Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:14.1.0 (Retail Warehouse Management System)
Application Retail Warehouse Management System
Target Name Space
Version 1.1
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:AllocDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for AllocDesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
alloc_no number10 1 1 Contains the number that uniquely identifies the allocation within the system. stock_allocation distro_nbr or cust_order_nbr number 12 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a distribution order.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Specifies the type of document. This value will always be 'A' to signify an allocation. * * * *
physical_wh number10 1 1 The physical warehouse location from which the allocation will originate. Yes
wh number10 1 1 Contains the number of the warehouse loaction where the allocation will originate. * * number 10 * *
item varchar225 1 1 Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item. Yes *
pick_not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the date on which the allocation should be released from the warehouse for delivery to the store locations. * * RIBDate * * *
pick_not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This value is calculated by adding code_detail.code desc for code 'DATE' and code_type 'DEFT' to alloc_header.release_date. If the allocation is closed, pick_not_after_date will be a day before pick_not_before_date. * * RIBDate * * *
order_type varchar29 0 1 This field identifies the order associated with the PO. Allocations created before PO approval will be marked as 'PREDIST' ordertypes. Allocations created after PO approval will be marked as 'PO' order types. * * * *
order_no varchar212 0 1 Contains the order number to which the allocation applies. * * varchar2 12 * *
order_doc_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. * * * *
event varchar26 0 1 This field contains the event to which the promotion belongs to. This is an optional field that provides a method to group promotions together for tracking and reporting purposes. * * * *
event_description varchar21000 0 1 This field contains the description of the promotional event. * * * *
priority number4 0 1 A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1. * * * *
ticket_type_id varchar24 0 1 This field contains a character string which uniquely identifies the ticket type which is associated with the item. No *
AllocDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
context_type varchar26 0 1 This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to for example Promotions. Valid value is: PROM - Promotion stock_order order_type varchar2 9 * If context_type is REPAIR populate order_type with 'REPAIR'
context_value varchar225 0 1 Contains the value relating to the context type. * * * * *

XML-Schema Name:AllocDtl Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for AllocDtl in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
physical_to_loc number10 1 1 This field contains the physical location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse. * * * *
to_loc varchar210 1 1 This field contains the location to which the allocation is being sent. The loc_type field determinds if the location is a store or a warehouse. Yes *
loc_type varchar21 1 1 This field contains the type of location in the to_loc field. Valid values are 'S'tore and 'W'arehouse. * * * *
store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the to_loc store. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. NA NA NA NA NA NA
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the to_loc store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. NA NA NA NA NA NA
qty_allocated number12_4 1 1 Contains the total number of items allocated. Yes *
price number20_4 0 1 This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. No *
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. No *
priority number4 0 1 A value which indicates the priority of an allocation. This value will always be 1. Yes *
store_ord_mult varchar21 1 1 This column contains the multiple in which the item needs to be shipped from a warehouse to the location. Yes *
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the date to be included in the RMS publication to the RIB for communication to the warehouse. NA NA NA NA NA NA
rush_flag varchar21 0 1 Contains the rush flag indicator to be included in the RMS publication to the RIB for communication to the warehouse. NA NA NA NA NA NA
AllocDtlTckt * 0 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:AllocDtlTckt Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for AllocDtlTckt in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
comp_item varchar225 1 1 This field contains an alphanumeric value that identifies the item within the pack. component_ticketing component_item_id varchar2 25 Yes *
comp_price number20_4 1 1 This field holds the unit retail in the selling unit of measure for the item/zone combination. This field is stored in the local currency. Yes *
comp_selling_uom varchar24 1 1 This field holds the selling unit of measure for an item's single-unit retail. Yes *