is perishable or not.
notional_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a sellable simple pack needs to be broken down to its component item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER notional_pack_ind VARCHAR2 1 No This is to indicate that the pack item should post the transaction at pack level in SIM. If this indicator is checked in RMS, SIM will track pack item at the pack level. If the indicator is not checked in RMS, SIM will store inventory at the component level.
soh_inquiry_at_pack_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates in SIM if a notional simple pack item's inventory should be displayed in packs. RMS.ITEM_MASTER soh_inquiry_at_pack_ind varchar2 1 No This indicates to show the stock on hand at pack level in down stream applications when it is called in POS from SIM.
aip_case_type varchar26 0 1 Only used if AIP is integrated.Determines which case sizes to extract against an item in the AIP interface. Applicable only to non-pack orderable items. RMS.ITEM_MASTER aip_case_type varchar2 6 No Only used if AIP is integrated.Determines which case sizes to extract against an item in the AIP interface. Applicable only to non-pack orderable items.
order_type varchar26 0 1 This determines how catch weight items are ordered: F - fixed weight, V - Variable weight. RMS.ITEM_MASTER order_type varchar2 6 No This determines how catch weight items are ordered. Valid values are
sale_type varchar26 0 1 This determines how catch weight items are sold in store locations: V - variable weight each, L - Loose weight. RMS.ITEM_MASTER sale_type varchar2 6 No This indicates the method of how catch weight items are sold in store locations. Valid values are
catch_weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measure of a catch weight item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER catch_weight_uom varchar2 4 No UOM for Catchweight Items.
deposit_item_type varchar26 0 1 This is the deposit item component type: E - Contents, A - Container, Z - Crate, T - Returned Item (Empty bottle), P - Complex pack (with deposit items). RMS.ITEM_MASTER deposit_item_type VARCHAR2 6 No This is the deposit item component type. A NULL value in this field indicates that this item is not part of a deposit item relationship. The possible values are - E - Contents A - Container Z - Crate T - Returned Item (Empty bottle) P - Complex pack (with deposit items) The Returned item is flagged only to enable these items to be mapped to a separate GL account if required.
inventory_ind varchar21 0 1 This indicates if an item holds inventory or not for item transformation. RMS.ITEM_MASTER inventory_inf VARCHAR2 1 No This indicator is used to determine if an item holds inventory or not for item transformations.
item_xform_ind varchar21 0 1 This indicates if an item is associated with an item transformation process. If yes, the item will be either the sellable item or the orderable item in the transformation process. RMS.ITEM_MASTER item_xform_ind VARCHAR2 1 No This indicator will show that an item is associated an item transformation. The item will be either the sellable item or orderable item in the transformation process.
container_item varchar225 0 1 This holds the container item number for a content item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER container_item VARCHAR2 25 No This holds the container item number for a contents item. This field is only populated and required if the DEPOSIT_ITEM_TYPE = E.
package_uom varchar24 0 1 Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Retek Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items. RMS.ITEM_MASTER package_uom VARCHAR2 4 No Holds the unit of measure associated with the package size. This field is used for reporting purposes and by Oracle Retail Price Management to determine same sized and different sized items.
format_id varchar21 0 1 This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the items variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs. RMS.ITEM_MASTER format_id VARCHAR2 1 No This field will hold the format ID that corresponds to the items variable UPC. This value is only used for items with variable UPCs.
prefix number2 0 1 This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. RMS.ITEM_MASTER prefix number 2 No This column holds the prefix for variable weight UPCs. The prefix determines the format of the eventual UPC and will be used to decode variable weight UPCs that are uploaded from the POS. It is the clients responsibility to download this value to their scale systems.
brand varchar2120 0 1 This is added to capture the brand information of an item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER brand_name VARCHAR2 30 No This is used to associate a brand to an item.
product_classification varchar26 0 1 This defines which items can be combined (packed or boxed) together. RMS.ITEM_MASTER product_classification VARCHAR2 6 No This Column contains item combinability codes (with code type PCLA) which provide a way to define which items can be combined (packed or boxed) together and communicate the same to WMS.
item_desc_secondary varchar2250 0 1 Secondary descriptions of the item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER item_desc_secondary VARCHAR2 250 No Secondary descriptions of the item. This field can only be populated when system_options.secondary_desc_ind = Y.
desc_up varchar2250 0 1 All upper case description of the item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER desc_up VARCHAR2 250 Yes All upper case description of the item.
merchandise_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N). RMS.ITEM_MASTER merchandise_ind VARCHAR2 1 No Indicates if the item is a merchandise item (Y, N).
original_retail number20_4 0 1 The original retail price of the item per unit. This field is stored in the primary currency. RMS.ITEM_MASTER original_retail number(20,4) 20,4 No The original retail price of the item per unit. This field is stored in the primary currency.
retail_label_type varchar26 0 1 This field indicates any special label type assoctiated with an item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER retail_label_type VARCHAR2 6 No This field indicates any special lable type assoctiated with an item (i.e. pre-priced or cents off). This field is used for reporting purposes only. Values for this field are defined by the RTLT code on code detail.
retail_label_value number20_4 0 1 This field represents the value associated with the retail label type. RMS.ITEM_MASTER retail_label_value, number 20,4 No This field represents the value associated with the retail label type.
default_waste_pct number12_4 0 1 Default daily wastage percent for spoilage type wastage items. NA NA NA NA NA NA
item_service_level varchar26 0 1 Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item. RMS.ITEM_MASTER item_service_level VARCHAR2 6 No Holds a value that restricts the type of shipment methods that RCOM can select for an item.
check_uda_ind varchar21 0 1 This field indicates whether the user has called the itemuda form. RMS.ITEM_MASTER check_uda_ind VARCHAR2 1 No This field indicates whether the user has called the itemuda form. Since users may delete defauted UDAs, this will prevent these from being automatically displayed whenever the user enters the itemuda form.
deposit_in_price_per_uom varchar26 0 1 This field indicates if the deposit amount is included in the price per UOM calculation for a contents item ticket. RMS.ITEM_MASTER deposit_in_price_per_uom VARCHAR2 6 No This field indicates if the deposit amount is included in the price per UOM calculation for a contents item ticket. This value is only required if the DEPOSIT_ITEM_TYPE = E. Valid values are
attempt_rms_load varchar26 0 1 This field indicates if the item will be created in RMS or the staging tables. Valid values are RMS or STG. If not defined, the default is STG. NA NA NA NA NA NA
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemCtryDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemCtryDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
country_id varchar23 1 1 Id of the country associated with the item. RMS.ITEM_COUNTRY country_id VARCHAR2 3 No Contains the unique code that identifies the country.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemCtryDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemCtryDesc.

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemCtryDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemCtryDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemCtryDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSupDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 The identifier of the supplier who sources the item. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table. RMS.item_supplier supplier varchar2 10 Yes The identifier of the supplier that sources the item. This value must be predefined in the SUPS table.
primary_supp_ind varchar23 0 1 Indicates if the supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). RMS.item_supplier primary_supp_ind varchar2 3 Yes Indicates whether the supplier is the primary supplier for the item. Valid values are Y and N.
vpn varchar230 0 1 The vendor product number associated with the item. RMS.item_supplier vpn varchar2 30 No The vendor product number associated with the item.
supp_label varchar215 0 1 The supplier label for the item. RMS.item_supplier supp_label varchar2 15 No The supplier label for the item.
XItemSupCtyDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
consignment_rate number12_4 0 1 This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier. RMS.item_supplier consignment_rate number 12,4 No This field contains the consignment rate for this item for the supplier.
supp_discontinue_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date which the supplier discontinues an item. The retailor should be aware that the supplier is able to reuse a UPC after 30 months and should work to ensure that no data exists in RMS for a UPC 30 months after it has been discontinued. RMS.item_supplier supp_discontinue_date date * No Date which the supplier discontinues an item. The retailor should be aware that the supplier is able to reuse a UPC after 30 months and should work to ensure that no data exists in RMS for a UPC 30 months after it has been discontinued.
direct_ship_ind varchar21 0 1 Contains a value of Yes to indicate that any item asssociated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer. RMS.item_supplier direct_ship_ind varchar2 1 No Contains a value of Yes to indicate that any item asssociated with this supplier is eligible for a direct shipment from the supplier to the customer.
pallet_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet. Valid codes are defined in the PALN code type. Examples are flat, pallet. RMS.item_supplier pallet_name varchar2 6 No Code referencing the name used to refer to the pallet. Valid codes are defined in the PALN code type. Examples are flat, pallet.
case_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the case. Valid codes are defined in the CASN code type. Examples are pack, box, bag. RMS.item_supplier case_name varchar2 6 No Code referencing the name used to refer to the case. Valid codes are defined in the CASN code type. Examples are pack, box, bag.
inner_name varchar26 0 1 Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner. Valid codes are defined in the INRN code type. Examples are sub-case, sub-pack. RMS.item_supplier inner_name varchar2 6 Yes Code referencing the name used to refer to the inner. Valid codes are defined in the INRN code type. Examples are sub-case, sub-pack.
XItmSupCtyMfrDesc:XItmSupCtyMfrDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_case_size varchar26 0 1 Used only if AIP is interfaced. Indicates the primary case size for the item supplier when an orderable item is configured for informal case types. RMS.item_supplier primary_case_size VARCHAR2 6 No Used only if AIP is interfaced. Indicates the primary case size for the item supplier when an orderable item is configured for informal case types.
supp_diff_1 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. RMS.item_supplier supp_diff_1 varchar2 120 No This field contains the first supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_2 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. RMS.item_supplier supp_diff_2 varchar2 120 No This field contains the second supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_3 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. RMS.item_supplier supp_diff_3 varchar2 120 No This field contains the third supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
supp_diff_4 varchar2120 0 1 This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent. RMS.item_supplier supp_diff_4 varchar2 120 No This field contains the fourth supplier differentiator and/or description. This field may only contain a value for items with an item_parent.
concession_rate number12_4 0 1 The concession rate is the margin that a particular supplier receives for the sale of a concession item. NA NA NA NA NA NA
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemSupDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemSupDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSupCtyDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The identifier for the country where the item is sourced. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRY table. RMS.item_supp_country origin_country_id varchar2 3 Yes The identifier for the country where the item is sourced. This value must be predefined in the COUNTRY table.
primary_country_ind varchar21 0 1 This indicates if the country is the primary country for the item\supplier. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). RMS.item_supp_country primary_country_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates whether the country is the primary country for the item\supplier. Valid values are Y and N.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 The current corporate unit cost for the item in the supplier's currency. This field will only be used to establish the item\supplier\country unit cost; it cannot be modified. RMS.item_supp_country unit_cost number 20,4 No The current corporate unit cost for the item in the supplier's currency. This field is used only to establish the item\supplier\country unit cost; it cannot be modified.
XItemCostDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
XISCLocDesc * 0 unbounded Child node.
lead_time number4 0 1 This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier. This field is defaulted from the default lead time set at the supplier level. RMS.item_supp_country lead_time number 4 No This field contains the number of days that will elapse between the date an order is written and the delivery to the store or warehouse from the supplier. This field is defaulted from the default lead time set at the supplier level.
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Contains time it takes to get the item from the Supplier to the Initial Receiving Location. This value will be defaulted to the item_supp_country_loc pickup lead time field. The ordering dialog will reference the item/supplier/country/location pickup lead time as the value may vary by location. RMS.item_supp_country pickup_lead_time number 4 No Contains time it takes to get the item from the Supplier to the Initial Receiving Location. This value will be defaulted to the item_supp_country_loc pickup lead time field. The ordering dialog will reference the item/supplier/country/location pickup lead time as the value may vary by location.
min_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the minimum quantity that can be ordered at one time from the supplier for the item. RMS.item_supp_country min_order_qty number 12,4 No Not used by RMS.
max_order_qty number12_4 0 1 This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one time from the supplier for the item. RMS.item_supp_country max_order_qty number 12,4 No This field contains the maximum quantity that can be ordered at one time from the supplier for the item.
supp_hier_lvl_1 varchar210 0 1 Highest level of supplier hierarchy (e.g. manufacturer). This will be used for assigning rebates that come from a level in the supply chain that is higher than the supplier. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_lvl_1 varchar2 10 No Highest level of supplier hierarchy (e.g. manufacturer). This will be used for assigning rebates that come from a level in the supply chain that is higher than the supplier. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc.
supp_hier_lvl_2 varchar210 0 1 Second highest level of supplier hierarchy. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_lvl_2 varchar2 10 No Second highest level of supplier hierarchy. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc.
supp_hier_lvl_3 varchar210 0 1 Third highest level of supplier hierarchy. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_lvl_3 varchar2 10 No Third highest level of supplier hierarchy. This information is stored on item_supp_country for defaulting into item_supp_country_loc.
default_uop varchar26 0 1 Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include: Standard Units of Measure C for Case P for Pallet RMS.item_supp_country default_uop varchar2 6 No Contains the default unit of purchase for the item/supplier/country. Valid values include: Standard Units of Measure C for Case P for Pallet
supp_pack_size number12_4 0 1 Contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item. RMS.item_supp_country supp_pack_size number 12,4 Yes Contains the quantity that orders must be placed in multiples of for the supplier for the item.
inner_pack_size number12_4 0 1 This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier. RMS.item_supp_country inner_pack_size number 12,4 No This field contains the break pack size for this item from the supplier.
ti number12_4 0 1 Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of a pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) for a pallet. RMS.item_supp_country ti number 12,4 No Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of a pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) for a pallet.
hi number12_4 0 1 Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet (height). Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) for a pallet. RMS.item_supp_country hi number 12,4 No Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet (height). Multiply TI x HI to get total number of units (cases) for a pallet.
XISCDimDesc * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
cost_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measure associated with the item cost. It is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM from the standard UOM. RMS.item_supp_country cost_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measure associated with the item cost. It is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM from the standard UOM.
tolerance_type varchar26 0 1 The unit of the tolerances for catch weight simple packs: A - actual, P - percent. RMS.item_supp_country tolerance_type varchar2 6 No The unit of the tolerances for catch weight simple packs
min_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack. RMS.item_supp_country min_tolerance number 12,4 No The minimum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack.
max_tolerance number12_4 0 1 The maximum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack. RMS.item_supp_country max_tolerance number 12,4 No The maximum tolerance value for a catch weight simple pack.
supp_hier_type_1 varchar26 0 1 Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 1 for the foreign key to the partner table. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_type_1 varchar2 6 No Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 1 for the foreign key to the partner table.
supp_hier_type_2 varchar26 0 1 Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 2 for the foreign key to the partner table. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_type_2 varchar2 6 No Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 2 for the foreign key to the partner table.
supp_hier_type_3 varchar26 0 1 Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 3 for the foreign key to the partner table. RMS.item_supp_country supp_hier_type_3 varchar2 6 No Identifies partner type of supplier hierarchy level 3 for the foreign key to the partner table.
round_lvl varchar26 0 1 This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet. RMS.item_supp_country round_lvl varchar2 6 No This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet.
round_to_inner_pct number12_4 0 1 The Inner Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Inner quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country round_to_inner_pct number 12,4 No The Inner Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Inner quantities up or down.
round_to_case_pct number12_4 0 1 The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Case quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country round_to_case_pct number 12,4 No The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Case quantities up or down.
round_to_layer_pct number12_4 0 1 The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country round_to_layer_pct number 12,4 No The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down.
round_to_pallet_pct number12_4 0 1 The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Pallet quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country round_to_pallet_pct number 12,4 No The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Pallet quantities up or down.
packing_method varchar26 0 1 This field indicates whether the packing method of the item in the container is Flat or Hanging. Values for this field are store in the PKMT code.. RMS.item_supp_country packing_method varchar2 6 No This field indicates whether the packing method of the item in the container is Flat or Hanging. Values for this field are store in the PKMT code..
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemSupCtyDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemSupCtyDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemCostDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemCostDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
delivery_country_id varchar23 1 1 Country where the Item will be delivered. RMS.item_cost_head delivery_country_id varchar2 3 Yes Country where the Item will be delivered.
primary_dlvy_ctry_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the country is the primary delivery country of the item. RMS.item_cost_head primary_dlvy_ctry_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the country is the primary delivery country of the item.
nic_static_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the Negotiated Item Cost (NIC) is static or not. If NIC is static, then the Base Cost of the item will vary based on the location/tax region; if NIC is not static, then NIC will vary based on the location/tax region. RMS.item_cost_head nic_static_ind varchar2 1 Yes Indicates if the Negotiated Item Cost (NIC) is static or not. If NIC is static, then the Base Cost of the item will vary based on the location/tax region; if NIC is not static, then NIC will vary based on the location/tax region.
base_cost number20_4 0 1 This will hold the tax exclusive cost of the item. RMS.item_cost_head base_cost number 20,4 No This will hold the tax exclusive cost of the item.
negotiated_item_cost number20_4 0 1 This will hold the supplier negotiated item cost. RMS.item_cost_head negotiated_item_cost number 20,4 No This will hold the supplier negotiated item cost.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemCostDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemCostDesc.

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemCostDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemCostDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemCostDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XISCLocDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XISCLocDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The specific location id for this Item Supplier Country Loc message. Corresponds with the value used in the iscloc_hier_level field. RMS.item_supp_country_loc loc number 10 Yes The specific location ID for this Item Supplier Country Loc message. Corresponds to the value used in the iscloc_hier_level field.
unit_cost number20_4 0 1 The unit cost for the item at the item\supplier\country\loc level in the supplier's currency. This field will be used for creating new records, not updating existing records. RMS.item_supp_country_loc unit_cost number 20 No The unit cost for the item at the item\supplier\country\loc level in the supplier's currency. This field is used for creating new records, not updating existing records.
negotiated_item_cost number20_4 0 1 This will hold the supplier negotiated item cost. RMS.ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY_LOC negotiated_item_cost number(20,4) 20,4 No This will hold the supplier negotiated item cost for the primary delivery country of the item. Once a location is associated with the item, the primary locations negotiated item cost will be stored in this field.
primary_loc_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the location is the primary location for the item\supplier\country. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). RMS.item_supp_country_loc primary_loc_ind varchar2 1 No Indicates whether the location is the primary location for the item\supplier\country. Valid values are Y and N.
pickup_lead_time number4 0 1 Contains time it takes to get the item from the Supplier to the Initial Receiving Location. This value will be defaulted to the item_supp_country_loc pickup lead time field. The ordering dialog will reference the item/supplier/country/location pickup lead time as the value may vary by location. RMS.item_supp_country_loc pickup_lead_time number 4 No Contains time it takes to get the item from the Supplier to the Initial Receiving Location. This value will be defaulted to the item_supp_country_loc pickup lead time field. The ordering dialog will reference the item/supplier/country/location pickup lead time as the value may vary by location.
round_lvl varchar26 0 1 This column will be used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to Case, Layer and Pallet. RMS.item_supp_country_loc round_lvl varchar2 6 No This column is used to determine how order quantities will be rounded to case, layer, and pallet.
round_to_case_pct number12_4 0 1 The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial case quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country_loc round_to_case_pct number 12,4 No The Case Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial case quantities up or down.
round_to_layer_pct number12_4 0 1 The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country_loc round_to_layer_pct number 12,4 No The Layer Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Layer quantities up or down.
round_to_pallet_pct number12_4 0 1 The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Pallet quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country_loc round_to_pallet_pct number 12,4 No The Pallet Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial pallet quantities up or down.
round_to_inner_pct number12_4 0 1 The Inner Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Inner quantities up or down. RMS.item_supp_country_loc round_to_inner_pct number 12,4 No The Inner Rounding Threshold value. Used to determine whether to round partial Inner quantities up or down.
supp_hier_lvl_1 varchar210 0 1 Highest level of supplier hierarchy (e.g. manufacturer). This will be used forassigning rebates that come from a level in the supply chain that is higher than the supplier. RMS.item_supp_country_loc supp_hier_lvl_1 varchar2 10 No Highest level of supplier hierarchy (e.g. manufacturer). This will be used forassigning rebates that come from a level in the supply chain that is higher than the supplier.
supp_hier_lvl_2 varchar210 0 1 Second highest level of supplier hierarchy. Rebates at this level will include all eligible supplier/item/country/loc records assigned to this supplier hierarchy level. RMS.item_supp_country_loc supp_hier_lvl_2 varchar2 10 No Second highest level of supplier hierarchy. Rebates at this level will include all eligible supplier/item/country/loc records assigned to this supplier hierarchy level.
supp_hier_lvl_3 varchar210 0 1 Third highest level of supplier hierarchy, used for assigning rebates by a level other than supplier. RMS.item_supp_country_loc supp_hier_lvl_3 varchar2 10 No Third highest level of supplier hierarchy, used for assigning rebates by a level other than supplier.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXISCLocDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XISCLocDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXISCLocDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXISCLocDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXISCLocDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XISCDimDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XISCDimDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
dim_object varchar26 1 1 Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record (e.g. case, pallet, each). Valid values for this field are in the code type DIMO on the code_head and code_detail tables. RMS.item_supp_country_dim dim_object varchar2 6 Yes Specific object whose dimensions are specified in this record (e.g. case, pallet, each). Valid values for this field are in the code type DIMO on the code_head and code_detail tables.
tare_weight number12_4 0 1 Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object. RMS.item_supp_country_dim Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object. number 12 No Amount of weight to be subtracted for packaging materials. Used to calculate the true net weight of the dim_object.
tare_type varchar26 0 1 "TARE_TYPE - Indicates if tare weight for this dim_object is wet or dry. Valid values are found on the code_detail table with the code_type TARE and include: W = Wet tare weight D = Dry tare weight" RMS.item_supp_country_dim tare_type varchar2 6 No "TARE_TYPE - Indicates if tare weight for this dim_object is wet or dry. Valid values are found on the code_detail table with the code_type TARE and include
lwh_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for length, width, and height (e.g. inches, centimeters, feet). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = DIMEN. RMS.item_supp_country_dim lwh_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for length, width, and height (e.g. inches, centimeters, feet). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = DIMEN.
length number12_4 0 1 Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. RMS.item_supp_country_dim length number 12 No Length of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
width number12_4 0 1 Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. RMS.item_supp_country_dim width number 12 No Width of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
dim_height number12_4 0 1 Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom. RMS.item_supp_country_dim height number 12 No Height of dim_object measured in units specified in lwh_uom.
liquid_volume number12_4 0 1 Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in volume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. RMS.item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume number 12 No Liquid volume, or capacity, of dim_object measured in units specified in volume_uom. Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes.
liquid_volume_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for liquid_volume (e.g. ounces, liters). Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = LVOL. RMS.item_supp_country_dim liquid_volume_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for liquid_volume (e.g. ounces, liters). Liquid volumes are only convertible to other liquid volumes. Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = LVOL.
stat_cube varchar212 0 1 Statistical value of the dim_objects dimensions to be used for loading purposes. RMS.item_supp_country_dim stat_cube number 12 No Statistical value of the dim_objects dimensions to be used for loading purposes.
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = MASS. RMS.item_supp_country_dim weight_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measurement for weight (e.g. pounds, kilograms). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = MASS.
weight number12_4 0 1 Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom. RMS.item_supp_country_dim weight number 12 No Weight of dim_object measured in units specified in weight_uom.
net_weight varchar212 0 1 Unit of measurement for length, width, and height (e.g. inches, centimeters, feet). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = DIMEN. RMS.item_supp_country_dim net_weight number 12 No Unit of measurement for length, width, and height (e.g. inches, centimeters, feet). Valid values for this field are contained in uom field on uom_class table where uom_class field = DIMEN.
presentation_method varchar26 0 1 Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions. Valid values for this field are in the code type PCKT on the code_head and code_detail tables. RMS.item_supp_country_dim presentation_method varchar2 6 No Describes the packaging (if any) being taken into consideration in the specified dimensions. Valid values for this field are in the code type PCKT on the code_head and code_detail tables.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXISCDimDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XISCDimDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXISCDimDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXISCDimDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXISCDimDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemSupCtyDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemSupCtyDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemSupCtyDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItmSupCtyMfrDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItmSupCtyMfrDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA
primary_manufacturer_ctry_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if it's the primary country of manufacturer. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemSupDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemSupDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemSupDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemBOMDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemBOMDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
component_item varchar225 1 1 The component item within the pack. This value must be predefined on ITEM_MASTER. It will only be populated if the item on the message is a pack item. This value cannot be modified. Only transaction level items can be pack components. RMS.packitem item varchar2 25 Yes The component item within the pack. This value must be predefined on ITEM_MASTER. It is populated onliy if the item on the message is a pack item. This value cannot be modified. Only transaction level items can be pack components.
pack_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the component item. This value cannot be modified. RMS.packitem pack_qty number 12,4 Yes The quantity of the component item. This value cannot be modified.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemBOMDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemBOMDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemBOMDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemBOMDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemBOMDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemVATDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemVATDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
vat_type varchar21 1 1 Indicates if the VAT rate is used for purchasing or selling. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail). RMS.vat_item vat_type varchar2 1 Yes Indicates whether the VAT rate is used for purchasing or selling. Valid values are C (cost) and R (retail).
vat_region number6 1 1 The identifier for the VAT region. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. This node is optional, if it is included this field is required. RMS.vat_item vat_region number 4 Yes The identifier for the VAT region. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. This node is optional. If it is included, this field is required.
vat_code varchar26 1 1 The identifier for the VAT code. This node is optional, if it is included in the message this field is required. RMS.vat_item vat_code varchar2 6 Yes The identifier for the VAT code. This node is optional. If it is included in the message, this field is required.
active_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date that the VAT rate became active for the item/VAT region combination. RMS.vat_item active_date date null Yes The date on which the VAT rate became active for the item/VAT region combination.
reverse_vat_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the item is subject to reverse charge VAT at the vat region. Valid values are Y and N. NA NA NA NA NA NA
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemVATDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemVATDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemVATDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemVATDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemVATDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XIZPDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XIZPDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The specific hierarchy id for this Item Zone Price message. Corresponds with value used in izp_hier_level field. RMS.* * null null Yes The specific hierarchy ID for this Item Zone Price message. Corresponds with the value used in the izp_hier_level field.
base_retail_ind varchar21 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
selling_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 The selling unit retail value in the currency and the selling UOM on the message. This field cannot be modified. RMS.rpm_item_zone_price selling_retail null null Yes The selling unit retail value in the currency and the selling UOM on the message. This field cannot be modified.
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 The selling unit of measure for the item's single unit retail. This field cannot be modified. RMS.rpm_item_zone_price selling_uom null null Yes The selling unit of measure for the item's single unit retail. This field cannot be modified.
multi_selling_uom varchar24 0 1 The selling unit of measure for the item's multi unit retail. This field cannot be modified. RMS.rpm_item_zone_price multi_selling_uom null null No The selling unit of measure for the item's multi unit retail. This field cannot be modified.
country_id varchar23 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
currency_code varchar23 0 1 The code of the currency the retail value and zones are in. Item\zone\price records will only be created for stores with the same currency as the retail value on the message. RMS.* * null null No The code for retail value and zone currency. Item\zone\price records are created for stores with the same currency as the retail value in the message.
multi_units number12_4 0 1 The multi units for the item\zone. This field cannot be modified. RMS.rpm_item_zone_price multi_units null null No The multi units for the item\zone. This field cannot be modified.
multi_unit_retail number20_4 0 1 The multi unit retail in the currency and the multi unit UOM specified on the message. This field cannot be modified. RMS.rpm_item_zone_price multi_unit_retail null null No The multi unit retail in the currency and the multi unit UOM specified on the message. This field cannot be modified.
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXIZPDesc * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XIZPDesc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXIZPDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXIZPDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXIZPDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemUDADtl Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemUDADtl in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 This field contains a number identifying the User-Defined Attribute. RMS.uda_item_lov, uda_item_ff, uda_item_date uda_id number 5 Yes This field contains a number identifying the User-Defined Attribute.
display_type varchar22 1 1 Description is not available. RMS.* * varchar2 2 * *
uda_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the text value of the Used Defined attribute for the item. RMS.uda_item_date uda_date RIBDate * Yes This field contains the text value of the Used Defined attribute for the item.
uda_value varchar230 0 1 This field contains value of the Used Defined attribute for the item. RMS.uda_item_lov uda_value number 5 Yes This field contains value of the Used Defined attribute for the item.
uda_text varchar2250 0 1 This field contains the text value of the Used Defined attribute for the item. RMS.uda_item_ff uda_text varchar2 250 Yes This field contains the text value of the Used Defined attribute for the item.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* * RIBDate * * *
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* * RIBDate * * *
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* * varchar2 30 * *
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemUDADtl * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemUDADtl. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemUDADtl Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemUDADtl in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemUDADtl * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemSeason Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSeason in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
season_id number3 1 1 The season identifier. RMS.item_seasons season_id varchar2 3 Yes The season identifier.
phase_id number3 1 1 The phase identifier. RMS.item_seasons phase_id number 3 Yes The phase identifier.
item_season_seq_no number4 0 1 This field contains a sequence number that combined with the item number will make each record unique. RMS.item_seasons item_season_seq_no number 4 Yes This field contains a sequence number that combined with the item number will make each record unique.
diff_id varchar210 0 1 This field will hold a value for group/differentiator combination records only. RMS.item_seasons diff_id varchar2 10 No This field will hold a value for group/differentiator combination records only.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.item_seasons create_datetime RIBDate * No *
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Holds the date time stamp of the most recent update by the last_update_id. This field is required by the database. RMS.item_seasons last_update_datetime RIBDate * No Holds the date time stamp of the most recent update by the last_update_id. This field is required by the database.
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Holds the Oracle user-id of the user who most recently updated this record. This field is required by the database. RMS.item_seasons last_update_id varchar2 30 No Holds the Oracle user-id of the user who most recently updated this record. This field is required by the database.
color number4 0 1 Description is not available. NA NA NA NA NA NA
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemSeason * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemSeason. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemSeason Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemSeason in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemSeason * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:XItemImage Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemImage in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
image_name varchar2120 1 1 The name of the image. RMS.item_image image_name varchar2 120 No The name of the image.
image_addr varchar2255 0 1 Path where the file of the image is stored. RMS.item_image image_addr varchar2 255 No Path where the file of the image is stored.
image_desc varchar240 0 1 The description associated with the image. RMS.item_image image_desc varchar2 40 No The description associated with the image.
create_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Date/time stamp of when the record was created. RMS.item_image create_datetime RIBDate * No Date/time stamp of when the record was created. This date/time will be used in export processing. This value should only be populated on insert.
last_update_datetime xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.item_image last_update_datetime RIBDate * No *
last_update_id varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.item_image last_update_id varchar2 30 No *
LocOfXItemDesc:LocOfXItemImage * 0 1 Provide an extension hook to localize XItemImage. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemImage Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemImage in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemImage * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfXItemDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfXItemDesc in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
BrXItemDesc:BrXItemDesc * 0 unbounded Brazil Localization. NA NA NA NA NA NA