Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:14.1.0 (Retail Merchandising System)
Application Retail Merchandising System
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:AppointDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for AppointDesc in RMS application.
RMS's Table Name RMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RMS's API? RMS's API Description
from_location varchar210 1 1 The location to which the merchandise has been sent. appt_head loc varchar2 10 Yes The location to which the merchandise has been sent.
to_location varchar210 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_nbr number9 1 1 An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an Appointment. appt_head appt number 9 Yes An RWMS-generated unique numerical identifier for an appointment.
appt_start_ts xs:dateTime 1 1 Not used by RMS. n/a n/a null null Yes Not used by RMS.
appt_action_status varchar22 1 1 The status of the Appointment. Valid values include: SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed. appt_head status varchar2 SC - Scheduled, MS - Modified Scheduled, AR - Arrived, CL - Closed. Yes The status of the appointment.
AppointDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:AppointDtl Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for AppointDtl in RMS application.
RMS's Table Name RMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RMS's API? RMS's API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID. appt_detail item varchar2 25 Yes The item shipped to the location under the Appt ID.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 The quantity of the item slated to be sent to the location. appt_detail qty_appointed number 12 Yes The quantity of the item to be sent to the location.
po_nbr varchar212 1 1 The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise. appt_detail doc number 12 Yes The Purchase Order/Transfer/Allocation corresponding to the shipped merchandise.
document_type varchar21 1 1 The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Possible choices are 'P'urchase Order, 'T'ransfer and 'A'llocation. appt_detail doc_type varchar2 1 Yes The type of document corresponding to the shipped merchandise. Valid values are P (purchase order), T (transfer) and A (allocation).
asn_nbr varchar230 0 1 This column will hold the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the Appointment. appt_detail asn varchar2 30 No This column contains the Advance Shipping Notice number associated with the appointment.